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Let the Bodies Hit the Ground


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Mid-August, 2023

After sunset / before midnight

Liberty Park


“…And in an update on other unfortunate news. The body of local small business owner Donald Greuber was found. The body was found in the waters of Liberty Park, just a hundred feet from the spot local news correspondent Vincent Lancaster and his cameraman Andrew Peterson disappeared from three days ago. The latest victims to fall prey to what people are calling the Liberty Park Demon.”

A young anchorman reads from an offscreen teleprompter.


“Freedom City Police have repeatedly insisted though that after serious investigation, there is no actual proof of supernatural involvement.”

Anywhere else in the country and that may have been meant as a joke to lighten the mood. But in Freedom…


“City Hall has been under pressure after it had been revealed police had been downplaying attacks around Liberty Park that have been increasing over the last year. No connections have been made between the known victims and police still have no suspects.”

The young man folds his hand solemnly.


“We will continue to cover this story as more information becomes available.”

the camera switches to a cheerful looking young anchorwoman.


“And when we return…”




*ring ri-* “911, what is your emergency?”


“Ya, ah, I want to report a, ah, a body.”


“A body?”




“Can you tell if they’re alive?”


“Nah, they not moving, and I ain’t getting any closer.”


“That’s okay sir. Can I get your name?”


“I, ah, rather not.”


“That’s okay sir. Where did you find the body?”


“Near the Foster St entrance of Liberty. It’s, ah, it’s hangin over the wall.“


“Hanging over th-“


“Look, I can’t talk anymore. I ain’t getting involved.” 


“Sir-“ *click*




Street lamps illuminate the police tape that cordoned off nearly a hundred yards in every direction into the park from the Foster street entrance of Liberty park. Agitated police personnel swarm the area looking for clues while keeping late night rubberneckers at a distance. Several reports argue with the police refusing to let them past the barriers until they’ve finished.


Despite the efforts of police, civilians are still active in the park. It’s been a sad, but constant struggle for authorities. Some are heedless of the danger, some possibly hoping for it. Some hoping to take advantage of it and some just because they tragically have no where else to go.


There have been rumors of federal involvement at the behest of local government. And pictures on social media have show individuals in suits speaking with local police, though no official statement on it has been given.


All said and done… there seems little optimism that an end is in sight.

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August Zoss was relatively incognito-a light linen suit, a light linen shirt without a tie, an afternoon stroll. 


The murders had concerned him muchly over the last few months. Too much to sit back any longer. If August Zoss, with his resources, could help, then he would. And if Diamondlight, master of energy could help, so he would. They were one and the same person. 


"Another one?" he asked the police officer by the scene. Perhaps the officer recognised him as August Zoss, Diamondlight. Perhaps not. He had long ago dispensed with the idea of a secret identity as too complex and inhibiting. Sometimes he lamented the decision. 


But he was famous already. What damage would more fame do?


"Its a morbid business" he added, peering into the dimness beyond. Not that the dim light bothered him; he was so sensitive to light that anything other than pitch blackness was easy to see through. "I would like to help, if you boys would let me..."

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The uniformed officer August addressed as he approached the police tape was young, probably not more the a year or two out of the academy. The name tag on his shirt reads Haynes. When he replied, it was the tired reply of someone who had been repeating himself several times already.


*sigh* “Yes sir, very unfortunate.”

He started like he was reciting from a cue card, not quite looking at him directly yet.

“We are glad that you would like to help, but this is an official crime…“

He trailed off, finally facing him. He gave August an unsure look.

“Say, ah, haven’t I seen you on somewhere?”

Before August can respond the young man shakes a finger at him.

“That’s it! My girl was watching that TMZ or something. Aren’t you that rich guy that owns that fancy restaurant? August something.”

He says rubbing his chin.

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"Zoss. August Zoss."


Sometimes fame had a swing. Sometimes it didn't. Too early to say which way the pendulum would fall today. 


