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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. The blast splashed across Push's chest, a tiny bit of the energy managing to make it past his barrier, and he winced. The wince...turned into a snarl. He extended a hand, closing his eyes and feeling the currents of motion surrounding him, surrounding everyone. The suited man by Powerhouse stood like a beacon amidst the eddies, and he drew that energy towards himself, both refilling his repository of energy...and making it a hell of a lot harder for that man to move. "Freeze." Push's eyes opened, and he felt a might disappointed as the man visibly slowed to a crawl instead of a complete stasis lock. Still, better than nothing.
  2. All Out Attack Paralyze (1d20+13=28) Freeze, criminal scum! DC 27 Fortitude Save, please.
  3. Ok, attacking me, rolling toughness... Toughness save (1d20+12=14) O.O . . .NO. Hero Point Reroll- Toughness (1d20+12=26) Much better.
  4. Ok, let's see what happens here... Hammer time! (1d20+8=28) Crit on a hammer-blow, that's a DC 32 Toughness check! 1d20+12=19 from Flare on her Toughness save, and going through the floor...yeah, she's out cold. Knockback 12 through a concrete floor? Yeah, she's in the basement :P
  5. Seeing the blast coming this time, Push barely ducked down in time, rolling underneath his arm and coming up behind her. A wide grin split his face as he whirled the hammer overhead... "I said....Stop!" Push slammed as much power into the blow as he could spare...and surprised himself. It felt as if his arm was jolted in transit, and a truly mammoth warp of kinetic energy spun around the end of the hammer as it descended upon the villain! "HAMMER TIME!" The strike connected, crushing the suit downwards and into the ground, the suit crumpling and cracking, a dust-cloud erupting as the kinetically-augmented hammer-blow slammed the woman into...and through...the floor. As the dust cleared, Push looked down through the hole at the supine figure, half-buried in rubble, with a small cracked sewer line leaking onto the wreckage. "That's for dropping a building on my friend!" He made to turn around, then stopped briefly... "Oh, and you're under arrest." Then he spun on his heel, moving to give Powerhouse some backup.
  6. Right, posting ASAP. One problem though. Hammer has a Knockback of 12. Might want to fiat that into just into the rigging or something ;)
  7. Oh, this is going to hurt. Stop! Hammer Time! (1d20+13=25) Oi, Suzy! *WHAM*.
  8. Works for me! I better get a chance to motorcycle-joust someone with my hammer...:D
  9. 1d20+8=20 to beat Kraken's initiative roll. If that hits....
  10. Crossover issue! Shadow Man and Silhouette against a gang of thugs, a classic bank robbery!
  11. December 22, 2010. 12:00 PM; Midnight. Weather: Overcast, with scattered showers. The tellers were just seeing the last of the late-night customers out at Gold Lion Banking and Trust...the days leading up to Christmas always ended up with tons and tons of buisness, people spending money, buisnesses depositing money, money, money, money all flowing through their coffers. GLBT was nearly full to bursting with hard currency right now...and some Grinch knew it. Without warning, a massive van came bursting through the glass-front doors, the side doors sliding open and disgorging a truly prodigious amount of thuggish types, guys in caps and white sleeveless shirts, carrying many different sharp, pointy, blunt, or bullet-filled instruments. They flooded to the counters, roaring at the employees to get down. The employees, used to this kind of treatment (Freedom City, remember?), nosedived for the floor, one particularly courageous teller surreptitiously poking the silent alarm as she hit the ground. One crook panicked as he heard sirens in the distance, reflexively clutching his gun. Bullets spat from his Uzi, neatly decapitating a statue in the front foyer before a ham-like fist closed over his. "Youse should calm down. Youse could hurt somebody wit dat." The fist squeezed, and the thug's face went white from the pain. He nodded, and the fist unclenched. A massive figure in an oversized trenchcoat and fedora marched forward, pointing to the various boxes and crates around the back. "No time for da safe, just grab what youse can and haul it to the van. Get movin', ya lugs!" A smile under the hat as the thugs started running around, ferrying boxes and bags of money, hard currency to the van. "Hurr hurr hurr...now this is what I call a Merry Christmas, boys!"
