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Moira Morley

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Posts posted by Moira Morley

  1. Player Name: Moira Morley

    Character Name: Divine (maybe she changes this after she returns?), Avatar, Scion (proposed new names)


    Power Level: 10 (150/150)

    Tradeoffs: -2 attack, +2 effect; -2 defense, +2 toughness

    Unspent Power Points: 0


    In Brief: (originally) A earthbound goddess tries to be a hero. (now) The prodigal daughter returns.

    Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey.

    Base of Operations: None



    Alternate Identity: Edone (birth name), Moira Morley (mortal name)

    Identity:  Public

    Birthplace: Mount Olympus

    Occupation: Hostess and part owner of Morley's Pub

    Affiliations: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Dionysus

    Family: Aphrodite (mother), Ares (father), other Olympians (by default, you know its a big messed up tree), Sean Morley (mortal parent, 55)


    Age: 28 (born: March 14, 1988)

    Apparent Age: between 19 and 21

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Olympian

    Height: 5 foot 5 inches (1.68 meters)

    Weight: 125 pounds (57 kilograms)

    Eyes: green (yellow when using golden bracer)

    Hair: dark red (with golden strands some times)


    Moira stands with authority, being an average size, her perfect hourglass figure is noticeable. Her skin is soft, but her muscle is toned, she didn't just party up there on Olympus, she trained her body into a golden ratio. She has a light olive complexion, withe a small dusting of freckles on her shoulder. While not actively searching, she keeps her eyes at ease, not closed but a softer look. Her hair is straight and short enough to cover her neck and full enough to run hands through. Sometimes Aphrodite likes to hide golden strands among them. She always smiles wide with full lips and white teeth. Her face is round and soft, again, hiding light freckles.


    She has a tattoo of the sun on the back of her neck, courtesy of the sun god, Apollo, himself, which read 'Omorfia Mou' (my beauty). She has a golden chain given to her by Sean for her tenth birthday that she only takes off to clean.  She disdains shoes, prefering to go barefoot if she can, but a pair of brown sandals when she needs to. Her favorite casual clothes are tight jeans that show off her hips and a tshirt with either a local band or hero's logo (gotta rep the smaller guys!). The golden bracer given to her by the gods is simple and undorned, it wraps around her right lower arm


    Her costume is a ankle length sleeveless layered dress, a pair of golden strap sandal and a golden laurel in her hair. The dress has many colors - white, black, red, purple - but only one at a time. There's not a pattern she's divined.


    Power Descriptions
    When using the golden bracer given to her by the Olympians, her outline is a soft yellow and her eye color turns yellow. Depending on which god she's channeling, her attitude might change. Aphrodite might make her a little lovesick with the people she interacts with. Ares might make her super confrontational. Apollo will put her mind on a myriad of projects and other things she hasn't finished. Dionysus will spam her mind with junk ads.


    The Olympian Fighting style was taught to her by Ares. It focuses on getting her opponent to the ground and pounding them in vital and or soft places.


    Olympian Immortality and Strength don't have descriptions other than what they do. She can run faster, jump higher, lift more. She's not susceptable to mortal diseases, poison or the ravages of heat and cold. She hasn't aged a day in almost 10 years. If she were to die, she's pop back up in the Elysian Fields 24 hours later, able to walk out and back to the mortal realm.



    Moira was born on Mount Olympus as Edone, goddess of hedonistic pursuits. Ares and Aphrodite had a fling, like they always do, but a child was conceived of the tryst. Hephaestus had had enough of his unfaithful wife and wanted something to show for it. Eris, unloved of all Olympus, seized the opportunity to whisper a truly wicked plot in Hephaestus's mind. It involved giving Aphrodite an apple. The apple was dipped in the River Styx. When Aphrodite ate the apple, it would not affect her, but the unborn child, stripping away it's godly essence. It was delivered by an underworld nymph, who was to lie and say it was a gift from Persephone for the new babe. Aphrodite accepted the gift and gobbled it up, unknowing of the fruit's real power.


    When Edone was born she was healthy and happy, but the most noticeable thing was that she had no god soul. Like she was a normal Olympian, but nothing about her was deific. Aphrodite called upon Hera to make heads or tails of this treachery. She saw the child was cursed. That someone had stolen the essence before she was born. Eris, unloved of all Olympus, revealed herself as the underworld nymph who gave the apple to Aphrodite and was only able to act through Hephaestus. Ares was displeased with all of this and went to pay Hephaestus a visit. Eris disappeared. That left Hera and Aphrodite. Hera cared not for this scheme, but Aphrodite received scorn for having the child in the first place. Hera looked after marriages.


    Instead of having the babe live among minor gods away from Olympus, she sent word to the mortal realm. To some of her most faithful followers. A priest of the faith, Sean Morley, jumped at the chance to raise the child of the goddess. Aphrodite saw into his heart and he knew he was true. With some work throughs, Sean took custody of the baby, naming her Moira, as it seemed it was fate. Sean raised Moira with special care, giving her the utmost attention and love, as a true parent would. He also taught her the ways of the faith, so when her parents revealed them selves to her, it wouldn't seem too weird.


    Moira took after her mother and father in personality. She loved almost everything, but she knew when there were times that love had to be tough. Those situations were few and far between. She was quick to make friends and even quicker to lose enemies. Growing up within arms reach of her mortal father, she made aunts, uncles, and cousins at the temple. She even got her first job at Morley's pub - Sean's familial business - as a waitress and eventually a bartender. Her jovial and light demeanor kept business coming.


    On her 21st birthday, Aphrodite began giving Moira visions. Moira knew of the goddess through readings and such, but had never had a divine intervention. Aphrodite told her that she was her child and of the sordid complications of her birth. Also, there was a gift for her. A golden liquid made of divinity. It wouldn't do it right away, but it would restore her to full power. Though when she was done, she would have to come back to Olympus as Edone and shedding Moira. At the time Moira thought this was a great idea.


    Another upside of the liquid was that it gave her part of her deific powers back. She could be a superhero if she wanted! And that she did, for a time. It wasn't four color and she wasn't quite proactive, but she mingled within the hero and villain community. Taking the name Divine, she put herself on the side of angels, but definitely wasn't a four color hero. Though she made friends on both sides of the coin. Heroes led to the Knights of Freedom (which, while good, was short lived). She even had a short fling with Captain Knievel (before she found out what he really was). She found the truest form of love in a woman went by the name Angel (Angel Marks). True friendship in Stesha/Fleur de Joie.