"Yeah, I own the High Steaks. I'd give you a meal and some poker chips, but I think that would be called bribing an officer. Still, you deserve it, risking your lives and dealing with dead bodies. Can't imagine dealing with the public is a barrel of laughs some days."


August spoke in a kind of ambigious transatlantic accent that could broadly be called "European" but little else. A voice full of inflection, soft, but not so soft that the almost perfect articulation could not be made out. 


"I'm serious though, these park murders are getting worse. A blight on the city. I'd like to help, anyway I can. What do you need?"


If the cop needed some laser swords or walls of force, Diamondlight was all ready to proceed. But it didn't sound like it - no  gunfire, no screams, no mad axe murderer jumping out of the bushes dressed in a halloween gorilla mask and nothing else. 


Not yet, anyway. 


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Perhaps, Parkside was a bit out of his jurisdiction, but being a superhero didn't mean caring just about ones own territory after all, especially when a murderer was involved. So, although the giant lizard in him would have much rather kept busy protecting his 'domain' (yeah... let's call it that...) Luke was of a different opinion. In fact, there he was, trying his best to inconspicuously hide within the crowd. In jeans, hoodie and sneakers, he hoped that no one would toss him more than a quick glance.


He scanned the area, looking for a way to get close enough to the crime scene without the cops getting in the way. As while the Soutshide Dragon had aided the police in multiple occasions, Luke Landers was still a wanna-be gangster who had gotten out of juvie not that long ago... Somehow, he wasn't confident that they would grant him access. 


Sure he could wait for the crowd to disperse, but then again, there was the chance of missing out on some vital clue or somethin'...


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Sea Devil 


Around this time, a STAR Squad van arrived at the scene. As their supervisor checked in with the scene commander, uniformed, armored officers walked around to the back of the van, opened the rear doors, and disgorged their passenger. 


The Sea Devil was instantly recognizable in armor that gleamed pearlescent shades of white and green in the glaring lights of the streets, her armored limbs long and strange, her face invisible behind an armored form that betrayed nothing of the shape of the being inside. She did make slight, definite squishing sounds as she hopped over to the scene commander. She faced the officer, an older and experienced man by any judge, and spoke: 


Her voice was a booming buzz that echoed across the crime scene, an artificial sound so deep it was almost infrasonic: 

"HELLO! I AM SEA DEVIL! I AM HERE ABOUT THE DEAD BODY!" She rapped lightly on the ground with her black trident and added "I help the police with dead bodies! Please show it to me!" Sure enough, the ex-con turned community service heroine was on the files of the FCPD as an expert in water-related crimes. 



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The young officer nodded, chuckling at the ‘bribe’ comment.

“Wish my girl thought the same thing.”

He gave a shake of his head.

“If you could buy us a solid lead, that’d be a big help.”

Officer Haynes tries to laugh, but it’s forced and strained.


He says with a sigh.

“If you happen to know any capes willing to help out…”

He trails off as he glances at a couple of people getting too close to the tape.

“Please step back! This is active crime scene!”

He yells over at them and the people move away. The officer looks back at August, continuing where he had stopped.

“Some of the detectives have said a few capes have poked around, but no one’s found anything.”

Officer Haynes shrugs again seemingly unaware of August’s alternate identity.


He starts to say something else, but is cut off by the a sudden low, but resounding voice.


15 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:



The artificial buzz of it rumbles from the other side of the scene, closer to the waters of the park’s larger lakes.


“The hells was that?”

He manages, already reaching for his radio when a voice comes over it. The officer on the other end reassures anyone that the armored individual if here to help.






Luke easily blends in to the civilians that wander within sight of the police tape. As he walks along he can easily spot weak points in the line. Places where anyone with a little practice at being sneaky could slip through. The FCPD have been understaffed for years now.


Not too far away he spots a young officer speaking with a good looking man in a light-toned suit. A couple of people wander closer to the police line and the officer takes a moment to call out to them to move back before returning to his conversation.


