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Everything posted by Heritage

  1. Heritage

    College Visit

    It takes only the work of a few seconds for Velocity to find a nice length of extension cord to bind the unconscious youths, and in the blink of an eye they are trussed up like Thanksgiving turkeys. Her work done, she darts off like a yellow blur in search for other foes.
  2. Grim nods, her whole body wincing from the sensory assault that is nearly overwhelming her keen senses; when Rival makes his move, Grim is on his tail, running, flipping and jumping like a mad thing, doing everything in her power to make herself a difficult target as she pours it on, everything focused on getting through the hole alive. She might not be as graceful as her mentor, but it's a thrilling and oddly elegant display nonetheless.
  3. Gossamer frowns as she looks at the work the Emissary is so eager to set aside. "Hmm. So it appears I'm to be your enabler in playing hooky." She enters the room and takes a seat, propping her chin on her fist. "You know, I should be delivering one of my father's lectures on the necessity of doing important work, no matter how dull or onerous." Then she winks. "But considering you do more to improve the lives of our species in a day than he did in two decades, I suppose I can let your truancy slide for now." She laughs easily and crosses her long shapely legs. "To be honest, I was hoping you could join me in a bit of a celebration. You wouldn't happen to have any wine, would you?" She snaps her fingers. "Wait a minute, I forgot - I brought my own." From inside the depths of her locks she produces a 1982 Chateau Ausone, which she offers with dramatic flourish. "It's a lovely right bank Bordeaux; after about twenty years, you get these delightful hints of currant, raspberry and black cherry with a bit of spice. Also quite a bit of kick, to tell you the truth. Do you have any glasses?"
  4. I'm very intrigued by this as well - all sorts of moral conundrums for her, and a free demon with purchase! :D
  5. Posting my Reflex save here to keep track of it until I post.
  6. "I think it's a good plan." The dull gray words hang in the air, and sure enough Whisper is suddenly leaning against the wall in the corner. "I don't mind having you being the focus of all eyes; no one ever pays attention to me anyway." The same mortician's wax smile follows, indicating this is an attempt at humor. "I am ready." - - - - Grim had decided to show up a bit early, so see if Caprica was planning to knife anyone in the back, but from the look of things she was a legitimate operator in it for the cash and prestige; that being said, she was under no illusions about 'honor among thieves', knowing full well her teammates would drop her like a hot potato if she screwed up.
  7. Sorry guys, lost track of this one - posting now. Edit: Ok, post is up, including a link to a picture of Grim's alter ego Whisper for the good doctor's benefit - welcome aboard, Doc! :clap:
  8. Grim shifts into a version of her old panhandling get-up; scuffed sneakers, ratty jeans and a faded New Jersey Devils hoodie. She stares down blankly at her shoes as she stumbles along, hands in her pockets as she brings herself alongside Ren. "Some kinda day, huh? Or night, or whatever it is. God, all I want to do is sleep; time lag has jet lag beat to all hell, that's for sure." She yawns loudly and covers her mouth with a dirty hand (is it real dirt?). "Scuse me! Damn, I'm really feelin' it now; like I'm walking through wet sand." She kicks a stone and watches it leap and run. "First thing I'm gonna do when I get back, other than sleeping forever, is get me a hot dog with lots of onions and greasy fries. How 'bout you?"
  9. Ok, that might be my oddest post ever, but I just wanted to leap into things - let me know if it's too goofy for your tastes. :D
  10. There is a gentle knock on the door frame, delivered not my a hand but a small golden 'fist' of hair, which is soon followed by the rest of Gossamer's golden tresses, and then the beautiful heroine herself, looking somewhat sheepish as she peeks in the Emissary's office. She nervously waves a tendril as she wrings her hands. "Oh I'm so sorry, Emissary, I seem to have come at a bad time; I wanted to surprise you and say 'hello', thereby proving to myself that I can be fun and spontaneous, but now it appears I was merely being selfish." She strokes her elegant lip in thought. "Perhaps I should stick to being stodgy and patrician; it's what my family's always been good at, and there's something to be said for maintaining these quaint traditions."
  11. The good doctor's comment makes Estelle laugh out loud; if she'd been drinking a Coke, it most assuredly would have come out her nose. At the mention of time, she takes a look at her watch and turns a little pink. "Ooh, you're right; we better make haste! Rusty, I can carry you, if you like." She extends a friendly lock, if he's interested.
  12. Ready when you are, mon capitan!
  13. Luckily for the good doctor, Gossamer is able to rig herself a sort of 'hair sling' so she hangs below him when he flies, so he doesn't have to do anything improper to carry her. As they fly over the city, the blond heroine spreads her arms wide and imagines what it would be like to do this all the time. "I feel like a bird!" she cries with almost childish glee. Once they arrive at Dr. Archeville's wondrous home, she frequently stops in awe as she gazes about; without even realizing it, she starts to softy sing a song from 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'. "Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you'll see Into your imagination. We'll begin with a spin Trav'ling in the world of my creation. What we'll see will defy Explanation. If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it! Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world, there's nothing to it! There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination! Living there, you'll be free If you truly wish to be!" As they walk through the many rooms of the transdimensional mansion, Gossamer's hair tendrils spread out to gently touch the walls, furnishings and apparatus as she continues to hum the tune in her light and airy voice. When they finally arrive NERGAL's storage area, Gos is intrigued by the leonine robot. "Well, it certainly is impressive!"