    But those two years passed by like nothing. By the time she was back to full power she remembered nothing. and was back on Olympus. What happened on Olympus stayed on Olympus. She made friends with Dionysus. She and Apollo fell in emphatic love. She, Ares and Aphrodite shared familial love. And she genuinely enjoyed herself. Six years passed with epic times had by all. But by the end of it, she was tired. Unfulfilled. And nostalgic of her true home.


    After thinking about it for a while and a long talk with her her closest friends and family on Olympus, she chose to forgo her godhood and leave Olympus. Zeus zapped her and she was on her way out the door when she was met by her friends and family. They had a gift It wasn't godhood, but something she could use on Earth. A golden bracer that could channel their power from Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo and Dionysus. Also the ability to talk with the group back and forth. She thanked them and started her new journey.

    Personality and Motivation

    Moira has a light-hearted spirit that seems like she's always having fun, even when in danger! Though she can be serious, no one really likes her serious side. It's more of her deific father showing through. It's short and mean and no nonsense. It wants to get things done. Luckily, she rarely indulges her serious side.

    Moira's back for her friends and family, because while having fun is fine, its nothing without anyone with you! She also sees this as a chance to show she can be a hero and not just a powerful person.



    Easily Distracted: Things of beauty are likely to pull her off course, be it a painting or a person.
    Enemy: Eris plays the long game. She's not done with Edone/Moira yet. She may play on Hephaestus's feelings too to get him to lash out. Also Hades but he can't do anything directly (can he?)
    Identity: While she does have a stylish costume and a code name, her 'normal' life and her heroic life are not separate.
    Relationship: Sean, her mortal father.
    Responsibility: She has a job at Morley's pub.
    Responsibility: There are followers of the faith who may defer to her for advice.

    Abilities 15 + 4 + 10 + 0 + 4 + 14 = 47pp

    Strength 25 (+7)

    Dexterity 14 (+2)

    Constitution 20 (+5)

    Intelligence 10 (+0)

    Wisdom 14 (+2)

    Charisma 24 (+7)


    Combat 6 + 6 = 12pp

    Initiative +2

    Attack +3, +8 (melee)

    Grapple +18 (7 strength, 8 melee, 3 super-strength)

    Defense +8 (3 base, 5 dodge focus), +2 flat-footed

    Knockback -6


    Saving Throws 5 + 5 + 5 = 15pp

    Toughness +12 (5 con, 7 protection)

    Fortitude +10 (5 con, 5 save)

    Reflex +7 (2 dex, 5 save)

    Will +7 (2 wis, 5 save)


    Skills 32 ranks = 8pp

    Bluff 5 (+12, +20 Attractive)

    Diplomacy 5 (+12, +20 Attractive)

    Gather Information 3 (+10)

    Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 5 (+5)

    Language 2 (English [native], Greek, Spanish)

    Notice 3 (+5)

    Perform (dance) 3 (+10)

    Perform (sing) 3 (+10)

    Sense Motive 3 (+5)


    Feats 16pp

    Attack Focus (melee) 5

    Attractive 2

    Distract (Bluff)

    Dodge Focus 5

    Fascinate 2 (Perform [sing, dance])



    Powers 17 + 11 + 14 + 10 = 52pp

    Golden Bracer: Device 4 (hard to lose, Power Feats: Restricted [Olympian Heritage])
    . . Costume: Feature 1 (can change clothes to costume and back as a free action) [1dp]
    . . Divine Calling [7dp]
    . . . . Enhanced Feats 2 (Benefit [directed inspiration], Connected)
    . . . . Super-Senses 4 (Connection Link 4 [Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Dionysus; Power Feats: Dimensional])
    . . Divine Channeling: Variable 2 (10 points of multiple powers of the divine descriptor) [12dp]


    Aphrodite's Charm: Emotion Control 10 (Flaws: Limited [love only])
    Aphrodite's Presence: Enhanced Charisma 10
    Apollo's Piece of the Sun: Environmental Control 2 (10ft radius, extreme heat, bright light), Immunity 2 (sun's brightness, sun's heat)
    Apollo's Sunlight Pigments: Illusion 1 (visual, Extras: Duration 2 [Continuous], Selective; Power Feats: Precise, Progression 4 [100ft])
    Ares's Power: Add Penetrating 5 to Olympian Fighting Style, Impervious Toughness 5
    Dionysus's Ecstasy: Immunity 10 [mental effects])
    Dionysus's Madness: Confuse 10 (Extras: Range [Perception], Flaws: Side Effect 1 [Confuse 10])


    Olympian Fighting Style (training descriptor) [9+2=11pp]

    . . Damage 5 (Power Feats: Improved Critical 2, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, piercing, slashing])

    . . Enhanced Feats 2 (Improved Grab, Improved Grapple)


    Olympian Immortality (biological descriptor) [5+7+2=14pp]

    . . Immunity 5 (aging, cold, disease, heat, poison)

    . . Protection 7

    . . Regeneration 2 (Resurrection 2 [1/day])


    Olympian Strength (biological descriptor) [4+6=10pp]

    . . Speed 3 (50MPH, Power Feats: Alternate Power 1)

    . . . .Leaping 3 (x10)

    . . Super-Strength 3 (effective strength 40)


    Abilities 47 + Combat 12 + Saves 15 + Skills 8 + Feats 16 + Powers 52 = 150/150pp

  2. So, the alien princess's family was over thrown and as punishment, the family was scattered to different far off planets. This is the idea i had. BUT, that second idea could change the narrative a bit. It's heart breaking. Two mixed with four and one. Hm, I'm getting ideas from all of those. Thanks Ari :D

  3. Moira/Divine was my first character and I do have a mighty need to play her again. I just cannot figure where to go mechanically. She's definitely Olympian, but not a god due to treachery! Seeing as she's been gone for six years (last IC post August 2010!) it would be fun to see how she integrates back in.


    I don't see the fey-blood as Bedlam material. I mean, she could be manipulative, but that's probably not the road I want to take with her. A more capricious fun type. She seems too happy(?) for Bedlam.

  4. Moira Morley (Divine) - child of Aphrodite and Ares, but has very little godspark. It's only a matter of time before she has to leave Olympus.
    Faith Martel (Seraph) - Hasn't been seen since graduation? Probably hanging out in the familial home in France. Could come back any time.

