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Using the latest maps she had access to, Predator guided Echohead’s driving when necessary. Otherwise she was a quiet companion, which probably did little to help the sense of emptiness her companions felt. She would give short simple answers to any questions but did little to initiate conversation.


It wasn’t intentional, she simply found herself preoccupied. Aside from a few satellite photos, she could not find any documentation on the scientific facility they were heading towards. Even with her A.I., Cynthia, helping her she was coming up empty handed and it was beginning to aggravate her.


When the fence comes into view, Predator slips out of the car. Her smooth armored helmet sweeping one way, then the other, taking it in. The lock was simple but the junction boxes spaced along the fence in both directions were more than enough of a warning.

“They obviously aren’t but so concerned with security.”

Her voice carried more than expected in the quiet jungle.

“The lock is more for show. The fence is electrified.”


The two ear-like units on the sides of her helmet split along invisible seems and open, revealing smaller arrays of lenses and antennas. The units twitch and the smaller arrays swivel with faint whirls as they scan.

Inside her suit, multiple screens open as she scans their surroundings. Infrared and ultraviolet data create colored overlays as audio enhancement programs attempt to amplify any distinguishable noises. Algorithms she’d been using for years attempting to pick out any useful information.

Edited by Spacefurry
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"Oh dear..."


the electric fence crackled in the air, and inside Umberto's skull. 


There it was; that blurred line in his eyeball, that vague amorphous shape that was not quite in focus. A zig zag line. 


Maybe it was the fence, maybe it was the stress. Maybe he was tired, or had too much coffee on the plane. Whatever it was, a migraine was coming on. A zinger. 


He wasn't going to admit it though. He had to look like a cool super-spy. So instead he reached into his Impervium weave jacket and pulled out his medication. He looked casually at Predator and took two blue pills. 


"Just to ah... umm... stay alert... or something..." he spluttered, before trying to change the subject. 


"Can you get us through with some super technology or something? That electric field should be shut down!"

Before it makes my head explode...


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