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Moira Morley

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Posts posted by Moira Morley

  1. My Builds

    Novice Mage PL 7, 105pp

    Temptation Demon PL 10, 150pp

    Archer PL 12, 180pp

    Tiger PL 10, 146pp

    Wealthy Thrillseeker PL 10, 150pp

    Chainmail Bikini Warrior PL 10, 150pp

    Heckler PL 7, 102pp

    Giant Sword Wielder PL 10, 147pp

    Boy Genius Gadgeteer PL 7, 105pp

    Gambler PL 7, 102pp

    'Intelligent' Gorilla PL 10, 146pp

    Demigod(dess) of Art PL 12, 180pp


    Others' Builds

    Dam (Blood) Time of Vengeance

    Empress Paragons setting

  2. Moira nodded along as Lynn spoke. She would never intentionally try to sabotage anybody's happiness. Especially her friend who could fairy magic her into oblivion. Gretchen sounded like a piece of work, but if Lynn vouched for her, she couldn't be all that bad. Ice queen powers aside. "The last thing I want to do is ruin anything you and your love have. I'll keep my distance if you wish. Purely platonic fun times. Being one of those old time gods teaches you where your limits are," she smirked, "mostly to break them, but that's not me anymore."


    She looked around, turned that golden color again, and floated her drink back to her. "Besides, you and your love seem like a perfect couple. And if I can make a good friend out of it all the better." A thought popped into her head and she widened her eyes. "I could even help around here when I'm not at Morley's or doing my hero thing. Do that dress up thing. Sell a few more comics and games." She smiled, "though i think it'd be a distraction from your merchandise."

  3. Moira was not amused at the chiding. She knew she was right. She just just didn't want to bust up Mic's place. "So Hades had a to bring a little squad to take care of this?" She looked at the worried patrons, "don't worry, folks. No harm will come to you." She narrowed her eyes at Ixion, "so, you take your friends and we leave here." She pointed towards the door. "Follow me." She kept her eye on every potential member of the group. If one of them even thought about getting crazy she would smack them down. Passing a waitress she whispered, ">tell Mic that this won't be long. I'll be back in no time.<"


    She waited at the door and eyeballed everyone of the group. As soon as she stepped out of the door, she donned her costume with a quick thought. Green this time? Weird.

  4. Moira looked confused for a moment as the two talked back and forth. She didn't want to interrupt the two lovers. She nodded about the foot massage, "of course, Gretchen." Moira lightly laughed as the future roommate left in a huff.  "Hm, you think I over did it," she nudged Lynn playfully, "hopefully not a bad first impression. The kind we'll look back on in four months and laugh about."


    Walking over to the chair she sat back down. "So, I guess I have both of your approvals then? Any ground rules?"

  5. Seraph, Faith Martel. Psionic Healer.


    Things She Did

    Title Of Show

    Beach Party in Winter

    Family Visit

    A Day Without Powers

    Banking On It

    New Sound

    Japanese Import

    House of L

    House of L: The End

    Between Us


    I could have sworn she did more.




    The Unicorn, Yasmin Yates. Kid who turns into a Unicorn.


    Things She Did

    New Kid On Campus

    Why so Sad, Powerhouse?




    Justice, Samantha Stone. Undead with a Giant Sword.


    Things She Did

    Justice, Like Lightning...

  6. Demonic rats and wererats and their demonic wererat king have somehow got a foothold in this realm. Why? They know. We don't. But this is taking place at Morley's. And Moira will not have rats of any kind invading, much less her own pub.


    @EviscerusNox and @Heritage have spots if they wish. Anyone else interested?



  7. Moira seethed at the child in front of her. She knew too much. Not that Moira hid that information from anyone, but it wasn't something she went telling everyone. On top of that, her thugs were shooting at innocent. She counted seven that needed to get to the hospital right not. She counted a lot more gunmen that needed to be relived of their guns. And the poor speedster was under the influence of the Ukulele Kid.


    She looked to Laka, "The knowledge concerns me less than your conduct." She narrowed her eyes to a squint. "Since you want to play a little edgy, I'll give you an ultimatum. Call off your guns or choose an arm that you don't want to use for a while." She let the threat linger in Laka's mind as she hopped over to the speedster. "Hey you, shuffle guy! Snap out of it!" she snapped her fingers.



    It's an empty threat. Not even going to roll Intimidate on it.


  8. Cops are essentially the backbone of the hero community. They are the first responders. They made sure, even if there were no heroes around, that people were safe. So when some virus controller tried to test their new found powers on the West End precinct, Moira took that personally. She knew several of the cops by name. Joseph Marelli. Angie and Donald Goldstein. Alex Samuels. Robyn Turner. Some she saw almost every day on her patrols around the West End. They were family. And you don't mess with family! Still, no clue about where the virus villain went. But if they were to ever show their face, they'd get a face full of justice, namely Moira's fists!


