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The Sailor

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Everything posted by The Sailor

  1. Drone #2 is Down! Toughness Save (+7): 1d20+7 23 All that leaves is Drone #3, I'll post what happens with it once you post you owning another Drone.
  2. Once this resolves I push button.
  3. Endeavor scanned the scene visually. Mostly superficial scrapes and cuts from random glass bouncing around. Those people were quickly leaving the area. They'll get help from emergency response that'll be sure to arrive shortly. Hopefully not to a war zone. But one person was on the ground, a girl who was on the tour. She was in her early 20's, and looked like she was one of the Japanese tourists. Sakurako quickly hovers over to look at the damage. "Do not move." Sakurako said in Japanese, taking a educated guess. "R... Right..." Her right leg was gashed severely, she was losing blood. Might have been an arterial nick. She had to work quick, but that woman would be in no condition to move. Her cursory scan with her EMWand in it's medical mode showed that. She'd be too weak. But Sakurako put the calculation of escape aside to help her. Radiating a yellowish gold light that poured into the wound, cells pushing out any foreign matter while the energy ensured bacteria was kept out. "You still with me?" The girl nodded, although she looked a bit pale. Sakurako pulled out a medical kit from her utility vest, and took her vest off, inflating the life preserver attached to it. She carefully sat the vest under her head while pulling out a thermal blanket to cover her. "Now to figure out how to get you away from here... you've lost a lot of blood." She looked about for any new threats. "We're the worst possible bait, the medic and the survivor." "W... will we be okay?" Sakurako switched her EM-Wand into it's projector mode as it's glow turned red. "They'll have to get through me first, miss." "I'm Endeavor... and I'm here to help." The girl grinned. "D... didn't you have a sailor outfit at one time?" Endeavor blushed. "W.... we could talk about that later, right now, my job is keeping you safe and figure out a way to get you safe." "A bridge too far, Saku-chan... a bridge too far..." she thought. This day just went from bad to worse.
  4. I'll toss one out in a minute. No rolls?
  5. "It can do all sorts of things. I've been learning it's ins-and-outs in terms of programming, although they don't want to show me the actual hardware just yet." She sighed. "I could set it up to give all sorts of oceanic conditions, with the mercy of being able to breathe the water if gear fails, or to surface fast without catching the bends. Reality breaking yes, but it's one of the room's safety features." "As for combat it can provide as well. Although the last time I was involved in a crisis on the open sea it was... more hairy than I wanted to deal with." She slurped up some more of her Spaghetti. "The room is generally more open over the summer as there's fewer students here, although I haven't regained my privileges until recently to the room due to a sabbatical a while ago. I'll probably only get a couple weeks of time for space training until I have to start competing with students and classes again in the new year." "To be honest I'm finding that one of the major hurdles I'm feeling here... I sense I'm both outgrowing this place and not feeling adequate enough to leave at the same time."
  6. As Sakurako looked around she spotted the fight happening with Facsimile and the guards, and it wasn't going well. "N... nice on getting those scientists to skeedaddle, but it seems my friend could use some help." She says, pointing to the screen. "Can you assist my friend trapped in the ice, and after clearing out those guards get them back here? I think I got a plan." She adjusted her suit, starting to type on the computers in the room. "First thing's first. SAFETY FIRST!" She says, pressing a red button after changing a menu selection for a hallway the scientists that were running were heading into, triggering it's fire suppression system, causing the hallway to flood with a slippery, messy foam! "HAH! GODDEM!" She cleared her throat. "Ahem, sorry." She touched the computer, getting as much data as she could. "Might as well see what these fools were researching before I destroy every bit of technology they got." "Just hoping the VTOL is hardened." She then makes a few key strokes. "The Hydrogen Fuel cells aren't a good way to bring this place down, even if that is Bedlam, Wisconsin above us... no reason to risk the lives of anyone above. But there's another way I can set this operation back big time." She grins. "The coils that handle the voltage regulation are a typical transformer only designed for input from a diesel engine. Cold war relic, and the neighboring town didn't want a nuclear reactor on their doorstep I wager. But the thing about those coils is that there's now a voltage regulator between the very modern power supply of the complex and the thing that keeps the voltage at a more survivable amount." She completes her download of the data from the scientist's computer. "Now what would happen if I just mess a little with the electricity flow, while disengaging the electricity flow regulator by removing it's safeguards and discharging all the capacitors at once in the transformer..." "That'll be one heckuva zap!" She hovered her hand over a button to unleash hell. "Volt... I'll turn out the lights when I see you getting close to give you an edge. Good luck."
  7. I think I'll tell Volt to head to where Facsimile is and assist. I can take care of the sciency-wiency stuff.
  8. Also from what i remember it's slippery. Alright, gonna slow those scientists down before I turn the lights off in this place permanently. Then that VTOL is gonna be our escape. At least get us back to FC, then ditch it somewhere while we fly out the back. (I'm sure Exaccus' character can become something light so I can carry or he can glide back.) What rolls do I need for triggering the fire suppression system in their area, and to set off a EMP bomb?
  9. Question on the amphib VTOL though, is there a group heading that way? What sort of fire suppression does this place have? At least for the hallways. Or for that matter how many aircraft are in the hangar?
