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"Well I guess when you're use to the response time of things in Freedom City, it does make it harder to benchmark other players."
She walked over and started looking at the map,

"Honestly, I don't think this Duke person would of gotten five feet into this building without bumping into a caped hero there, certainly wouldn't of been able to do that at the Lab,"
She leaned over and put a finger on the map,

"That is interesting though,"

It was pointed on the transporter to Freedom City,

"Where does that point of entry lead out, the Freedom League perhaps, and who's design, is that Archetech? Or a newer model, though probably not."
She turned to Young Britianna as she asked Cruxberry out of the room. She put a hand on her face and thought about it,

"So neither of you are exactly thrilled to be here, well I must say, I'm not quite anymore. I'd say it was a trade secret, but honestly all governments barring the American for the simple fact that they already have more than enough, are more or less trying the formula for the make your own super and I was not quite thrilled when Blackpool was revealed to be the source of this branch's source. Still, I cannot bring myself to go quite yet until I discuss some security with Blackpool and Cruxberry as well, mend and make do is all nice, but clearly if several people of importance have gone missing because of these holes some upgrades are in order."
She tapped on her leg a little bit,

"Not sure how much I'd help in a search and rescue, certainly not on my resume. I'm essentually the budget version the Freedom City scientist, they have better resources and broader fields of study, I have better aim. Though, not quite much with conventional firearms, and I'm not sure they'd let me carry the like in this country anyway. Honestly, this building alone confiscated my paintball pistol I'd forgotten I had on me when I'd arrived."

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Agnus didn’t reply straight away, instead she wandered over to the blueprint’s Dee had been studying.

“If it was me trying to enter Haven I’d go in through the Thames... well I’d teleport in directly but thats me.†she gave a guilty little smile.


“That would probably mean bring people and supplies through the dock’s.. Now it happens that I’ve heard of some hero that’s been working down at the dock, but he’s one of those stick to the shadow’s types. I’m never going to be able to find him, I’m just to obvious and well know, but the pair of you should have problems. Fancy a field trip?â€

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Dee was flipping through some of the other layers of blueprints as Jasmine asked about the transporter system in the Haven.  "The receptor pad is in the British consulate in Freedom City."  The young woman replied, recalling what Headcase had told her about the system during her visit to the Haven a few years ago.


When Jasmine spoke about Blackpool being involved in a Ministry program to create Powers, Dee's eyes narrowed, given her own experiences with one of the Ministry's programs.  "I would not be so certain the U.S. government isn't trying to create its own Powers.  Having an abundance of Powers and having ones beholden to you, or at least ones you can reasonably control, are rather different things."  She stated.


"But I agree that those sorts of programs are generally the result of a Cold War mentality."  She then added with a frown before considering the blueprints again and listening to Young Britannia's comments.


"Well, while I agree that if some outside force has taken control of the Haven, it was likely accomplished through the Thames airlock, I am far less sure about any need to move people or equipment through the docks here in London."  Dee responded.  "If some organization is behind this, I would imagine many have the ability to launch the operation from somewhere else without needlessly tipping their hand here.  If this is the work of some group of Powers, they could well have their own means of getting down there without the need for any equipment or the like."


"But it could well be that the Haven is empty and the members of Vanguard activated the defenses on when they departed to…wherever they disappeared to."


The young woman paused a moment, then added, "but I am not adverse in trying to run down this shadowy vigilante if you want to, if nothing else, it will give me a bit of time to think about how Crab might have modified the planned defense systems and what I might be able to do about getting around those when we try to go in there."

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Jasmine shrugged about Dee's comments about the American programs,

"That is likely to be true, I'm rather cautious about the whole idea. There's just so much that can go wrong, that HAS gone wrong with trying to create superpowers. Trial and error is all well and good, but it's not something you should do with people's lives."

Looking at the map she glanced up when they talked about getting a contact on the docks,

"I'm not exactly subtle,"
She brushed a hand against the burn scars on her face,

"But then, I don't likely have to be anywhere near whoever this is. How exactly do you plan on going about talking to them?"
She glanced at the door,

"I'm assuming there's something like a dosier on him here, or are we not informing them about this? I'm fine helping, but I doubt they trust me. Outsider with no real stake or contract in them, and I don't think I'm quite on board with there set up here."

