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Okay, pulling this out.


@RocketLord @The Sailor @Huckleberry @MoonSimply


Dragon Star Initiative 1d20+7: 23 [1d20=16]


Puma: 29

Dragon Star: 23

Spaceman: 20

Rot: 20

Torpedo Lass II: 17


I have intentionally left it vague how you are entering; feel free to enter dynamically and cooly as you wish to; you don't have to just walk down the narrow corridor to the boss arena, you can break in through the ceiling or emerge from a hidden area upstairs and leap at her or whatever. Be explosive!

Edited by Poncho
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I guess it's not really cheating to talk strategy, since the characters would presumably have a moment to converse before encountering Dragon-Ashley. Rot is thinking to attack the Umbral Star itself, or at least the energy coming out of it, if for some reason she can't attack it directly. She's says she'd like to fly in the hole in the roof, to provide a direct path to it. 

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Dragon Star is going to ready an action to blast the first person that comes into her line of sight, which means first rolling a notice check which she definitely can not hit.


Notice Roll 1d20+8: 12 [1d20=4]


So Carmen is hidden.


Since Spaceman is the highest Initiative and Parker's always pretty cheerful about being the big shield, I assume it's on him, but if he wants to pass the buck he can.


Attack Roll 1d20+7: 19 [1d20=12]


DC on this is gonna be 28 if it hits. Then everyone else goes in the full order; Spaceman, Rot, TL 2, and Puma.


Check your HP here and let me know if it's wrong.


Puma: 29. 4HP

Dragon Star: 23

Spaceman: 20, 4HP

Rot: 20, 4HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP

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Well, let's see... TOU Save: 17

Yeah, I'm gonna spend a HP to reroll that: 15 + 10 = 25, so that's a Bruise.


I'm going to change the Personal Space Control Array to Insubstantial, making him immune to physical and energy attacks, which might help here, and try to Paralyze: 17

I kinda doubt that hits, but the Subtle 2 might help catch her flat-footed. If it hits, then its a DC18 Reflex Save vs. being paralyzed for Draco.

Edited by RocketLord
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The last time you tried it it missed, so I'm not sure she'd be aware of the effect, so that'll hit. But it won't catch her flat footed again.


Reflex: 1d20+5: 10


Failure by more than 5 is Paralyzed and helpless for now. Rot's turn.


Puma: 29. 4HP

Dragon Star: 23

Spaceman: 20, 3HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 4HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP

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Okay. If she's helpless, Rot will just charge her with her Poof! Attack.


Including the +4 against an helpless opponent with defense 5 + size modifiers, she gets an 18 to hit.


Assuming that hits, will spend a HP to increase effect by 2 ranks. Tbh, I don't know if that applies to Drain and damage both, or just one. If one, prioritize damage. The base power is 13 Toughness Drain, 13 damage. 

Edited by Huckleberry
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I am a bit unsure; which of thise modifiers did you add specifically? 


3 + 4 from them being Helpless + 2? That does reach 9, so that makes sense to me.


As for Extra Effort, I'm gonna let it boost both but that might change; the effect is just Corrosion, just worded differently, so I don't know why it would work differently.


So rank 15s.


DC 25 Con Save


Fortitude: 1d20+13: 23


Drops her Toughness by 2.


DC 30 Toughness


Toughness Save: 1d20+11: 30


The roll says +12 but that's a finger mistake. She's at +11, so gets right there, barely.


No damage, but Toughness drained by 2 for now.



Puma: 29. 4HP

Dragon Star: 23, Stunned/Helpless, -2 Toughness.

Spaceman: 20, 3HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 3HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP


TL2'S turn!

Edited by Poncho
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Remember that the Dragon is helpless, which is a lot of words that will basically cut down to 'yeah everyone's gonna hit'.


So at Rank 7, that's a DC 23 effect against the Dragon, whose Toughness is reduced by 2.


Toughness: 1d20+11: 15 [1d20=4]


Really bad roll! It's Dazed and bruised!


Puma: 29. 4HP

Dragon Star: 23, Dazed, Stunned/Helpless, -2 Toughness, 1x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 3HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 3HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP


That'll be Puma's turn!


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Alright, finally time for the reveal!


first things first, Spaceman gets a Hero Point as Dragonstar shakes off the Stun/Helplessness. But it will maintain the Daze. Instead, it's shaking off the Stun to represent what Eclipse is doing.


That is to say, Eclipse is joining the fight herself, using the Gemini power to duplicate herself.


And her target is Rot. I believe given her distracting power plus her charge she's at -1 defense. (Flat footed +1, -2 from Charging), which makes it a defense of 9.