As he watches he can see the people wander off, including a young couple hanging off each other. Something itches the young dragon’s predator/prey instinct.


Suddenly, a low booming voice buzzing from across the crime scene.


15 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:



It’s causes a bit of a stir amongst the police, several he can see reaching for their radios. A few moments later they seem to start settling down. But they’re distracted long enough that if anyone, so inclined to do so, could probably slip through.




Sea Devil


FCPD officers gave the black van plenty of room as it drove into the park. When it had stopped to unload its passenger there was an open area for them.


The uniformed officers present were obviously tense and nervous. But the detective in charge of the scene was experienced in dealing with capes, or in this case armors. He stepped up as Sea Devil exited the van and stood his ground when she introduced herself.


15 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:



He nodded to her as a nearby officer pulled out his radio and stepped aside to reassure other officers around the park.

“We were told to expect you.”

He shot the STAR commander a look.

“Just not as early as we’d have liked.”


“Detective Pascal.”

He introduced himself to the armored hero.

“I don’t know what you’ve been told. So I’ll give you a quick run down.”

He waves Sea Devil to follow him talking as he walks.

“Earlier today a body was found in the park lake. Obvious damage suggested some kind of animal attack, but gods know what kind.”

He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, putting one in his mouth but not lighting it yet.


He leads Sea Devil to the edge of the large lake and stops.

“It’s not the first we found in the water in the last few months. But looks like someone finally authorized a, ah, ‘dive team’.”

He raised an eyebrow at the armored deep one.

“Guess someone is starting to take this serious.”

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August contemplated nudging the police officers memory. He was more famous for design, art, and restaurants-and even poker-than he was for laser vision, and he had been keeping that sight of things quiet recently. 


Would it help?




But he couldn't take the nudge back once made. No, it was better to wait and see how the dice rolled. 


Especially as Sea Devil approached. 


I mean, it had to be Sea Devil, RIght?


Diamondlight kept a mental list of active heroes of freedom city, if not the USA, if not the world. There was an open invite to a free meal at the High Steaks (it was good for business). Even if he hadn't kept abreast of the public news, the word on the street, and the rumours circling his restaurant, Sea Devil was not the kind of hero one could miss. 


Kind of blunt, he thought. But blunt could be effective. 


"Dead bodies, eh?" he said to the Cop. "I think you have a steam roller on the scene. Look, if its okay with you, I'll see if I can smooth the waters? Plenty of capes visit the High Steaks. I might be able to smooth the rough edges? You don't want a panic on top of everything else..."


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Sea Devil 


Aquaria breathed a low rumble of relief. It was very unlikely that so many intact bodies would be left behind by an incursion of Deep Ones, or even a rogue who had taken shelter in the park. Deep Ones would have sensibly eaten the meat and left the bones in the sacred positions, or if pressed for time simply pulled to pieces and taken away. Unless they are simply different than me. Some of them are. She had been around Surfacers long enough to know not to share such truths, however. Instead she rumbled "Hmmm! The waters of the park run deep! Many things might be within!" She padded alongside the officer, her three-fingered armored hand gripping her trident, feet noisily thumping beneath her. At the edge of the lake, she said, "What did the body look like? Was it all together?


As she spoke, she experimentally put her feet in the water, letting the lake water gradually replace the water inside her suit to get a feel for it against her skin. 

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Luke smiled as he witnessed the arrival of Sea Devil, a familiar face, finally, perhaps he could find a way into the investigation with the Deep One's support. After all, they did fight nazzi-zombies together right?


Besides, she was not the one he could recognize. The sharply dressed guy from the casino! It was  a bit of a weird coincidence that he was there on another scene of the crime. Now unfortunately, the boy hadn't yet had the chance to pay a visit, despite the man's offer... but maybe this time...


Still, perhaps it was better to wait until the crowd has dispersed before making his presence known, after all, there was always the chance that he could spot someone by staying in the shadows. 


