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Everything posted by Aoiroo

  1. Catalyst >Searching For Vanguard Changeling Philotherian Silhouette >Earth Victoriana: The Face of Politics
  2. Not unsurprisingly, Carrie followed. Not in the same clothes either. There was a benefit to wholey covering outfits, mostly you could put standard wear under it. Though the pants were shorter then normal style, the shirt she just had to roll down the sleeves as she put a newspaper boys cap over her eyes and walked out the adjacent alley next to the gentleman's club. She caught the sight of Pennyworth on the walk and kept a disinterested pace behind him her head down as she did what she did best, be invisible to most everyone else, even in plain sight.
  3. Jasmine shrugged about Dee's comments about the American programs, "That is likely to be true, I'm rather cautious about the whole idea. There's just so much that can go wrong, that HAS gone wrong with trying to create superpowers. Trial and error is all well and good, but it's not something you should do with people's lives." Looking at the map she glanced up when they talked about getting a contact on the docks, "I'm not exactly subtle," She brushed a hand against the burn scars on her face, "But then, I don't likely have to be anywhere near whoever this is. How exactly do you plan on going about talking to them?" She glanced at the door, "I'm assuming there's something like a dosier on him here, or are we not informing them about this? I'm fine helping, but I doubt they trust me. Outsider with no real stake or contract in them, and I don't think I'm quite on board with there set up here."
  4. "Well I guess when you're use to the response time of things in Freedom City, it does make it harder to benchmark other players." She walked over and started looking at the map, "Honestly, I don't think this Duke person would of gotten five feet into this building without bumping into a caped hero there, certainly wouldn't of been able to do that at the Lab," She leaned over and put a finger on the map, "That is interesting though," It was pointed on the transporter to Freedom City, "Where does that point of entry lead out, the Freedom League perhaps, and who's design, is that Archetech? Or a newer model, though probably not." She turned to Young Britianna as she asked Cruxberry out of the room. She put a hand on her face and thought about it, "So neither of you are exactly thrilled to be here, well I must say, I'm not quite anymore. I'd say it was a trade secret, but honestly all governments barring the American for the simple fact that they already have more than enough, are more or less trying the formula for the make your own super and I was not quite thrilled when Blackpool was revealed to be the source of this branch's source. Still, I cannot bring myself to go quite yet until I discuss some security with Blackpool and Cruxberry as well, mend and make do is all nice, but clearly if several people of importance have gone missing because of these holes some upgrades are in order." She tapped on her leg a little bit, "Not sure how much I'd help in a search and rescue, certainly not on my resume. I'm essentually the budget version the Freedom City scientist, they have better resources and broader fields of study, I have better aim. Though, not quite much with conventional firearms, and I'm not sure they'd let me carry the like in this country anyway. Honestly, this building alone confiscated my paintball pistol I'd forgotten I had on me when I'd arrived."
  5. Jasmine didn't take any offense to the assumption, she did however take a look around. Instead she very calmly looked at Cruxberry, "So, I'd like to get this straight with you, first off, you had a previous engineer, who went insane with power," She counted this on her fingers, "Who designed your entire system, said person has been gone for years, and you didn't see fit to alter your system so that it wouldn't be wide open to this crazy person. Then you let a singular member of your team make modifications to the hideout without your knowledge." Turning towards Cruxberry she looked him in the eye, "I'm surprise this building is still standing, or more example, why is it still standing. An engineer could of easily collapsed the building to smuggle him out. So I have a question, what else is happening here? You guys are scrabbling after an invisible man, where are you pulling the resources from to do this, what more do you have to lose at this juncture, since now would be the time for the enemy to strike."
