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Dr Archeville

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Everything posted by Dr Archeville

  1. Ah, gotcha, mea culpa. Which can fit the effect. The effect of Indirect isn't "bounces around," that's the descriptor; the effect is "comes from some indirect angle," which seems to be precisely what you want. Indirect doesn't have to be bouncing, it can be turning or phasing through things. There's a character in the HERO System/Champions RPG, Gyre, who has "spacebreaker grenades" that do exactly what you want -- passes through obstacles to get to a target -- and it's done with the Indirect advantage (which works exactly the same as the Indirect power feat in M&M). So don't have the origin point be from within an object, have it be from the outer edge closest to the target. I think you may also be overlooking one very important thing, which makes the build very broken: under your "makes all intervening objects insubstantial" build (which only says "Objects," not "Objects providing Cover"), the bullets would also pass through any object that offers Protection. Which would include equipment and devices like suits of (power) armor. I'm also not sure it'd be able to affect constructs/robots -- or, rather, the build as it is now would make the bullets harmlessly pass through constructs the same way they do any other obstacle, thus making you unable to harm them.
  2. Barnum's right, FF canot be used to trap folks, no more than Ranged Protection could. If you want to be able to use your FF to catch folks, use Create Object or Snare as an alternate power.
  3. I don't think it'd work that way. Firstly, Insubstantial 2 is just the "Gaseous" level, so it couldn't pass through anything that's airtight. Secondly, why not just go with Indirect 3, since at that rank the attack can come from any direction away from or toward you, zipping around/phasing through/ricocheting off cover (based on whatever the descriptor is; and where does it say the power can't originate from inside an object? Technically it's always originating from you, no matter the angle, at least for determining total range)? It'd be the same effect, it seems, and be lots cheaper (and less cluttered).
  4. Environmental Control need not be "Weather control," it can be... well, anything that can be described as controlling/altering the environment in order to distract or hamper some foe. Remember, M&M is an effects-based system, so the effect a power has is the key thing. In the adventure Time of Vengeance, several villains have Environmental Control, but only one is anywhere close to being a weather manipulator. [*:2ey3qhbv]Arov can summon swarms of flies to distract his foes. Environmental Control (distract). [*:2ey3qhbv]Arbeh can summon locust swarms to distract his foes. Environmental Control (distract). [*:2ey3qhbv]Shkhin can cause people to break out in itching boils. Environmental Control (distract). [*:2ey3qhbv]Tsfardeia can summon armies of frogs. Environmental Control (distract) and Environmental Control (hamper movement).
  5. Might it be better to go with some sort of Environmental Control (Distraction or Hamper Movement) effect? It can still be described as "lots of little freaky shadowlings messing around."
  6. Archeville cast a sideways glance at Captain Wonder, "do please try und leave a few for me to deal mit, Herr Kapitan." A gleam in his eye shone as he twirled his electromagnetic screwdriver around in his hand.
  7. Why Transform (whole objects into broken objects)? Why not just Blast (Objects only)? Or do you want to make it so the broke object can still function as normal, despite being in pieces? And how, thematically, do all the powers from the "Cosmic Jewelry" tie together? (And is it just one piece of jewelry, or several?) Also -- and this is just my personal experience, so it's not 'hard-coded' or anything -- but I've never seen any character with Attractive 4. I've never even seen one with Attractive 3, that I can recall. Attractive 1 is what I see on characters who are attractive and know it/use it; Attractive 2 for character where "Beauty" is an intrinsic part of the character (like Goddess of Beauty/Love, or some versions of Power Girl). Even going strictly by the "skill benchmarks" sidebar, with Attractive 4 that's a +16 bonus on Bluff & Diplomacy skills, which is "Best in the Entire World" level of beauty. On the other hand, I know some say Beauty = Symmetry/Symmetry = Beauty, and Order and Symmetry do go together fairly well....
  8. Will we be starting with just 1 Hero Point, or will folks with Luck also start with their allotted number of bonus Hero Points? (I.e., will Doktor Archeville start with one HP or three?)
  9. Ah, if my brain wasn't so crammed with useless foreign language, I would've spotted that You could use the ESP/Telelocation to find the "mental tracks" (which might be easier than using it to find the person), then use the Mental Tracking to track the 'mental trail' back to the person.
  10. I'd pay for that, too. Though I'd rather have the eyebrow computer that causes earthquakes and makes me look demonic Or a Universal Translator. And thank you all for the good wishes :) :)
  11. Strictly speaking, no, since Animate Object is a version of the Summon power (Summon Animated Object). But if you ask nicely, the Judges may reconsider. ;)
  12. I would actually disagree on that. "Detect Mind (Flaw: Only the Mind I'm searching for)" seems to me sorta like "Blast (Flaw: Only the person I want to damage)". Wouldn't a Tracking mental sense be more appropriate?
  13. Indeed. Power Feats can be used for a power, but Extras must be used. Examples Blast 10 (PF: Homing). At any given round, you can choose to have the Blast be homing or not. Blast 10 (Extra: Radius Area). Every time you use the Blast, it will be an area-affect thing. You can, as Barnum says, get Alternate Powers of some Effect (building it as an Array) to have different versions of it. Ex: TK 20 (PF: 2 Alt Powers) * TK 15 (Extra: Area) * TK 10 (Extras: Area, Damaging) (total cost: 42pp)
  14. Also, Empowerment may not be allowed here, as that is a Variable Power and the Judges here are (so far) fairly restrictive on allowing any sort of VP.
  15. Or a Move Object/Telekinesis effect (Flaws: Only to pull someone towards you, Only after you've damaged a target)
  16. I highly doubt it. In-Play PC Time Travel can present far too much of a headache for GMs.
  17. Fair point. And I know Hasselhoff's big in Germany, but I never pegged you for a fan ;)
  18. Dr Archeville


    The woman he did ask is an alumni of one of the colleges I attended (the NC School of the Arts). She attended for as long as I did, too ;)
  19. If it's just for that one firing mode, then, yes, it'd be a Complication.
  20. Ah, so it is! And the pic threw me And... it was early in the morning. Simply being looked down upon due to an odd appearance (like not having arms, or being a lizard-man, or whatever) isn't a drawback, it's a complication For his case, I'd say Uncommon, Minor (1 point) at the most.
  21. Having no arms isn't a "Very Common, Major" drawback if she also has Telekinesis to compensate (for the same reason that being Blind isn't a full "Very Common, Major" drawback if you also have a Daredevil-like radar sense). Also, why does she have no arms? Was she born that way, or did she lose them in a car accident or fight? Why does she have Attack Focus (Ranged) when she has no non-Perception ranged powers?
  22. Assuming you're doing the various "modes of fire" as an Array of different Blasts, it'd be (according to UP, pg.111) a 1-point Drawback to have it require a move action to switch between array slots (instead of a free action).
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