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Everything posted by Eviscerus

  1. Maxie looks to Tarantula and then to the good doctor, before clearing his thread. "Beggin' yer pardon but I think it's quite obvious what needs doin'. These partycrashers need to be sent back to whatever damn place they came from, and I cast my vote for the violent method." Maxie smiles to the two before looking out upon the amassing droves. "I might need a lil help with that angle though, so any thoughts on how to deliver the most decisive butt whoopin' would be appreciated. Name's Spitfire by the way, pleasentries can be exchanged after we save the world though."
  2. Jackie procures a small juice box from the fridge, apparently some child's leftover from lunch. Jackie tosses the box to Angel before smiling and saying, "Name's River Rat, but y'all can call me Jackie." Jackie returns to the table and takes the offered drink. He downs a good two swallows before returning the glass to the table. "Thanks friend, I needed that."
  3. Jackie turned in his seat and stood politely as the lady entered the room, seeing her expensive style of dress, his smile broadened by a few degrees. "Well hello there darlin'! I take it yer here to participate in this here friendly game? Why doncha have a seat and I'll see if I can scrounge you up a drink." Jackie lowered the glasses from his face and met her eyes as he offered her a seat before moving to the fridge. "What's your pleasure hon?"
  4. Seeing a great deal of people running for the safety of the building shaped like a pyramid, Max knew one thing: No matter how fancy a building looked, the people inside were still vulnerable if some ugly demonic creature got in there too. The masses would need protection. Max juked for the entrance as he saw a girl in some wierd suit swing around to the entrance. Good thing I'm not the only capable person here, I'm not so sure fire's the best thing for demons after all.
  5. Jackie watches the obvious amateurs and takes his seat, smiling. Jackie hadn't been to a friendly game in years, and Jackie was excited to get to it. Jackie replaced his green shades and lounged back, putting out his cigarette in the smokeless ashtray before taking a swig of the beer, watching Grim's card antics. Jackie turned to Atlas and smiled. "Say big fella, you sound Russian, is that Vodka ya got thar? I wouldn't mind a swig of it myself, you know, to loosen the nerves. I always get a bit anxious before any game." Jackie looks to Grim and nods, "That sounds just fine to me, as long as we ain't playin Razz. Always hated that game, what's the point of playin a game where the object is to ge the worst cards? Completely sideways if ya ask me."
  6. Max is gonna do his big finale in a bit.
  7. Jackie liked bridges, to be accurate, he liked the water under the bridges. All the cliches and analogies involved with water under bridges made Jackie acutely aware of everything he'd been through in his life, and he liked to walk over the bridges, as sort of a personal way of congratulating himself for coming out of it alive and well. Jackie did not, however like what was happening on this bridge. Hooded figures were herding people along, directing demons, and other nefarious techniques in a matter of minutes that Jackie saw go by in a flash. At first, he was scared, having never seen demons before, but quickly following on the heels of fear was anger at being made to feel it. Jackie let the anger fuel him into action as he pulled out a cigarette and lit up, shouting to one of the robed figures just as a flying...something with cannons started issuing orders. "Hey son, why don't you do yerself a favor and leave them people be. I don't think you'd wanna tempt yer luck with me or the feller with the guns. I'll give ya till I finish this cigarette to stop what yer doin and go back to where ya came from, or things'll get ugly."
  8. River Rat's Initiative: 17 HP: 3
  9. Walking the streets of Hanover, looking from victorian styled buildings to a building that fancied eqyptian pharoah tastes, Max took in the sites of the city he was to call home. Having moved around his whole life, Max never took the time to get to know the cities he resided in. Seeing as he was planning on making Freedom City a permanent haunt, however, he felt he should get some face to face time in with the streets. Everything was going fine, until the sky darkened and abominations straight out of Barker or Lovecraft started pouring on the streets. "What the hell?!" Max screamed, moving to the cover of an awning beneath a building that looked benign at first, but started to change. "If this don't make real estate prices plummet, I'm a three legged prairie dog!
  10. Jackie graciously accepted the beverage, "Ah, you are a gentleman and a scholar sir." Jackie then turns his smile on Grim, extending a free hand to her, "Thank ye for the invitation ma'am. I'm always lookin' for a new game, most of the high stakes tables just get way too uncomfortable. People are so damned stingey with their money, you'd think I was stealin' it rather than winnin' it!"
  11. Eviscerus

    Y2K Bug (OOC)

