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Everything posted by MBCE

  1. The Ghost On Holy Ground Ghostly Insights The Ghost News Forum GMing Save the Citizens [Turf Wars] A Cry for Help
  2. Thanks for the update. Still have to make the save for the blast of the leader though. Looks like Bel is the lucky one here and not Ghost. :D
  3. Bel 0 VP Ghost 0 VP [spent on reroll of second Toughness save] Does autofire break through imprevious? If so, then Bel needs to make a DC 24 toughness check. Initiative: Peons 15 [Minions] Leaders 14 Belphegor 9 Ghost 8 Peons are using the Government agents from main book. [Machine Pistols +3 damage [DC 18 for Ghost, DC 20 for Belphegor due to vulnerability] Leaders Stats--------- Futuristic Law Enforcer PL 10 Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 18 Skills: Drive 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+14), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+14), Notice 12 (+15), Search 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+11) Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Improved Aim, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw (draw), Startle, Ultimate Aim, Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: Device 4 (Enforcer handgun; easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 [DNA scan, only you]): Blast 7 (Power Feats: Accurate [auto-targeting], Ricochet; AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating], AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)], AP: Blast 7 [Power Feats: Accurate, Subtle], AP: Stun 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Range (Ranged)]) Equipment: Enforcer Armor (Protection 4) Combat: Attack +10, +11 (ranged), +13 (handgun), Grapple +14, Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (handgun), Defense +11, Knockback -4, Initiative +7 Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +10, Reflex +8, Will +8 Abilities 42 + Skills 20 + Feats 17 + Powers 14 + Combat 42 + Saves 15 = Total 150
  4. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The ghost grunted as the bullets wounded him. He didn'T like being in a frontal assualt situation against these odds. Normally, he would simply slip through the walls and avoid the fight altogether but that wasn'T possible here. He had to fight and hoped that Belphegor could even the odds quickly. 'I really am lucky to only to have been grazed twice. That could have been a lot worse!' The Ghost waited to see Belphegor act before he did what he could against the leaders.
  5. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The Ghost looked at the glowing demon a smirk on his face. "Of course, leave the leaders for me. I'm not much of a combatant, Bel, but I'll do the best that I can." The Ghost made a slient prayer to the Lady of Fortune as he moved against the edge to avoid fire. 'Lady watch over your follower. I'm going to need all the luck you can send my way.' The elevator reached the bottom level and a ring went out signalling its arrival. As the doors opened, the corridor is filled with lead. Belphegor is hit once but Ghost catches two shots. The first shot that hits ghost, his miraculous luck manages to divert the bullet but the second one manages to reach through. At the last moment, Ghost is able to shift just enough to allow the bullet to graze him. The two leaders safely behind their three charges, fires as well. One at Belphegor the other at Ghost. Belphegor is hit easily and is surprised as the bullet goes through his toughened skin quite easily. Ghost shares the same faith as he is also hit and the bullet draws blood.
  6. Player has been MIA for some time now. PM me and I'll reopen the thread.
  7. DARK STAR The blast of energy flew out at the creature hitting it easily. The blast weakens the creature even more stunning it. The side effect of the blast caused the creature to sail through the opened hull and into the water.
  8. DC on the attack, Dark Star? EDIT: Never mind. The blast knocked him out of the ship.
  9. The Ghost: (Presently old listing works but add on the following) Has been out of contact since Feburary 13th. Various people are being to wonder whether the B&E man has left the city for good.
  10. DARK STAR Dark star managed to pull the item away and into the corridor. As he was focused on taking the item out of the room, the red skinned men managed to stand against his power and move back through the opening, leaving their normal companions trapped in the cargo bay. The sudden shift in gravity again, sends the normals as well as the molten creature to the ceiling again. The collision of which is enough to knock the normal skinheads out. Only the molten creature remained coherent enough to hear the call for surrender. His response was a blast of searing light aimed at the hero but it fails to hit. ARROWHAWK With th ekids pulled back, Arrowhawk fired at the glass. The edge shots were more than enough to weaken the glass and control its destruction. The room way was now opened for the hero to reach the kids and the trapped teacher. The archer climbs over the broken glass to the children who all seem to begin crying at the sight of their saviour. The level headed six yer old remained by the trapped hand of Miss Green. "You've got ot help get her out, Mister."
  11. One more post from you and this can be locked up.
  12. Dr. Brown walked over to Dr. Archeville and held out her hand ot help him to his feet. "It's over now, Dr. Archeville. There are no more tests scheduled for you today." She gave a nervous smile, unsure as to how the good doctor had taken the testing. He was of course the first truely intellectual to participate in the testing so it was unclear as to how well things went. From the look on his face, Dr. Brown suspected that they were able to push him to his limits at least for part of the time. "If you'd come with me, we can share the results of the testing. You may be quite interested in seeing the results."
  13. No, don't like that one. Let's keep that little goody at Platinum.
  14. DARK STAR Dark star turns his power on reverse with stunning results. The strange creature hits the floor of the ship. Without the strength to resist Dark Star's power, the creature found itself pinned. Unfortunately for the ship, its corrossive nature begins to quickly eat through the bottom of the ship. Though the ship is in shallow water, grounded by Dark Star and Scarab's combined power, water still washes into the hold from the hole created by the creature. The other thugs find themselves also pinned to the ground, unable to move.
  15. MBCE