    Yasmin Yates (The Unicorn) - Was never really active. Did nothing to change anything. Could reboot her.

    Samantha Stone (Justice) - Another one that barely did anything. Fits right into Bedlam.


    Or I could let go of the past. Start from scratch. A few ideas float around in my head.


    - An alien princess exiled to Earth after a coup. The chemical makeup of the planet gives her superpowers, but is slowly killing her. She can't leave because... reasons I haven't thought of yet.

    - Fey-blooded human with the incredible luck and the ability to manipulate emotions.

    - A genius with a 'nano cloud' that allows her to pull things seemingly out of nowhere.

    - Demon-blooded, but didn't know it and would have never found out if she hadn't bee accidentally struck by a magical blast that missed it's target. Now she has to deal with demonic looks and powers and possibly demons

    - other things

  5. And another six months has passed. I really want to get this character done, but I think fate is conspiring against me to not finish it :(

  6. Hello. I've been away for a while as for the last month I've been been homeless and drifting. Sandman moved out of the old apartment and no longer depends on me for care. He has a roommate. I have nothing right now. But I'm not asking for pity! I really am trying to get back on my feet. Once I do, I hope I can integrate back in seamlessly :)


    Nice lookin site by the way :D

  7. Electra

    I think what we were saying before was something like "she went to Olympus because her goddess powers were overwhelming the ability of her mortal soul to control them. The rituals they tried to empower her as a true goddess failed, so they had no choice but to strip away most of her inborn powers, making her unable to live on Olympus. To make up for the loss, her parents gave her gifts, as did some of the other gods who felt sorry for her/guilty


    that sounds really familiar, electra


    in their complicity for her situation. So she gets sent back to earth no longer a goddess, not quite a mortal, but with the ability to do some good."

    It should, we talked about this for like hours.


    man, stuff i forget is awesome

    I'm gonna write this down somewhere so i dont forget it

  8. The story as of now. Thanks to Electra for helping and being awesome in general :)

    Moira's life didn't begin in a particularly optimistic fashion. Sure, she was a child of the gods, conceived during one of the many flings of Ares and Aphrodite. Sure, she had a destiny: named Edone by the Fates, she was foretold to one day become the goddess of excessive hedonism. But fate is a fickle thing, and cuckolded gods can be more petty and ruthless than the worst of mortals. When Aphrodite's husband, Hephaestus, learned that she was bringing yet another by-blow into the world of the gods, he was consumed with jealous rage and vowed to finally begin putting right the wrongs that were done to him. As god of the forge, he had little direct power over other gods, but huge amounts of influence. When he approached Ilithyia, goddess of childbirth, to enlist her aid in his revenge, she had little choice but to oblige him. Even so, she defied his demand to kill the child in the womb and instead gave the developing Edone the most backhanded of blessings: a mortal soul.

    The consequences of this gift were immediately evident at Edone's birth. She was an Olympian in form, beautiful as no human baby could be, eyes alert and body vibrant with life. But the very atmosphere of Mount Olympus was toxic to her mortal soul, and she began screaming inconsolably as no godchild would ever do, agonized by a soul in danger of dissolving completely. A horrified Ilithyia revealed what she had done, and along with Aphrodite, hatched a plan to save Edone's life. Aphrodite would send her daughter to the mortal realm to strengthen her, using the strict wording of The Pact as a way to get the half-mortal child through the dimensional boundaries and to protect her from the rage of her stepfather. Edone would speed to adulthood (as gods reckoned these things), and at maturity she could be imbued with the goddesshood that was her birthright. If Ilithyia had doubts that it would be so easy, she wisely kept them to herself.

    Aphrodite's first concern was finding someone to care for her exiled child. She searched all of her followers on Earth in mind, body and most importantly, soul. She found a man in Freedom City by the name of Sean Morley. Sean was an unmarried man in his late thirties, physically and mentally fit . He ran a pub in the West End named Morley's, not exactly a godly occupation, but it had been in his family for generations. He was a priest of Aphrodite leading a small but vibrant temple that conducted mostly blessings and private services for worshipers. There was no mother figure, but devout followers of Aphrodite were thin on the ground in the mortal world these days, and he would do. She graced Sean Morley with a prophetic dream, telling him of his great favor and instructing him in the summoning ritual that would draw Edone to the mortal realm. She instructed Sean to not reveal Edone's heritage to her during her childhood, but leave that to her true parents later.

    Doing as his goddess bid him, Sean gathered his most loyal parishioners and carried out the summoning ritual. It was an instant and obvious success, the child's pitiful wails ceasing immediately upon her arrival in the mortal realm. She was a lovely child, charming even in her newborn neediness, and with an entire congregation of worshipful “aunts and uncles†to see to her every want, she rarely had occasion to fuss. A small amount of paper fakery made her legally Sean's daughter and gave her a new, mortal name. Sean called her Moira, in honor of the fate she would have no idea lay in store for her.

    Despite her mortal soul, Moira grew up to show all the benefits of an Olympian birthright. Beautiful and uncommonly strong, she had a gift for drawing people to her and convincing them to do whatever she pleased. It was a habit that caused quite a bit of trouble, though never for her. Sean did his best to teach her right from wrong, a task that was aided by her generally sweet nature, but Moira was still the daughter of his goddess, and he was never comfortable exerting discipline or authority over her. Besides, as a future goddess of hedonism, it would've seemed inappropriate, if not downright hypocritical. Moira grew up thinking of Sean as a close friend and source of help, but he was always more babysitter than parent to her. One thing she did enjoy was helping out at Morley's, first by singing to entertain the patrons, then later by tending bar and even waiting tables when the mood struck. She helped at the temple as well, though Sean's fidelity to his goddess ensured that Moira never knew quite who she was worshiping.

    As Moira grew older, she spent less and less time with her caretakers, devoting her time and attention to the pursuit of her own happiness. This was allowed and even encouraged, since Sean and the others saw her increasingly wild hedonism as the assumption of a birthright. In 2006, the year Moira turned eighteen, Sean died suddenly in the night, of unknown causes. Just days later, Aphrodite appeared to Moira in a dream, telling her of her true nature, and that Sean had been taken to the Elysian Fields as a reward for his years of faithful service. Aphrodite also told Moira that her time on Earth was nearly completed. Sometime very soon, her real parents would bring her home to Olympus, where she would be imbued with the godly power she should've had her whole life. It was not phrased as an option.

