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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Chloe closed her mouth, efficiently silenced by an older sister who obviously had some experience with that. Annie Madison, for her part, was all smiles for Derrick, the cheerful woman giving him a noticeable onceover. "Hello there! I've heard so much about you, it's so nice to finally meet you!" She smelled faintly of herbs, but from the faint dirt under her nails it wasn't for the same reason as Stesha. "I'm afraid Stesha's father is running late from the office today, so it's just me running the show. Don't worry," she added to Stesha, "your sister is running the kitchen."
  2. At James' words, a bubble began forming in the door over the mark Trevor had left there, the scar he'd left widening into a crack, then a split as the bizarrely warping wood split like melted plastic. A storm of inky black dots erupted from the hole, just missing all the assembled heroes as it blasted down the hall and was sucked into the wallpaper just behind them. A few moments later, Mark rushed out, his face white, and before anyone could say anything he was hugging everyone. "Oh, thank God! Thank god! I knew you guys would come find me!" He was still in the same outfit he'd been wearing the last time any of them had seen him, though the marks on his chest and back were gone and the shirt torn apart by super-EMTS was still there. "This has been a really, really creepy day." He blinked. "Wait, so is this whole building built like my house?"
  3. "Heh, and it's all true. Good to meet you, Derrick. Come back and meet the family." Jasha introduced Derrick to his wife Lorraine, a charming woman in a Northwestern T-shirt, carrying a smaller version of Jasha named Daniel who gabbled happily and waved tiny arms in Derrick and Stesha's direction. Stesha's little nephew was a boisterous boy in the heart of toddlering, but still young enough to show off his cuteness. Everyone in the family seemed very happy to see Derrick, though it was hard to tell with all the boisterous teasing they seemed fond of. "So you're a nuclear scientist?" asked Chloe, the youngest sister, with frizzy short hair and the rimless glasses college kids thought were cute, who had evidently drawn the wrong conclusion from Stesha's messages home. "What field are you in?"
  4. -I'm locked in my room and I can't get out. But it's not really my room. It's like a really close copy, but there's all kinds of stuff missing. I tried messing with the door, but it's not even really a real door. And my powers are doing crazy things, so I don't know what's going on. Did they make you think you died too?- he asked Eve guilelessly. -Why is the Terminus always trying to kidnap me? I'm going to try something.- Trevor's laser cutter burned into the door lock, cutting at the hinge and significantly weakening it, before something really bizarre happened: the laser suddenly stretched and lengthened like taffy, making a mockery of the laws of physics as the beam was pulled out of the laser emitter, sucking itself into the wall like a cartoon. He'd left a scar, and a good-sized one, but the door itself still stood. As they watched, the door bulged again, directly over the scar, a faintly audible cracking sound heard.
  5. White Knight is Bruisedx2, Grappled, and Stunned.
  6. Fulcrum's speed and Kid Cthulu's courage let them dogpile the mad racist, Fulcrum breaking his nose while Kid Cthulu set his costume on fire, leaving the pyrokinetic madman bleeding, battered, but still very much in the fight. As the teens onboard the airship struggled to rescue the hostages while helping Sage land the broken gondola, a white aircraft suddenly shimmered into view just underneath, shaped exactly like a Christian cross! Suddenly, the cross seemed to burst into flames and rocket away, disappearing into the sky fast as any military jet!
  7. "My...my husband," Still shell-shocked, and definitely smelling of liquor, she stepped back, freeing the remaining Claremont kids to enter the just-so-slightly warped Lucas house. "Rick will be back. He promised me that he was going to make everything all right first." She took another step back, retreating towards the artist's studio that lay down one corridor of the ground floor. "I have to work," she said. "I have to finish my work. That's important, isn't it?" The upstairs were, if anything, even more grating against Trevor's understanding of right and wrong. The bright sunshine streaming in through the windows was a shade of white and yellow shed by no natural sun, and the plush carpet beneath his feet seemed too deep, as if possessed of hidden depths unnatural even for the deep-pile brown. As he reached Mark's room, Trevor saw the door bulge slightly outward, as if something was pressing against it, and then a _shape_ with no form move inside the wall, ripples spreading like a stone dropped in a pond. There was definitely something inside there.
  8. Grief and terror came pouring through her connection to Mark, a blast of shockingly raw psychic energy utterly unlike the boy she knew. IdontbelonghereIdontbelonghereIdontbelonghereIdontbelonghereI- He paused at her mental touch, and she felt another raw blast of sheer hope. -Sage? Oh God, is that you!?! How did you get here? If this is about the thing with Faith, I swear it was practically her idea!- The house was an eerie place for Trevor, something in its very walls and construction _wrong_. And some of it wasn't just a juuust slightly non-Euclidean geometry that seemed to be watching him with jealous ees: the liquor cabinet was open, and nearly empty, several bottles sitting on the table where Martha Lucas had been sitting. She smelled faintly of alcohol to the kids at the door, but didn't exactly look drunk. Just very, very out of it. With Martha at the door, there was nothing stopping him from bolting up the stairs if he wanted. Martha stared at Erin for a moment, something watchful behind her bleary eyes. "You can come in, but I don't know if Mark can talk. Some very strange things have happened today," she said deliberately, stepping back from the door. "He won't come out of his room."