Speaking of which... That couple... there was something wrong about them. Perhaps they were just onlookers, but still... It wouldn't hurt to take a look... He was about to head toward them, as discretely as he could, before his eyes glanced toward a young woman... There was something... off about her. He couldn't tell exactly, but the feeling was enough to get the hair on his neck to raise. 


"Wait stop..." She like... vanished in front of his eyes. Now of course it was just a sensation, but he needed to know. He reached for the last spot that he had seen the woman disappear and then searched the crowd for any sign of her presence.

Edited by Nerdzul
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The young officer scratched his cheek nervously for a moment.

“ I don’t know. I, ah,”

He hesitated, looking over his shoulder.

“We’re not supposed to..”

He trailed off, obviously unsure before biting his lip and looking back.

“Who am I kidding? People like you know people way above my pay grade.”

He didn’t sound accusatory about it, more like stating a fact.

“If you want in, someone would have my butt in a sling if I told you to take a hike.”

Officer Haynes shrugged.


He glanced one way, then the other before he gave a small sigh and lifted the bright yellow and black tape.

“Just, ah, try to keep out of the way, sir.”

He tried to make it sound official.




Sea Devil


On 8/16/2023 at 7:45 PM, Avenger Assembled said:

Sea Devil 


Instead she rumbled "Hmmm! The waters of the park run deep! Many things might be within!" She padded alongside the officer, her three-fingered armored hand gripping her trident, feet noisily thumping beneath her. At the edge of the lake, she said, "What did the body look like? Was it all together?


“There’s a comforting thought.”

Detective Pascal grumbled as he pulled a small plastic object from his pocket and clicked it.


At her query, he caught another officer’s attention. Pulling the unlit cigarette out he called out.

“Bring me the file on this one.”

The officer nodded and hurried over to a  nearby folding table. The set up obviously meant to be a central area for the search. The detective put the cigarette back between his lips and clicked his little object again as they waited.


A moment later the officer returned with a plain Manila envelope.


He grunted as the uniform retreated to his duties. Opening it, Pascal pulled a handful of large photographs from it and handed them to Sea Devil.


“These are just from the last victim, but they’re pretty much the same as most of the previous ones.”

He commented, giving her time to look through them herself. In the photos Sea Devil can clearly see the wounds on the body. Numerous scratches and lacerations are visible on the corpse, but the bite marks are what the photos focus on.


To her experienced eyes, the bites are vicious and obviously lethal. They appear precise, but hasty. Like what ever made them knew exactly where it wanted to bite but couldn’t wait to dig in. They’re singular but deep, like it wanted something buried deep in the flesh and only have one chance to get it.






Luke dodged the few stragglers still loitering to reach the spot he saw the woman. Looking around he can see no sign of her now though. Standing there, the distinct scent of old blood filters through the background smells of city park and people. There was something about her that he couldn’t put his finger on.


As he contemplates, the young dragon spots the uniformed officer nervously lifting the police tape for the man remembered from the casino. Further in, he can just see Sea Devil through the other officers.

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Sea Devil 


Aquaria did not peel back the faceplate of her helmet, not wanting to cause a potential panic, but with a flick of her tongue she did make it perfectly transparent from her end so she could better view the pictures. " Hmmm," she rumbled deeply. Good! Definitely not Deep Ones! "Something with a hunger for what was inside them...but not for flesh!" She considered the possibilities as her suit filled up with the lake water. " You should see if they had anything inside them. Like a jewel, or some sort of...thing!" She'd been about to say 'infant', but of course that didn't make sense, Surfacer males didn't keep infants inside them the way (ugh) females did. "I am going to go down into the water and see if there is anything there! I will be back and I will not do anything bad when you cannot see me," she reassured the detective. And with that, she slipped away into the waters of the lake, swimming down and away. 

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"Damn!" Luke clenched his fists when he realized the the woman was nowhere to be seen, managing to elude even his enhanced senses. Now, the boy was unfortunately not unaccustomed to the scent of blood, but that didn't mean that it wasn't distracting, or worrying. In fact, a shiver ran down his spine as he surveyed the scene. 