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“True maybe I’ve been spending too much time in Freedom CIty, these kind of things tend to happen all the time. But if something going down I’m pretty sure he’s heard about it. Beside it can’t hurt to ask.â€

Jasmine statement cause Agnus to look at her with a gleam in her eye.


“That’s exactly why I want you on board, it’s why I want this guy on board. We need these guy’s on board but that doesn’t mean we have to trust them completely. And I’d like someone with an outsiders perspective. As to finding him I suggest taking to the docks, though we’re definitely aren't playing the damsel in distress card.â€

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Dee flipped all the blueprints back into their original order, having finished memorizing everything on them.  Given what she had seen, there was a lot for her to think about, but it sounded as if she would have some time to do so.  "I am not sure I know how to play a 'damsel in distress."  She stated flatly as she finished the task.


She then looked back up at Young Britannia and Jasmine.  "Well, I have seen all I need to with these.  If we are intent on hunting down the reclusive vigilante, I suppose we might as well get started."

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“Right I’ll teleport us there in a moment I know this rough old pub down there that should do perfectly. Once were there I’ll keep air support incase thing get a little hairy. One thing i need to sort out first if you'll give me a sec."

She stuck her head round the door looking for Cruxberry, when she spotted him a smile before asking for her demands.


"We've go a lead we're going to follow up right away. I need four Comm Units, preferably Vanguard units, and a tablet with access to Archangel."

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"And I need my locker key and access to my rental car."
Jasmine piped in.

"Could you guys meet me in the parking lot, I have some supplies I'd rather not be without. All for the interest of effiency, and the simple fact I'd rather not be a damsel as well."
She looked at Cruxberry,

"If that's alright for your lockdown, I'd rather like to have my phone and such."

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  • 2 weeks later...



Cruxberry was distracted by an breathless agent who stormed in. 


"Ladies, we have a lead. Tonight seems to be one hell of a night...we have just had sighting of the Osprey landing on the Docks at Deptford..." he said, brisk, brusque and to the point. 


"Have you heard of this character? We haven't much of a file, I am afraid, some kind of mutant half bird thing...a product of the good professor Blackpools research..."


He looked vaguely ashamed for a moment. 


"We have been trying to track this thing down, but with no success. Even the reports aren't consistent. A man one sighting, a huge bird the next. Been terrorising half of London, and the South of England. Fortunately, he seems to prefer criminal meat"


"I know the Haven is the mission, but we could really use your help with tracking down the Osprey. It appears this creature is one of our...accidents...." he said, coughing into his hand. 

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With something of a goal in mind, Dee just stood off to one side while waiting for Jasmine and Young Britannia to get what they wanted before they went searching for this mysterious vigilante.  While the young woman would likely want to get a few things before they got to trying to tackle the problem of the Haven, for this little outing, she did not need anything in particular. 


While she waited, a part of her mind was running through those blueprints, matching them to what she saw during her visit to the Haven those couple of years ago.  She tried to think about possible things that Crab might have added to what had been planned.


When Cruxberry came in and mentioned they had a lead on the Osprey and mentioned that he was apparently one of the Ministry’s accidents, she could only roll her eyes as she gave a small grunt of derision.  "You lot seem to have far more of those failures than successes."

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“Weirdly that’s just who we’ve been talking about.â€

What were the chances? It must be something about her magical nature, it freaked her out sometimes.

“We’re go check him out see if he’s half man, half biscuit like you claimed. Now about those comm units?â€

Agnus turned towards the other two women with a little shrug.

“You two go down and get what you need from the car park, I’ll get some comm’s and join you there. Then we can teleport straight over.â€

She gave Dee a quick look before asking.


“You’re new to all this stuff right? Do you have yourself a costume or even a code name we can use?â€

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Dee gave a small shrug as Young Britannia commented about her and Jasmine going down to the car park to get whatever they needed.  "Nothing that I need to get down there."  She stated.  "I've got everything I brought with me."  She added, and then considering the motorcycle helmet that she had in her hand, and the fact her motorcycle was miles away at the hospital, she tossed it over to Smith.  "Hold on to that for me will you Smith."


