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Everything posted by Fox

  1. "This is getting kind of silly." Gaian Knight stood in the road somewhere - he really had no idea where - in the West End. The sun was going down, the streets were empty, and it would have been a fairly nice night if he wasn't currently stuck in a fight with several copies of a guy Gaian would have sworn was cheating somehow. If criminals had rules. Which they really didn't. They ought to have rules. "Really very kind of silly. I chase you all the way from Freedom City University and now you decide to put up a fight...and all you do is throw clones of yourself at me." A couple of the rocks hovering around his shoulders flew over to hit one of the copies in the stomach; the guy groaned and disappeared, but another just stepped forward to take his place. "Can't we just work something out, here? We're really getting nowhere. Just return the stuff you've been stealing and we can-" The clone behind him had grabbed a board somewhere, and broke it - harmlessly, though it was certainly felt - over the hero's chestplate. "So that's a 'no', then."
  2. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    "We?" Dragonfly tilted her head and looked at Silhouette, but finally shrugged and turned back to the map. "Sure...teamwork is efficient. Can hit more than a few. Noticed the market increase...unsettling. Neighborhood is bad enough already. Home, though. Could use some cleaning up." She shook her head. first meeting to team-up - elapsed time... - almost a new record "Could hit them now...sounds like you were looking for them anyway? Mm. Could use the excuse to get out. Would you need time to prepare?"
  3. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    Dragonfly sighed, making her way back to the computer. "Happens. I guess. Don't exactly have a sign out front. At least we got it sorted out before we killed each other. Tried to, anyway...progress. Mm." Shaking her head, she waved a hand at the computer and it lit up with a large overhead map of Greenbank, assorted dots and labels scattered across the buildings and streets. "Drug cartel...." cartels - cartels - headquarters outposts crime scenes - filter Leaning back on a workbench and tapping a finger on her thigh, dots started to disappear in batches until only a handful were left. She sighed again, gesturing at the map. "Which one? Possibly not there. Hard to keep track of...clear them out when I have the time. If I can. Surprisingly well-armed sometimes."
  4. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    Dragonfly waved a hand, shrugging. "No - yes - no. Sort of. Several search engines, plenty of manual data-sifting. Computer has some filters, custom design - had to optimize for standard...nevermind. Not important." The little lights danced behind her eyes again, and the defense system apparently shut down - all the turrets settled back and rotated away, back to their hiding spots near the roof and walls. "Dragonfly. I am, I mean. Still curious - why break into my warehouse? Most locals avoid it. Hard-earned reputation."
  5. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    Something inside the gauntlets shifted and reconfigured as they finished their warm-up. For a brief moment the air around the metal silently crackled and twisted...but instead of discharging towards Sil, the distortion swept across their wearer's frame, leaving Dragonfly's costume in its wake. Only now did Dragonfly raise a hand to point at her 'guest'. "Am...not liked by many. Especially here. Sometimes they send someone to...mm." assassinate? warn? steal harm exploit bribe "...express displeasure." trust her - honest face? - mask - actions inconsistent with most hostile visitors - verify? Frowning, little lights danced behind the visor, behind her eyes, as the computer around the corner hummed back to life and started a quick search based on what she knew so far. The half a minute or so of waiting was mostly Mexican standoff-style tense silence, but when the results finally came in she dropped her arm and sighed. good - thank goodness "Silhouette. May want to knock in the future."
  6. Fox

    Mad Max (OOC)