    Moira didn't know how to take this. She had been living on Earth for all her life, and so far it had been very enjoyable! But the idea of goddesshood also appealed, plus there was the possibility that one day she'd reach goddess strength on her own and be ejected for Pact violations anyway. It seemed easier to just go along with Aphrodite's plan and savor her time on Earth while she had it. She lived each day both as if it were her last and as though she'd already become the goddess of hedonism. She didn't have any money, but that really didn't matter much when she had youth, beauty, and an inexhaustible ability to draw the attention of people who would beg her to stay/travel/party with them, all on their dime. Her actions might have been deplorable in someone more self-aware, but for newly-minted high school graduate Moira Morley, having people fawn over her had always been the natural order of things and was nothing to be concerned about.

    She dabbled in whatever she thought she might enjoy, dancing, modeling, acting, enjoying the camaraderie as much as the fame and fortune her inevitable success brought. Moira was a media darling, gracing tabloids as often as fashion magazines, having fun and building her hedonism portfolio. She kept her identity as an open secret. She would jokingly say she was a goddess when someone asked her "how" and "why". Her metahuman talents were never in doubt, and eventually she picked up the nickname “Divine†as a half-joking nod to the world of superheroes and villains. She popped back to Freedom City every so often, checking on the bar she'd inherited and her friends at the Temple, but none of that was enough to hold her interest. What did catch her attention, though, was Freedom City's abundant population of heroes and villains. When the glittering throng of humanity finally began to bore her, Divine figured it was time to look beyond them, to those folks who were more than human.

    Settling back in Freedom City meant resuming her duties at the Temple and at Morleys, but that didn't bother Moira much. She spent most of her time getting to know the metahumans of Freedom City, interacting freely with both sides equally, even if her own romps tended to be more on the side of good (or at least not actively evil). She was looking for fun and camaraderie, and eventually she joined up with a hero group, The Knights of Freedom, that would give her a first real taste of costumed heroics. It was kind of a weird taste, since the Knights weren't a well-matched team and soon crumbled, but she still made some friends and saved a few days, so it was good. She met people like Ace Danger and Fleur de Joie who would become good friends to her, and somehow she learned more from these costumed adventurers about being a good person than she had in all her years of being a goddess-in-training. She met and loved Angel, another ambivalent soul and would-be superheroine, more intensely than she'd thought she could love anyone. The loss of her was a hole in Moira's heart, one that never really healed. She stuck with the hero gig, mostly, though her behavior became more unpredictable, her moods a tightrope walk between sorrow and the elation that was supposed to be her godly gift.

    In the summer of 2010, things reached critical mass in Moira's metaphysical existence. The rituals that would imbue her with power on Olympus were still being perfected, but Moira's own power was beginning to peak in the mortal realm, endangering both her mortal soul and the integrity of the Pact. Her powers were nearly godlike already, but her complete lack of discipline meant that a single impetuous use of extraordinary power could burn her soul to ashes or eject her to a punishment realm forever. Staying on Earth was not an option. With barely a chance for goodbyes, Moira Morley, now Edone forever and ever, was off to Olympus.

  9. Abilities: 8 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 36PP

    Str 18 (+4)

    Dex 14 (+2)

    Con 18 (+4)

    Int 14 (+2)

    Wis 14 (+2)

    Cha 18 (+4)

    Combat: 8 + 20 = 28PP

    Initiative +6

    Attack +10 Melee, +4 Ranged

    Grapple +16

    Defense +10 (+10 Base), +5 Flat-Footed

    Knockback -5, -2 without Armor of Ares

    Saving Throws: 8 + 4 + 10 = 22PP

    Toughness +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection)

    Fortitude +12 (+4 Con, +8)

    Reflex +6 (+2 Dex, +4)

    Will +12 (+2 Wis, +10)

    Skills: 74/76R = 19PP

    Acrobatics 8 (+10)

    Bluff 8 (+12, +20 attractive)

    Diplomacy 8 (+12, +20 attractive)

    Gather Information 8 (+12)

    Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 8 (+10)

    Language 2 (English, Greek, Spanish)

    Notice 8 (+10)

    Perform (dance) 8 (+12)

    Perform (sing) 8 (+12)

    Sense Motive 8 (+10)

    Feats: 30PP

    Attack Focus (melee) 6

    Attack Specialization (grapple) 1

    Attractive 2

    Distract (Bluff)



    Fascinate (Perform)

    Improved Grab

    Improved Grapple

    Improved Initiative

    Improved Pin

    Inspire 5


    Luck 2

    Power Attack




    Well Informed

    Powers: 15 + 22 + 10 + 20 = 65PP

    Ambrosia (15pp container) [15pp]

    Comprehend 2 (understand all languages, speak any language) [4pp]

    Immunity 4 (aging, disease, poison, starvation/thirst) [4pp]

    Regeneration 7 (Recovery 5 [+9], Resurrection 2 [1/day]) [7pp]

    Blessing of Aphrodite: Emotion Control 10 [20pp]

    Blessing of Dionysus: Confuse 10 (drunkenness; Extras: Range [Perception]) [1pp]

    Blessing of Zeus: Damage 10 (lightning storm; Extras: Area [burst], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full]) [1pp]

    Blessing of Apollo (10pp container) [10pp]

    Environment 1 (daylight and extreme heat, 5ft radius) [4pp] (Shard of the Sun)

    Flight 4 (100MPH, 1000ft a round; Flaws: Platform) [4pp] (Sun Disc)

    Immunity 2 (cold, heat) [2pp]

    Blessing of Ares (20pp container) [20pp]

    Damage 6 (Power Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mighty, Precise, Reach, Variable Descriptor [bludgeon/pierce/slash]) [14pp] (Weapons of Ares)

    Protection 6 [6pp] (Armor of Ares)

    Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP

    DC Block[table]


    UnarmedMeleeToughness 19Damage (Physical)

    Blessing of AphroditePerceptionWill 20Emotion Control

    Blessing of DionysusPerceptionWill 20Confuse

    Blessing of ZeusRange Area (Burst)Reflex 20[/td]

    Toughness 25 (failed Reflex)Damage (Energy)

    Toughness 20 (passed Reflex)Damage (Energy)

    Weapons of AresMelee (+0 or +5 Reach)Toughness 25Damage (Physical)


    Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (19) + Feats (32) + Powers (65) - Drawbacks (0) = 202/202 Power Points

  10. Sandman XI will not be available for a while. Sand's mental disability has not been a secret. I'd not like to go into specifics, but he's gotta deal with some major consequences.