    Okay, Zealot's gonna inspect the envelope and then open it to see what's inside, unless he senses some sort of trap (which wouldn't be particularly possible without some more feats on his supersenses). I could I suppose make a knowledge: Arcane Lore check to see if anything I've heard about triggers a better understanding of these creatures and their link to the envelope. I'll roll one just in case, but if it's not relevant just ignore it. got a 19 Seeing as how that wouldn't be able to tell me if dragons were magical, I'll use a vp to re-roll got a 14 with the +10 for re-roll making it 24, not that much better, but worth a try.
  12. Eviscerus

    Y2K Bug (IC)

    Zealot hissed out a breath and gingerly removed the envelope, examining it's outter visage before opening it. He could simply destroy the envelope, or nullify whatever power it was giving off, but Zealot needed to know the why of these creatures as well as the source. Finding out the why would help lead him to a better understanding of this type of magic, as well as help find the tainted freak that started this mess and ruined his shopping experience.
  13. River Rat looked at the adress on the folded piece of paper, "Monty's Garage, yepper, this is the place." Pocketing the note he strolled into the open garage door, unbuttoning his silk, playing card jacket and producing a cigarette from an inside pocket as well as a gold, diamond encrusted zippo lighter. Jackie flicked it open and lit up, then turned to the grease spotted man currently at work, "Howdy friend, where's the action at tonight?" The man looked quizzical about something, but wordlessly motioned him upstairs. River Rat opened the door to the room above the garage and took stock of his surroundings and the two people within. Jackie furled his brow, looking from the girl with the visor to the man dressed like Wyatt Earp. What is this, some sort of time warp poker game? We playin' with poker stars of the old west or somethin'?... Jackie revised his outlook though when he realized he probably looked less than normal wearing a silk three piece suit made to look like hundreds of playing cards. Jackie smiled and bowed slightly to the lady. "Evenin' ma'am, sir. I heard tell of a poker game," while speaking Jackie produced a fat, diamond encrusted money clip, and threw it on the table. "Thought I might stop by and see if I could lose some money. I know it's early and all, but I like to get a look at everyone when they walk through the door, every little advantage you know? Anyways, looks like I'm not gonna have that edge with you two, but I'll live. I'm ramblin' again aren't I? Anyways, like I said, my name's River Rat, and pleased ta meet ya." Jackie took off his dollar green sunglasses and offered a dazzling white smile as he moved to shake hands with the Wyatt Earp look-alike.
  14. River Rat will enter spurs... or rather money clip... a janglin'!
  15. Eviscerus

    Y2K Bug (IC)

    Zealot peered at the mail box quizzically, Strange, he thought. Zealot turned to the woman with the hero, pointing at her demandingly. "You. Do you have a key for this box?" The gesture and Zealot's demeanor probably come off as threatening as he glowers at her, and obvious look of repugnance on his face for having to converse with someone he considered below his notice.
  16. I would like to trade Spitfire's ranks in Intimidate (3 Ranks) into Craft: Artistic, to signify his ability to tattoo people, since a lot of his tattoos he did himself. Thanks. Sandman gives you ART!
  17. Eviscerus

    Y2K Bug (IC)

