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Mystic Meet Up


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Just tossing this one up for thinking about. I emphasise thinking about rather than doing! so thoughts please!

FC now has quite a few active mystic characters by which I mean characters whose powers are magic and actually use magic as per magicians / sorcerers / whatevers rather than just have "magical" as descriptors: as far as I can tell its

Nick C [Trollthumper]

Rene DeS [Myself]

Marcus / Arcturus [Granspear ZX]

Warlock aka Kid Cthullu [Lonestar]

Etain [Aioroo]

I may be missing some - or more!

I was wondering if there was any millage in having these characters meet up at some point for a social thread, in a manner similar (not identical) to Dok A's Braniac Brunch?

Any thoughts or ideas?

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I remember we had one of these a few months back -- Thistle and Thyme. But given the new influx of mystics, a second meet-up probably would work as well.

EDIT: Come to think on it, there are two NPCs I've been meaning to work in for a while... maybe I could run the thread. Then again, I've been running them out the ears thus far...

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Ok that seems enough to run with...

Any thoughts about where?

Also: I am going to cautiously sound people out here - and this is a very cautious sound out - is there any interest in a communal mystic HQ?

"The Lab" went very well (and is going strong) but I am aware that lightning rarely strikes twice. I am not sure if its a good idea but I thought it worth throwing in.

EDIT: TT, more than happy for you to run the thread!

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If you are happy to run this that sounds good TT, I think a social gathering at first would be good, possibly throwing in the usual arcane (knowledge) rolls etc and reputation threads - a mystic puzzle and ritual for us tops. Combat would get a bit heavy I think.

At it stands we have:

Etain / Aoiroo - INterested in communal HQ

Nick / TrollThumper - Interested in communal HQ

Rene / Supercape - Interested in communal HQ

Arcturus / GranspearZX - No view on HQ

Equinox / Ecal - No view on HQ

Mercury / Griffalo - No view on HQ

Havent heard anything from Lonestar (re Warlock) so presume he isn't interested at the moment (the other major active mystic PC I know of).

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Etain / Aoiroo - INterested in communal HQ

Nick / TrollThumper - Interested in communal HQ

Rene / Supercape - Interested in communal HQ

Arcturus / GranspearZX - No view on HQ

Equinox / Ecal - No view on HQ

Mercury / Griffalo - Interested in communcal HQ

Warlock / Lonsetar - Interested in communal HQ

For reference.

5 PP is enough to build a comprehensive HQ. It seems there is enough interest in this from chat and this thread. Griff, dont worry about not chipping in yet, it will take a moth or two to set up both in terms of mechanics and in terms of "story" - it would probably come as a result of the social thread I guess. All one has to do is just put aside 1 PP.

I think TT is doing the thread now. At some point if the HQ is go ahead greenlighted we will need a thread to discuss the in's and outs of it. The most important initial decisions are the name and whether it would be a "secret" HQ (known only to members) or "open" HQ (known to the public, or to all mages, or anything inbetween).

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