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Everything posted by Supercape

  1. GM Jake shrugged "beats me. It's murder trying to piece together all the clues. Just something about immortality, and that's it. All rather dark and mysterious. Something about feeding the soul, or something. Here, if you look on page 73..." He proceeded to show Revenant his book. It was full of notes scrawled around the edges, top and bottom, most - or perhaps all - of it was incoherent ramblings, trying to synthesise occultism from around the globe and through the ages into some hotch-potch theory based on the books. It looked pretty crazy - pure speculation of someone who wanted to believe rather than logical analysis. But then, now and again, a flash of insight could be spotted. "Man, I would give anything to speak to her..." sighed Jake, pressing the door button again. "Ms. Stone is not available" came a crotchety elderly voice. "Oh come on" implored Jake "just 5 minutes...please!" he begged.
  2. GM Diego Cruz evidently thought that Kristen's plan was a sound one. He didn't know how much longer he could hold on, despite his determination. A few minutes later he had joined Kristen on deck, out of sight. A little later, out at Sea... It was a dark blot on the landscape initially, glimpsed in between the rolling waves. It grew larger and larger, the Freeway apparently heading a straight line for it. Steve Diamond came up briefly. "Call me up when we get there" he said briefly, some tension in his voice, before strolling down below deck to the company of his two lady friends. The dot grew larger, and soon its true form manifested. It was a ship, much larger than the Yacht. A merchant trawler, small for its class, but still huge, designed to haul cargo crates across the sea. "There..." hissed Diego at Kristen "That must be it...the ship...on which we were...stored..." his voice was full of anger, but fear too.
  3. GM The professor sat himself down quietly. He was demure, polite and softly spoken, accepting every courtesy graciously. "it is must peculiar I confess" he started. "you should understand that my field of study, Egyptology, occasionally throws up...matters that are of interest to the mystics of the world. Whilst I would humbly say that I am of some international renown in my field, I am not a mystic myself. Elder itch handles that department. So, from time to time he asks for my advice, and from time to time I point out something of interest to him..." "there is no particularly easy way to say this. But I have recently unearthed some parchment. A prophecy, most probably. It originated in Egypt, but is incomplete. It references a child, one who was woven in with the very cosmos. One who could save the world or plunge it into never ending darkness and disaster. " "The meaning is unclear. It is written most cryptically. I doubt it's true meaning could be deciphered, even if one had the complete manuscripts. which we don't. But the references do indicate one thing..." He put his mint tea down as gently as possible. "your wife is with child, is she not? No, I have not spied on you or asked around. I knew, because the scrolls indicate that the child in question is yours!"
  4. Somewhat arbitrary. Mid morning might be best unlEss you have a suggestion otherwise
  5. (GM) "Yeah, it's radical!" replied Jake enthusiastically. He was thrilled to be able to discuss his idol with an attractive woman. A hot attractive woman! " many people just read it as bad pulp horro. And then she uses that famous, or infamous, cutting up technique...so all the times and places get jumbled up? Mad, man. But then, you gotta read the subtext. All that mixed up craziness..." He leaned in conspiratorially to Revenant. "it's a code! Occult symbolism and numerology! If you can out it together..." he grinned "immortality!" He seemed really pleased with himself. "except nobodies put it together. Just bits and pieces here and there. Glimpses. And then, she never gives interviews. Lives like a recluse..."
  6. a coil you throw me a diplomacy roll? Jake is indifferent at the moment. Moody goth type! attractive will count.
  7. GM Winterstone was old, with the faintest trace of shabby. There was nothing wrong with the high stone wall and iron gate that surrounded it, however. It served its function very well. The intercom system to the mansion also seemed in perfect order. "No luck" called out the young man by the door. He was clutching a dog-eared copy of They came for blood. The man had a crazy jet black hair, a number of piercings, and pale skin. His frame was thin, almost emaciated, and he shivered slightly in the cold breeze and the snow underfoot. He was dressed warmly enough, in a thick coat, but he seemed to feel the cold nonetheless, perhaps because he looked like he needed a few square meals. The hint of his clothes underneath all spoke of a "goth". A beat up old VW Beatle, presumably his car, was parked on the road nearby. "Man, I cam all the way from Montreal to try and see her. She is my hero. You here to get her signature too? I just get some croaky old man on the intercom, saying she is indisposed or something like that...." He reached out a pale, thin hand, offering it to Lucy. "Jake Jefferson" he said, by way of introduction.
