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Everything posted by Darksider42

  1. Time to kick butt! Attacking the Golem! 7 .....Not a good opener :? HP! Sacrifice yourself in the name of your master! (IE: reroll time!) 21 There we go :)
  2. "Go kick that Nazi where the light never shines man." Rift said with a short salute to Edge before refocusing his attention of Alpha Centurion. If hes the real one, then how are we kicking his ass? The Genius Guitarist though before striking a power cord and sending a concentrated blast of pure sound towards the cybernetic impostor. C'mon. Go down....
  3. Rift makes his attack! 16 Since I am not too sure if thats enough (I doub't it) I'll burn a HP to get reroll for a better result. (I THINK I have some left. If not, ignore my expenditure) 24
  4. I did ages ago man I'm still waiting for you :lol:
  5. Lady Winter had little choice but to cover her mouth and nose as they progressed. Even without the need to breath, the horrible tang of the oder still clawed at her sense. She made every effort not to breath like she was used to. As she followed Equinox and looked at the man, she gave her Magic companion the sort of look that said "Are you crazy?" "I doubt he will want to talk. He laughs like madman." Didn't take Lady Winter much to realize He was responsible for the clay monster now entombed in a cafe at the waterfront. "Well, if you insist. I vill make sure to keep you watched while you try to talk to him."
  6. Among the scribbles of Projects, music notes and random song lyrics, the Journal of the Guitar Genius Warren Wilder himself contains actual writing about his life! Saturday. 28th of August Well, now that the madness of that Antarctica trip is over I can finally relax. I mean, I didn't quiet expect to come face to face with heavy hitters like Superior or that cheap knock of Alpha-Centurion (I should have had a closer look at those cybernetics he had. Might have proven useful at some point in the future or something) Anyway, managed to get a closer look at a few of those Spider robots I drag off back to the academy (the rest were dragged off to Archetech for study, along with Talos) Had to make sure any tracking methods were stopped unless the school got attacked by Talos. Summer would probably want my head for that. (dear god he creeps me out, and I hang around with Trevor), Managed to pry open one of them and found something a bit weird. At the time, I thought it was its cybernetic brain. But after some some study, and managing to find a power source I discovered that it was a miniature factory. It produces both the "Brain" and the power cells needed for them to operate using raw materials located "in the field." With some tweaking, I should be able to construct some finer electronic components without the same amount of trouble as before. Not sleeping as good anymore. After KC showed me his new pet and made it do...Tricks, I just can't the image out of my head when I sleep. (THINGS SHOULD NOT TWIST AND TWITCH LIKE THAT!) But thems the breaks when you Room with someone who called themselves Kid Cthulhu. KC is a good man when he is not pulling that Elder God stuff around. Though when he does, I think theres something of a personality shift there. (Should look into this) Starting to wonder if he's really a space alien instead of a guy who can change into one. Would explain a lot. Better leave it at that for now. Need to go check up on Eddie. Guys been a little less bright and excited since that break up. And to anyone reading this: KC will show you his pet sloggoth's "tricks" and you will never unsee it! Ever!
  7. Lady Winter frowned at the Tentacled heroine. "I figured as much. I never even heard of you before today. Had I known who sent letter, I would not have willingly walked right into an obvious trap." She explained as best she could. She was trying her best not to show the same amount of worry as Fusion. It wouldn't help if tempers flared right at this moment. "I suspect a few people, though none of them would have been so brazen as firing missile in the middle of downtown and I have long since abandoned my old identity when I became...This. It would be a little harder trying to find out who I was I think" She crossed her arms and thought about who could have done it. The gears in her mind turning. "Though why take you down as well...That is something I am yet to come to an answer to. They must desperately want to see us both dead for some reason"
  8. Rift sighed as he felt the full force of his Sonic field go back up. Some small part was hoping that this wasn't too good to be true, but he saw past the cyborgs lies easily. The punching people in the face bit didn't help his case much either. He waited for a few seconds, eyes watching at the chaos before him. He knew this was just a cheap copy of the centurion, but his durability was still quite impressive. Hmmm...Wonder if his terminus rotted brain could handle something a little less direct than that... Playing a few notes on his guitar, he focused his mind on the frequency, altering it as quickly as he could while the servant of Entropy was tied up with the others. Spotting an opening, Rift projected the refined sonic force directly towards Cyber-Centurion's head. If he had calculated and altered the sound composition, it was bound to overload certain parts of his brain (at least the parts not converted to metal anyway) and cause excruciating pain.
  9. Power stunting this round. Blast 10 Extras: Alternate save (Willpower) Flaws: Full Action Now to see if it hits 16 :/ *HP Dies for a reroll* 29 Now Thats a hit. Rift will be fatigued next round.
  10. Darksider42

    I am...