  11. Over the past twoish weeks, Northwest Florida has been the battering target of Mother Nature. Thus you haven't seen me and Sandman a lot. This weekend we're under flood watch (not warning), so we're playing it safe and getting out before the rain starts. We'll either be back Monday or before if it looks clear.

  12. So, I've been busy for a long while and have been banging away at a story. I've got the pre-hero life thing sketched out. As of now it's not really done. I'd still like to hear what you think of it.

    Gods hold grudges for a really long time. Especially when they know they're being done wrong. Hephaestus always had a chip on his shoulder that his wife, Aphrodite, was not faithful to him. She was with almost everyone but him, but especially Ares. Hephaestus never had the gumption to stand up to Ares personally, so he did it in subtle ways. Through the ages he would try to humiliate Aphrodite and Ares and no one would care. Not even them some times. Though one prank, some say, went a little TOO far. Hephaestus conspired with Ilithyia, the goddess of childbirth, to have Aphrodite pregnant at all times, but only when she was with Ares. This however, did not stop either of them.

    When Aphrodite and Ares eventually found out what was happening - Ilithyia told them after a little over half a century had passed - Aphrodite was giving birth to her seventh child since the 'blessing' had been bestowed. Aphrodite wanted it removed so she could finally be with her lover freely. Ilithyia obliged, but she told her the child would be weakened in the process. Aphrodite knew she would love her baby anyway and gave Ilithyia the consent. In that instant the babe's fate was decided. She was the result of excess, thus she was named Edone by The Fates. Edone would eventually grow into her role as the goddess of excessive hedonism.

    That is, if she wasn't robbed of her godhood. When Edone was born, she wasn't right in some way. Yes, there was potential to become a god in her soul and she was every bit of her mother and father's child, but her first few moments of life were unbearable. Olympus was rejecting her. Somehow she was more mortal than god. They had to find a way to get her out of there. Both unfortunately and fortunately, The Pact was a thing. Gods could not walk the mortal realm, but Edone was not a god yet. It was decided that Edone would be sent to Earth. Aphrodite and Ares decided quickly, much to the chagrin of Ares, that Edone would be raised by one of Aphrodite's worshipers. Aphrodite had the perfect choice for a parent.

    Aphrodite appeared to Edone's would-be parent in a dream. Sean Morley was a priest of Aphrodite and owner of Morley's pub in Freedom City. Sean did not question why his goddess would burden him with such a responsibility. He rounded up followers in the middle of the night to summon the child as soon as he woke up. Sean was blessed by Aphrodite and Ares to raise and protect Edone. It took a while, but with help, Sean adopted Edone, giving her a mortal name of Moira. Having three jobs and being a single father was tough, but he wouldn't have traded it for anything. Moira was his daughter much more than a mortal-born goddess to him.

    Moira grew up with the best of both worlds. Aphrodite's beauty showed even at an early age. She was a cute child that grew into a beautiful adult. Ares's strength and durability showed in that she never got hurt or sick. She had the personalities to match and could either talk her way into and out of anything she wanted or if push came to shove, she could end it very quickly.

    When Moira was old enough to understand her surroundings, she wanted to help her father. At the pub she would entertain the customers with her song and poetry. At temple she would help with the preparations that needed to be done. When she got old enough, she would learn to mix drinks and cook food for the pub and perform rites for the temple. Capricious as ever, she was never a mainstay at either place. She'd make friends with some people around her age and then go bounding off somewhere. Sean would keep her at figurative arm's length and made sure everything was OK. Not that she didn't get into her fair share of trouble. She did have the spark of her godhood in her. Excessive pleasure ran through her veins, getting in over her head was her thing. This, however, was tempered by her mortal father who taught her to learn everyone's limits.

    Sean watched his daughter grow into womanhood. Everything was all well and good, but Aphrodite and Ares figured his usefulness was up now that their child was grown. Sean was taken in his sleep to the Elysian Fields. It was then that Moira learned of her true heritage. Aphrodite and Ares came to her in a dream. They explained who and what she was. They explained that soon, she would be called back to Olympus when her soul was strong enough. Moira thought that would be great, but it weighed heavy on her what she had lost and would lose. They said when she was ready that she would know the way and take the path. Cryptic messages were not Moira's strong point, but she had to make the best of it.

  13. I'm in the middle of writing Divine's revamped back story at the moment. I'm wondering if it's OK to portray the whole of the Olympian pantheon as amoral assholes. I know it's not a far stretch, but there might be past/future characters (none currently that I've found) that are tied to the pantheon in a more positive light.

    The reason I'm asking is because when Edone (Moira's birth name) got home her mother and father wanted her godspark to come to the fore. While it was smooth sailing early on, she eventually found out she had to do some very dark things seemingly as every day tasks. Some of the abhorrent things that had to be done did not sit well with her mortal upbringing. She was supposed to be the goddess of excess hedonism and desire. There were some dark places that Moira (her mortal side) did not want to touch even though she had to.

    Why does this involve everyone getting a bad wrap? Well, when it's your job to give people what they want (and in abundance) and you don't provide, you're seen as a shirker. And you don't shirk some of the most powerful beings in the universe. Her last few days/weeks/months (haven't decided) she couldn't bring herself to do her job, so her god spark fizzled. And she was booted off the mountain. For good.

    Any thoughts?

  14. Sand has been sick for the past two weeks. They took him to the doctor the other day and he's currently  on bed rest and medication (and semi-quarantine). I'll keep you posted.

  15. Yeah, you're right on the hostile one. And yeah, I was building it partly as mesh of energy controller and psionic power sets, hence why 'every status effect in an array'. I'll eventually come up with something workable. Just thinking out loud.

  16. I've decided on the emotion controller after a little bit of talk in chat. Now, that's a start, but mechanically it's still not dedcided on. I have a couple of ways of doing it.