  8. GM The shocked Man looked squarely at the knife, his eyes squinting. Perspiration dripped from his forehead. "Sh...Sh...Sure..." he gabbled, extending a trembling finger to a hook just tucked by a fridge, upon which dangled a single dull key on a ring. "...Th...Th...There it is...just don't kill me. Please don't kill me...I...I gotta wife and children..." he lied, although the passion for survival was surely real. the key was indeed for the lock to the basement. And the bar that bolted the door was easy to slide away too. "Pl...Pl...Please miss" whimpered the thug "just put the knife down. The lady and the kid are down there. Just let me go, nice and quiet...."
  9. That will do nicely - could you throw me a notice roll? DC 15 and Ill give a +2 bonus on that due to Carries other skills and background.
  10. Ok, Subito is fine clinging on underwater. Holding on to the side of the ship, I will say is a DC 5 Strength test (Cruz 1d20+2=8). Its not too hard, but the muscles will ache. If you carry on, I may call for further tests. A failure means extra effort to hold on, or you go overboard! Also, it is cold and both of you are getting splattered by sea water. Ill treat this as a cold environment, so DC 10 Fortitude checks (or -1 CON). 1d20+5=21 for Cruz. Of course, various tricks might help with the above - and you may want to do something else as always, so let me know. :D
  11. GM "Thanks" called down the Ship-hand, who had been half tempted to turn on the motor regardless, even if it did shred the young man underwater. "What a crazy dude..." he muttered under his breath as he went to pilot the ship out of the dock. His whisper was easily heard by the sharp-eared Subito. "I better do this sharpish" he said to himself "DIamond's gonna be made if we are late for...the appointment" He shuddered to himself. Meanwhile.. The boat started to pull out of the dock, at a good, and frankly slightly unsafe, speed. Soon the water started to get choppy. Jack Jackson was following the action, snapping all the way as the Yacht pulled out to see, and last seen speaking to some other boat owners on the dock. Diego Cruz was a strong man, and clung to the anchor. "Nice jump" he said to Kristen as the boat began to yaw and pitch, reaching the ocean. The weather was fortunately not too rough, but neither was it too smooth. Both Cruz and Kristen were getting splattered by sea spray, but were in no danger of getting thrown about. Of course, neither of them could hold on for ever, and muscles began to ache as the ship cut a wake to the blue horizon...
  12. Supercape

    The Lab

    I would support this, he fits the Lab criteria (maybe a bit young but 18 is old enough!). What do others think? If Voltage joins (after suitable plot and thread?) then we have been all contributing 1PP to the Lab, which Voltage should too (no more, no less!) that gives 5 more points to the Lab.
  13. OOC Thread for this thread. Weaver becomes a father! Plus! Mystical powers beyond the understanding of mortal men!!!
  14. GM Satturday 29th January Trust Al-Hakim The hazy message spread in front of Saeid Ashoubi's eyes. He wasn't quite sure if it was something he could see, or hear, or if it had somehow just infused into his mind. Possibly, it was all three. Or perhaps it was none of them. What Saeid did know, with an unnatural certainty, was that it was a message from Adrian Elditch. No sooner had the message 'arrived' that he heard the knock knock of his front door. And when he went down to answer it, he was less than surprised when the man introduced himself. "Hello, Mr. Ashoubi? I am Professor Al-Hakim, Freedom City, lecturer in Egyptology. I am sorry to bother you, but a mutual friend of ours, Eldritch, sent me...do you mind if I come in?" Professor Al-Hakim was a short man, of average build, well dressed in a plain grey suit and tie. He wore silver rimmed round glasses, and a fedora. His hair was white, as was his thick but well trimmed moustache. Lines wore his face, but he had that shine of intelligence in his dark brown eyes. He stooped slightly, but it seemed to be more out of polite deference than any physical infirmity. The only sign of any such debilitation was a slightly ragged scar running over his neck, now faded with decades of aging.