    Cool. Thanks man :D
  11. Lady Winter took several steps away from the sudden flash of flames, her unique instincts ringing alarm bells in her mind. If she could breath as a normal person, she would have started hyperventilating. She was able to get a hold of herself quickly though. "Va-That would be problem. I would be more focused on stopping frozen floor from melting. I would not be able to do much other than that. I do not exactly have that much control over my powers as I would like." Lady Winter said, trying to keep her mind on the task at hand. She swung her hammer over her shoulder and headed inside. Don't think of the flames....
  12. "There are plenty that would like to kill heroes...Though I haven't angered anyone that can fire rockets at me." Lady Winter said, crossing her arms and looking at the tentacled heroine. "Main reason why I show up at window was because someone sent me letter. They knew my old name so I came to the spot dictated on note." She quickly fished through her coat and pulled the afore mentioned note out. "It says that the person who sent me note was Joan Collier and made referenced to a "mutual problem. Whatever that meant."
  13. "You would think they would have cleaned up this part of the city." Lady Winter commented as she kicked a stray soda can away from her. She didn't spot anything in particular that would have stood out in a slum, so she turned to Equinox with a questioning look on her face. "Well this does look like the sort of place a gang would hide, though I do not imagine it to be the sort for those tampering with magic. Think we should find a way inside and introduce ourselves to anyone hanging around?""
  14. Lady Winter водка мороженое (8) Rocket Man (9) Iced Tea in the Morning (17) Rift Sounds of Science (1) At the Mountains (4) Sounds and Fury (1) News Post (1)
  15. Somehow, Moira's words were having a strange effect on the Blue Russians mind. It was indescribable. Closest explanation was someone reaching into her head and playing around with the inner mechanics of it all. "O...Of course." Lady Winter said, her mind feeling just a little foggy and faint herself. "After what I've seen, it would not be a good idea to leave you alone for some time." She really wasn't thinking that hard as she lifted Moira into her arms and kicked off the ground, a path of ice following her towards the bartenders home.
  16. "I really don't." Lady Winter said as she stopped on the grown next to the truck. "I usually just end up smashing them to pieces." She looked at the smashed pieces of robot and sighed. She figured that they wouldn't be getting answers from it, or at least to her limited knowledge. "We will have to go with DMV. Robot not much use to us like this."
  17. Thats...going a little too far. The blue Russian though as Fusion yanked the man out of the cab and essentially broke him into pieces. Even if he was a robot, she was certain that heroes do not practice that sort of brutality. Seen worse though She didn't have much time to contemplate on that thought though, the fact the truck was now starting to veer out of control without its driver drue her attention. Lowering herself not far from the runaway vehicle, she willed a blast of cold air towards the center of the cars wheel and froze the moving parts as best as she could.
  18. Lady Winter uses snare! All out attack for +4 and the result is....11 :/ REROLL! *HP Dies to help fight off fatigue* 26 Muuuuch better! :D
  19. Sense Motive roll on Cyborg Centurion. Will Rift display Genre savvy or hold the idiot ball? THE DICE DECIDE!! 25
  20. Lady Winter had since finished her Iced Tea and was about to make herself another when Equinox announced where the Golems creator was. She carefully put the mug back on the tray. "And we shall." She said as she stood up, cracking her knuckles as she followed the young witch outside. Once there she kicked herself off the ground as she focused on creating a pathway of ice for her to travel on. A hammer of Ice was quickly forming in her hands as she traveled towards the boardwalk
  21. "I will keep that in mind." Lady winter said as she watched the tray come in. She was a little reluctant to actually attempt to touch the set out of fear she would knock it over and spill tea over the carpet and books, but after a minute she moved forward. She quickly mixed herself some tea and started looking at the impossibly vast selection of books. She wondered how much money Equinox got to allow her to be this extravagant when it came to literature. She picked a book at random and stat down. Her tea was already going cold.
  22. Annoyingly fast. She thought as she leaned forward, ice forming ahead of her much faster as she gained speed. Her hair and coat whipped around her as she raised her voice to fusion. "OK, I think we can reach him in a few seconds, hold on tight until you are ready to drop down." She focused hard, trying to make sure she could keep forming a path to slide on without moving faster than she could make ice.
  23. Putting the metal to the pedal! ...Wait. Anyway, doing a move all out action. Speed is up to 400MPH!
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