So she's going to attack Rot with an unarmed attack


Attack Roll: 1d20+6: 13 [1d20=7] which should hit. This is a linked Drain + Mimic effect, at DC 24 Fortitude, with her mimicking Rot's Attack Array and Immunity: Own Drain and Damage Effects. Note this only affects the actual Eclipse, not Dragon Star, so Eclipse is immune to Rot's Drain/Damage effects, but Dragon Star is not. Similarly, even if Rot makes the save, she still gets the full powers, but Rot doesn't lose any. There are not special effects on this so any lost power points regain at 1pp/round until refilled.


Rot will lose 1PP in her Attack Array for each point she fails the save by, if any. However, Ashley gets the points regardless.


Eclipse will now be acting at the same initiative as Dragon Star.


It is now everyone's turn again, starting with Spaceman!


Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23

Dragon Star: 23, -1 Toughness, 2x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 3HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 3HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP

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Fun times. Shouldn't I be at 4HP if I get a Hero Point? ;)


Parker remains Insubstantial and will use his Move Object to throw something heavy from the theater at Eclipse, Let's say there's a heavy stone altar that was used in the Carmilla play there. That's a Perception effect with Subtle 2 and Insidious (so it happens pretty much instantly), for a DC23 TOU save for Eclipse. 

That does leave Parker distracted too, but also still Insubstantial, so that might help.

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Alright, I seem to be getting away with making posts and even links for the moment, so I'll roll with it. 


After managing to retain her powers (even though Eclipse copied them), Rot is going to go back to her original plan of attacking the Umbral Star itself. I don't know if she can attack it, or if she'll take damage from all the energy that's coming out of it or whatever. If she can't try to disintegrate the gem itself, she would default to trying to disintegrate the energy coming out of it and empowering Ashley. 


So, I'll roll . . . If this ends up being a melee attack on an inanimate object, Rot would charge if she could, or all out attack failing that. In that case, her to hit roll is 3+9= 12. I'd spend a hero point to up her effect rank to 15. If this instead turns out to be a power check for her area disintegration effect to try to counter the outflow of energy it would be a 3+8=11, which is fairly awful, so I'd spend a hero point to reroll, getting even worse, but with the +10, it gets up to 20.



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uh, okay! Let me see.


First the result from Spaceman's Perception on Ashley;


Toughness: 1d20+13: 21 and gets a Bruise on her!


Next, Rot's action.


You can attack the Gem, and it is an Object. There's a few things to clarify about the Gem now that you've attacked it, though admittedly they end up not mattering.


The Gem is an object with +10 Toughness. It takes 10 on Toughness Saves on all attacks targeting it. It also has a reaction effect that does a +6 damage, or DC21 Toughness Save when it's attacked, ranged or melee.


However. 10+10 as a take 10 equals 20, and Rot's DC is 30 with a rank 15 damage effect. Which means it immediately disables the object, and Rot has Impervious Protection 8, meaning she's immune to the reaction effect. 


So Rot disables the device, splitting the Gem in half, and is free of the effect. What that does will come in a GM post after Rot does their IC post.


Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23, 1x Bruise

Dragon Star: 23, -1 Toughness, 2x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 4HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 1HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 3HP


Edited by Poncho
fixed Rot's HP
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Alrighty then, problem solved. Technically, Rot's power is reversible, so she could put the crystal back together before the skeksis come out. But that doesn't sound as fun as purging someone's influence from a gemstone, whatever that means. I know with engagement rings, you can just take them to the pawn shop. Not sure about umbra stars, though. 

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Posted (edited)

Toughness: 1d20+7: 13 [1d20=6]


Staggered and Dazed!


Once the IC has been posted by TL, we've got @MoonSimply's turn!


Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23, 1x Bruise

Dragon Star: 23, Staggered, -1 Toughness, 3x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 4HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 1HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 2HP


Start blowing those HP people, we're wrapping up here so it's use it or lose it mode! Hit that Extra effort for increased DCs or rerolls or power stunts :D

Edited by Poncho
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Posted (edited)

Toughness 1d20+7: 21 [1d20=14]

Another Bruise!


Puma: 29. 4HP

Eclipse: 23, 1x Bruise

Dragon Star: 23, Staggered, 4x Bruise

Spaceman: 20, 4HP, 1x Bruise

Rot: 20, 1HP

Torpedo Lass II: 17, 2HP


Eclipse's turn. And she's gonna make this big by using Rot's AOE Effect to drop 40 contiguous 5x5 cubes in the theater, aiming at Puma, TLII, and Spaceman- the ones closest to her with Rot over at the Gem-.

This is the exact same as Rot's own attack, so it's DC 18 Reflex for half damage, then two saves;


Drain Toughness 8 is a DC 18 Fortitude (so DC 14 if you pass the Reflex save), with you losing -1 Toughness by each you failed the roll by.

Damage 8 is a DC 23 Toughness Save (DC 19 if you pass the Reflex save), but it also takes the lost Toughness from the Drain into account on the Save.


This is targeting Spaceman, TLII, and Puma.

The Dragon was Dazed so it takes no action. After my GM post, it's everyone's turn again, starting with @RocketLord obviously.

Edited by Poncho
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