  12. Push smiled slightly, looking around the bridge. Poor Supercape seemed a mite uncomfortable, but serve him right for disrupting his lunch. Still...he'd let him sweat enough. He shifted over to Kid Cthulhu, muttering under his breath. "Tell Powerhouse that the second Supercape is at the controls, we take the bridge." He then stepped up with a flourish, patting his "captain" on the shoulder and pointing at the Buccaneer's controls. "Cap'n Cape! Surely y'not planning on lettin' 'em go out without sendin' the unlockin' code, are ya? Y'gotta send it through the proppa frequencies, or yer'll never find it!" The scarfed wonder subtly winked at Supercape, making a slight move-along motion. He decided to play on the classic failings of all pirate captains. Paranoia, and greed. "Ya always told us that if y'didn't do it right, there'd be....consequences."
  13. Push looked up and motioned to the words, written in English on the page, shrugging. "Not likely. Take a look at the page beside it, the one with the real old-school language, old parchment...yeah, book was bought local, the stuff inside's probably that (he thumbed behind him, presumably at the unconscious head cultist) idiot's version of a journal." Flipping over a few more pages, he pointed out various spots to Templar, the cultist's journal writings revealing several weeks of preparation and planning for the one ritual. Some discussions about a "Mr. Webster", some rantings on the glory of the Horned One, cleansing of the unclean and so on. Push made some mental notes to check the locations the cultist had met with "Mr. Webster". He leaned on the podium, rubbing the back of his head with a groan. "Eeeehh...fewer leads than I'd have liked, but more than I've gotten recently. Leastways I know he's in Freedom City..." Push shook his head, flipping the book closed and shoving the cameraback into the bag and turning to face the others. "Look, might not have been the most civil I could've been when you showed up earlier. So...thanks. Don't think I could've pulled this off alone."
  14. ...My previous toughness save against the sneak-attack was the exact same... *eyes invisiblecastle very carefully*
  15. Already rolled the toughness check, Flare saw it. Return fire! First with a Feint move action, see if I can lower that defense any! REAL Roll this time! Feint check! (1d20+8=15) Second, rolling to strike with the hammer, All Out Attack (+5 Atk, -5 Def this turn) Stop! Hammer Time! (1d20+13=16) Curse you InvisibleCastle! If it (by some miracle) hits, that's a DC 27 Toughness Check.
  16. Push didn't even notice as she popped up, and didn't turn around as the blast of space/time enveloped his head. His head practically vanished under the seething energy, the warps from his kinetic barrier lashing against the blast seeking to push through. The barrier won. The woman's blast vanished as the barrier pushed forward, the shards of space scattering to the four winds. Push turned, looking at her with the lazy eye. Suddenly, his head shot forward, causing her to recoil, and he grinned. Saying just one word. "Stop." And, whirling on his heel, the hammer swung with him, aiming right at the woman's torso! "Hammer time."
  17. A bolt struck the man right in the midsection, toppling him over just as a warp in space-time flew through the air where his head would be. Push's hand, surrounded by warps in the air, lowered, and he stared at the other two. His coat rippled in the backwash from the bolt, which had nailed the suited jerk with the same force as a pair of sledgehammers. Being swung by weight-lifters. He nodded at Dragonfly, looking genuinely apologetic. "Sorry, did you want that one?"
  18. Combined Attack on the chatty one (thankee much, Fox ), Push throws a Kinetic Bolt, with All-Out-Attack (+5 Atk, -5 Def) 1d20+13=18 Hope this works. DC 27 Toughness if it hits, along with the augmentation from Fox's.
  19. Well, I'm not much of a diplomat, but I could piss 'em off real nice... Meh, never mind. Initiative roll! 1d20+8=26 Not bad, not bad at all :D
  20. Push looked at the Captain, seemingly mulling over the captain's words, and leaned on the wall of the ship (away from the railing, he wasn't taking that risk). "Arr...t'be put in such a situation, it lies poorly with me...and what's worse is that we can't tell ye where the treasure's buried! Our captain, a fine buccaneer, aye, he buried the treasure somewhere down on that there dustball, with a crew o' ten men...and he shot 'em all dead so that no man'd ever find it. If ya want the loot, then you'll have t'save 'im first, Captain. And we're the only ones who know where he's floatin', so y'shove us overboard, ya won't get anythin'."