    Secret Identities

    A warm welcome to all the new faces!
  16. Locked due to inactivity. Simply PM a Ref when you're ready to come back to this.
  17. STAGE FIVE This stage will test Doc's mental defenses. YOu may use your enhanced Wisdom to augment your will saves. You may not use your screwdriver for this exercise though. Again, you get three attempts to beat the DCs listed. Extra Effort can be used at any part of the test. Taking ten is possible but not twenty. Part 1 -- Will save Dc 23 Part 2 -- Will save DC 25 Part 3 -- Will save DC 28 Part 4 -- Will save DC 30
  18. Dr. Brown clapped as the test finished. "Very impressive, Dr. Archeville. Your screwdriver seems to be very versitile. Add to the fact that your great mind allows you to shape it to any possible situation, you should never have any problems." Dr. Brown looked over at the walls and shook her head. "We were prepared for that possibility. Any important information has been stored on a secured server off site. We had an intruder recently and we've made a number of upgrades to ensure that it couldn't happen again. We have just one more stage of tests for you to perform, Doctor. If you'd be so kind as to follow me." Dr. Brown led Dr. Archville to another room, this time with only a chair and table within it. She gestured for the docotr to sit down within the chair. Once he had seated himself, Dr. Brown explained the final stage of tests. "Dr. Archeville, your mind is your true strength. As such, most villians will target it as an effective form of neutrailizing you. Therefore, as your last stage of tests we will be subjecting you to a variety of psychological stress to give you a better understanding of what you may face. We ask that you not use your scredwriver though to augment your defenses as this test will give you a better understanding of your natural ability. Good luck."
  19. Here you go. IC OOC Don't forget to place a message in the Timeline Thread as well as the OOC thread as to when the tests take place.
  20. This is the OOC for Mariner's power gauging tests at Albright Institue. Please put a note as to when this test takes place both here and the Timeline thread
  21. The Albright Institue, since opening their doors to the super-powered community, had their facilities tested. thought the building was small, they had already maanged to make an addition to the grounds to include a new gymnasium that included an olympic sized pool as well as state of the art training facilities. They were still no where near the capabilities of the Freedom Leaguers or even the Claremont Academy but for the most part it was well done. When Vlahos entered through the front doors, he saw the waiting area was full of people filling out forms. Approaching the recptionist, he was given a form himself to fill out. Designation: Origin: Power source: Please Describe your Abilities in detail: Any Known Weaknesses: Do you use your powers actively in Freedom City? Yes No If yes, in what way? With the form filled in, Vlahos was sent to a room where a man ina lab coat waited. "Good day. I'll be conducting your tests today. My name is Dr. Charles Williams," said the man as he held out his hand to shake.
  22. Is this the thread that started the big explosion? Why not put one more post into the Ic to show that the explosion happened and direct people to the new thread so that this one can get locked up.
  23. Is this still open? Can it be locked up?
  24. Is this thread finished? Can it be locked you?
  25. Are you finished with this thread? Can it be locked?
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