    But Moira, right now, was playing hostess to an event for the sick police officers. She would announce the live music playing. Sadly, she couldn't gett her favorite local band, The Vigilantes, back together. Still itwas good to have some people pitching in. When she wasn't on the mic, she mingled among the guests, making sure everyone's glass and belly was full. She happened upon Amir's group. Sitting at the table where an open seat was, she smiled big, "are you guys alright here? Need anything?" She playfully leaned on Kirkendahl's shoulder, "how's the family doing?" Sitting up she noticed Amir, "and who's you're friend here?" She reached out a hand to Amir, "I'm Moira." He was a handsome man, looking about the age she was supposed to be. He carried his swagger very well. "And who might you be?"

  9. Moira could see the distress about to pour from Lynn. She would be there for her whatever she needed or wanted. Being there for her friends one of the major reason she came back! The small laugh made her smile, but she didn't expect the overflow of emotion. Were she Edone she would have reveled in seeing such an ecstatic display. But she wasn't, she was Moira. And her friend was having a moment of weakness. She was there to console her.


    Moira could not say she knew what Lynn was going through. What she did for the last six and a half years was a cake walk compared to what the fey woman described. Either that or Edone/Moira was just used to every daily godly life - the slings and spears came with the fun times. "Don't worry, babe," she said softly, holding on to Lynn, "I'll be here for you. What ever you need-"


    Gretchen made her entrance mid-sentence, turning this into a group hug. She saw the love between the two women, even before it was spoken. Gretchen was stronger than she looked. There was a moment of mournful silence.


    -That was beautiful- Moira heard her mother, Aphrodite, in her mind -maybe this visit was a blessing in disguise. Figuratively. I had nothing to do with this.-


    -Aphrodite, might I ask your touch?- Moira formally addressed her mother.


    -Of course, child. Do note that these gifts, while freely given, are to help further our causes. Seeing as the love of these two mortals is something you should strive for, I'll allow it- Aphrodite seemed pleased.


    Moira was filled with Aphrodite's essence, taking on a golden glow again. "I only wish to make you two happy," she spoke to Lynn and Gretchen in an inhumanly soothing voice, "if there be anything that you want, do not hesitate to ask." She spoke in Greek, and then in English, "blessed be this union."



    That was Divine Channeling, but it was for effect. Nothing mechanical.

  10. Moira smiled and started on Lynn's second foot after she gave her commendation. "Tsk, is that still a thing," she said half-jokingly. The whole disconnect of popular culture and world events was something she would have to put some time and work in. Luckily her friends here were pop culture connoisseurs. That'd be nice. Not that it was any skin off of Moira's nose.


    Oh, now it was getting serious. "Is that a bad thing," Moira asked honestly, looking up at Lynn. "I mean, if not we can have some fun." She smirked, "remember that time we punched Hades' dog?" She looked down at Lynn's feet, "I do understand if you want to put your old self away." She looked up and smiled, "I can be good." Her aura glowed yellow as she drew an illusion of a halo and wings on herself, "promise." Standing up on her knees she looked into Lynn's eyes again, "if there's anything you want to talk to me about. I'm all ears."

  11. Moira nodded a grin, "I was raised in a pub. You'll have some good food." She coughed, "cleaning, however. Uh, let's just says I'm not the most organized." She laughed, "I'll promise to keep the chaos contained to my area." She tapped her chin at the mention of extra stuff, "there's probably not much left. Most of my stuff that's still around is just clothes." She adjusted her shirt. While it was flattering to her form, it did look a bit vintage. But hey, it was clean. And on.


    Walking around the desk, she sat down - not in a chair, but on the floor! - in front of Lynn. She wordlessly asked for a foot. Pulling off her shoes, she began to massage the fey lady's feet. "So, what about you, babe," she asked, feeling around for stress spots, "you need any help? Got anything you wanna get off your chest? You look like you're about to burst."

  12. Moira smirked when Michel mentioned going to Crete. "Yeah, I've been a little bit of everywhere, you could say," as he rummaged. She did enjoy Michel's energy. His boisterousness was infectious. On top of that, the smell of this place brought back thoughts of her earlier life.


    "Praise the Thunderer," she called back just as with as much brag as Michel did. Sitting down at the table she was offered, she fawned over some old memories. That table over there were some guy was poking at a keyboard was where she had her first real date. That cork board over there with a hundred or so notes and business cards is where she would put flyers for the temple. She sighed, those were the days.


    Of course, there was the thing of uninvited guests. Though she didn't believe any guest was uninvited unless they broke the rule of hospitality.You come in and start taking things and causing a ruckus, you're certainly uninvited. But come in with no quarrel and a friendly attitude? Stay a while and chat. This guy however.


    Her eyes widened at the call of her birth name. "Hades wants everything, doesn't he," she sneered a smile, "also I don't pretend to know everything about magical barrier laws, but this is a gift. Given freely. That Pact deals with gods not roaming freely around the mortal realm." She stroked the golden bracer with a finger, looking at Ixion, speaking with a taunting tone, "but if you want to take it from me, let's not bother these people's lunch and find a more suitable place. Shall we?"

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