    One being directly talked to

    Emotion Control 10 (Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Love: Stun 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be fanatical], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Calm: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be ?], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hope: Power 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be ?], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hate: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be hostile], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Fear: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be panicked], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Despair: Nauseate 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [must be hopeless], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    One being everyone that can hear

    Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Love: Stun 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be fanatical], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Calm: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be ?], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hope: Power 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be ?], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hate: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be hostile], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Fear: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be panicked], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Despair: Nauseate 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [Perception (auditory)], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [must be hopeless], Sense Dependent [auditory]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    And a non hearing version

    Emotion Control 10 (Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Love: Stun 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Flaws: Limited [must be fanatical]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Calm: Fatigue 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Flaws: Limited [must be ?]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hope: Power 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Flaws: Limited [must be ?]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Hate: Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Flaws: Limited [must be hostile]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Fear: Paralyze 10 (Flaws: Limited [must be panicked]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    Deeper Despair: Nauseate 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will]; Flaws: Limited [must be hopeless]; Power Feats: Subtle)

    These are not done (deeper calm and hope need a finished flaw, deeper hope needs a corresponding power) or even set in stone. I'm not sure if 'listen to me' is a credible power in this setting. The non-hearing version needs some fluff how it works.

  17. Thank you for all your comments. Powerset wise I have a few ideas


    Emotion Controller because that's the closest she's ever going to get to her 'real' self.


    Cosmic Energy Controller, as she can't focus her powers anymore.


    Peak human with no powers* and a healthy bit of social skills. (*other than stock immortal immunities)


    I'm heavily in favor of all three, but I can have my cake and eat it too.


    Arichamus, super strong and lots of social skills was basically what she was before, as you can see here. http://old.freedomplaybypost.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=1487 I'm trying to build better than that :P

  18. Thanks, Avenger. Me and Electra talked about it last night and figured out that it would be better to say she was never a full goddess in the first place, only had the chance or 'spark' to become one. I've come up for a reason for that and it fits nicely into her past brushes with it before in canon, only very little retconning (if any) need be done.

    Ares and Aphrodite were still doing there open secret type thing. Hephaestus still full on mad. Hephaestus plots with Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth) to make this stop, even for a little while. Thus Edone is conceived. Something (haven't figured it out) happens to make Edone not a fully formed goddess (yet has the potential) and they have to send her away from Olympus into the mortal realm. Edone is adopted by a barkeep (and i'm flip flopping for him being an actual Hellenic priest, because why would they just hand their child to a random stranger?) named Sean Morley. Sean names her Moira and raises her as a her daughter.

    The story is in no way done, but I'm working on it piece by piece.

  19. This is just the skeleton. I'm redoing the whole of the build. The old build will be a blueprint, but when I'm done with it it'll be better done. As for the reason why she's different? Around August 2010 is the last time I worked with Divine. Many things have happened in the past three and a half years.

    Where's she been? Training to take her role rightful role as goddess of hedonism. Why's she back? She failed. Hard. She couldn't keep up with the Olympian lifestyle. The Moira part of her heart couldn't bring her to do the horrible parts of her 'job'. So she's been booted out of Olympus for good now. The kicker being she's not a goddess anymore. Denied her godhood and her power, Edone is nothing but a memory. She's immortal and still favors her mother and father attributes, but it's not as strong as it was before.

    Mechanically? I have a few ideas, but I'm going to the drawing board with you guys. When I first built Divine on my own, she was somewhat... deficient. A few years later, I'm going to see if I can do better.

  20. Player Name: Moira
    Character Name: Divine
    Power Level: 13 (202/202PP)
    Trade-Offs: -3 attack/-3 effect, -3 toughness/-3 defense
    Unspent Power Points: 0
    Progress To Silver Status: 52/60

    In Brief: Daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, raised in the mortal world.

    Alternate Identity: Moira Morley (mortal name), Edone (birth name)
    Identity: Public. Everyone knows Moira Morley is Divine. Few know that Moira Morley is Edone.
    Birthplace: Mount Olympus
    Family: Aphrodite (mother), Ares (father), Other Olympians, Sean Morley (adoptive mortal father, deceased).

    Age: 26 (DoB: January 1988)
    Apparent Age: Early twenties
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: Olympian
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 125 lbs.
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Auburn

    Words about how she looks!

    Power Descriptions:

    History: Moira's life didn't begin in a particularly optimistic fashion. Sure, she was a child of the gods, conceived during one of the many flings of Ares and Aphrodite. Sure, she had a destiny: named Edone by the Fates, she was foretold to one day become the goddess of excessive hedonism. But fate is a fickle thing, and cuckolded gods can be more petty and ruthless than the worst of mortals. When Aphrodite's husband, Hephaestus, learned that she was bringing yet another by-blow into the world of the gods, he was consumed with jealous rage and vowed to finally begin putting right the wrongs that were done to him. As god of the forge, he had little direct power over other gods, but huge amounts of influence. When he approached Ilithyia, goddess of childbirth, to enlist her aid in his revenge, she had little choice but to oblige him. Even so, she defied his demand to kill the child in the womb and instead gave the developing Edone the most backhanded of blessings: a mortal soul.

    The consequences of this gift were immediately evident at Edone's birth. She was an Olympian in form, beautiful as no human baby could be, eyes alert and body vibrant with life. But the very atmosphere of Mount Olympus was toxic to her mortal soul, and she began screaming inconsolably as no godchild would ever do, agonized by a soul in danger of dissolving completely. A horrified Ilithyia revealed what she had done, and along with Aphrodite, hatched a plan to save Edone's life. Aphrodite would send her daughter to the mortal realm to strengthen her, using the strict wording of The Pact as a way to get the half-mortal child through the dimensional boundaries and to protect her from the rage of her stepfather. Edone would speed to adulthood (as gods reckoned these things), and at maturity she could be imbued with the goddesshood that was her birthright. If Ilithyia had doubts that it would be so easy, she wisely kept them to herself.

    Aphrodite's first concern was finding someone to care for her exiled child. She searched all of her followers on Earth in mind, body and most importantly, soul. She found a man in Freedom City by the name of Sean Morley. Sean was an unmarried man in his late thirties, physically and mentally fit . He ran a pub in the West End named Morley's, not exactly a godly occupation, but it had been in his family for generations. He was a priest of Aphrodite leading a small but vibrant temple that conducted mostly blessings and private services for worshipers. There was no mother figure, but devout followers of Aphrodite were thin on the ground in the mortal world these days, and he would do. She graced Sean Morley with a prophetic dream, telling him of his great favor and instructing him in the summoning ritual that would draw Edone to the mortal realm. She instructed Sean to not reveal Edone's heritage to her during her childhood, but leave that to her true parents later.