Convinced that he had done enough to survey the scene, the young man decided that it was time to change approach. He needed a way in. Now, maybe Aquaria would have been more receptive, but then again, she was a about to enter the water beneath and there was little that Luke could do to help there. There was always the guy from the casino... Perhaps... 


"Sir?" He stepped closer to the police line, calling for Diamondlight.


"Remember me? From the Casino?" He tossed, trying to meet the man's gaze.


"Maybe I can help?" He offered, letting his eyes fill with the solid gold that revealed his supernatural lineage the moment they crossed with Diamondlight's ones.

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"Thankyou officer. If I ever see you in High Steaks, Ill be delighted to invite you to my table."


It wasn't exactly a bribe. More an acknowledgement, a thankyou. As the cop had allready agreed to help, it wouldn't be a bribe. At least, August's legal mind judged it could be defended thusly. 


Good man, that cop. If he ever needs a job, I'll hire him!


Diamondlight strolled deeper into the park, the dim light not bothering him. He could see in even the dimmest light. He could even see without eyes. But there was something kind of satisfying about using the eyeballs, even if he didn't need them. The colours and definition were a little crisper. 


He raised his eye at nightscale. The young boy was vaguely familiar. August had a good memory, but not that good - he saw hundreds of people a day. But... wait... wasn't that the night that Blowfish got robbed?


That was a pretty good night. 


"Sure kid. Ah... you will have to refresh my memory though, whats your name?"


Did he even give a name?


"I'm August. August Zoss. Some people call me Diamondlight. Trying to help out with... well, with whatever skullduggery is afoot!"

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"We never got the chance to introduce ourselves... But I kinda figured that we are in the same business." The young man had a cocky smirk on his lips, as he closed the distance between them with the hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "And I don't mean casinos..."


"Luke here." He smiled as he offered August a confident handshake. "Some people know me with a different name as well." He lowered his voice to almost a whisper. He was in his civilian identity after all, for now. "The Soutside Dragon is at your service." He added a moment later without raising his voice. "Or Nightscale..." 


"I'm here here to help. Not sure if my... talents... can be useful for catching a freakin' murderer..." He was after all more suited to beating them up, but he did have an ace or two up his sleeves at last. "I mean... it's the right thing to do."

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Diamond Light


"Southside Dragon, eh?"


August kept up to date with Superhero shennanigans. Capes got a complementary meal at the High Steaks... providing they were decent ones. Which, for the most part, they were. Maybe Sergeant Shark or Aquaria wouldn't fit in. August felt those two were more likely to eat their guests than the food. 


"Yes I have heard of you. Done some good work, I hear. Maybe you had something to do with Blowfish getting robbed blind?" he added with a wink. 


"Don't worry, I won't ask, and you don't have to tell. Something tells me you are more than a petty thief, and right now we have bigger problems than theft. Murder. Unsolved murder..."


August frowned. "I don't like any murder, but this sounds like a serial killer-or a serial something. Whatever is behind this, you can bet your last cent it wont be the last time someone dies in the park."


He gave a lopsided yet elegant smile. "Unless we do something about it, that is! I was going to take a look at the scene of the crime, and whatever body we have. Care to join?"


He looked over at Aquaria, with a bite of his lip. She didn't look safe to dine at the High Steaks, at least not if anybody else was there-bar Sergeant Shark, of course. He had a momentary vision of the two of them having a romantic date tearing apart a live octopus. It wasn't an image he liked. 


But still, despite her bluntness and strange palate, she could be useful. 


"I said... care to join us?" she called over at her, waving his hands in the air. 

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"nks..." Luke replied with a soft smile when August seemed to recognize his reputation, a hint of pride gleaning in his eyes. 


"Maybe..." The smile turned into a smirk at the mention of the Casino Heist. "Robbin' is such a nasty word though..." He continued playfully. 