    Pocket Dimension + Quick Change -> Henshin as a free action. Using Online Research and Datalink to look up Silhouette: Gather Information check on Silhouette (Online Research; substituting Computers for G.I.) (1d20 + 15=22) Horray! Normal time is an hour, but it's a mental task; Mental Quickness (x100) drops 60 minutes (3600 seconds) to 36 seconds. So much hax...but only if she happens to be near enough to a computer to pull it off, alas. Home field advantage, woo.
  7. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    Just in time, Dragonfly finally finding what she was after and pulled a pair of heavy, high-tech gauntlets out of the bag. She kept a careful eye on Sil as she got to her feet, taking a step or two back along the wall. keep her talking - buy time - hero villain thug gofer civilian - last two unlikely - powered - interesting effect - dimensional manipulation? - magic unlikely - technological device mutation accident innate ability "Have to do better than that," she said, pulling her gauntlets on; she fired a mental command at them to get them starting up as she took another step back. "Mostly abandoned warehouses in the area. Limited genuine reasons to break into them. Highly coincidental you'd pick mine."
  8. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    "Mm," she grumped, slumping a little in a sulk as her face turned back to its normal color. "Trust the head, then. Can always use it to build a boyfriend if it gives bad advice." Spawning not too far behind Jessica, Mara zig-zagged to the other side of the platform, ducking behind a low wall and grabbing...a mortar? With a hint of a malicious half-grin she set the mortar up, mentally running some math as she took aim at a platform with a small group of warring players. The cheerful 'whunk!' as the mortar fired into the air was not nearly as satisfactory as the multi-kill announcement a few seconds later when the other platform lit up with a small explosion. "Think I like this weapon."
  9. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    Mara shook her head, looking down at Jess's despawning body. "What you get. Have to be careful after spawn. Never know-" Her screen went black and red; 'RedEyeDog ganked FlyFlyDragonfly'. ...deserved that Leaning back and popping her knuckles, she shrugged. "Wouldn't know a lot about special. Guess it's a good idea. Rushing isn't always wise. Follow your gut? Or your...no. Stick with instincts." She looked around her warehouse, quiet and pretty empty aside from her, humming machinery, and the sounds of the game. "Would go crazy without plenty of personal space. I think so, anyway. Need to have areas that are mine - no intrusion. Guaranteed privacy."
  10. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    Perusing the post-game statistics (with no small measure of satisfaction), Mara blinked. "Spend the...? -oh. Oh! I didn't, uh. I mean I wasn't- that isn't...I...oh. Not...not what I meant." She took a moment to point out to the chat that they weren't the only ones teaming up, glad to have any excuse to shut her mouth. well done - 'smooth' - maybe should get out more Glad there was no camera so Jess couldn't see her turn a little red, the young woman coughed. "No place of your own? Surprised. Not too hard to find private space."
  11. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    Dragonfly was muttering to herself, tapping a finger on her arm as she watched the video over and over again. had better hopes - knew it wouldn't work but better would be nice - improvement less violent dismemberment of stand-in dummy - need to maintain straight projection - reshape projector? - could work - equation changes - not sure if-what? Glancing up at a smaller picture-within-a-picture from one of her security cameras, getting a decent if poor-resolution view of her new guest. Immediately forgetting her glitch-induced frustrations, she barely stopped herself from spinning around and showing her face to the intruder, instead grabbing a bag off the table by its strap and ducking around behind a corner. More importantly, she gave the computer a sharp mental command that sent it into lockdown, every screen in the building turning a dark red. Across the rafters multiple small turret-like machines spun into view, electronic eyes over a weird assortment of antennae casting their gaze across the floor. "Don't know who you are," came the voice from around the corner, along the the sound of someone desperately rummaging through a bag. "Don't know how you got in. Picked the wrong warehouse. Start talking."
  12. Fox

    Mad Max (OOC)

    Opposed check: Notice vs. Silhuoette's Stealth (1d20 + 5=19) Busted!
  13. Dragonfly Mad Max (35) Pwned (3) Braniac Brunch (13) One Pill Makes You Larger.... (5) October Vignette 35+3+13+5= 56 posts, plus the vignette Gaian Knight Sword & Sheath (16) Lead Us Not Into Temptation (4) 16+4= 20 posts GM Mad Max (1) 1 post, not enough for a point. To be applied nowhere!
  14. Fox

    Mad Max (IC)

    For all that it looked like your average warehouse on the outside, the inside told a different story: well-lit and relatively clean, the place looked like a cross between a scrapyard, a mad scientist's workshop, and somebody's house. Off on the far end of the cement floor was a small collection of parts and bare metal, coils of wires stacked on top of tires stacked on top of cryptically-labeled crates. More towards the middle the place was organized, if still cluttered - a covered motorcycle leaned against one wall, while a couple fixed tables were covered in half-finished machines of some kind or another. Here was also what could only be called a testing area - the floor was scarred and chipped in places, long lines running through the cement like someone had filled a bomb with the world's sharpest razor blades and set it off for laughs. The near end was less cluttered by far, and more...homey, almost. A couple rugs were spread on the floor, next to a worn couch and a chair or two. What probably passed for a small kitchen was tucked away near a spiral staircase up to what were probably lofted bedrooms; set into the wall nearby was a massive computer, multiple monitors running the odd video or equation-heavy analysis. The lone other occupant of the warehouse was in front of that computer, arms crossed and tapping her foot, her back to the accidental intruder. Apparently she hadn't noticed anything yet, arms crossed and tapping her foot as she muttered something and watched a looping bit of recorded footage.
  15. Fox