    Doing as his goddess bid him, Sean gathered his most loyal parishioners and carried out the summoning ritual. It was an instant and obvious success, the child's pitiful wails ceasing immediately upon her arrival in the mortal realm. She was a lovely child, charming even in her newborn neediness, and with an entire congregation of worshipful “aunts and uncles†to see to her every want, she rarely had occasion to fuss. A small amount of paper fakery made her legally Sean's daughter and gave her a new, mortal name. Sean called her Moira, in honor of the fate she would have no idea lay in store for her.

    Despite her mortal soul, Moira grew up to show all the benefits of an Olympian birthright. Beautiful and uncommonly strong, she had a gift for drawing people to her and convincing them to do whatever she pleased. It was a habit that caused quite a bit of trouble, though never for her. Sean did his best to teach her right from wrong, a task that was aided by her generally sweet nature, but Moira was still the daughter of his goddess, and he was never comfortable exerting discipline or authority over her. Besides, as a future goddess of hedonism, it would've seemed inappropriate, if not downright hypocritical. Moira grew up thinking of Sean as a close friend and source of help, but he was always more babysitter than parent to her. One thing she did enjoy was helping out at Morley's, first by singing to entertain the patrons, then later by tending bar and even waiting tables when the mood struck. She helped at the temple as well, though Sean's fidelity to his goddess ensured that Moira never knew quite who she was worshiping.

    As Moira grew older, she spent less and less time with her caretakers, devoting her time and attention to the pursuit of her own happiness. This was allowed and even encouraged, since Sean and the others saw her increasingly wild hedonism as the assumption of a birthright. In 2006, the year Moira turned eighteen, Sean died suddenly in the night, of unknown causes. Just days later, Aphrodite appeared to Moira in a dream, telling her of her true nature, and that Sean had been taken to the Elysian Fields as a reward for his years of faithful service. Aphrodite also told Moira that her time on Earth was nearly completed. Sometime very soon, her real parents would bring her home to Olympus, where she would be imbued with the godly power she should've had her whole life. It was not phrased as an option.

    Moira didn't know how to take this. She had been living on Earth for all her life, and so far it had been very enjoyable! But the idea of goddesshood also appealed, plus there was the possibility that one day she'd reach goddess strength on her own and be ejected for Pact violations anyway. It seemed easier to just go along with Aphrodite's plan and savor her time on Earth while she had it. She lived each day both as if it were her last and as though she'd already become the goddess of hedonism. She didn't have any money, but that really didn't matter much when she had youth, beauty, and an inexhaustible ability to draw the attention of people who would beg her to stay/travel/party with them, all on their dime. Her actions might have been deplorable in someone more self-aware, but for newly-minted high school graduate Moira Morley, having people fawn over her had always been the natural order of things and was nothing to be concerned about.

    She dabbled in whatever she thought she might enjoy, dancing, modeling, acting, enjoying the camaraderie as much as the fame and fortune her inevitable success brought. Moira was a media darling, gracing tabloids as often as fashion magazines, having fun and building her hedonism portfolio. She kept her identity as an open secret. She would jokingly say she was a goddess when someone asked her "how" and "why". Her metahuman talents were never in doubt, and eventually she picked up the nickname "Divine" as a half-joking nod to the world of superheroes and villains. She popped back to Freedom City every so often, checking on the bar she'd inherited and her friends at the Temple, but none of that was enough to hold her interest. What did catch her attention, though, was Freedom City's abundant population of heroes and villains. When the glittering throng of humanity finally began to bore her, Divine figured it was time to look beyond them, to those folks who were more than human.

    Settling back in Freedom City meant resuming her duties at the Temple and at Morleys, but that didn't bother Moira much. She spent most of her time getting to know the metahumans of Freedom City, interacting freely with both sides equally, even if her own romps tended to be more on the side of good (or at least not actively evil). She was looking for fun and camaraderie, and eventually she joined up with a hero group, The Knights of Freedom, that would give her a first real taste of costumed heroics. It was kind of a weird taste, since the Knights weren't a well-matched team and soon crumbled, but she still made some friends and saved a few days, so it was good. She met people like Ace Danger and Fleur de Joie who would become good friends to her, and somehow she learned more from these costumed adventurers about being a good person than she had in all her years of being a goddess-in-training. She met and loved Angel, another ambivalent soul and would-be superheroine, more intensely than she'd thought she could love anyone. The loss of her was a hole in Moira's heart, one that never really healed. She stuck with the hero gig, mostly, though her behavior became more unpredictable, her moods a tightrope walk between sorrow and the elation that was supposed to be her godly gift.

    In the summer of 2010, things reached critical mass in Moira's metaphysical existence. The rituals that would imbue her with power on Olympus were still being perfected, but Moira's own power was beginning to peak in the mortal realm, endangering both her mortal soul and the integrity of the Pact. Her powers were nearly godlike already, but her complete lack of discipline meant that a single impetuous use of extraordinary power could burn her soul to ashes or eject her to a punishment realm forever. Staying on Earth was not an option. With barely a chance for goodbyes, Moira Morley, now Edone forever and ever, was off to Olympus.

    When Edone got back to Olympus, everything seemed perfect, at first. She retained her memories of her time as Moira, though Aphrodite assured her that those would go away with time and goddesshood. The part of her that was Moira missed her friends and her mortal life, but Edone enjoyed all the benefits Olympus had to offer. Life was easy up on the mountain. She began making friends and enemies among the gods, as Olympians are wont to do. There were her parents of course, busy with their responsibilities, but happy to have their wayward daughter back home and ready to take up her mantle. There was Dionysus, with whom she clicked immediately due to their relative closeness in responsibilities. They even joked that maybe she was his child. Ares was not fond of that joke. She had a fling with Apollo, but the stories of the fickleness of gods have persisted for a reason, and that didn't last long. Edone was just happy to escape without being turned into a flowering plant. Zeus was fond of her as well, as he was of any pretty little goddess who liked to party.

    Not everyone was happy to see her back, though. Edone had her fair share of enemies amongst the gods and their children. Turned out that in her absence, there were plenty of claimants to the position of god or goddess of hedonism, and none of them wanted a new competitor. They were mostly spoiled children though, for all their godly natures, and Moira had been shrugging off their sort all her life. Illythia was more of a problem, punished by both sides for her role in Edone's birth, she was more than a little resentful to see the young demigoddess alive and well and back on Olympus. Hephaestus, though, was by far her biggest problem. It had been bad enough when the child he'd wanted killed hadn't died as ordered, and now he was certainly not content to have his 'mistake' hanging around as a goddess forever. He never met her personally, but there were a few minor gods that did his dirty work for him. They made life on Olympus a little less pleasant, but there were rules of engagement, and Edone wasn't about to let a few jealous haters ruin her immortal life.