"Yeah, so I have heard. A killer on the loose. That's not gonna stand. Not here. Not anywhere." Luke subtly clenched his fists. Not for much. Yeah, they are gonna put that sick bastard behind bars. They had to. 


"Than I'd be one whole cent richer." He chuckled lightly, although the humor was a grim one perhaps if they were betting on death. 


"Yeah let's go." He nodded, then sighed loudly before following Diamond Light toward the scene of the crime. Now, unfortunately, despite his young age, Luke had seen death already, it was unavoidable perhaps, given his line of work, but that didn't mean that the young dragon in human skin took it lightly. 


"I know her by the way..." His gaze shifted to Aquaria. "We fought Nazzi- I mean, like World War I zombies in a sub together... Ah and there was a witch as well..." 



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At home beneath the shallow water as she never could be on land, or even in the depths of Hydra's Ocean, Sea Devil sensed the tension among the small fish and scuttling things that lived in the depths of the park's reservoir. 


Luckily she was a scuttling thing that lived in the depths herself. "Who comes!" she demanded of a passing school of guppies, and listened to their babble about the great one that came below for some time before she found what it was she had smelled since she had first entered the water. The corpse of the Surface-Man; and man it was, she judged. Fresh too. "Hmmmmm" she rumbled as she discovered the dead body. Clumsy. Or deliberate? It was very hard to tell sometimes, and truthfully she was no detective. The hunter wanted them to see this; whatever its motives had been. 


She considered what to do next, tasting the blood in the water - and then bobbed back up to the surface When she saw the boy she knew (and perhaps his friend was also a superhero? one could never tell; he smelled more like meat), she waved with one long, three-fingered arm, still careful to keep herself inside her opaque armor. You never knew who might be watching. 


"HELLO! I AM HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" She bellowed in a voice that was much louder than any human's could have been without amplification. "I AM SORRY!" she added without preamble. "I FOUND ANOTHER DEAD BODY! SOME THING HAS HUNTED HERE!" By this time she had paddled back to the side to join the others - and it was clear she was dragging the body along with one foot. 

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"...Greetings," said August. Stroking the stubble on his jaw. Quite what to say to the creature from the depths was pure guesswork, and uneducated guess work at that. Still, he supposed that she (was it a she?) was equally awkward and ill at ease amongst humans. 


"We are happy to see you to. I am August Zoss, also known as Diamondlight."


His eyes rolled down to the corpse and he felt a constriction in his stomach. He had seen a few dead bodies before, but not murdered and waterlogged ones. His gut lodged a protest and decided to force a spike of bile into his throat. He could not help but do a slight gag. 


"I am rather... sad..."


Shocked, disguisted, angry, sad...


"...to see you have found another victim."


August forced himself to bend over and examine the corpse more closely. His nose was no better than the next man's, but he didn't need super-smell to get the whiff of the thing. It was unpleasant, to say the least. He was no detective, but he was pretty sure the corpse was dead. 


"Any idea who did this?"

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Sea Devil


The critters in the water were agitated. Something from above came below to wait.

It didn’t take the hunter from the deep to find toe results.


Near the lake edge, Detective Pascal waited. He fidgeted with the unlit cigarette and the small clicker in his other hand. He nearly dropped it when Sea Devil finally broke the surface again.


He looked in the direction she called out to, see the ones she waved at.


Diamondlight & Nightscale


Officer Haynes had reluctantly allowed Luke to follow August past the police tape when they seem to mutually know each other. The two chatted as they wanted without being stopped, proving the old theory that if you act like you belong people tend to except it.


It wasn’t until August called out to Sea Devil that someone took notice of them and approached.

“Excuse me.”

The uniformed officer addressed them.

“This is a active investigation, I’m going to have to ask you to-“

The officer was interrupted.

“Let them through.”

He looked back towards the detective Sea Devil had been speaking to.


“It’s okay Carter, I’ll take responsibility for them.”

He assured the officer and the uniformed Officer Carter nodded, stepping aside to let them pass.