  15. Synth raised her eyebrows at the luxury and the card. Something inside her felt quite nauseated at the wealth on display here, a flagrant display of wealth whilst there were homeless and poverty stricken people within throwing difference. She bit her lip with some effort. Maybe later...she said to herself, trying to placate her emotions. She couldn't bring herself to speak, so she quickly changed into some of "Nikki's" clothes and looked at herself in the mirror, tugging a few creases out. They were not clothes she would normally wear, and they hung somewhat akwardly on her. "Well, I'll be the target now..." she said, as much to her reflection as to the CEO of the company.
  16. Well I was looking at your powers and thinking if you arent in 2D form it might be a mild challenge. But, looking at your defences and toughness (and seeing as how you arent flat footed!)... Just go ahead and narrate the KO!
  17. GM Meanwhile... The giant beast sat back. He had monitored the entire meeting. Once upon a time his name had been Jason Vimes. All round genius, all round whizz kid, all round nerd. When he happened upon a DNA sample of Dr. Simian, it had been a simple matter to organise his wishes. Mobius Ltd were a shady organisation, and he had hacked all their computers already. Manipulating one scientist after another, he had used them all to get his wish. The power of Dr. Simian's genetic code. No more Jason Vimes, wimpy kid. No more bullying. No more jokes about his stature, or feeble physique. Now, Jason Vimes was the Gorilla man! He fingered his gun. A present from the various science institutes he had hacked into. A man of his intellect was able to understand it, but it had taken his paticular mechanations to get it made. It was, he knew, using very dangerous and unstable technology. But it served his purpose. What he needed was Jubatus. To...examine. The Gorilla Man was going to use all the DNA he could get his hands on. His giant ape fingers punched up some more computer screens. All was ready... Back on the street.... A police car pulled up just by Jubatus. A lean, anxious cop wound down the window. "Jubatus? I heard about you...thank God you are here! We have a robbery! The Hanover Insitute!"
  18. Ill give Marceau a 100 foot head start. He runs (10mph) at the same speed as the Statues are moving all out (5mph base) - but they can keep this up indefinately as they are immune to fort saves. Marcaue move action: 60 feet (240 feet for accelerated) Statue move action: 30 feet (120 feet for accelerated)
  19. GM The two statues followed, their form lit by the moon and the dim, pale, red light that seeped from their mouth. The breath of Gallu. They hardly paused at the rim of the Arc, and both stepped off the edge, falling straight down all fifty metres to the ground. The impact shattered the street, like a meteor. Dust rose, and bits of grit and tarmac flew past Marceaux as he ran off. And yet, from the debris, the two statues stood, apparently unharmed, and started running towards the caped adventurer at full pace!
  20. Is a miss The two statues are going to jump (fall) to the ground. Its 164 feet. Thats a DC 31 Toughness save normally, but as they are limited immune to Physical damage, its DC 23. 1d20+10=28, 1d20+10=29 and both are fine!
  21. "There are plenty of dimensions that would suit" replied Supercape "just place it in some lifeless rock on some near empty dimension. " "I appreciate the utilitarian concerns" he said, addressing the voices "to save a planet, or a universe, moving a city is a small thing. But consider this - inevitably, it is a danger on this world, in this universe. The safest place it can be for the city, for everybody, is right outside of this existence. Where it can't do any harm". Of course, it would help if we knew exactly what it was... he muttered to himself in his head. And exactly how we are going to move it...
  22. GM The fire engine sirens could already by heard as Revenant hit the floor, and started to walk off. "Holy blazes will you look at that!" shouted one fireman as he started pulling out the hoses. "Wasn't that a mob building? looks like those gang wars are getting more serious. Better call the cops!" "I guess" replied the first, starting up his hose "doesn't look like its been used in years. Decades, maybe. Hell, the whole damn neighbourhood here is so run down, its barely worth putting the fire out..." "Cut it out, we are professionals" snapped the second fireman "sure, I'm not going to cry over this building, but we got to stop it spreading. Steady with the hose... I do admit though, this shack had it coming. Now they can build something decent here. Who would have guessed the mob was into urban regeneration?" ~ Fin ~
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