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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Initiative Roll (1d20+8=21) for Push.
  2. Push made a face at Dead Head as he walked up, switching it as he spoke to an amiable smile. "Dangit, scarves are my shtick. Heh, I'd ask if you're baking under the layers, but I think the question might be moot; glad to see you got my invite!" The ersatz hero looked at the assembled guests, including the one drop-in guest, and his smile widened into a grin. Hail hail, the gang's all here. "Alright, thanks for answering the invite, y'all. As you can see, I've got...well, let's just say some things have finally gone right in my life for once. But it also looks like I'm going to be settlin' down here in Freedom City for the near future, and, well, I need a place to crash. This place here's looking like my best option. Yeah, it's a bit of a fixer-upper, but if you lot can give me a hand getting the place in working order, I've got enough chili and soft drinks to feed an army on that bike." He hefted a fairly sizeable cooking pot off of the back of the bike, placing it down with a clang, and motioned to a box of groceries and supplies bungee-corded in a rather odd position on the seat. The kinetic controller smiled cheerily, patting it and the pot at the same time. "Bribery and corruption, ladies and gents. Gotta love it. So, you all in?"
  3. JAN EDITS Pretty simple stuff, to start with put a space between Haunted And Harried, and the Abilities numbers. The lack of a gap there...irritates me. And there's a bit of an error on my sheet. It lists that I've got 9 unspent PP, but I spent 4 PP last month on my hideout and motorcycle, along with a save boost. With this month, I only have 5 unspent PP. Now, for the meaty stuff! Under Powers; Device 1 (Targeting Goggles MK1; Hard To Lose; 5PP) [4PP] Enhanced Feat 2 (Accurate Attack, Attack Focus [Ranged]) [2PP] Super-Senses 3 (Direction sense, Distance Sense, Infravision) [3PP] Under Equipment: -replace Night Vision Goggles with a Rebreather, same EP cost. -lower the Lazarus motorcycle to Speed 5 from Speed 7. -using the 2 EP from the Lazarus motorcycle, add Defense System and Fire Prevention System to Lazarus Auto Repair. -and finally, change the name Lazarus Auto Repair to Lazarus Auto and Industrial Repair, or L.A.I.R. (To explain the Targeting Goggles, Push sent his Night-Vision goggles to Michael in Gear City, who sent them back express with some new features Push had requested. As for the rebreather, Quinn picked it up figuring it might come in handy, considering how Victory took him down.) And that'll leave me at 1 unspent PP. Thanks to whoever edits this for me. Doktor'd
  4. . . .Ok, Herc's dead meat. All-Out-Attack Kinetic Blast! (1d20+13=28) DC 27 Toughness Check, and I only wish I had my hammer so I could knock him into next week. >.<
  5. Push stared at the woman kneeling in front of him, then back at Hercules, then back at the woman. A beat. Then his eyes fixed on Herc, but they were no longer amused and cheerful. As a matter of fact, they were as cold as ice, and possessed of a fury that would make even hardened criminals quake. Great Hercules...had miscalculated. Badly. "Okay, first, I'm insulted you think I can be bought so easily. But with a brain the size of a walnut, that doesn't surprise me. Second, I'm downright furious that you'd pull that kind of...of..." A stream of curses flowed from his mouth as he clenched a fist, warps of energy unconsciously appearing all around him. The ground directly beneath him started to vibrate, small stones and dirt beginning to rise and float as the energy in his body was brought to the fore, and a low rumble filled the air. "Really. What could have possibly made you think I could be bought off like that? Is it the hat? The coat? I break in here, disrupt your precious ritual with some epic rokk, call out your daddy issues, which, by the way, still creep me the frak out, and blow up all your little cultist buddies! What do I have to do, huh? Call you a wimp? Fact is, mate, before I just wanted to rescue the girl. Now, I'm still going to rescue Eliza, AND kick your ass up between your ears!" His arm shot forward, a rip in the air roaring forward to impact Hercules on his barrel chest with the force of a dozen sledgehammers, another coalescing above his hand as he charged forward with a mirthless laugh. "Bring it!"