    Video Log, code: Dragonfly. Access granted. Retrieving data.... The video has cut back in to Mara, behind her workshop table this time, gesturing at a half-constructed platform of some sort. "Mentioned concert project. Not without complications. Could play solo, but difficult. Concert is a good cause - want to pull out all the stops. As the saying goes." She shook her head. "General schematic in files. Initially just to enable personal performance, then realized that the same engine could be re-purposed. Large social gatherings common villainous target; hero-themed gathering doubly so. Would think criminals would be smart enough to avoid sites with multiple superpowered entities...sanity probably a factor. Regardless. Civilian safety an issue. Solution not perfect, but at least better than widespread casualties or hostages. Will continue working - interface unreliable, targeting requires adjustment. Field stable, however. Nice change from the wings." [end of log]
  16. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    "Mm. Story of my life." Mara stood as close to the wall as possible, watching the hallway Jess had just gotten blown up in. "Fair enough. Think they'll remember us here?" The - from the stat board, fairly decent - player who'd gotten Jessica with the grenade was rewarded for his prowess with an assault rifle to the back of the head as he came out of the hallway. His friend got in a couple good shots, but not fast enough - by the time he'd registered the kill she'd already swung her rifle down and sent a good spray of bullets at head-level. Hallway clear and with (most) of her health intact, the young woman made her way down the corridor to claim the shotgun Jessica had lost. "Not even cheating. Doubt they'd believe it." "So," she prompted, as she stalked through the small maze of identical hallways. "Things proceeding well with Blake, then?"
  17. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    "Mm. More complicated than it sounds. I think." Mara shook her head, laying down another layer of mines in the hallway before pulling out the assault rifle and joining Jessica in taking out anyone unlucky enough to wander into the room. "Do get out sometimes. See a movie. Treat myself to a good meal. Good for personal motivation, mood. Can do part-hunting while I'm out. Efficient." She brought up her scope; no excuse for the sniper rifle, but it'd do. Sweeping it across the room, she didn't even bother turning around as someone else hit a mine - though she did smile, if only on the inside. "Haven't met someone to date. Suppose I'll keep an eye out. If I must. Do prefer not to get arrested." complicated - awkward Tilting her head, she left the scope view and caught back up to Jessica. "Talking like me again. Sorry. Can try to talk normally if you want."
  18. Fox


    Video Log, code: Dragonfly. Access granted. Retrieving data.... The video cuts in, not on Mara but instead on what looks like relatively low-grade file footage of an old clothes mannequin with some sort of pack strapped onto the back - the pack is mostly interlocking metal plates, and has four small, articulated stubby protrusions barely visible from behind the frame. Her voice cuts in, clearly dubbed in later. "Wing test 23 - mid-September, 2010. Building properly secured, testing area behind reinforced protective field and physical containment. Pack has less than 1% power to prevent prolonged activity in the event of failure. Power supplied by standard non-chemical battery - usual power sources too dangerous if badly damaged. Initiating test about...now." The small protrusions twitch to life, rising to stick back and to the sides of the pack. They crackle briefly before each projects a long, beautiful blade of pale neon blue energy, evoking a dragonfly's iridescent wings. The effect lasts only a moment, however, before the wings flicker, twitch, and suddenly go out of control. Distorting and misshaping, they turn inwards as if attached to a rapidly-flailing hinge; exposing a force field as they scrape across the inside, the wings turn the test area into a small, contained, but violent blender. Mara's voice is calm but clearly disappointed. "Power drain emptying battery cell in roughly three, two...." The wings flicker and die, the mannequin collapsing to the ground in multiple pieces. Bits and shavings of plastic are spread across the floor, marking out the limits of the force field, which is now visible for a moment as it flickers and disappears. "Test failure - 2.8 seconds of activation followed by loss of field control. Disappointing. Stable energy blade viable - may adapt design for melee utility on gauntlets. Attempts to add theoretically fine lifting power to wings ends in critical destabilization. Interesting problem - spectrum analysis shows odd symptoms before collapse. Bears further analysis. Other projects more successful - visor nearly complete, though without full suite of desired features. Better than wearing a useless accessory on my head. Concert project also nearing completion - visual illusion easier than physical manifestation. Software requires further testing, having problems with exact teleportation coordinates. Will log further developments if I remember. Test review ends."
  19. Fox


