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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Activating both Detect Magics, one Visual and one Tactile.
  2. The cold seemed to settle in Robin's mind and bones, pulling her away from the pleasant diversion this day was becoming. "Yes," she said softly, "very weird." She pushed away from Wesley, standing an arm's length apart from him, pushing her senses out through the clammy, clinging fog. "Wesley," she called, "I know you have some tricks up your sleeve. Would you be astonished to learn I can do something flashy things, too?"
  3. The Def is fine mechanically, but if you want optimization I'd drop it down to +6 base. You'd keep the same flat-footed Def and could buy up to caps with another rank of Dodge Focus, while gaining 1 PP in the process. Or use one of your unspent points and boost your base Def to +8, making your flat-footed +4, and lose a rank of Dodge Focus. You hit most of the combat caps, which is good, except for your damage. Most of your attacks are way under the caps for PL 10. I'd work on bringing that up; maybe lose a couple of arrays. Couple things in regards to formatting: Add the total PP that each power at the end of the line, even if it's within an Array. And, you don't need to note Feats, Extras, et cetera unless the power actually has them.
  4. :? Again, no books. Rest of my stuff stands, though.
  5. Let's take this in order, shall we? Abilities work out mathematically. Incredible Dexterity seems an odd thing for what's essentially a huge cell, but since you never specified which Olympic sport she competes in, I'll let it pass. If your base Defense modifier is +7, then it's +3 flat-footed. Things are generally rounded down on this board. If your base Def is +8, that's 16 PP, not 14. Otherwise adds up. Fort comes out to +6, not +60, and you have +5 to Wis, not the +4 you have listed in the math. First off, you don't have to list every single skill. If you don't have any ranks or particular modifiers (like Attractive or Morph) that affect the skill, then it's probably better not to list it, just to keep things tidier. Mechanically, they work out fine, but wouldn't she have some medical knowledge? She doesn't even have ranks in Know/Pop Culture. Feats total up fine. SM gives you five skills, not four, so you get one more. If Feats are being bought with powers, please list them in the powers section: Keeps everything nice and tidy. BTW, where is Monkey Climber from? Some of the books are in contention. Don't have my books so I can't do that section. However, with Morph, please state which version you're using. Little more definition with her Drawback, please. She's weak against ANY sort of cloud-based attack? So if a water vill covered her with a fog of water droplets (APed off his water Blast) she'd be weak against it? Math looks right except c.f. what I said about Combat and Saves.
  6. Robin was impressed when Wesley managed to hit all the targets on his first go. She picked the biggest stuffed animal they had -- a fuzzy pink elephant with a felt beer bottle sewn to one hand -- and clutched it to her side, one arm around its neck, while she snaked the other through Wesley's arm. She leaned against him as they walked through the fair, taking comfort from the chilly weather in his body heat. Part of her was surprised that it was getting colder as the sun climbed, not warmer, but she pushed it to the back of her mind. "You're a very good shot," she said. "Were you ever in the military?"
  7. Robin's mouth quirked into a smile. "Apologies," she said. "The name's Robin Cross. But just how are you going to contact me? I didn't think they sold cellular plans to the dead."
  8. Ironclad looked up as Nock slid down to the pavement. She straightened a bit, waving a hand through the air and cutting off the massaging vibrations. "I'll be fine," she said after a minute. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, everyone. I'm Ironclad."
  9. Raveled

    Meltdown (OOC)

    Ironclad is shifting into her (brand new!) melee configuration. Time to kick butt up close and personal-like.
  10. Raveled

    Meltdown (IC)

    Ironclad' hands flicked through apparently empty space, though it swam with neon-bright displays from Jessica's viewpoint. The suit shifted, sections opening and sliding and interlocking into new configurations. Once it was done, the red-and-gold suit and become a steel-and-purple construction, with slender arms and massive shoulders. She prowled forward confidently, shaking her limbs and curling her hands into fists. It was the first time she'd tried shifting modes like that, and it looked like a success. The color-shifted hero stepped up to the door. "Wherever we go, it's gonna mean fighting through a whole bunch of mooks." She was quiet for a second, then her voice rang out again, amplified. "And I am just fine with that!" Imitating Valkyrie, Ironclad raised he fist high and charged the door.
  11. Raveled

