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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. Mike mentally kicked himself as Chris walked away. Maybe he had been better off cloistered away in some top secret lab this sure as heck wasn't working. Within a week he'd managed to piss off almost half of the few friends he'd managed to make since coming here. He considered trying to talk to Alex about it but didn't want to bring her down too, last thing he needed was to allinate her cus he couldn't get overhimself and let her have a nice day out without dragging her into more of his fights. One thing he did know was he wasn't going to be here when Mark got back. That little ball of sunshine was not somethign he was up for in his current state. Sliding the window open he glided out and shot up into the air. He didn't have any real destination in mind he just needed to be out of this place for awhile.
  2. With Alexs assurances that Chris was not under outside control just his normal spastic self Mike visibly calmed a bit. He sat back down heavily with a sigh of relife and gestured for Chris to take Marks seat with pie to be had mark was unlikely to be back anytime soon. He rolled his eyes at Chris but focused on trying to explain what he considered to be the very complex relationship between himself and Alex. His voice was steady but not flat and despite the eye roll his tone wasn't patronizing as he explained, "Cus she probably knows better than I do? She's been in my head since we were practiaclly infants, she's been through everything with me, and not all of it pretty." Mike paused consideringly for a moment then continued, "I mean yea I guess I love her in a way but not like date her love her, I dunno if I could be as close to anyone as I am to Alex but honestly thats not what we are to eachother. Marks a good guy, I mean his perpetual cheer drives me up the walls but I'm not the easiest guy to live with either." Mike sighed heavily and looked out the window, "Besides," He confided, "I'm not exactly prime date material even if that was the kind of relationship I wanted. I'm certainly not going to begrudge Alex and Mark havign a little happiness just cus its not in the cards for me." It was clear that mikes thoughts had wandered beyond Alex to more general terms.
  3. Mike batted ineffectively at Chris' hands as the smaller boy manhandled him, then stared blankly at his crazed rant as he was clearly speaking non-sense. Mike next spoke slowly and carefully much like one might address an escaped lunatic, "What exactly is this about Chris?" as he spoke he sent a quick telepathic message to Alex 'Chris seems to have lost it, maybe some kinda post-hypnotic thing from those women theo other night. We're in my room.'
  4. Mike had barely begun turning as Chris charged into the room. The punhc itself seemed to take a moment for him to process. Once he finally realized that Chris had indeed just hit him he stood up and yelled, "What the hell Chris?" This had not been a good week, Erin was still avoiding him after their fight in the Doom Room, Mark's perpetual cheer was more irritating than infectious, and now Chris for some reason was hitting him.
  5. Comedy ensues if James shows up too :)
  6. Mike stumbled off the bus and stretched, it hadn't been a long ride but the seats were not exactly comfortable for student of his size and with a free day at the amusment park in the offing the bus had been too packed for him to take an entire seat to himself. He walked up to James and took his pass with a smile, "Thanks and happy birthday."
  7. Mike astudiously continued to click around meaninglessly on his computer as Mark went about his preperations. "Uh yea I guess so, never really thought about it much to be honest." he responded somewhat distractedly. Then turned to say, "They don't have pie on ... nevermind." Mike still was getting used to how often things went Marks way and was occasionaly caught off guard at how reliably he planned on it.
  8. Mikes surprise was clear though he quickly if awkwardly covered for it by turning to his computer and randomly clicking buttons ans he responded, "Oh, really, huh didn't catch me as you're type. Uhhhhm flowers?" Mike thought the flowers thing a little cheesy to be honest but it was deffinately Marks style so they might as well be ones she liked. He thought for a moment, "Posies I think. Hasn't come up much." Mike was uncertain what more to say. On the one hand the usual guy congradulatory stuff seemed just weird but then saying nothing also seemed awkward. Finally he settled on, "So you and Alex?" still somewhat stumped by the match though really he couldn't think of anyone he could see Alex with.
  9. Mike lumbered into the room and haphazardly tossed his bag onto his bed before collapsing into his desk chair. He was at first oblivious to Marks activities as he was acustomed to his perpetualy perky roomates tendancy to hum pop songs to just about any activity. Once he caught on he glanced about the room and asked, "You going out somewhere?"
  10. Mike considered trying to stop Erin but really he was unliely to be able to and it certainly wouldn't help to force her to listen to anything he had to say. Instead he just kind of sadly watched her storm out. He glanced over to Alex questioningly, "Well that could have gone better."
  11. Mike grimaced and looked pained at Erins barbs. He did want to help her but she wasn't even willing to admit it was a problem, this was doing nothing but hurting feelings and fraying tempers, his as much as any other. He wanted to just yell at her in kind but deep down knew that would do no good. He forced himself to remain calm and tried once more to get his point across, "Erin I don't claim to know what you have or haven't gone through. I do know you haven't gone through what I have." His voice was begining to tremble a bit and he paused to steady himself then continued, "But you don't know what I've been through and its just as insulting to pretend you do." Mike threw his hands up in exasperation, "If you don't want to have control you won't, its that simple. You can train and go to see some head shrinker as much as they make you but it comes down to you and your choice."