The detective waves them over and offers his hand to August.

“Mr Zoss, Detective Pascal.”

He introduces himself with a small nod, then looks Luke over briefly. He clicks the small device in his hand and looks back at August.

“I would ask what you’re doing here, but I think I can make a guess. I assume this is a professional call?”

From the way he asked it’s easy to assume he was aware of August’s alternate identity. He nodded towards Luke.

“And the kid’s with you I take it.”

He seemed to accept it and turned his attention Back to Sea Devil as she pulled the remains of her discovery on to shore.




Pascal cursed and threw the unlit cigarette on the ground before turning on one of the uniformed officer now gawking at the body.

“Carter, call the morgue. Get someone out here pronto.”

He commanded then whirled on another officer.

“Get something to cover this, now!”


The two officers hastes off and Detective Pascal turned back to the body. He crouched beside it, pulling a pen from his pocket he poked the remains of the clothing still clinging to the corpse.


He started to call, but another plainclothes detective had  already appeared. She looking a little younger than him and was holding out a pair of latex gloves to him.

“Oh, thanks.”

He took them and tilted the body, obviously looking for a wallet or some such.

“Making friends without me.”

She teased him.

“Sure, we’ll go with that.”

He grunted in frustration.


The woman nodded to Sea Devil and August.

“Detective Ramsey. I’m his partner.”

She eyed Luke a lot like how Pascal had.

“The kid?”

She asked over her shoulder.


“He’s with Mr Zoss.”

Pascal grunted again as he continued to search the body.


“Zoss? The Mr Zoss?”

Ramsey asked and looked back at August.

“No offense but, wait… Diamondlight? Are you telling me that millionaire, playboy, philanthropist August Zoss is a cape now?

Obviously she was with officer Haynes I’m not knowing his alternate identity.

“He’s been a cape.”

Pascal countered casually and stood up.

“No ID I can find. We’ll have to wait for the corner to get us some details.”

Ramsey shook his head and looked at Sea Devil.

“You said something’s hunted round here. Is it still around?”

He asked cautiously as he pull out another cigarette.


“I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.”

He muttered as he left the cigarette unlit and fidgeted with his clicker.

Edited by Spacefurry
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"Sure, I'm a cape. Don't wear a cape, unless its a gala." said August, with a smile and a scratch of his chin. 


"Kid's with me. Not sure if you can call him a kid anymore. But he's with me."


he gave Luke a wink. 


"Good to meet you Ramsey, and you, Pascale. I'm no detective, but I am a concerned citizen. This murder spree is pretty gruesome.. must be a rancid meal to swallow even for experienced cops like yourselves. But I can't look away, not now. I got to look at myself in the mirror every morning, and the only way I can do that is knowing I helped in whatever way I can."


August was not much of a smoker, bar the occasional cigar. 


He pulled one out, lit it, and passed it to Ramsey. 


"Looks like you could do with a good one, even if you are trying to quit..."

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22 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:




"Aquaria! Hey! Happy to see you as well f- Yeah." Luke gave a warm smile at the deep one waving back enthusiastically. Although the grin on his lips died a little when he realized that the friendly deep one was carrying another victim.


"F-... How... Where did you...? Damn!" 




Luke gave Carter a cocky smirk when the more senior officer allowed him and Diamondlight to pass. Perks of being a superhero, or actually being with one.


Sorry man...  


In truth, the boy didn't have a massive sympathy for the police, although some officers were ok people...


He nodded when August vouched for him. "Yeah we are workin' together..." He added confidently.


"And like he said. We can't let this stand, a killer on the loose, if we can bring our talents to help."


Unfortunately, without knowing much about the victim or the killer, he didn't exactly have many tricks at his disposal. Although maybe his inhuman senses would allow him to catch some extra that could escape the attention of normal people.


It was macabre perhaps, but he did direct his knack for finding treasures toward the victims, at least, if they had any, the scent would help him cover the stench of death, that his enhanced senses could do nothing, but pick up.


