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The Sailor

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Everything posted by The Sailor

  1. Torpedo lass finds a spot that seemed well hidden, some downed trees and other things. She takes cover, observing her surroundings more closely. "Okay... that was a bit of a desperate escape... that moss almost was too slippery... I'll have to consider a more ground-based escape next time." She thought, picking out some slimy moss from between the built-in treads of the "shoes" on the feet of her suit using the edge of one of the swim-flippers she puts on before swimming a spell. "So... what is this place's game..."
  2. How about a nautically themed villain... that isn't a super-fast swimmer... in fact, she can't swim!
  3. Torpedo Lass Now that the pirates were thoroughly in the drink they seemed a bit disorganized... but things were looking up for the human torpedo. She dived under and pushed her swimming harder, her super-cavitation field she generates warping the water around her more and more creating a bright sea-green glow around her as she starts circling around the pirates, creating a tighter and tighter circle spinning them around and grouping them into one place. Soon the whole pack was disoriented and in a convenient grouping. Long enough for her to grab a rope with connected bumpers for ships that are sitting near the dock to tie around the pirates. Once she made sure the pirates were secure and afloat she looked towards the docks. She could have swore she heard someone intervene over there. "More sharks in the water..." She muttered as she pulled her quarry to a place at a pier where she could secure them and prepare to assist. "Now you boys stay here until the cops show up... or since you guys were shootin' up the place, the Coast Guard." She said with a wink as she tied their restraining rope to the pier. She was starting to feel she was trying a bit too hard... something in the back of her mind was telling her she was wasting her best on some common thugs in her opinion... hopefully the obvious second person in the water with her was friendly. She might have played her best cards too quick... again... she didn't want another repeat of the Tundra fiasco.
  4. I forgot... this is a shipyard/dock... I wager there's ropes with floats usually used for bumpers for boats near the pier... I'll knock a post out after this emergency nap.
  5. Torpedo Lass has Swimming 10, so I'd wager the effect would be 15+10 for a DC of 25. I just have to ask if there is a beach nearby where I can deposit the day's catch... And practice my knot tying skills.
  6. You know, I'm going to spend a hero point again for a second power stunt with my swimming... pretty much I'm going to circle around the pirates with my swimming power to start spinning them around and give them some regrets in terms of their breakfast choices. Pretty much, to get them all in one place, but also to funnel them together into one spot. So... disorient them and hopefully ensure they're disarmed. I'll be down to 1 hero point left after this stunt.
  7. Okay looks like it's safe then to say that I capsized both those boats in the first post. I can edit that in, then make my next post.
  8. TORPEDO LASS "They're not wearing life vests..." was the first thought in her mind. "But they're shooting up the shoreline... better to act fast and fish out the non-swimmers than letting this continue." A whitish blue streak in the water is seen, seemingly like the world's fastest torpedo was fired at them as Torpedo lass goes full tilt, creating a high wake-wave of water from her high speed as she angles her path in front of the boats at such a proximity to keep them from avoiding the high wave she created. Once she does that she rises up out of the water with her momentum and splashes back down, assessing the results by letting her head poke up out of the water, her waterline being just below her eyes... She suppressed a smirk. "See? Remember to wear a life vest, kids..." She thought... Freedom City's Seaworthy Sentinel has arrived... and damn the torpedoes! And with a splash, because as planned, the pirates now are getting some free water confidence training...
  9. okay, I'll just call spending the HP there the payment for that. I'll knock a post off shortly.
  10. Hmm...capsize it is... they can hold on to their boats... I wager a hero point to go full speed under their boats to cause them to lose handling (leaving a capsize for a failed driving or piloting check for their boat) should suffice for a power stunt, angling my path of swimming to go under both of their boats? What would I have to do?
  11. Torpedo Lass Reporting for duty! Initiative (+2 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative) Initiative (+10): 1d20+10 13 Question, what sort of material are these speedboats made of, and are the pirates wearing any sort of flotation device? Both are important for my opening gambit.