    Video Log, code: Dragonfly. Access granted. Retrieving data.... Mara is leaning against her workbench, arms crossed as she looks up at the camera. "Equipment test...recently replaced video camera. Due for a log anyway. Might as well combine the two. Can always strip audio out of video file in the unlikely event storage space becomes scarce. Mm." She pauses, apparently pondering the computer's plentiful memory capacity before continuing. "Unusual start for a log: social record. Since last entry, have made several friends and contacts, portfolios and known abilities on record in file system. Notable entries: Ironclad II, Kid Cthulhu, Slick, Cannonade, all entries tagged 'concert'. Files incomplete, having to prioritize other projects. Ironclad's most complete - qualifies as best friend." She pauses, tilting her head and actually smiling. "It's...good to have a friend." "Regardless." She waved a hand, standing up and pacing a bit. "Progress along multiple paths. Few goals achieved, but reasonable success to date. Recovered 63 items from when I...from old, personal designs. 28 unique designs. Destroyed 51, remainder dismantled for parts. All devices dismantled to bare components to prevent tampering after reuse - bugs, vulnerabilities, exploits - and only retained parts from completely unused items. Could use parts from others, but...cannot bring myself to do so. Doesn't seem right. Caused suffering. Standard destruction procedures - dismantle, slag, disintegrate. Unusable even for scrap. By design. Unrecoverable by anything short of time manipulation...remains spread across multiple junkyards to prevent that. Reasonably safe. Will deal with unforeseen loopholes if they come up. Unlikely. ...possible, in this city." "Surprisingly active in non-recovery hero work. Curious number of drug or drug-related crimes. New substances, old substances. So-called 'super' drugs, power-granting...always at high price. Unwise. Don't see the point in it. Suppose I wouldn't. Good to help people. Especially good to clean up streets. Local gangs afraid of me, I think - should be. Local weapons trade diminishing rapidly but still too active. More effort required. Larger plan? Multiple ideas but few feasible. Lack social graces required to establish myself as a local power...doubt other heroes would appreciate it anyway. Will continue turning the problem over." She stopped, tapping a foot for a moment and looking at something on the workshop floor, off-camera. "Technical log to follow." [end of log]
  20. (19:36:20) AvengerAssembled: See, Anime pics don't bother me. (19:36:27) AvengerAssembled: It's if your character concept was those three girls. (19:36:33) AvengerAssembled: Who all combine to form one giant adult catgirl. (19:36:39) AvengerAssembled: With huge breasts and a miniskirt (19:36:44) AvengerAssembled: Who is still secretly 14 (19:36:51) AvengerAssembled: That I forever. (19:37:01) JackgarPrime: I have the faintest memory of once coming across something like that (19:37:10) JackgarPrime: As in, I think there actually is such a show (19:37:13) tryrar: ....doesn't ring a belll (19:37:16) AvengerAssembled: You think I exaggerate? Gaze into the face of the X-Vault! (19:37:23) AvengerAssembled: If you dare!
  21. He chuckled, setting the phone on a little pedestal of earth that grew up out of the ground for just that purpose. "Yeah, I think I still have some scars from that fight. Sure couldn't save that coat. It's a shame...I liked that coat." He turned back to the holes in the wall, watching and keeping an ear to the phone. "Guess it's up to them now, hm?" Let's hope they know what they're doing. Time to watch and wait.
  22. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    "In this business? Uncertain. Best to be prepared. Assumed 'simple energy field' would be sufficient reinforcement." Picking up an assault rifle almost by accident as she ducked away from stray enemy fire, Mara turned around and covered the area they'd just left, teaching a couple other players a short lesson about the pitfalls of trying to flank a two-person team. alt fire - can't remember - practical test Bringing her minigun back up she right-clicked and blinked as a small spread of spear-like mines covered the hallway behind them. well - useful - unexpected - interesting design difficult to replicate - stable explosives? storage a problem - link dimensional fold to.... "Working as hard as a I need to. Good to keep busy. Distractions. Get restless if I can't work. Meeting a guy...." She paused as some unlucky fool didn't spot a mine in time. "....not likely."
  23. Dragonfly shook her head, fiddling with something on the underside of a gauntlet and clicking a plate back into place. "No. Building, no people - could plan for fighting the structure, but not unseen enemies. Too many variables, unknown surprises." systems check - repairs holding - ready as I'll be At a mental command her force field twisted into being around her profile, and a last-minute check told her that her shield was primed and standing by. "Have to go in blind. Ready when you are, Cannonade."
  24. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    Having played the game entirely too much to trust that the sniper was working alone, Mara took the opportunity provided and dashed past the distracted sniper's sights, pressing her back against the opposite wall and opening fire around the corner before she could even see who was there. Rewarded with some hits but no kills, she stuck to little bursts of fire to keep them nervous without wasting ammunition. "Good plan. Melee options useful - thinking of something similar myself. Inspiration while working on the wings. Stupid things slice test dummies in half anyway; should harness that. Controlled, lift-less spacial blade viable. Priorities. Too many projects to work on at once." She paused, tilting her head. "Benefits to physical blade, with a suit. Advantages in boosted strength. Leverage, striking power. Utility."
  25. Fox

    Pwned (IC)

    Mara nodded - even though Jess couldn't see it - and took point down the corridor with the minigun spinning. "Equip a shotgun, pick up another shotgun. Bad range. High damage. Useful sometimes." The (relative) quiet of the map was starting to unnerve her. like a crime warehouse - noise means you're aware of threats - quiet means threats aware of you - too many on the map for this little action "Think we made other players nervous. Building a reputation?"
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