    Meltdown (OOC)

    Seeing as how she's sharing Scarab's "Sight beyond sight," I was hoping she could find something out.
  12. Lewis' shade floated over to where they were standing. "Yeah, yeah. Carl gets my coat -- my old coat, not my new one. That goes to Gina, 'cause she needs a new coat. And Harry can get my hat an' my boots. He always liked my hat, and he needs boots." The ghost smiled faintly, but after a moment the expression faded back to one of unease. "Do you know who got my hand, mister?" The specter was starting to repeat himself; it wasn't unusual, for ghosts without much to tie them back to the mortal world, to repeat themselves and eventually fade away. It looked like Lewis was heading into another loop. Robin paced away from where Dead Head was talking to the (to her, now) invisible, unsettling presence. She gave the wall a good, long look, before placing her hands on the top and trying to vault over -- without much luck, it had to be said.
  13. Raveled

    Meltdown (OOC)

    I need to know what the result of Ironclad's Know/Tech check is! Can she figure out what's wrong with the power plant?
  14. He is technically a citizen of the Lor Republic that has been 'assigned' to protect Earth (It's complicated). I just thought it would be a fun little thing.
  15. Revisiting this character, since I might be using him before long. Refigured some things. Pondering Benefit (Diplomatic Immunity). :D
  16. Sense Motive. 1d20+11=19 Noice.
  17. Ironclad would totally be in for fighting SHADOW.
  18. Is this just for characters' various reactions? Or for people who will specifically be interacting with the Scarab/Bombshell/yellow journalists?
  19. More delicious PP to spend. Gotta spend 'em all (Power Points)! :arrow: Buy two more ranks of Concentration and Know/Arcane; should up them both to caps. :arrow: Equipment 3. Buying a couple of HQs. :arrow: Grab Magic Awareness (Mental) and Detect Magic (Tactile [Ranged]); this is in addition to her existing Super-Senses. [b]Super-Senses 2[/b] (Detect Magic [Tactile]; [i]Extra:[/i] Ranged) [2 PP] [b]Super-Senses 1[/b] (Magic Awareness [Mental]) [1 PP] :arrow: Put the last 2 points into the Magic Array. That SHOULD be everything. DONE BY SHAENTHEBRAIN
  20. *Rubs his eyes* No. She had Magical Awareness (Mental) and Detect Magic (Olfactory). I want to change it to Magical Awareness (Mental & Olfactory) and Detect Magic (Visual [Analytical] & Tactile [Ranged]).
  21. Not even sure what kind of mechanics to roll for Robin's actions.
  22. Robin strode through the crowds, staff tapping on the ground as she glanced from side to side. Most folks seemed fairly calm and collected, dealing with the problem better than she'd expected. However, a crashing of glass grabbed at her and she whipped her head around, quickly focusing on a would-be looter whose arm was engulfed in fire. Swearing in Greek, she sprinted towards him and mentally thumbed through her options. As often was the case, the simplest was the best; she dropped her staff on the ground and shrugged out of her thick leather coat, whipping it around and man's flaming arm. She wrapped the leather tight around the limb, patting it and feeling for hot spots. "Real dumb thing to do," she muttered. "A half-brick not dramatic enough for you? Need to light up the night?"
  23. Robin sighed and rubbed at a spot between her eyes. "But we don't know which bridge Lewis lived under. There's, what, three or four in the city? Anchored to the land on each side, that's six or eight places to search, and none of the names he used sounded too usual." She shook her head sharply. "The police and the coroner's are still our best bet for figuring out where Lewis died."
  24. Tactile is touch-range by default. When she uses her Detect Magic super-sense, Robin can 'feel' magic auras from farther away. Oh, and she still has Magical Awareness (Mental). Not getting rid of that. Whups. Guess no Eidetic for her this level.
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