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Everything posted by Darksider42

  1. Because it worked the last time, Riff blasts! Same shift in Damage and attack as before 21! Another hit! DC 29 Toughness save again. Not sure if knockback is in effect or not though.
  2. Riff is gonna go with another blast. Adjusted towards damage by +2 22 a hit?
  3. Riff managed to quickly fly out of the way of the explosion of fire, although the canopy of infernal playing screamed in his ears.It did not phas him however. This fight was starting to escalate and he had little to no idea how he was going to bring down this monster. Only thing he could do was continue to smash this thing with music and hope he could knock this thing down. When Pitch started doing...Something to the Infernal Instrument, Riff sent down another blast of sound at the hellish demon. His brain started questioning the wisdom of this action. He wasn't an expert on demonology and there was the thought he might have screwed things up. Oh damm...
  4. The demons power is weakening...It is time to Strike! Riff Shifts attack damage by +2 And its a 27! 29DC toughness check
  5. Riff attempts the Reflex save... And its a 27! He makes it! The crowd goes wild for Wilder! EDIT: Turns out I need to make a second roll... 18!? Noooo! Well, I could survive the Fortitude save....24! More than enough to survive that.
  6. Riff froze as he watched the piano reform into a demon of wood, strings and fire. The sound around him seemed to cease as he watched on. ​"...Didn't see that coming." He shook his head. This thing was still a threat to him, the woman and May, even if she was dumb enough to bring it into this world. His shield snapped back into existence around him. "I like to think of myself more as a man of music. More since it looks like I with need to smash those keys off of your face." And with that, he let another blast of music directly at the body of the beast. Well, whatever looked solid anyway.
  7. ...Well, Didn't see that one coming. Anyway! Riff makes with another blast! regular this time Roll is 30! DC27 Toughness check
  8. "As a professional musician and superhero, I can tell you right now that what you are using is not the power of music." Riff replied to the increasingly delusional pianist. The torrent of music started to surround the guitarist once more. With another strum it came crashing down again. This thing needed to get smashed back to wherever it came. That much Riff was certain about the situation.
  9. Smash the Piano! Blast it with more sound! Shifting attack the same as before. Roll is 18 Doubt that hits, so another re-roll. Riff is down to 2 Hero points now 23 a hit? If so, its another DC32 Toughness save for the piano of doom.
  10. "Wait, what?" Riff was a little confused when the mystery woman on fire mentioned the pianos demonic power. It did seem to make sense, after all the thing seemed to be doing most of the heavy work while she just played. Eyeing the apparently demonic piano, Riff started playing his guitar. The air around him seemed to whine and scream as soundwaves surround him. "Better watch out. this might get messy." With one last strum, he sent down an avalanche of concentrated sound and music directly towards Mary Venn's infernal instrument.
  11. Riff will attack...The piano! Shifing Attack/ Damage to +5 Damage. Rolling! 19 Unlikely to hit. Using a Hero point to Reroll! Reroll! 17+10 since its under 11 = 27! DC32 Toughness check from Demon Piano!
  12. "Huh." Apparently Riff was expecting a little more from that attack than remain standing. The guitarist started to float upwards into the air, coat billowing behind him as he looked down at Mary. "Well, encore will have to do." He said as he strummed out another wave of sound at the invernal pianist, angling the shot so the mysterious woman on fire wouldn't get hit. He raised his eyebrow as he caught a few words from the now retreating Celeste. Would have expected a little more confidence than that.
  13. Seeing as Stuns don't work very well, Riff elects to attack with more sound blast! Dice roll: 28! DC27 Toughness like before.
  14. Riff winced at the damage he just caused. He was hoping Celeste had been keeping up with her insurance. "Well, can't play the same tune all day." He muttered as his fingers became a blur as he played his guitar, sending a twisted frequency at the demonic performer floating above. Hopefully the opening attack on her had affected her enough for this to knock her out.
  15. Whelp, Riff rolls to stun instead of straight up blasting her. And the roll is....31! DC18 Fortitude from Mary to recover from that.
  16. Riff leaned back just as the strings came within an inch of touching him. He was certain they were partially stopped by his sound barrier. Though without amount of torture Mary was cranking out with her piano was starting to grate on the guitarists nerves. "Already am thank you very much." Riff said as he stepped back and unleashed another cord that crashed against the pianist. He did not seem to noticed Carmen make a run for it, though if he did he would have to agree the fight had to end soon. He looked over behind him and was surprised with the appearance of Pitch. He sighed, even though it was somewhat apparent this woman had come to help. Should have guessed Faust would be popular with the forces of hell...
  17. Riff makes another blast at the Pianist from hell! the result is: 29! Pretty sure thats a hit DC 27 toughness like before.
  18. Riff ducked to the side as bolts of hellfire came spiralling towards him. "OK, not a bad opener. You really screwed up that note though." The guitar genius rambled as he gripped his guitar and strummed a note that sent pure sound crashing right into the demonically powered pianist. "Now thats how you hit a note." "Hey! I usually try to reduce collateral damage." Riff said to Carmen behind him. "Though the running part is still a good idea though." He said with a slight hint in his voice.
  19. Initiative Roll! 22! Now for the Attack Roll! d20 + 12 = 22 again! Delaying the actual post so Carmen can react
  20. Riff rolled his eyes. Why is it always the ones with the inferiority complex? "Well, I suppose I could play along with your game for awhile. Not like we are performing before a live audience or anything like that." He announced as he started to make a few quick last second tune up to his guitar.. He looked over his shoulder to Carmen. "It might be smart to get moving. Unless you really want to stick around." He didn't know exactly what to expect from this woman, but he had a feeling things were about to get torn up and fast. Better no one got caught in the crossfire.
  21. Warren smiled as the audience applauded. Sure, he wasn't use to them restraining themselves until the very end but it was nice to completely focus on his music for a change. His smile however started to fade when he spotted the floating piano that was approaching the stage. Only in Freedom City would he consider something like this remotely normal. Then again, he was expecting something to happen. Riffs eyes darted between Carmen and Mary Venn. "Not that I'm agreeing to anything, but what exactly are you are proposing for you contest?" As he spoke, the air around him started to warp and twist. He slowly walked around the stage, deliberately putting himself between the mysterious pianist and the two women onstage. He was curious as to what Celest and Mary's history were though.
  22. Not bad at all. Riff thought as he started to play his own guitar. Years of practice showed as his fingers danced along the fretboard, a cascade of melodies echoed through the theater as he tried to match Carmen's guitar work. He sang quite well, choosing lyrics he worked on before the show had started when he was asked to come here. it wasn't bad singing, though it was eclipsed at times by his stage partners vocal work. He smiled as the show went on. Things were going well. Perhaps his paranoia was unfounded.
  23. Riff Performs! Take 10 on Guitar (Masterful Performance) and we shall roll for Singing 12+16=28 Rated as a memorable performance!
  24. "Yep." Riff responded to Carmen as he followed after them. His eyes and ears kept searching the crowd everywhere from backstage to the audience. Opera houses were a favorite attack spot from the Maestro and facing down the infamous Conductor of Crime was not something he wanted to deal with right now. ​"If there are any pyrotechnics, the stage hands are probably working on them." He said as he opened up his case and pulled out his black and blue guitar. He strummed a few cords and started twisting the machine heads. "I wouldn't worry too much. You must have at least some skills if they brought you in." He went on to say with a smile. Riff did admit he wasn't sure if she was just being modest or she was out of practice. That mystery will probally be answered once they hit the stage. He did pause for a second though. Did the director just tell me to get ready to get killed? The Guitar Genius was hoping he was just imagining that part.
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