  6. Push idly picked through the rubble, looking down at the unconscious woman and extending a hand. Rubble started to shift aside as the supine suit floated up and out of the hole, dropping her rather unceremoniously in front of Dragonfly. "Heh, I still owed you one from that warehouse. I'll call it even then, shall I?" He struck a pose, winking at the gadgeteer genius...before he noted that with an eye-twinkle from her, the suit had repacked into a suitcase. Odd. How on earth had she...his eyes shifted from the suitcase to her, then back again. Then he inwardly shrugged, turning to give Powerhouse a hand out of the building. Definitley not his buisness. "So, you two want to grab lunch or something, since mine was so rudely interrupted?"
  7. The thugs behind the boss faltered, lowering their guns and looking at each other with the bare bones of shame. Those looks deepened as Shadowman mentioned hospital bills, and two of the thugs exchanged a glance as they dropped the Uzi's to the ground with a clatter. The fact that this hero had upended their van right in front of them, followed by a harangue even with the boss standing over him, didn't help much. "The cape's right...and screw this, I didn't sign up to fight a hero!" "Man, what are we doin'! Imagine what my mudder would say if she saw me here." "Yeah, robbin' a bank on Christmas, that ain't right. I'm outta here!" And the first thug sprinted for the exit, followed by a long line of them as they chucked their guns aside and fled for the door. The boss, face almost livid with rage, turned away from the hero and roared invectives. "Ya good-for-nuttin' bums! Rats! Get dose lazy hides back here! You gonna give up on a huge score 'cause of some big-mouth cape?!" The oversized boss almost started after them, but seemed to think better of it before rounding on the hero. A meaty fist clenched and unclenched in front of him as his face turned positively mean, his eyes gleaming with malice. The crook stepped back as he spoke, reaching up and tossing the coat aside. He wore a pair of suspenders and a ratty pair of stretched blue jeans, along with a dirty white undershirt...but what drew the eye was that one hand was holding...a huge iron ball and chain! "Youse got a big mouth, hero. Youse just made me miss out on a big score, and dat means youse gotta pay. Y'know what dat means, cape?"
  8. Right, if Aoi bails on the attack, the thugs en masse look very much ashamed. The boss doesn't, of course, cause he's the boss. Either way, things are about to get complicated. :D
  9. Quick Gather Information check, having been done on the interim (I'm going to make one for each of the heroes he's run with, when I'm not distracted >.<) Gather Information check. (1d20+2=19) Huh. Pretty solid one, even with a tiny Cha adjustment and no Gather Information skill.
  10. Quinn shrugged, looking at her face with curiosity. That voice sounded oddly familiar to him as well, though he couldn't quite place it...then it struck him. Parker, very familiar voice...came through a voice box, power suit, Parker, Jessica? Ironclad! "Your name rings a bell too...Parker...Parker...wait a sec, Jessica Parker? Ironclad?" He looked at the female hero with new respect, then blinked and looked between Warlock and her, making a connection in his head. "Hold up. You mean you..and her..and you...somehow, I shouldn't be surprised." Push shook his head, pulling the scarf down briefly and winking with an amused look on his face. "Not surprised you don't remember me, though. We met a month back at that cultist warehouse, tackled them with the zombie, the big blue tin can and Dragonfly. Does Push ring any bells?"
  11. Push watched as the initiates surrounding him dropped to their knees, leaving him the only one standing. He looked left, then right, at the small sea of heads, then up at the smug puss of that overmuscled jerk. The hero spoke from under the hood, this time his voice coming from just him, and the music stopped. "Aww, no more? I was just about to start in on your daddy issues." Reaching down, he seized the fabric of his disguise, and with a flourish, swept it up and over his head, flinging the disguise into the air. The Kinetic King stood in his full costume in the centre of the crowd, his coat and scarf billowing, rough wool cap over the top of his head, eyes smiling. He spread his arms wide, palms facing upwards, as he grinned defiantly at the demigod standing over the supine heroine. "But where are my manners? Let me introduce myself!" And, faster than you could blink, his hands whipped down, palms facing outwards, and a massive shockwave of kinetic force spread outwards from his body, slamming into the cultists surrounding him and scattering them like leaves in a wind. Bodies flew through the air, slamming into columns, the walls, the floor...and stayed down. "Call me Push. Now you going to give my friend back, or does this have to get ugly?"