  6. Jasmine looked up to see the new people addressing and seeing to her surprise Young Britiannia accompanied by another woman in much more casual wear then the norm in this building. Looking up at the lowered gun she supposed that they had at least a decent amount of authority. Made sense. Putting her hand on the wall she looked at them, "What happened here was that I was found carrying an unconcious Professor Blackpool and thus was held at gunpoint by these two agents. What happened in his office and later down the hallway was that in the confusion of the power outage, a man with full concealment of himself and anything he touches to both the visible and thermal spectrum knocked out the single guard at Blackpool's door and attempted to kidnap him. He was kind enough to verbally announce his presence and with some difficulty I managed to acquire his small dart pistol," She motioned to the weapon on the floor, "And hit him with no less then two of the sedatives the assailant had previously used to incompitate both the agent and Blackpool which rendered him off guard enough to remove Blackpool who he had been carrying off under his invisibility from his person allowing me to both see and retrieve him before making a hasty exit from his vacinity." She looked at the agents, "I am quite peeved at this turn of events and would like to point out that even though I have no solid proof of my claim nor a description of the captor, that I was invited here personally by Blackpool so unless he planned to arrange his own kidnapping then my presence in this case is just a coincidence, a lucky one at that considering how ill-equip the personal were for this instance."
  7. Jasmine just turned past the man and walked towards the wall. "If it's alright," She leaned down "I'm gonna check on the professor," Putting her fingers on his neck to check his pulse before pulling out a small box from her pocket, which she held up clearly to the men agents, "First aid kit, it wasn't confiscated at the front. Though there may be a few extras things." She clicked it open and pulled out a folded up stetascope, as well as a temple thermometer and checked some very basic vital signs, mostly breathing, heartbeat and tempature. Nothing that indicated he was in real danger.
  8. So, do you guys want to move to the scene where Jasmine is than?
  9. Jasmine looked up for a second, her heart beat slowing as the crash from the adrenaline set in. Her eyes looked up and locked on the person. She didn't put her hands up. "....." She leaned over and put Blackpool down gently. She also put the gun down on the ground. Her face was neutral, but her slowing heart beat started to quicken. "...." She didn't raise her hands, in fact she didn't rise at all, she put a knee under herself. Her heartbeat increasing, her eyes intent. Her hands were still down. "....." Taking a breath she bolted from her spot and put herself right into the first security guards reach turned slightly to block the other, but too close to use a gun, "Where were you two three minutes ago!" She had her hand on the mans wrist and a finger in his face, "Your lead scientist was almost kidnapped by a man who came in here with little more than a slightly modified dart gun! A man who is currently escaping! No matter that they man was invisible, the so called guard you had stationed was on the floor before either of us could blink, and never mind the electricity. I've visited colleges with better security force and reaction time. No, this goes beyond incompetence, this is sheer sloth of a government appointed building which has grown lax in it's own personal so much so that a freshly graduated doctorate student is better able to the jobs of it's trained security personal." She threw down his wrist, "You should both put those things away before you hurt someone, I'm not going anywhere, and the culprit is likely gone. So stop wasting everyone's time, and get Professor Blackpool to the infirmary so we can flush the drug from his system and hopefully determine if there were any long term side effects. I'll go to whatever place you wish for whatever investigation you wish to conduct, but my colleague's health takes priority."
  10. Jasmine ran down the cooridor and managed to get near the front when the lights suddenly turned on, this made her stop and nearly tumble because she overbalanced with the extra weight. Pulling the goggles down from over her eyes she started looking for, well anybody. Pulling herself against the wall she started huffing heavily as the strain bore down on her and she leaned forward a hand on her knee as she looked around. Not that it mattered, if the invisible man came back around, she wouldn't see him coming, but she couldn't keep going at least, not without seriously pulling something.
