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Tiffany Korta

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Everything posted by Tiffany Korta

  1. Blodeuwedd Instant Action: Just Add Ninjas! (3) y Dderwen (13) Revenant Miniature Heroland (2) Something Fishy (5) Summoning Shenanigans (4) Third Time Sucky (7) Young Britannia Light Lunch (2) Slave to Time (7) GMing Double Pink (7) The Devil his Due (4) (Split between YB and Revenant please)
  2. I would like to try a Bluff Villain #2 to come over and attack Revenant.
  3. By now nothing about Rene surprised her, irritated her sometime yes, but never surprised her. Instead she whispered down to her unseen ally. “Ah Monsieur as usual you are full of surprises. I’m about to do something how would you say stupid!†she gave a wry smile “Whilst I keep this one busy could you try to get people away from the danger?†Waiting a little while to allow Rene to get some distance she altered her stance. Putting her hand on her hips, but relaxed a little from a fighting stance, looking for all the world like the world that this little encounter bored her. “Really is that the best threat you can do? I don’t think you even worth my time to sort you out.â€
  4. “Well we I was being taught, to show the danger of firearms I was shot.†She quickly thought through the implications of her statements “It was a low velocity round, and I was wearing body armour…†She spent a few second examine her clothing, before looking up with a friendly, if slightly forced, smile on her face. “Please to meet you John. And yes I think I would love a tour of the school. I was meant to meet some kind of guide, but I seemed to have somehow lost them…†She looked at them all hopefully.
  5. Agnes wandered behind the two down the aisle humming to herself a Sisters of Mercy tune whilst listening to the young woman going on about the book, and then it happened. When the woman started talking about the book she felt the little niggling at the back of her head, the feeling that she knew something about the book, or at least part of her did. She was never quite sure if they were really the past lives of the former Young Britannia or some kind of UK wide collective unconsciousness, but they felt like real people and she trusted there judgment implicitly. As she let this new persona wash over her whole manner changed her relaxed posture taking a sterner more formal manner. Even her broad North London accent melted away into more formal clipped toned. “Ah old James and wonderful man but a little on the, how should we say, eccentric. He research on an obscure Virginian cult called The Coldbloods, who embodied the worst of the Deep South ethos, was excellent piece of work. But he seemed to have some crazy theory that they followed some crazy being called the Unspeakable One and his Deep One servants, like some poorly written piece of literature…â€
  6. Blodeuwedd was struggling at school. It wasn’t the people, they were mostly friendly enough, or the work, and she was a capable and fastidious student. It was just the place itself, she struggled to fit into the general hustle and bustle of school life fading into the background, sometime literally, of everything going on. But up here on the rooftop of the city she felt total at home; she was in total control and command of the environment and she had spent many hours alone on the rooftops of the city getting a feel of the city. She’d also had a few minor encounters with the lowlife of the city and it was whilst one of those encounters she had learned of the warehouse. So perched on a nearby roof, concealed from the entire world, watching the coming and goings from the warehouse.
  7. The light glowed all around Young Britannia with Starlight’s power combining with her own aura. Then with a blinding flash the ice evaporated in a small cloud of steam. Young Britannia stood there with no ill effects. “Thank you. Not my finest moment.†She rubbed little bits of my ice off of her arms “Are we going to let them go? We could probably catch them. Though you did you know give your word to let them go, and I guessing that stands for something. And they didn’t’ actually do anything… And I’m babbling now aren’t I?â€
  8. Getting a little closer Lucy had time to take stock of the situation. And to be honest it didn’t look good, someone had to try and do something about all this, and it seemed like she was the only one available. She pulled up a good distance and jump on top of a nearby car, making sure it was empty first. “Hello there, I don’t suppose that there is any way you would stop what you’re all doing and surrender immediately?†It never worked, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. And you’d never know maybe just this once they’d give up.
  9. The new arrival made her jump again, and her natural instinct again was to hide. But there was something about his demeanor that reminded her of some of her instructors, but he was just a student right? It was hard to tell sometime with the little she’d seen at this school. “Like Subito said it isn’t dangerous, it normally doesn’t burn anything around it. This mighty tree, however dangerous, is perfectly safe for now.†She pushed the blade all the way back into its sheath, and given the tree and friendly little pat for emphasis.
  10. I was planing on the latter anyhow, so I'll ready an attack and hope Lord Steam thinks I'm on his side .
  11. This creature was obviously at home in the water whilst she was no water baby. So her bet plan was to get out of the water, luckily Lord Steam had provided a handy little platform to stand on. Rolling with the punch she pushed off of the doppelganger and swam towards the submarine clambering up onto the nose of the craft. She gave a smile and spoke aloud so hopefully Lord Steam “As Nemo would say Strike, mad vessel! Shower your useless shot! And then, you will not escape the spur of the Nautilus.†She just hope he would figure out she was the real Revenant, or it could start getting difficult...
  12. Right I can do this. Spend a HP to active Beginner's Luck a gain 5 ranks in History. Knowledge (History) 1d20+5=17, Knowledge (Arcane) 1d20=9
  13. “Jake this is Rene, who you should love. He’s the most mysterious man I’ve know. Rene this Jake fan of Vera Stoneheart our mysterious writer.†She poured a generous glass of Merlot, and offered it to Jake. “I think you might need this, I’m more of a cocktails girl myself.†She sat down “It seems I have a sister. The master created a third version, who it seems to transmits all she sees to him. They put clues in these.†she showed a copy of the books “To draw people like him to create some sort of army.†She looked a thoughtful for a bit “Oh and yeah I convinced him I was evil, or he’s playing along, and I’ve got his address for a meeting.â€
  14. Toughness save 1d20+11=28. Revenant's going to clamber up onto the nose of Alice, assuming it has a proper Vernesque front. If I do will I be close enough to give my double a healthy kick?