    Zealot moved passed the man, who was now in his mind not even there anymore, having thwarted the man's attempts at heroic bravado. Zealot inspected the booth closely, looking for signs of a portal, anything to see a cause or way to end this invasion by little annoying abominations. While taking his time to analyze the booth, Zealot swished Witchbreaker casually in his hands, much as a tiger swishes his tail.
  18. Menagerie Stage Most of the fire show was what you'd expect from it's other counterparts, blowing fire into the air, walking over hot coals, though Max walked over an actual pit of fire, on his hands. The whole show was mostly set apart by it's performers being more physically active, a sort of mix between acrobats and fire eaters. Plenty of times Max could be seen doing flips through walls of fire, eating fire while doing a one handed handstand and other such anomolies. The heavy metal music, which was the soundtrack for the show, also leant an air of danger to the performers, even if you didn't take into account all the tattoos. One strange occurance in the show was when Max appeared to bite off the end of a fire stick, then spit the flames across stage to light an accelerant soaked stair case, which he then ascended slowly. At the top of the stairs, which he left unlit, there was a large metal contraption that looked much like a rusty furnace with a man sized door laid into the front of it. Max opened the door and a blast of heat issued out of it, behind the door, the furnace was lit, hungry orange flames reaching from the bottom of the chamber to the top. "Ladies and gentleman," Maxie boomed through his mic. "This is The Chamber! Inside the fires burn at a flesh searing one thousand degrees! This door here, is the only way out, and it locks from the outside only. I will attempt to use my superior willpower and mastery of fire to remain in the chamber for an impressive thirty seconds before Bertram here opens the door! Remember, this stunt is only to be performed by professionals, so you kids don't go converting furnaces into your own personal funeral pyre now." Max turned to the door and pretended to inspect it, while spitting a bit of fire discreetly onto the hinges inside, ensuring once the door closed, it would be sealed shut. Get ready fer the show folks, it gets hot from here on in! Maxie smiled at the thought before turning to Bertram and helping him up the stairs.
  19. Menagerie Stage Max approached the front of the stage after doing a few needless neck stretches. He had done this act hundreds of times... though the finale he had planned was new... everyone would be surprised by it, but still, it wouldn't be all that challenging still. "Ladies and Gentleman, My name is Maxie Napalm, and this morose gentleman with me is Bertram. We've toured the entire country to bring all of you a simple phrase: 'Mind over Matter'. Thoughout history, and in many different cultures, this has been demonstrated, but never to the extent with which I plan to demonstrate it today! Prepare yourselves, Ladies and Gentleman," At this point, Max picked up a small fire stick, unlit, "for we are about to Fire it up!" After screaming the last three words, Max put the fire stick in his mouth, then took it out, showing it now to be on fire before releasing an angry red cone of flame, at least 30 feet into the air from his mouth, sending a blast of heat over the crowd that pressed against their chests as a song blared over the speakers.
  20. Menagerie Stage Maxie ran up onto the stage, just as Bertram was making a few apologies for his lateness. He took a small bow, flashing a smile, but the crowd seemed unimpressed. Just wait, folks, you'll get yer money's worth. Maxie thought as he slipped into his flame retardent suit. The suit was form fitting, black with orange and red flames. Maxie had it made special so he didn't have to wear the ridiculous fire suit the Menagerie had before, an ugly, baggy silver thing with a ridiculous hood that was fashioned from a welder's mask. After donning his equipment, Max grabbed the other headset, put it on and spoke into the mic attached. "Sorry for the wait ladies and gentleman, had to see a man about a burning dog." To this, there was only scattered laughter, but Max didn't let that slow him down. Bertram turned to Max and whispered in his ear, "Boy, where'd you go? And don't tell me it'll never happen again cuz I'm tired of hearing that." Bertram actually almost looked angry. "Don't worry yerself none, Bertram. I just had to stoke the fires, so to speak." Max offered his most apologetic smile, which happened to look way too much like his mischevious smile, at least to Bertram. "Well, are you ready, boy?" Bertram asked? "Yes, sir." Max replied, and ready he was. These people were going to see a show like no other.
  21. I don't think I need to say it, but Zealot's in.
  22. Maxie was still registering the switch between catty southern belle to jersey neighborhood girl when the petite and pretty young thing simply grew a foot and grabbed Max, laying a sensual kiss that burnt his surprise and misgivings into ash in his mind. Maxie would have smiled, given the chance, but being denied the opportunity instead kissed back, hard. Moving around the country his whole life, Maxie had learned quite a few things from quite a few girls, so he laid down his best tricks while simultaneously using his control of fire to raise the temperature in thier mouths a few degrees. It never hurts to make women think there is a little symbolic fire between their lips, even if he did use the properties of actual fire. Pulling away before things seemed to get a little obscene, Maxie let out a shaky breath. "Well now, that was one kiss worth a hunnerd bucks, that's fer damned sure. Liable to burn me up inside afore I got the chance to do in on stage missy." Maxie winked then set down another hundred, turning to walk off. "There's an extra bill for the cause, I think yer worth that. Come see the show if'n ya git a chance doll. If'n not, my trailer's on the west side of the park with the Menagerie. I'd be obliged to return the generous favor with dinner. I'd love to stay and keep payin for yer company but I got a show to do, mah boss'll have my ass if I don't give the crowd it's due. Remember my offer!" Without waiting for a rejection or affirmation, Maxie ran off back to the stage.
  23. You think Colt or Grim could get a hold of River Rat? I don't know... he's pretty cagey what with the spending money like it's going out of style, wearing a silk suit made to look like playing cards and driving around in a dollar green limo... I don't think anyone would notice him! ;)
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