  11. Jasmine eyes turned immediately to the now visible Blackpool for a second, which meant the grab for the gun caught her by surprise. However, she managed to pull back and out of the grip keeping the weapon in her possession as she assessed her options. It didn't take long for her to decide the best course however. Ducking down she scooped up Blackpool, he was heavy, but that didn't matter, adrenaline pushed her to her feet as she held him over her shoulder in a fireman's carry. She braced herself with her load keeping her hand wrapped around his torso, got her footing stable then pushed off and forward like a gun had been shot down the hallway away from the invisible assailant. She had to push to keep herself steady with the unbalancing weight but she managed a good speed if not one that was quite a bit slower then normally possible. Fighting was tempting, but also incredibly risky. A thoroughly invisible opponent was not something she was prepared to deal with, even if she had slowed him down, her objective wasn't to beat him, it was to save Blackpool, and fighting in the dark when she could be getting away was not the way to do that. Hopefully she could find some help before he caught up, or she lost her wind, because as she spoke the weight bore down and slowed her pace even as she continued to barrel away.
  12. Okay, so like, I make the check to oppose disarm, that's 14, even with -2 that still beats it. She's gonna try and shoot him again, cause clearly he won't go the heck down, actually no, she's not cause Blackpool is visible. She's going to pick him up as her standard action, he's a maximum load for her, but she's gonna use extra effort to pick him up, so that makes him a heavy load. She'll have fatigue next round, but she'll be able to move at 2/3's her speed, which is 66 feet per move action. She'll move twice with move by action which is 132 feet.
  13. Well I guess dice decide, honestly if Jasmine actually stops this guy, I'd assume they'd be rather interested in her wouldn't they. Plus they can totally argue some more afterwards.
  14. Jasmine smiled at the curse, she'd hit an invisible target, given it was a large one, but still. Her stance was still she didn't talk back, she just listened (as watching wasn't an option). Once he started moving, she was moving too, listening down the coorridor for his footsteps and sprinting to catch him. She hadn't of needed that much effort. She collided with the figure, not at her top speed, but at a reasonably brisk pace that apparently greatly outmatched his own. She managed to catch her footing and steady her stance as she drew the weapon with a sedative in it up again and pulled the trigger. She didn't know what a double dose of this would do, but since the first shot had not downed the man, she was willing to take her chances. Other options aside there was no way she was letting him get away with Blackpool.
  15. 18 for acrobatics and lets roll against DC ten for her to hit the right area for an invisible target, 19 so area right now lets roll dart gun. 24 again for the dart gun.
  16. 11, ug, epic fail man. Spending an HP, 26 , anyway, since Jasmine can move a hundred feet per move action, and at this point, I'd say she'd be running to catch him. I'd fluff it to say pretty much, she knows which way he went, but not how far he is down it. So can we say, they like collide?
  17. Jasmine glared daggers through her goggles. She couldn't follow him with her eyes so she focused on his voice, moving her head to follow. Through the goggles however she saw something that made her spin on her heels as Blackpool's heat signature disappeared. Holding the gun in front of her she assessed her options. The first was get help, but that was vetoed immediately. Who would she call, or more importantly who would be able to do anything to stop him. He and Blackpool were absolutely invisible as far as she could tell, unless there was some psychic or otherwise scanner she didn't know about, he'd just leave before anybody got here. The second was give chase, also improbable, because of the above reasons. The third, was the gun. She could only guess, but she didn't think the invisible assailant had left the room yet, at least not completely. He wasn't from she could tell from their earlier encounter, that much stronger then herself, and Blackpool while not a hulking mass, was a slightly above average human male which put him at at least 200 pounds. If she could hit him with the gun, it would if it would use the same setting as it did on Blackpool slow him down. If it was lethal, or at least immediately lethal, there would of been no need for the man to take Blackpool, so that made this her most likely option. She didn't like the limit in these choices, but the fact that she'd be stripped of her equipment, and just about any other useful thing like her cellphone, her keys (which had a flashlight) and access to her van she had to make due. So she made her choice, and fired the gun.
  18. Alright, to roll against DC ten to see if she hits in the right area, 17 okay, now actions. Jasmine shoots the dart gun, being a range weapon, she has a +9 bonus to it (as opposed to the +5 she has in Melee), since her specialty is Paintball guns she doesn't get the normal +15, but it still works, now, 24 Okie dokie, that's a hit.
