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The Eel - PL7 Bedlam PC


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The Eel

Power Level: 7 (116/121PP)
Tradeoffs: -3 Toughness/+3 Defense 
Unspent PP: 5
In Brief: Amnesiac former Labyrinth agent with induced mutations
Identity: Unknown
Birthplace: UK?
Occupation: Currently unemployed
Affiliations: The Labyrinth (former)
Family: Unknown


Age: Mid-twenties?
Gender: Female
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown with blonde highlights


The young woman known only as 'the Eel' is a slender, athletic woman of medium height. Her hair is cut short in a practical pixie bob, and she wears no jewelry. Her movements are graceful and confident, and she speaks in a rather posh, Received Pronunciation accent. The Eel wears a slick, full body suit, which she calls her 'Eelskin'; it not only provides her an element of protection, but also responds to her chameleonic coloration and can even replicate other clothing. It also has a built-in zipable pouch that holds small items. It is currently the only garment she owns, though sometimes she'll wear a thrift store trenchcoat over it in the field.



A young woman with no memory of her past beyond her strange moniker, 'the Eel' is trying to write a new life on her blank state. She is haunted by the feeling that she's done something very bad, and must atone for it; to this end, she will help those she encounters in any way she can. She currently works as a bartender (one of the few 'normal' skills she recalls) at Club Maxx as 'Eileen Lake', a false identity she's assembled over time.


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Though she doesn't remember it, the Eel was created by the Labyrinth, who very much want to reacquire their property, as she is one of their most valuable assassins,  representing a considerable investment.


Personality & Motivation:

Like many Brits, the Eel has a rather dry sense of humor, frequently dipping into gallows humor. Most of the skills she can recall are rather sinister, and she's struggling to find better uses of them. She's willing to steal to live, though she's not particularly proud of it, and feels a strange affinity for the struggling lower classes.


Powers & Tactics:

There are very few places the Eel can't get into if she's really determined, as she's extremely sneaky and hard to pin down. Unfortunately she is now much more sensitive to heat, and has to take care to avoid fire-based attacks. The Eel is built for infiltration and information gathering, and while she can handle herself in a fight, she's far from a heavy hitter. However her toxin is very effective at making people more pliable if not outright unconscious, ideal for incapacitating security guards and the like.



I Don't Remember, I Don't Recall.: The Eel is currently suffering from retrograde amnesia, with no memory of events prior to washing up in Bedlam. This leaves her very vulnerable in a very dangerous place.


I Think I Used To Be Awful.: Sometimes Eel will catch a glimpse of her previous life,  or have an instinctive, hostile reaction to stimuli, and she doesn't like what she sees.


Sounds A Bit Posh, Don't She?: The Eel apparently comes from an upper class English family, and therefore speaks in a rather RP accent; this doesn't always go over so well with the 'hoi polloi', especially if they're from the UK.


No Pictures, Please: Both the Eel and 'Eileen' hate to be photographed, and will get very upset if it's done without consent. Photos can end up on the web, which could lead to her past catching up with her.


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Find Her, Now!: If the Labyrinth ever finds her location, they will be very motivated to catch their little lost fish.



ABILITIES2 + 6 + 12 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 34PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 18 (+4)


COMBAT: 6 + 8 = 14PP
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dex)
Attack: +3 Ranged, +7 Melee (+3 Base, +4 Attack Focus)
Grapple: +19/+21 (+7 Melee, +6 Grappling Finesse, +6 Elongation [+2 if using Addl. Limbs])
Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus)
Knockback: -1/-2


SAVES0 + 4 + 1 + 4 = 9PP
Toughness +4 (+3 Con, +1 'Eelskin' suit)
Fortitude +7 (+3 Con, +4)
Reflex +7 (+6 Dex, +1)
Will +6 (+2 Wis, +4)


SKILLS: 64R = 16PP

Acrobatics 4 (+10)

Bluff 6 (+10)

Diplomacy 1 (+5)

Disable Device 4 (+5)

Disguise 0 (+4, +24 from Morph)

Escape Artist 0 (+6, +12 w/ Elongation)

Gather Information 1 (+5)

Investigate 5 (+5)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5)

Notice 6 (+8)

Profession: Bartender 3 (+5)

Search 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+10)

Stealth 4 (+10)

Swim 11 (+12)


FEATS4 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 15PP

Attack Focus (Melee) 4

Benefit: Alternate Identity ('Eileen Lake')

Benefit: Ambidexterity

Dodge Focus 6

Equipment 1

Grappling Finesse

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)


Equipment1PP = 5EP

Binoculars 1EP

Handcuffs 1EP
Lockpicks 1EP

Laptop 1EP
Multi-tool 1EP



POWERS: 2 + 4 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 34PP

(All powers have the Mutant descriptor)


Additional Limbs 2 (Legs/Feet usable as Arms/Hands) [2PP]


Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses, Flaws: Blending) [4PP]


Device 4 (Eelskin, Flaws: Hard to Lose) [4PP]

Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, Flaws: Limited [Clothing Only])[4DP]

Protection 1 [1DP]


Drain Wisdom 7 [7PP]


Elongation 6 (250 feet) [6PP]


Immunity 3 (Environmental Condition: Cold, Environmental Condition: Pressure, Suffocation: Drowning) [3PP]


Super-Senses 3 (Accurate Ultrasonic Hearing/Sonar)[3PP]


Swimming 5 (Speed: 50 mph) [5PP]





Vulnerability (Heat Attacks, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50% DC]) [-3PP]


Weakness (Hot environments, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate, cumulative -1 penalty on all checks, attack rolls and Defense per 20 minutes) [-3PP]



DC Block

ATTACK        RANGE       SAVE                  EFFECT

Unarmed       Touch         DC 16 Tough    Damage

Drain              Touch         DC 17 Fort        Drain




Abilities 34 + Combat 14 + Saves 9 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 15 + Powers 34 - Drawbacks 6 = 116/121 points


Edited by Fox
+1pp for April 2024
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I like it! A simple, clean backstory with lots of potential and a fun theme. No complaints here at all.



Mostly some edge-case or notational stuff here, nothing huge.



Per our House Rules on Abilities, 1/3rd (rounded up!) of a character's total defense mus be base defense. A character with +10 defense must have at least +4 of it be base defense. (You've also noted +10, not +7, dodge focus.)


The knockback line is blank; should be +1/+2, by my read.



You've purchased 18 feats, not 16.



Confused by Additional Limbs. Does the character have four legs? The use of legs in activities like grappling is just assumed as part of the character's grappling bonuses (especially with Grappling Finesse - see also Black Widow's MCU fights - but honestly just in general for your on-the-ground wrestling types).


Permanent is a flaw only for Continuous powers, indicating that you can't turn them off (e.g., Insubstantial (Permanent) for a character who can't become substantial and affect the solid world). Drain doesn't really fit that bill. If you instead meant to permanently drain someone's Wisdom (ouch!), that's the Incurable power feat.


Minor notational thing, since the math still works out, but the Super-Senses line is missing its power point cost.

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I like it! A simple, clean backstory with lots of potential and a fun theme. No complaints here at all.



Yeah, I think she turned out pretty good! Another case of a PL7 version being more intersting than the original PL10 one.





Per our House Rules on Abilities, 1/3rd (rounded up!) of a character's total defense mus be base defense. A character with +10 defense must have at least +4 of it be base defense. (You've also noted +10, not +7, dodge focus.)


The knockback line is blank; should be +1/+2, by my read.



I think this is all fixed now, though Knockback still might be off.





You've purchased 18 feats, not 16.



This should be correct now. Ambidextrous covers all limbs if you take Additional Limbs, and Improved Grapple comes free with AL, if those weren't clear before.




Confused by Additional Limbs. Does the character have four legs? The use of legs in activities like grappling is just assumed as part of the character's grappling bonuses (especially with Grappling Finesse - see also Black Widow's MCU fights - but honestly just in general for your on-the-ground wrestling types).


Eel can use her feet like hands, like one of those people with no arms who learns to type, paint or tie someone's tie with their toes. So she could be having dinner with someone and pick their pocket with both hands on the table!



Permanent is a flaw only for Continuous powers, indicating that you can't turn them off (e.g., Insubstantial (Permanent) for a character who can't become substantial and affect the solid world). Drain doesn't really fit that bill. If you instead meant to permanently drain someone's Wisdom (ouch!), that's the Incurable power feat.


The idea was that she constantly secretes the Wisdom-draining toxin, and can't turn it off; if that's not appropriate for Drain, I may have to rework that power to afford it.



Minor notational thing, since the math still works out, but the Super-Senses line is missing its power point cost.



Edited by Heritage
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That's an interesting use of Additional Limbs. I'm inclined to allow it, it's clever.


Improved Grapple does not come free with Additional Limbs. This power allow you to use your normal number of limbs while grappling and still having your additional limbs free (which is very much like Improved Grapple - "... provide the benefits of the Improved Grapple feat ..."), or you can apply those extra limbs to a grapple to get a +1 bonus per rank in the power, decided when you actually go for a grapple check. You can't do both without actually buying Improved Grapple itself, and this is just the normal function of Additional Limbs.

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14 minutes ago, Fox said:

That's an interesting use of Additional Limbs. I'm inclined to allow it, it's clever.


Improved Grapple does not come free with Additional Limbs. This power allow you to use your normal number of limbs while grappling and still having your additional limbs free (which is very much like Improved Grapple - "... provide the benefits of the Improved Grapple feat ..."), or you can apply those extra limbs to a grapple to get a +1 bonus per rank in the power, decided when you actually go for a grapple check. You can't do both without actually buying Improved Grapple itself, and this is just the normal function of Additional Limbs.


Ah, okay! Well, in some ways, that's better than the actual feat! I'll remove it.

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