  9. Starsign, with the understanding that you _will_ need to have fire come up in your threads, since you have it as a weakness for so many situations... APPROVED
  10. "Generally their teeth too broken to question my grammar. Will take your suggestion under advisement." He named a street corner near the address they'd been given for Walter Cox, and then was simply gone, disappearing into the night with only a faint suggestion of where he'd gone. As he moved, Avenger thought about his own anger, the curling bile and spite he felt at the drug dealers poisoning legions of children, turning girls into whores and boys into hoodlums, all for the sake of their smack. Was he wrong to want to break their bones and leave them shattered, pathetic wrecks of men begging for mercy? Standing in the alley by Cox's apartment, he decided not.
  11. When he saw Dead Head was fine, Avenger hung back and let the zombie's friends tend to him. He watched the other fights with a practiced eye, speaking in low, quiet tones with his undead secretary. "" He stroked his chin. "" " "" he conceded. ""
  12. Avenger removed his own mask, and faced Thomas man to man. Well, as close as either of them were likely to get in this life. "No," he said, shaking his head. "No, you may not owe me thanks at all. I doubt you'll ever want to. But whatever you," he said, pointing from the werewolf, then back to where his own heart didn't beat, "owe me, you owe me. Not what a werewolf owes a vampire. And for that, you've won a victory bigger than beating me ever could have been." And with that, he turned and walked off the platform. Whew.
  13. ...shouldn't that be represented on his sheet? Or am I missing it?
  14. Obviously, Avenger readies an action to put the ax handle through Lukos' face if he turns him down. ;)
  15. Avenger landed before the panting werewolf, a dark god of the night as his cape billowed behind him. With blinding speed, he picked up Lukos' discarded fireax and seemed to rush towards him on a curtain of darkness. He raised the blade high, high over his head, and suddenly flipped it around, handing the weapon to Lukos handle-first. "Come." he growled. "Show the heroes of the city that you are stronger than your blood. Than your beast." This was by no means Avenger's usual style, but he couldn't help it. In Thomas' angry cries, he'd heard the voice of his own son. "You came for my head. I give you your pride. Put an end to the fight."
  16. What's with the mention of fire in his sheet?
  17. "Scum selling poison to children. Using his powers to make life a little easier for his bosses." If Avenger's violent behavior was a persona, his anger certainly seemed very real to the fearless swordsman. "Do not deserve to live. Is a sign of own humanity that I allow him to do so." He shook his head. "Bring down the man at top. Stop the poison at source. Make argument irrelevant."
  18. OK, that's a DC 29 Notice check for anyone following Kid Midnight with their eyes.
  19. "Please. You think that'll stop ME!?" Roaring with rage, the White Knight turned away from Fulcrum for a moment, focusing his rage on Kid Cthulu. "You little bastard. This is how I deal with all subhuman scum like you!" And with that, he hurled a devastating ball of fire at Kid Cthulu, a wall of heat flashing over the kid hero! Meanwhile, with a great wrench, Sage tore the gondola from the falling airship, the awesome power of her unleashed mind letting her hold the whole thing in place by sheer force of will. As the gasbag overhead suddenly rocketed to the sky, the whole body of the cabin shook, just barely held together by the teen psychic's power.
  20. Jack stared at her, so long Anya almost thought she'd said the wrong thing. "It's an easy life, isn't it? You never have to think past that night. The pleasures, the pain...it's all yours." He sighed softly, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Anya. I can't undo what was done to you. All I can I do is give you my protection, and help you start your life again. Do you have living family?"
  21. Avenger completely disappeared himself at that, re-emerging a few moments later in a cloud of night and fog. Keeping his ears peeled for human interlopers, he trusted Dead Head to listen for the spectral. At a loud shriek in the distance, he said, "Rear gate. Made sure the locks were rusty. Must be coming." He crouched low, his leather gloves creaking in the dark. "Must know they're coming."
  22. Electra and I are going on vacation for two weeks, to my folks' place and her folks' place. We'll have some access online, but it'll be spotty.
  23. When Sage shared what she'd seen with everybody, James' knock resounded through the cheerful house that today was a prison built by a being of great power for his son. After several long moments, the door opened, and a wide-eyed Martha Lucas stared at the children on the porch. Speaking with great care, as if from a dream, she said, "Hello, children. I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very well today. Can you come back later?"
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