  10. Odd that's being mentioned as I didn't choose the "destroy the complex" option. I was going with the EMP option. I'm gonna set back all their research. I'm gonna destroy their data. I'm going to brick every bit of tech. The loss of research data is far more disastrous than the loss of the complex. I'm gonna make sure they can't transmit either. Thing is, I don't know where I can pull this off or how. Or at the very least what I'll need to roll to get my plans underway.
  11. Knowledge: Tech (+10): 1d20+10 29 Base Intelligence (+6): 1d20+6 17 Well here's hoping that 17 cuts it...
  12. Moot anyways... no chance in hell. This is Sakurako... Trying to be intimidating... (+2 for weapon -1 Charisma): 1d20+1 4
  13. I'm going to simply say this to the workers. "Leave now, and nothing will happen, but if you resist, we will defend ourselves. This is your only warning." Sakurako may be a heroine, but her patience for this sort of thing is wearing. What should I roll? Mind you she's saying this, resting her hands on her EMWand in blade mode with the blade pointed into the floor.
  14. Sakurako didn't think... then again she did when she needed to, a credit for how even for her teenage grade of restraint was tempered by intellect and common sense. Perhaps too much. As her team dashed off... But that was expected. Time to show these green shirts how Endeavor does the hero thing. Namely by keeping the civilians safe as best she can. Luckily ASTRO Labs had a display of some pre-wired wall siding. Looked sort of sci-fi, but she knew there was enough ferrous wiring inside to make that levitate. And that's all she needed really as she in one motion caused her EM-Wand to grow in length and swipes it in the air almost like a magical girl. She really was embarassed by the mo-cap system installed in that thing. That'll change when she imbeds the system into her suit for the Mark II... But when she looked again the wall paneling did it's job stoping the initial collision of glass, but there was some people who instinctually ran who tripped on things, and there were some that had some minor injuries. "Stick to training, Sakurako... you've handled this in training numerous times..." Setting the wall paneling down gently tipping it so the glass wouldn't be a threat. "Okay everyone that can walk, please head that way along the clear strip I made in an orderly fashion. Please avoid the glass if you're wearing business casual shoes, and get clear of the building. Notify any emergency response this is a active meta-human conflict underway." She turned to where there were some injured individuals, the wand shifted into a smaller form putting off a green light... "Time to triage."
  15. Okay, seeing that there is an issue that needs solving with some application of the fundamental force of Electromagnetism, I'm going to spend a Hero Point to have nearby a new sort of wall paneling that can be rolled up with built-in wiring designed for pre-built electrical and phone/internet wiring that's on display, and use my EM Wand to roll this out and cover the heads of those directly under the rain of the breaking glass. If there are any injured I am willing to spend a round looking after them (sprained ankles, any random glass that still hits someone, etc...)
  16. I think we're forgetting that the civvies just had a bunch of glass and wreckage rain down on them. Is there a way I can be slipped out of initiative? As it seems I will not be participating in this fight for the near-term trying to save the most injured of the bystanders. I will not engage in the fight if there are people hurt. I got an idea... nm.
  17. Alright. I'm thinking with this Sakurako is assessing the situation.
  18. I do have a request, may I act after Gauss?
  19. Here comes the Initiative Initiative: 1d20+0 17 I really need to take Improved Initiative and Speed of Thought... more notes for the "How to refit Endeavor" laundry list.
  20. Postcounts for July GM (1 Post) Cold War Relics (1) Endeavor (14 Posts) Entrance Exam (11) An Assimian & You & Me (3) Reunion of a Scout and a Genius (1) Torpedo Lass (1 Post) Cold War Relics (1) All GM posts to Endeavor.
  21. "As well as can be expected. Just a little wibbly on the control programming, bit of a lag." She looks up and sees the contrail of air created by someone disturbing it enough to create some heating and someone... can't really pick it out... flying overhead. "A darned convention going on around here? There's someone flying around the ASTRO Labs tower." She said, adjusting her data glasses that are giving her the infrared readout. She tapped one of the arms on her glasses and a readout of her EM Wand's readiness and her suit's readiness came up. "Running diagnostic... green across the board. Could one quiet day be anything to ask... please let this just be a bunch of capes being in the same place for the chili dogs..." She thought, preparing for the worst. Observing her surroundings. Something her mom and dad taught her... if there's more than the capes you know in sight... there's gonna be trouble. "Be wary... Something's up." She said, reforming the helmet of her suit setting her lunch aside, drawing her EM-Wand.
  22. "I'm... in sore need of sharpening my defensive skills. My energy blade can only do so much to compensate for it's weight. Some skill behind it will be nice." She sat back in her seat, starting to eat again. "You know, if I don't get an opportunity, Selena, to set up some SCUBA out at a beach somewhere before school starts, the simulators will provide a better, and much safer venue." "Might be more picturesque, although not sure if simulated water can provide the feel."
  23. Sakurako had an idea. "Okay, come with me, first I'm heading to operations. I remember where that is... I'm gonna ruin all their work in one go. Just need to set up a EMP to blow their computers' minds real good." She signals for Volt to follow her as she starts making her way. EM Wand deployed in it's projector mode, sparking in anticipation for a firefight. Once she enters Operations, she looks around, to look at her options to see what will cause the biggest effect with some good old-fashioned sabotage. It worked a little in the cells, might work better if she could just get to something that would generate a bigger pulse.
  24. Okay will get a post goin.
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