  15. Well that disguise was worthless… As she’d teleported herself in she only has the clothes she had been wearing were suitable for certain fan-boys (and girls) fantasies perhaps, but not for the library. So she had to rely on the old standby of an oversized hoodie and sunglasses. Some people would have got upset at being spotted by a fan, but the one thing she’d learned was that fan’s, on any level, were to be nurtured. Besides his breathless enthusiasm was kinda cute. “Please call me Agnes, or Ms Stone if you must. It’s a pleasure to meet you…?†she held out a hand “And as for the book…†“…well a spirit, possibly crazy, told me to find this book…†she gave a big grin “Actually I’m doing research for a… concept album, yeah a possible concept album.†She look a little thoughtful and then added. “Look I’m only going to need this for an afternoon tops. How about I buy you a burger and once I’ve finished you can take the book away with you.†she turned a smiled at the librarian “That’s if you have a copy…â€
  16. It had been a near perfect plan, both of them had a little spare time so they had decided to skip the meal and go straight for the desert. And what a desert it would have been, silk sheets, some racy underwear she’d even put on a little Barry White. Then the message had hit her like a freight train of cold ice. So instead of Agnes’s fun time hour, or two, she was walking into Freedom Cities Central library looking for a book on an Easter Egg hunt from a cryptic clue from a possibly sadistic spirit. And apparently she wasn't alone in her little "quest". “What a coincidence I was looking for the same book.â€
  17. Despite everything Lucy still liked to take the Monorail. She just loved to be around other peoples, to listen in on all there little daily drama; it kept her active to be around people. Plus the Monorail, unlike say the bus, had wonderful views of the city. Views of grid lock were common in this part of city, but clouds of smokes less so, so it wasn’t long until people in the cabin noticed that something was happening. She should have stayed on the monorail, but she could never resist helping people in possible trouble, so at the next stop she left and began weaving through the traffic on her way towards the trouble.
  18. “He was called the generous because he would allow anyone who wished to hold Dyrnwyn.†She waved the sword for emphasis “But no one did because the flame would only work for the noble or worthy man.†She thought of Morgan’s reaction “Or at least that’s what the legends say. It’s always worked for me, and I’m neither.†She gave a worried little grin. With little ceremony she put the sword back into its scabbard. “Rhydderch and a few others attacked Gwynedd because another Scottish King was allegedly killed there. The story goes that they were pushed all the way back to Alt Clut and my ancestor, Cerriggwaed, defeated Rhydderch in single combat but spared his life. So in return Rhydderch gave him Dyrnwyn as thanks, or possibly tribute, the legends a little vague on the fact.â€
  19. “The sword according to legend has been in my family since the time of Rhydderch the Generious, ruler of Alt Clut in the 6th century. My ancestor was gifted the sword after defeating Rhydderch in battle when he an others attacked Gwynedd.†she gave a little thought and added “Alt Clut is in Scotland and Gwynedd is in North Wales.†She'd heard all the arguments on whether the sword was really Rhydderch's or not, but she liked to believe it really was his sword. “Since then my family has used the sword to defend the country from all sort of threats. I've been training to use the sword since I was little.†That wasn't totally true, she had been trained by the order to recover artifacts and defiantly not for this kind of field work. She had seen the sword and known about it, but had never expected to actually wield the blade. “It's a great honour to be allowed to carry my ancestral sword.â€
  20. Blodeuwedd was about to warn the pair about the legends that the sword would burn the unworthy, but Morgan's reaction cut her short. But why didn't he want to touch the sword? Her brain whirled with all the options... Did he know about the story that the sword would burn the unworthy?... If so was it because he thought he was or had come into contact with something corrupted, or did he consider himself somehow unworthy? ...Many of the order wouldn't risk the sword, and she wouldn't have been allowed if she gone into artifact retrieval... Maybe he could sense the power of the sword?... Many old magical items could be overwhelming to the senses, or maybe he had the power of Psychometry... Or could it be that he had some Fae blood?...Then the problem could be with the metal of the blade itself... What surprised her was how she wanted it to be some innocent mistake, that she was misreading something, and he wasn't guilty of anything. So instead she concentrated on answer his question about the sword.
  21. Nikki's first showed shock at there reaction and then a dawning horror “Oh no, no i'm so sorry. I'm not trying to bride your loyalty, if I could I would do what Synth suggested and give the company to the workers. I'm not doing this for the money, it's a question of salvation.†She sat back down heavily on the sofa. “You see I was spawned, well quite a while ago, in one of the dimensions that the humans call Hell dimensions. As a Demon I was meant to torment the human souls that ended up there but I couldn't ever bring myself to punish any of them. I just found humans so fascinating I just wanted to know more about them.†She paused looking at the two heroes for there reactions to her her confession.
  22. Runes? That tended to suggest the Norse pantheon or magical system, but then again many called any ancient writings "runes" including the Celtic Oghams. She filed this away as useful information. She resisted using the mantle to do the same trick as Morgan could, it was a technical device and didn't quite fit the cover story she was using. And besides she hadn't had a chance to check on Dyrnwyn , with all the effort to smuggle the blade through customs she hadn't seen the blade since the flight from Cardiff. From a tube attached to her rucksack, containing all her worldly possessions, she drew the broadsword from it's sheath. She had to do it in one, admittedly impressive, sweeps as once it left the scarab the blade burst into flames. Sweeping it in an arc she put one hand on the blade and other on the handle, presenting the sword towards the others.
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