  12. Sakurako opened the visor to her borrowed MAX armor. "This is a trap. She knows I've been a sucker." She looked to Horatio. "She also is not expecting you." "What is the most valuable thing you guys got here? She's probably coming after that, all I did was take us off the agenda. She's after something bigger." She then wrote on a piece of paper near her with a pen. "Here is the LAT/LON Coordinates, they're in the Atlantic... Fishing... 2005... I was 7 at the time... I still remember the silly life vest mom and dad made me wear... something of their design too... That's beside the point, I think that is where her client is waiting." Her eyes widened. "We're gonna need a amphibious operation team. I think she has a ship off-shore. Knowing Ghostworks, possibly a sub. That should be expected." "I wager she's pulling me there thinking I'm not a swimmer." She grinned. "Times change, and so have I." "One thing... my usual suit... is it in working condition? If not I'll have to get used to this thing... and can it function out there? unless there's a nautical model I can borrow instead. I think it's safe to say it's gonna get smashed up." "I'd prefer a capture, if it doesn't risk anyone. Otherwise whatever happens, as far as I'm concerned, happens. I can't just toss that promise away... with her behind bars I can start the healing process while having access to what she knows of Doc Otaku and of Ghostworks. I can start mending her hurt... And maybe have one less supervillain in the world."
  13. Yeah, Hyperactive is between Endeavor and Queenie.
  14. Endeavor (5) Dueling Storms (2) I was working in the lab... (Completed) (3)
  15. Hey, you don't get to act last. Initiative: 1d20+0 12
  16. Sakurako measured up her options... a fight here would be disastrous, considering that AEGIS was yet to mount a response. And here she was in a milspec combat suit about to consider engaging that she had zero training in. "And you also know I'm a genius... I can fix you without all this mayhem..." "This damnable rivalry of ours is starting to draw other people into it... it doesn't take a genius that right now I'm offering you a way out of this. To give you a life..." She sighed. "I've don't got any family outside of my parents... I'd like to know the sister I've never known didn't get herself killed because she was tilted out of her mind." "No one cared about you... let someone start." She started to sweep the area with the reticle on her suit... preparing for a war she might not win. Keenly aware of what could happen in the next six seconds... "It's up to us, I've made my decision."
  17. "Thing is, we don't know the situation in there, it could be a meta being held against their will. We should go in considering there might be a mad scientist in there. Anything outside of that is speculation." She looked to the others. "That and if we can get control of that device I can start undoing the damage this thing has done... Two hurricanes suddenly appearing in the Atlantic well out of season is going to cause severe cooling of the waters around here, disrupting migration patterns and messing with the world climate." She sighed. "Not to mention I appraised AEGIS that I was going \here... I'm not sure what their plan is, I'm no agent yet, so I have no clearances, just a hotline number, but I know this could end up being a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel sort of problem..." "Speed's of the essence at this point." Sakurako said. "I'll bring up the rear. Someone's gonna have to look over that monstrosity and see what needs to be done." She said, adjusting her suit. "And I'm not the 'up close' sort... sadly."