  12. Push knows Grim, so if you're doing a thread with her, I'll throw in.
  13. Quinn shrugged at Powerhouse with a wink, and, grinning, he thumbed at the large pile of tools and materials attached to the pack on the bike. "Heh, didn't say the chili'd be free, mate. We're going to fix the roof, at least, and get power back into the basement for now. The food's a thank-you for anyone who wanted to help out. I was actually going to invite you...but I kinda didn't know how to reach ya. You showin' up, well...heh, it's good to see you, any road." Push looked a bit embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head, a lopsided smile creasing his features. Hearing KC speak, he turned, pulled his scarf down and smiled, walking over and shaking both KC and Miss Parker's hands. "Hey KC! Glad you could make it! And a pleasure to meet you, Miss Parker. So you got my invitation, Kid?"
  14. "Aww, what's wrong, Jerk-ules? Don't like heavy metal?" Push spun a few cultists around himself, patting them down and moving on to the next. A wide grin spread underneath his scarf, as, subtly, he moved through the crowd, getting closer towards the altar while still remaining somewhat anonymous. "Love the decor here. Bit over-the-top though, reminds me of this small-time band of miscreants I beat the stuffing out of back in Freedom City. Now, they weren't all that bright, I'll give you that, but they never tried kidnapping a heroine right off the streets. Let me guess, Herc, can I call you Herc? You can't get a girl on your own, so you start kidnapping them? Now, I know the whole musclebound airheaded jock thing isn't really that popular nowadays, but have you tried online dating? I hear that works wonders." He was getting nearer to the altar...the music rising in tempo as his snark stepped up...
  15. Showtime. The chant rose in tempo, the air fairly humming in anticipation as the blade started to lower...then a jarring sound erupted from all sides of the room. The sound of an air-raid siren. A shrill screech from all sides, the sounds of automatic weapons fire, blasts and explosions in the distance...then a sudden jam of electric guitars. Heavy metal music, earsplitting in the throne room, blared all around the clustered evildoers, and Push smiled underneath his scarf. "I'll have you know, that I become....INDESTRUCTIBLE!" Push moved with the crowd as they looked in all directions, keeping his head down and muttering under his breath into his commlink. His voice came out cold and clear, echoing in the chamber as it flowed from the hidden speakers. "So sorry, were you doing something important there? It was just so boring, I had to spice it up a bit!"
  16. Forgot about the Cutlass blow! DC 23 Toughness save (1d20+12=26) Blow slows down as it hits the field, just tapping Push's coat. Sorry, Cappy ;)
  17. It was a testament to how used to Freedom City Push had become that he didn't bat an eye at Powerhouse appearing from the ether right when he needed help. Of course, this help was more mundane than most, but hey, no complaints here. Less work for him. He turned and gave Powerhouse a rare grin, even lifting his chin briefly over the scarf. "Heh, 's my Christmas tree, mate. Celebrating today and my new lease on life, even invited a few folks over to help me move in, have a pot of chili and all that." Quinn motioned behind himself at the half-wrecked old garage, visibly glowing with glee as he spoke. "Isn't it beautiful? This here's going to be the new Lazarus Auto Repair...just as soon as I get it fixed up. Want to hang around, I bought enough ingredients to feed a small army?"
  18. The eddies and currents of movement swirled around Push as he turned, except now with a great deal more grace. His body seemed to be surrounded by one giant warp for a split-second as he extended another hand, pointing it towards his last target. He felt the energy flow from the man to his arm with the same speed it had from his previous opponent, slowing but not completely paralyzing. The ersatz hero looked at his compatriots in arms with a wolvish grin. "Dragonfly! He's all yours!"