    The rituals to turn Edone's soul into that of a full goddess were complex, carried out by nymphs bathing her in godstuff and soulmatter to cleanse her of the taint of mortality. It happened infrequently, but enough for Edone to expect it once she got in the groove. It was quite relaxing, really, having all her cares melt away as though she were immersed in a really good bubble bath. Unfortunately, it gradually became clear that the rituals were not working. Each ritual was powerful enough to keep Edone alive on Olympus and in possession of her minute (in Olympian terms) godhood, they were barely able to keep her above the threshold to stay there. Her body was beautiful and immortal as ever, but her soul remained stubbornly mortal. Moira continued to surge to the surface inside Edone, reminding her uncomfortably of her friends on Earth, the hero work they'd begun to enjoy, all the good they could be doing there instead of lounging in bubble baths and pursuing social intrigue with gods. She could be ignored, suppressed, laughed off, but she would not allow herself to die away.

    It was a situation that could've continued indefinitely. Humans didn't need much help to be hedonists, it wouldn't matter if the goddess of hedonism was very low in power as long as she was beautiful and indulgent of her followers. The nymphs certainly had nothing better to do than continue to bathe her as necessary! Edone had a place on Olympus, and she could've stayed and fought for it, using her wiles rather than her strength, relying on her powerful allies as necessary. She could've made it work, were it not for the part of her soul that was still Moira, the part that longed for home and for something more. The soul burned inside her like an itch she couldn't reach, and nothing on Olympus could assuage it. Finally one day she'd had enough. Edone turned away the ritual, put on her finest clothes, and visited her parents to tell them that she had decided to leave Olympus forever.

    Once Edone had made her decision, the gods had no choice but to strip her of the power she'd had. Edone in her glory, minuscule as it was, could not pass back to Earth though the barrier of the Pact, but human Moira Morley could. Edone's godhood was ceremoniously taken away from her by her weeping mother, who embraced Moira and gave her an enchanted flower for her hair before Moira could die of the overwhelming atmosphere on Olympus. Old Hephaestus could be heard celebrating in his workshop, finally rid of a thorn in his side forever. Gods did not concern themselves with human by-blows, and this mortal woman was no concern of his anymore.

    Before Moira left she was approached by friends and family alike. Each came with a gift for her new life, some with blessings for her protection, some with magic or items to make her human life easier. It was the least they could do. She was no longer Edone, would never be a goddess, but she was still an Olympian being. With a last round of goodbyes, Moira packed her things and allowed herself to be returned to the mortal plain. She had work to do and people to see, and even for an immortal, time waits for nobody.

    Personality & Motivation:

    Powers & Tactics:


    Abilities: 8 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 36PP
    Str 18 (+4)
    Dex 14 (+2)
    Con 18 (+4)
    Int 14 (+2)
    Wis 14 (+2)
    Cha 18 (+4)

    Combat: 8 + 20 = 28PP
    Initiative +6
    Attack +10 Melee, +4 Ranged
    Grapple +16
    Defense +10 (+10 Base), +5 Flat-Footed
    Knockback -5, -2 without Armor of Ares

    Saving Throws: 8 + 7 + 7 = 22PP
    Toughness +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection)
    Fortitude +12 (+4 Con, +8)
    Reflex +9 (+2 Dex, +7)
    Will +9 (+2 Wis, +7)

    Skills: 74/76R = 19PP
    Acrobatics 8 (+10)
    Bluff 8 (+12, +20 attractive)
    Diplomacy 8 (+12, +20 attractive)
    Gather Information 8 (+12)
    Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 8 (+10)
    Language 2 (English, Greek, Spanish)
    Notice 8 (+10)
    Perform (dance) 8 (+12)
    Perform (sing) 8 (+12)
    Sense Motive 8 (+10)

    Feats: 30PP
    Attack Focus (melee) 6
    Attack Specialization (grapple) 1
    Attractive 2
    Distract (Bluff)
    Fascinate (Perform)
    Improved Grab
    Improved Grapple
    Improved Initiative
    Improved Pin
    Inspire 5
    Luck 2
    Power Attack
    Well Informed

    Powers: 15 + 22 + 10 + 20 = 65PP

    Ambrosia (15pp container) [15pp]
    Comprehend 2 (understand all languages, speak any language) [4pp]
    Immunity 4 (aging, disease, poison, starvation/thirst) [4pp]
    Regeneration 7 (Recovery 5 [+9], Resurrection 2 [1/day]) [7pp]

    Blessing of Aphrodite: Emotion Control 10 [20pp]
    Blessing of Dionysus: Confuse 10 (drunkenness; Extras: Range [Perception]) [1pp]
    Blessing of Zeus: Damage 10 (lightning storm; Extras: Area [burst], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full]) [1pp]

    Blessing of Apollo (10pp container) [10pp]
    Environment 1 (daylight and extreme heat, 5ft radius) [4pp] (Shard of the Sun)
    Flight 4 (100MPH, 1000ft a round; Flaws: Platform) [4pp] (Sun Disc)
    Immunity 2 (cold, heat) [2pp]

    Blessing of Ares (20pp container) [20pp]
    Damage 6 (Power Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mighty, Precise, Reach, Variable Descriptor [bludgeon/pierce/slash]) [14pp] (Weapons of Ares)
    Protection 6 [6pp] (Armor of Ares)

    DC Block
    ATTACK                    RANGE                       SAVE                             EFFECT
    Unarmed                   Melee                       Toughness 19                     Damage (Physical; bludgeoning)

    Blessing of Aphrodite     Perception                  Will 20                          Emotion Control

    Blessing of Dionysus      Perception                  Will 20                          Confuse

    Blessing of Zeus          Range Area (Burst)          Reflex 20
                                                          Toughness 25 (failed Reflex)     Damage (Energy; electricity)
                                                          Toughness 20 (passed Reflex)     Damage (Energy; electricity)

    Weapons of Ares           Melee (+0 or +5 Reach)      Toughness 25                     Damage (Physical; bludgeoning, piercing or slashing)

    Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (19) + Feats (32) + Powers (65) = 202/202 Power Points

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