The young woman then smirked at the costumed heroine’s other questions.  "Yes, I am new to all this, no costume or code name just yet.  Spandex and I just don't do well."

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"I doubt spandex would be appropriate for this anyway. Anyway, just going to get some stuff from my car."

After jogging to the front Jasmine got her phone, and all her stuff from her locker then headed out to the parking garage. It only took a second to locate the rental car she'd gotten to pop the trunk. From it she pulled out a large case that carried her sniper rifle, as well as the smaller one that had the dual pistols. They weren't put together like they usually were, but then, she hadn't expected to get them out quite so soon. There were here for a paintball competition that dates coincided with her decided staying, not, well what she used them for far more frequently, but she still had her ammo as well. She scanned the parking garage and waited to see any sign of Dee and Young Britannia.

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A little later...


at Deptford Docks...


At this time of night, an unmarked van with a flashing blue (silent) light could make excellent time, even through the streets of London. Two ministry agents were in the front, propelling the new Vanguard to Deptford Docks as soon as possible. 


There were thugs on the ground, that was for sure, and one of them looked in bad shape, bleeding out as they screeched to a halt. 


"Damn Osprey...these guys might be street criminals, but he is brutal..." muttered one of the agents. 


The night was dark, but London always had lights. In the dim shadows, by one of the ships that had ported by the docks, a ship that was carrying the superdrug Max into the capital, a shadowy figure could be seen - just for a moment - in silhouette. 


At the same time...


Bullet Tony and Osprey had been strip cuffed, and were with Big Nelson and four of his toughs, all armed with auutomatic weapons and balaclava's. 


"This night gets better and better don't it?" grinned Bullet Tony, sardonically. 


"Shut it, Bullet!" snapped Nelson "I want to find out just why there are two Osprey's running around London. One of them is causing enough havoc for the middleman. Two..."


He clicked off the safety of his weapon. 


"Is something we sort out..."


As their van screeched to a halt it almost mirrored that of the Ministry's unmarked Van. 


"Heads up!" muttered Nelson "We got company. Some rival gang...could be the Mafia....or the Triads....circling like vultures..."

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Alden crashed heavily against Tony as the vehicle stopped with a jerk, growling in muted frustration as momentum sent him crashing back into the seat. He had forgotten about the cuffs until it was too late, and banged his wrists against hard metal. Rubbing what little of them he could reach with his fingers, he glanced briefly out the window, eyes narrowing behind the lenses as he took in the situation. "Don't jump to conclusions Nelson" he advised the crime lord "especially now. Whoever they are they might want my double brought in as much as you. Vigilantes aren't popular here."


Taking another look outside his eyes lingered wretchedly on the man who seemed hurt far worse than the rest. Disquiet grew as the pieces filed into place in his ordered mind 'Someone sends somebody who looks like me to...deal with this, draw attention and people here. But who? The middleman has me if his spy network's half what it appears, is there someone else at work or is my oldest foe just arranging my shocking death at the hands of frightened officers or gangsters? Or could it be-no. Don't be stupid, he wouldn't dare be in London or anywhere this far from the coast...would he?' Aloud he said, very softly "We need to help them that's hurt. They die, someone gets blamed, things explode and whoever did this gets away" glancing at Bullet Tony he added "Send us."

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Dee had been quite for most of the drive from the Ministry.  The young woman had been running through some of the techniques Crab had taught her for preparing to use her powers.  While she was a bit hesitant about getting into the middle of all this, she reluctantly had to admit that Headcase certainly had helped to prepare her for just this sort of eventuality.


When the Ministry van had reached the docks, Dee was about as ready as she could hope to be.  Glancing out into the darkness at the scene before them, the young woman caught sight of the other van that came screeching to a halt a short ways off.


"Looks like we are not the only ones with an interest in this Osprey."  She stated.

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The gloom of the dock was broken by a brief flash of light by Young Britannia teleporting in.

“See I told you that everything would be fine.†she looked around “I’m not one for skulking around in the darkness like some heroes, let’s shed a little light on the situation.â€

Her aura of light flared into full brightness and the immediate area was lit as if it was daylight. With the light she could fully assess the situation, and made the necessary decisions as rapidly as she could.