  19. The driver's head snapped back and he tumbled outwards as the van flipped on it's side with an almighty crash, causing the majority of the crooks to spin and point their guns at it with a truly prodigious amounts of "ka-click"s. Bags of legal tender lay on their sides as the gangsters slowly looked about, gun barrels following their eyes. The leader, walking up with footsteps that shook the floor tiles, and looked at his men. The oversized criminal just shook his head, chuckling in a low bass rumble, before reaching down and, with one hand, easily hefted the van overhead and looked down with beady eyes at the figure who had been huddling behind it with a big-ol' grin under that hat. "Hey boys, check dis out! Sandy Claus's sent us a hero for Christmas! You gotta name, shorty?"
  20. Right, Hammerquake time! . . . Just kidding! Paralyze, take two! (1d20+13=26) DC 27 Fort save, Flare. Kinetic Paralyze redux, Push sets 'em up...
  21. Gabriel Quinn was actually cheery, for once. A bust in Downtown had gone exceedingly well, and he actually had a rather sizeable amount of spending money courtesy of some lowlifes who'd thought they could purchase some villain's tech for cheap. In the spirit of the season, he'd swapped his usual wool cap for one of those classic Santa hats, and the messenger bag with his costume hung from his side as he idly flipped through a holiday catalogue, looking up and down a hardware store for some tools Michael would like. Not like I've got anyone else to send stuff to... Come to think of it, Quinn mused, it had been a very long time since he actually had gone Christmas shopping. Before he met Michael, he'd been living on the streets, and he hadn't seen his parents in...well...he didn't like to think about that. Probably the last time he'd bought any presents was the year before he'd gone on the run...the incognito hero shook his head, putting the catalogue down and examining a shiny new adjustable wrench. Not a bad piece of work, the toolkit it came with was cheap, and what the hell was that?! Panicked screaming sounded from outside the store, and he clapped a hand to his forehead. Sprinting for the nearest washroom, he hauled the ever-present scarf out from the bag, winding it around his head and neck with narrowed eyes. No rest for the wicked...
  22. In which Push throws a holiday bash...with a very odd guest list!
  23. Date: December 25, 2010 Weather: Cloudy skies, with mild flurries. Time: 5:00 PM The skyline flew beneath Push, as he soared through the falling snow with a grin. His first Christmas as a free man...the kinetic controller resisted the urge to do a loop-the-loop. Ever since that Kent guy had told him he was essentially off the hook, and was being permitted to continue his chase of Scratch with AEGIS help...heh, he'd gone to a downtown bar and proceeded to have way too much spiked eggnog. He checked the large parcel he was keeping afloat with his other hand, the Christmas tree speeding along beside him thanks to a minor bit of telekinesis. That new modification he'd gave his bike was quite helpful as well, the old Kawasaki speeding driverless through the streets down below holding a whole slew of parcels and packages he'd had Mike send (a postcard through the proper channels could do wonders). Slowly, he descended, aiming for a building he'd seen not that long ago; an old, abandoned auto repair. Landing lightly for once, he slowly lowered the tree so that it leaned on the building, watched at the bike stopped, and kicked the kickstand down for it. Yep...this place'd make a fine hideout. Turn the basement into a headquarters, hook up the dynamo, get the tree up, and...yeah, a big pot of chili. Just like he and Mike used to make back in the day. Except...for one slight problem. "Really should've thought of how to get the tree inside before I grabbed it...bugger."
  24. Need some more threads, could I throw Push in?
  25. Push smiled, sauntering forward once Kraken had shoved the pistol into his sash, and spoke real friendly-like, the smile extending to a cheery grin that even stretched above the scarf. "Now, Cap'n, no need t'be so violent. After all, it's all dishonest men here, right? And dishonest men, y'can always trust t'be dishonest. Honestly!" He stepped up beside Kraken, looking about at the others...and the grin turned wolvish. "Now, it's the honest ones you have to look out for, because you never know when they're about to do something incredibly...stupid." Within the space of a heartbeat, Push's hand had shot up to his hammer, and, spinning on his heel, let loose with an absolute torrent of force, slamming the end of the hammer right into Kraken's gut!
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