  12. Mike paused at Alexs' interuption and turned in the face of Erins rant standing unflinching. When she paused he fixed his eyes on her, his mought a tight line. His voice was like iron when he spoke, "You are not the only one who has had bad things happen to you Erin." He seemed to want to say more on the subject but held himself back taking a deep breath "I know exactly what I can do if I don't keep a rein on my temper, I know exactly how capeable of killing I am, I know no amount of pretending or avioding will change that." He dropped his eyes and his voice slid out almost a whisper "And I would give almost anything so you don't have to." Mike looked up a defiant glint in his eye, "So you can call it cowardice if you like, or foolishness, or whatever else you think it is that I hold back for but know that I am not pretending anything."
  13. Several emotions flashed across Mikes face as Erin let loose. He had been trying to get to the point gently but clearly had pushed too hard. He wasn't the most empathic person buet even he could see Erin was upset by his comentary. Mike took a deep breath and let go of his own anger at her words, it served no one to escalate this further. He then carefully considered his words well aware that more care was needed here than with their physical sparing. When he finally spoke it was in a carefull tone not angry but unrelenting, "True enough, but someone will die if you can't keep it together." Mike shrugged "You don't want that on your conscience, you can try to convince yourself they deserve it but the fact is powers don't make you judge, jury, and executioner." Mike turned and made his way towards the door sending a message to Alex as he went 'I'm sorry I can't do anything here this whole thing was a mistake.'
  14. Ace Danger: On This The Day Of My Daughters Debut A Friendly Luncheon Massive Explosion in Riverside Holding Out For A Hero (Closed 9 posts) My Fair Lady (Closed 32 posts) Brainiacs of Freedom 2.0 Manic Mondays The Trial of Captain Knieval Firearm Foulup House Call (Closed 38 posts) Getting The Goods All the Single Ladies (On hold till Moira gets back, 2 posts) Phalanx: Hero to Hero: Old Tune New Players (Closed 9 posts) Creative Destruction First Impressions; Jadons First Day Colors Out of Space (Closed 7 posts) Schoolyard Brawl (Closed 13 posts) String and Tin Cans (Closed 16 Posts) Birthday in the Park Lurking Fear Morning in America Three Hour Tour (Closed 1 post) Daikiaju Days Sweet Sixteen GMing: Star Crossed Lovers
  15. Mike paused for a few minutes to catch his breath while looking at the new set up. He turned back to Erin and shrugged, "I'm not entirely certain what the point of this is?" He said somewhat exasperated. "I mean we know you're the better fighter, and to be frank I don't see any control issues." He said plaintively. He took a few steps closer to Erin and lowered his voice as if there were ears other than Alex around. "You're control is basically fine, you know how hard and where to hit." He wasn't sure exactly where her control issues came from but he had a feeling it was not something sparring was going to work out. "I mean it wasn't that you didn't know what you were doing when you hit that kid at the Baseball game." Mike was clearly nervous about brining the subject up but smacking eachother around wasn't going to teach either of them much of anything. "Something made you DECIDE to hurt him." Mikes emphasis was clear though he didn't wish to offend her Erin had to know that this wasn't something punching him or a target dummy or whatever was going to solve.
  16. Erins kick connected with a meaty thud and Mike winced at the impact but stood fast. He brought one hand down to grab at her foot but she skirted out of the way before he could secure a grip. Mike warrily eye'd Erin, He knew he wouldn't be able to take too many more hits that hard and she easily avoided all of his clumsy attacks. He tried desprately to think of some way to even up his odds a bit.
  17. Toughness save (1d20+8=27) Bruise # 2 Attack roll (1d20+3=12) Swingandamiss
  18. Sense motive (1d20+4=9) Mike loses even his little bit of defense
  19. Mike grunted slightly at the impact but didn't slow down as he fired off a series of jabs trying to break past Erins defenses to no avail. It was clear that while he had prodigeous strength and very fine control his actual combat training was all but non-existant.
  20. Toughness save (1d20+9=28) Bruised Attack Roll (1d20+3=13) And a miss even with the lowered defense
  21. Mike steeled himself for a moment longer then came at her at speed and with surprising power behind his punch powering through her attempts to block or weave out of the way. Despite the power of the blow however it was controlled and well aimed to hurt but not maim as it impacted Erins midsection.
  22. Attack roll (1d20+3=23) Uhm hit and unless she's upped her Defense some how Crit. DC 29 Toughness Save, DC24 if a 23 wouldn't normally hit. Still doing non-lethal though.
  23. Mike shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his need to hit harder or fater or whatever, though he supposed this was what the headmaster had meant when he said they had made a choice that day at the stadium. If he was going to fight he really should know at least the basics of how to. He glanced around the room at Erins question and shrugged, "Not if we're just supposed to spar. I think all we need for that is the two of us and a place that can take one of us getting flung into a wall approaching the speed of sound." It wasn't any idle boast just fact Mike was intimately aware of his and somewhat by proxy Erins abilities. He shook his head to try and clear the stray thoughts for a moment then looked up at Erin "Ready when you are."
  24. Mike gave Alex his standard 'yea yea, sure sure' handwave as he followed Erin into the elevator. As it started to descend he asked Erin "So? Summers suggested this? Seems like there are other more experianced students for this kinda thing." It was clear from his tone that he hadn't put together that this was supposed to help him as well yet.
  25. Mike gave Erin a lazy wave as she approached. "My thoughts exactly." He said "I think downstairs would be a much better call just in case." He paused as he began to turn towards the nearest exit "Uhm do you know if we even have access?" He knew Erin had had alot more training than himself since arriving but his only trip down to the Doom Room was with Magni for his placement testing. He didn't even know if average students had access or if there was some kind of schedual or what.
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