  18. Sakurako adjusted her glasses, wearing a dark blue trenchcoat over her redesigned suit, her now long hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Trying to keep on the down low, keeping an eye on Valeria. She started making notes, using her eyes to start writing out a quick dossier. "Seems Valeria made it. I'll keep her on casual surveillance, see where the fates have taken her. Perhaps we could use another brain in AEGIS." She thought, lowering her glasses for a moment. "Then again... I wonder what she's set herself up for..." Sakurako grinned. The "Game" has been boring for her. Instead of scientific research she had been busting up mad scientists and stopping the dealing of arms to neer-do-wells. It actually felt good to have seemingly a happy ending this time. "The cap and gown never suited me... nor I guess the labcoat." A call blinked up on her smart phone. One she encrypted so well even AEGIS was a little nervous... until she gave them the key and the encoding process. "Yes?" Her smirk became toothy. "Shoulda known my lunch would be cut short. I'll be at the station in... 5 minutes? You can pick me up there... don't want my lift scaring the parents and teachers." She shook her head as she stood up and turned from the dais where the students where shaking hands with the headmistress in their caps and gowns... then Valeria's name was read off. "No need to look back... I'm sure I'll see ya soon." There was something in her head that made her think Valeria did see her after all... after all she wasn't hiding her bright pink hair... her main trademark. She turned to her left for a second lifting her left hand before walking off. "Maybe we'll have lunch sometime..." she thought. "If the world isn't in peril. AGAIN..."
  19. Sakurako smiled. "Well, considering how I've mowed through work on my end, this will not be a burden, Ma'am." She turned to Valeria. "We'll meet after afternoon class to start getting this project arranged, this coming Saturday we'll meet at 0800 hours to start the fabrication process for some of the parts you needed for the power supply housing. I'll be working with your technical specifications, but this is all you. I'm your assistant for this."
  20. Sakurako scratched her head. "Actually, Ma'am... if I may speak to her defense, I don't think the detention is appropriate." She said, adjusting her labcoat and taking a seat. "Valeria has a good idea here. Also I saw that the term is a longer period of time than the competition... I looked over her diagrams and her power source concept would have enough time to be complete before the end of the term, and my time here at the school." "I told Valeria that I'm not a mean person in general, if she would have come to me for aid at least a month prior our combined manpower could have... factoring in burning the midnight oil... succeeded in completing that project. It would have meant we would have had to share the credit, but this project is intriguing enough to see through to it's completion." "I know Valeria wants to build her portfolio for getting into college or getting to learn under another metahuman post-academy. I would just like to leave here giving her a chance to get under someone's wing. Not being able to participate in the competition I think is punishment enough. Her progress with her overall display of her talents has been brick-walled. That's probably why she almost took a short cut. That's why I thought having this be part of some end-of-term project for her would give her a second chance. The right way is the slower path, but has greater reward." "Considering that I will be in training with AEGIS after graduation, I'd like to know if anything bad happens to me once I'm in the field that I've left something of a legacy for someone here." She said. "I can assist, but I'd love to see her succeed. This is her baby after all." "As for the ethics training, perhaps a look into my reports about Ghostworks and my personal testimony... at least the declassified bits... would be of use?"
  21. Couple days early, but things seem sorted on my end. Off to the races!
  22. Taking a week away. Not of sound mental status here.
  23. Endeavor notes the power that's being sent around. She knew that she was going to need help with this and starts backing up to the more "public" area of the resort. She responds to Queenie. "I think I got some intel on matters I'm heading back to the common area... not gonna tackle this alone. It looks like there's some sort of metahuman plugged into the system here, as I'm seeing a heat signature that matches what happens when a metahuman uses their power. I'd rather not crack this egg without yours and MG's help." Sometimes discretion was the better part of valor... if this resort was the sturdiest shelter, it would be best to investigate it once it could be safely dealt with... or perhaps the storms could be controlled from here? What sort of climatic damage could be caused attempting that? She couldn't lose thought here, she needed to get back to the new batch of survivors. "And I've got one heck of a moral and ethical dilemma to think about..." "By Halley's weather charts..."
  24. Sailor's Postcount Endeavor Dueling Storms (6) I was working in the lab... (2) Torpedo Lass Edison vs Tesla 2k17 (3) If this holds true, Endeavor has just achieved PL 10!
  25. Notice, I think I will do Skill Mastery with this and consider it a roll beating DC 20 by taking 10 History Check (Profession(Sailor) +5, INT +2) INT + Profession (Sailor) Check: 1d20+7 16 Sorta lame, but it beats a DC 15... I'll consider that a moral victory.
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