“Look I don’t know what either of you can do, and hopefully we won’t find out tonight. I’m going to try to reason with this Osprey but get yourself in position in case thing go pear shaped.†she gave her best confident smile, though she wasn’t quite up on this whole team leadership thing yet.

She took to the air positioning herself a suitable height above this Osprey and the thugs.

“Hi there care to share what exactly going on?â€

Edited by TiffanyKorta
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With bright light and her vantage point, Young Brittania could see the "Osprey" more clearly. 


The creature was only loosely human. It was probably nine or ten feet tall, with powerful wiry muscles and a hunched posture. Everything about the creature screamed "predator" - furiously strong, powerful and fast. Two large wings grew from its back, its eyes were black, and vaguely avian features littered its shadowy black form, feathers, lumps, bumps, and twisted tendons and sinews. 


"Reee.....veeennnngge!!!!" it snarled in a gutteral voice at Young Brittania. 


With that it launched itself at Young Brittania, wings flapping and body slamming into her. His hands were huge talons, able to rip flesh to shreds, and it was fortunate that instead of using them he merely took her in an iron vice grip and flew moonwards. 


"Paaaiiiin!" he groaned, full of fury and anger, and little if any humanity.

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Osprey stared up in momentary shock up at the blazing emblem of patriotic light, too surprised to say a word. Then he heard the voice, more like a howl of animalistic rage than something a thinking being used, and his blood chilled. He jerked forward, syllables forming as he saw the creature behind her stretch his wings, leap off and slam into her, wincing in sympathy pain as the talons curved around Young Britannia and carried her into the sky.


He closed his eyes.


"...Of -ing course it's you. Why did I ever doubt you, Tylluan?" he said between gritted teeth.


Almost at once his body began to twist and warp; his face behind the mask stretched and swelled, sprouting feathers and a savage beak. Yellow eyes opened as the mask slid back entirely, fixing themselves on the metal bracelets now holding limbs of feathered iron mounted with black talons. Staring at the handcuffs for a moment, he let out a soft hiss and suddenly was a whirl of motion, ripping and clawing out of the restraints until they bent with a tortured groan of steel and snapped into pieces!


With a satisfied chuckle, he shot to his feet(breaking open the van's roof in the process) and launched into the sky! Massive wings banded brown and white unfurled from his back and beat the air, sending the avian avenger straight at the massive owl-man!


As he reached Tylluan Osprey swerved, lashing out with a talon at his enemy's side, attempting to use his momentum to inflict much more damage than he normally could.

He'd need every advantage here.

Edited by Arichamus
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Jasmine took a moment to unload and click her sniper rifle into position. Not that she cared that it might of looked strange to anybody watching since gun laws were MUCH stricter in the UK then the states. She really didn't have time for that though. Since she was the only one armed currently with a long range weapon it didn't take much convincing for them to let her get to the window for a shot, though they were skeptical of her ability to do so at such a trying angle. Tilting the gun over the window ledge she tried to angle into the combat high above. It was a difficult angle to say the least with so many people tangled in. She couldn't really use her snare without it likely getting on Young Britianna. So instead she opted for something that she could make more centralized and aimed towards the face region. Mind you, that did make it a much smaller target and as she lined up the shot she had a lot of things that could go wrong. As it turned out, the wind was a little high because of the altitude so the paintball flew a bit long over the head of the bird like person gripping Young Britianna as it was caught in an updraft. As she started sorting through her things, she stopped and started to make some calculations so that she could make a better attempt at her next shot.

Edited by Aoiroo
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“Everyone mop thing up down here, I’ll keep Osprey here busy for a little while.â€

Young Britannia did something that no one should really do when someone is trying to squeeze the life out of you. She smiled.

“Shall we see how high you can go little bird? I’ve heard that ornit nice at this time of night.â€


With that she shot up into the sky as fast as she could leaving a trail of light behind her. It was a calculated risk but she knew she could survive the cold and lack of air of the high atmosphere better than any crushing action he could bring to bear.

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Young Brittania and "the Osprey" spun into the Night Sky, high and higher into the cold and dark air above London at sickening speed. Despite his strength and huge wings dragging the heroine, she still powered the pair, in a steely embrace, upwards. 


In response, the creature kept his iron grip on her as strong as ever. Aside from his superhuman strength, he possessed a speed and fury that was shocking. He was pure animal brutality. 