  21. Name: Scrapyard 105/105 pp Appearance Abilities: 16 pp Str 25 (+6) Dex 18 (+4) Con 18 (+4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Combat: 32 pp ATK: +8 (-2 size) DEF: +8 (-2 size) (+10/+3 flatfooted) Init: +11 Saves: 10 pp Toughness +10 (+7 Con, +3) Fortitude +10 (+7 Con, +3) Reflex +10 (+7 Dex, +3) Will +6 (+2 Wis, +4) Skills: 7 pp = 28 r Intimidate 7 (+0) Drive 10 (+) Notice 5 (+) Sense Motive 6 (+) Feats: 10 pp All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Improved Initiative Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Powers: 30 pp Growth 4 (Extra: Duration [Permanent] (+0) (PF: Innate)) [13 pp] Immunity 1 (Aging) (1 pp) Morph 2 (Futuristic car) [2pp] Protection 3 [3 pp] Speed 4 (100 mph) [4 pp] Enhanced Strength 7 [7 pp] Drawbacks: +1 pp (Common, Moderate) Weak Points (tires) [+3 pp]
  22. Push snarled as he moved away from the door to the throne room, suppressing the urge to fire a shot clear into that...that...overmuscled thug's head. Big Grecian hero, huh...that Disney movie had it right, Jerk-ules was more apt. He tugged slightly at the white robe he'd purchased to match the other initiates, except with one change. A large hood covered his head, and the ends of his longcoat just hung under the bottom of the voluminous piece of clothing. He'd only just returned, having made a few...interesting pick-ups while out in the city, moving swiftly so he would arrive on time. Five battery-powered, wireless speakers, connected to his commlink. Three flashbang packs, set to a detonator hidden in one of his pockets. "If only I had my hammer...alright...showtime." When "Great Hercules" called for the initiates, he pulled the hood over his head and the scarf up underneath it to cover his features, filing in with the rest. The small army of cultists formed a mob in front of the altar, cheering the big demigod as he placed Elizabeth on the altar, and Push used that as a cover...he slipped in and around the columns on either side of the room, keeping out of sight, while dropping the small speakers in dark corners and turning them on. Once all five were spread around the side-walls, he moved back into the crowd, quietly stepping into the middle of it and hiding within the throng. Think you're a big man, Herc? Your little circus act is about to find out why you don't kidnap a Freedom City citizen in front of a hero!
  23. Push grinned at Powerhouse, slapping him on the back friendly-like. "Hey, relax man. There is no crime in ignorance, only in refusing to learn from it. Read that on the Internet somewhere, I think...meh. Bowling alley's a pretty wide-open space, flat lanes all lined up beside each other, couple of low walls...ooh, maybe the jukebox is still there!" His eyes shone briefly as he mentioned the jukebox, Mike had one at the old L.A.R, always playing these old rock tunes. "So, how do you two want to play this? Kick down the door and go in hot, or knock first?" He added the 'knock first' with a wry grin, eyeing the other two heroes.
  24. Push simply retracted the hand, his mouth pursed under the scarf, then he sighed and turned towards the altar yet again, shoulders hunched. Cops. Great. Come on, Scratch, this whole thing stinks of your handiwork...give me something to work with here... Out of all the texts on the podium, the ritual itself was all one page, and he looked at it askance. Magic wasn't his strong point, even though he'd run into it more than once. Still, something seemed...off...about it. Either way, it was the only clue he had. The language on it was definitley old, too, and it was written on old-school parchment. He took out his mini-cam and snapped a quick picture of both sides, leaving the page itself as evidence for the police. Hmm...this might be what I'm looking for... Leave the rest for the cops, then. Still, knowing Scratch, the place would be sufficiently removed from anything near him. But it was the only lead he had anyway. He stepped down off of the podium, thoughts moving through his mind as he considered how to swiftly disappear. Bending down, he began helping to move the zombie remains along with Dead Head, keeping himself busy with work while the others discussed.
  25. Push's head was whirling as he walked outside, looking at the building with a raised eyebrow. He barely understood a word of what was being said earlier, but he definitley got the gist of it...that poor girl. He moved quietly off down another alleyway, as a wolvish smile crossed his mouth. He'd be able to watch, huh? Well...if they wanted a show, he'd sure as hell give it to them. "Speakers...some flashbangs...oh yeah, these jerks won't know what hit them!" And he launched himself into the air with a laugh, eyes scanning the skyline for an electronics store and a hardware store...
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