  19. Jasmine strained her eyes to see what had entered, but couldn't, so that lead to a number of theories. Total cloaking, not only against sight, but heat signiture as well. She guessed it'd be required for the infiltrator to get this far as she didn't doubt that the building would have infared cameras. It however, didn't conceal his voice, not that it seemed he wanted too. He could also see in the darkness uninhibited, or at least detect beings to know she was there. Would that mean, Her thought was interupted as Blackpool buckled to the floor. So he was the target, that sealed things. This wasn't going to happen, she wasn't going to let this happen. Blackpool was her colleague, her friend, he wasn't going to be taken by some shadowy lurker in the dark. Rolling out of cover she lunged through the darkness towards the likeliest path the person would take to get to Blackpool. Groping in the darkness she found it, an arm, and attached to it. With a twist of a maneuver practiced on mats in a bright studio she released the grip of the handle of the dart gun, and replaced it in her own. She took a step back, putting herself between the invisible assailant and Blackpool and held a practiced gunmans stance was she held it level with her eyes.
  20. Oh, right, yeah, I probably should, it's still a fifty fifty chance, but for game value, yeah, one moment, Seventeen Okay, then all the other stuff I rolled.
  21. 30, Jasmine looks to attack the assassin, she goes towards his voice, but it's blind, so she has a fifty fifty chance to hit even in his general direction, so 1 for hit, two for miss, 1, so gets general area, rolls melee attack to attempt a disarm, 23, now strengh check to try and disarm the attacker, 8, gonna spend an HP to reroll that, 10, so with the plus ten for using a HP, that's actually DC 20 str for the attacker to not be disarmed.
  22. Taking ten with skill mastery, so 20. Also, you know, infared.
  23. Jasmine was going to stand, to say something. React, argue back, make her point, but the rage, the fight, it disappeared in an instant as the world went black. Darkness creates a sort of primal reflex in creatures, the unknown invokes this. The situation changed, and instinct told Jasmine what to do, move, jump, hide. There was a lot you could say physically about Jasmine, but she, was, fast. She was around the desk before the first blink. She put an arm around somewhere on Blackpool and pulled the colleague she was arguing with down to the ground with her behind the desk. She whispered the next part, "Stay down, keep quiet." She groped at her pocket and found the familiar plastic of the lenses. Blindly she slipped them over her eyes and flicked the switch. She let herself adjust as the infared flared up, and she got a look of the outlines of heat, including the one sitting next to her, then towards the door to see if the agent was still there. This wasn't an overreaction, she was sure of this. A government building like this would have back up generators, so a simple power outage wasn't likely. Something was happening, though what she wasn't sure. She turned to colleague, her tone low, but even, "Theories Professor?"
  24. Jasmine looked at him, "I know," She stepped forward, "I also know mercury is much more dangerous then granite ever is, and the dementia that follows is all to common." She let out a sigh, and sat down. Her shoulders rose as she took a breath, "It's dangerous, insane, and potientially suicidal for all who even try it," Her eyes lifted to him, "And people are doing it anyway. All over the world, every nation, every shadowy organization, every back ally doctor. All with the same promise, to be like them. The people with powers like gods, the people who get noticed, who get opportunities others don't have by some slip of chance. Because those people are unique, the nations that host them gain power, and if there's anything a nation craves it's power." She gripped her chair, "I've seen this on a small scale, and it was awful. You know, you can't not. A city poisoned with mutations forced on people without the constitution to survive such a drastic change. Freedom City nearly died from that epidemic. If it weren't for the simple fact that the local census of intellectuals in that city wasn't leaps and bounds above most others on earth, it would have!" She was shouting now, she wasn't sure when she had started, likely around the city poisoned bit. She loosened her grip.
  25. Changeling >Portraits Catalyst >Searching For Vanguard Silhouette >Earth Victoriana; The Face of Politic
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