Meanwhile, down on Earth, Big Nelson ignored the snigger of Bullet Tony as the real Osprey leapt into action. 


INstead he cocked his shotgun and moved out of the Van, hefting his bulk without due speed or slowness. 


"I don't know what the hell's going on, but the Middleman ain't gonna be happy, boys..." he sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility crushing his ambitions. Despite his pessimism, he wasn't going down without a fight. He never did. He and his cronies jumped from the van, weapons ready...

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"Bloody..."  Dee began as the massive birdlike creature swooped into the air to attack Young Britannia.  As Jasmine moved into action, Dee had been about to ask what she planned to do against that thing with a weapon loaded with paintballs.  But then, the young Englishwoman was smart enough to realize that there were any number of chemical agents that could be delivered in a paintball and just watched as Jasmine leaned out a window to shoot up at the creature.


When Young Britannia called out for them to "mop things up" and then disappeared into the night sky with the "Osprey" still holding on to her, Dee frowned slightly.  "Mop things up?  What exactly is there to mop up?  We still have no real idea who this bloody lot are."


As several figures emerged from the other van holding weapons, she knew that there might be something to deal with down her after all, but they still were not completely certain who that group was.   Taking a deep breath, she glanced at Jasmine.  "Cover me."  The Englishwoman stated as she surrounded herself with a field of red telekinetic energy. 


Stepping out of the Ministry van, she looked over across the way at the group of armed men.  "We are from the Ministry of Powers, here to deal with the Osprey.  Please lower your weapons and identify yourselves."


Of course, she did not fully trust them to be honest, so she reached out with her telepathy towards the mind of one of the men, looking to see what she might be able to learn about the reason for their presence. 

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Inside the Mind of Big Nelson


Godamnit how the hell did the Osprey get away? The Middleman gonna damn well kill me. He knows already, I'll bet. Goddamn Middleman knows everything. How the hell does he know everything? How the hell? He got spies everywhere? He planted a chip in everybodies brain? how?


What the hell is that creature flying around? Another Osprey? Osprey Mark 2? Looks like a mean machine...


Who is this chick? What is she saying? The Ministry of Powers? Who the hell is this she, anyway? She looks hot, mind...real kinda sexy, mmm baby, you and me, back in my place, and my lovenasium...


wait, why is she glowing like that? Hell, she really is from the Ministry of Powers? What is she, some kind of new super duper chick? better watch out, Nelson boy, them super dupers are hell tough. Watch out, although its kind of hot too. 


Yeah baby, the lovenasium...


Wait...they want the Osprey too? Why? Maybe they could save my neck...get them to catch him, then I can get him back from them? Wait...is the Middleman in with the Ministry? He knows everything...must know what's going on in the Ministry too! Maybe he sent them? Damn the Middleman! Can he read minds or something?

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The kick spun Osprey around, the monstrous bird-man flapping wildly as he tried to regain equilibrium and get himself settled, cursing himself furiously at having missed such an easy target. 'Stupid, stupid! Got carried clear away and forgot to aim. Gah, I never get used to this height. Now, where's he got to...' Alden looked wildly about for his enemy, his eyes catching the tail of Young Britannia's light streaking off into the atmosphere like a comet.


His beak fell open a little. "...Alright then. Guess she...won't need help."


Looking back at the scene he'd just left, Osprey's neck-feathers stood up as he caught sight of the man far below, the one who he'd intended to go and help first, lying eerily still. Wheeling around he folded his wings and hurtled back to earth, wind streaming past and then slamming against him like a wall as he swung the massive limbs out to stop himself just in time. With his talons he gently lifted up the injured man "Be still. We'll get you out of this mate, I promise!" he whispered in the victim's ear, for all that it sounded rather horrible croaking from a massive beak.


Bounding over to the van carrying along with the standard-issue government blokes a woman wielding what looked uncannily like a paintball gun as a rifle, and a young woman who looked both punkesque and strangely familiar, he called out "Hey! This man's like to die if we hang about, does anyone know First Aid? I'm Osprey!" he added, desperation tinging his inhuman voice "That guy up there's not me, he's some monster named Tylluan, you've got to believe me!"

Edited by Arichamus
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