In fact, he was already feeling a pang in his stomach.  Definitely I don't need to throw up... F---

Edited by Nerdzul
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"Yes!" Aquaria agreed in a low rumble that might have been a stage-whisper. "It might be hiding somewhere in time. Or space!" she added firmly. "But it was not there now. It might be invisible to the eyes," she added, "but not to my nose!" She snorted inside her helmet, a noise that sounded distinctly like a seal blowing its nose. She was sure she didn't need to explain that if something was down there, she'd have been able to find it. "I think all of you should leave, or it might eat you. But if we hide, we can catch it!" She pointed at Nightscale and added, "HI know him, he is my friend. He can be very big! And toothed! Much bigger than the killer."She pointed at Diamondlight with her trident and added, "I don't know him - but maybe him too!" She struck her trident against the ground, producing a loud metallic bang. 

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Pascal and Ramsey both nodded as Diamondlight and Nightscale affirmed their desire to help. Who were they to turn down more superhero help.


“If you both vouch for the kid,who am I to argue.”

Pascal put up his hands in mock surrender.

“We’re at the end of our rope here.”

He admitted.


“I suggested to the Chief, we should call that Wizard for hire.”

Ramsey said managing a rueful chuckle.

“My cousin working in Emerald City said one there helped find a couple missing kids.”


Pascal just shook his head.

“And he damn near laughed you out of his office.”


Ramsey crossed her arms and glanced at the man.

“And if he suddenly showed up here and offered to help, would you tell him ‘no thanks’?”


Pascal sighed.

“Course no-“

He stopped as Diamondlight held out the cigar. He stared at it for a moment his finger twitching before throwing the unlit cigarette aside and taking the lit cigar.

“Don’t gimme that look.”

He grumbled as he took a slow draw from it, paused and exhaled with only a slight cough. Ramsey was leveling a glare at Pascal then Diamondlight, giving the hero a snort of disappointment.


Ramsey grimaced at the mention it possibly hiding in time or space. 

“You’re kidding right.”

She gave her partner a concerned look, but he could only shrug. When Sea Devil suggests Luke could ‘get big’ both detectives give him a quick second look, then look back at the armored deep one.


Ramsey watched Pascal as he took another pull from the cigar thoughtfully. Finally the detective turned and walked over to Officer Carter, the uniform that Pascal had told to let the men pass. A quick word and the officer hands the detective his radio.

“This is Detective Pascal, all officers withdraw from the search area. Hold the line and keep civilians out. Supers will be active in the area. Stay out of their way, but be ready to act if needed.”

Handing the radio back to Officer Carter he turns back to the heroes.

“Let’s find this son-of-a-b*tch. Find ‘em and stop ‘em.”

Pascal pulls his sidearm and checks it.

“Ramsey, fall back with the othe-“


“Like hell.”

She interrupted, drawing her own weapon and checking it.


The two glare at each other for a moment before Pascal just turns to the heroes, obviously relenting to to partner.

“So, what now?”

He asks. 

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August gave a shrug of apology to Ramsey. "Hey, if you are going to smoke, may as well have a good taste."


"Is the Killer here?" he wondered out aloud. "As opposed to.. ah... elsewhere in time and space..." he continued, arching an eyebrow at Aquaria. 


Somewhere in time and space... well that narrows it down. I suppose the Killer is also the Killer. A Killer who killed. And other amazing insights. 


If so, he best take precaution. In the blink of an eye, he was covered in a scintellating silver-blue forcefield, lighting up the surrounding area in an equally silver-blue light for dozens of yards in every direction. It was as bright as noon. He turned down the light a notch - mindful it was perhaps a little to hard on the eyes. 


"What killed the victim? Not drowning, I guess. A bullet? a knife? a freeze ray?"


He was a man of many talents, but forensic autopsies were not part of his skill set. 


He scanned the surroundings, trying to discern movement in the bushes, in the trees. 


"This is where we split up and comb the area, I guess..."

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