  14. Oh jeez, for some reason it never occurred to me that the demon might actually make it's save! Gimme a day to come up with a slightly different idea, will post it tomorrow.
  15. Oh great, Intimidate check before I put any ranks in it; any chance of getting some kind of circumstance bonus for looking so scary? Pleeeeeaaaase? :bow: :bow: :bow:
  16. I'll be (finally!) posting her by the end of the day.
  17. Grim beams but sort of looks off to the side, a bit embarrassed by the exchange of affection; they'd been through a lot together, but it was rare they discussed how much they meant to each other as both friends and co-workers. The young heroine nods vigorously with all the talk about cellphones and other communication devices. "I totally agree, we need to be able to stay in touch. Also we can use free email accounts or messages drops, too, maybe have a few rendezvous places picked out as well." Once Hub explains a bit about himself, Grim hops to her feet. "Well, since you showed me yours...well, you told me yours, actually. Never mind, that's an old stupid joke." She puts her hands behind her back and rocks back on her heels. "So, okay, what can I do." She starts ticking off her abilities on her fingers. "I can see in the dark, have a whole sort of sensory package that makes me a terrible snoop who's good at tracking people." She spreads her hands and her wicked little claws slide out. "I have zee long nails, good for climbing and hurting people." She puts her nails away and starts rubbing her jaw thoughtfully. "Well, I've got two more biggies left...very cool but kinda secret." At last she shrugs. "Okay, full disclosure, right? I can disappear like that-" She snaps her fingers and wraps the room around her, blending seamlessly into her background for a just a moment before reappearing with a big ol' grin on her face. "Now this last one you can't breathe a word about to anyone; I'm trying to keep it a bit of a secret just for now, though I'm sure that won't last forever." She grins again as gray mists swirl around her form, and suddenly there are two Velocities in the room! She poses like a fashion model and winks. "As you can imagine, this one has a thousand and one uses, and at least five of them involve legitimate crimefighting." The mists return and she's Grim again. "Sorry, Velo, I couldn't resist. So that's me in a nutshell; I'm not the best fighter in the world, but I make up for by being sneaky and manipulative." ;)
  18. This has not been Grim's best day of crimefighting; she's sore, hasn't been doing too well with the fisticuffs and can't even drop a pathetic druggie. Now she has a target with her back to her, but she's not even sure what her powers are or if she can take her. Hmm, might be time to bluff. Grim drops her camouflage and tries something a little daring; a few months back, she'd met Foreshadow (or at least a version of him) during the endless night she met her boyfriend. If she could pull this off... Suddenly 'Foreshadow' takes a step forward and speaks in his most menacing voice. "That's a lot of evidence you're swiping; maybe you should have brought a bigger bag."
  19. Posting now, sorry to hold things up! :oops: Edit: Okay, now it's up; I just put up the straight roll, leaving to our distinguished GM to figure out the appropriate minuses for a public (if mysterious) figure of a different gender, etc.
  20. Sorry to get so behind on this one - ooh, can Grim/Whisper be advanced a bit on this one, too? It's only fair if Ghost is ;)
  21. The word is I need to figure out how many folks we can reasonably fit into this thing, and I want to make sure the fight is fair-ish. I never got around to contacting Ryoga last week, and once I know if he's actually interested, I just want to have a look-see at the sheets of those involved, and we'll go from there. Look for an update here in the next day or so.
  22. I'm about to post here, but we do have a bit of a problem, as Warmonger said he wants to take a break and have his characters archived for a while. How should we handle Sen? Do we NPC him out of the room, or do we all look and see he's gone, like Batman leaving Commissioner Gordon's office? Maybe there can be a note saying "You know where to find me" or something?
  23. Despite her best effort, Grim is just beginning to crack under the strain of this seemingly endless nightmare. All her defiance and witty banter is gone, and her own possible death (as well as that of her friend Nightrival) looms ahead as blast after blast destroys the world around her. At this point, the young woman can only nod and whisper 'okay'; she watches and waits for Rival to move.
  24. There is a startled squawk from Grim as she is hoisted aloft a second time on the way back down to the street. Once they touch down, Grim eels out of his grasp and stands there looking completely flustered. "Jeez, dude! I was deep in thought back there!" She runs a gloved hand through her short spiky hair and laughs morosely. "Actually I was standing there feeling frightened, spastic and completely overwhelmed. I dunno, I guess I could try to track Foreshadow." She points to her nose. "Though wanna bet he doesn't sweat? Probably had all his pores surgically removed; he's that dedicated." Suddenly Grim has a thought; she steps over to Rant and pokes him in the side with an extruded claw, just hard enough to hurt. "Or maybe Noisy Boy knows where we can find him! How 'bout it, Rant?"
  25. Estelle snorts as she finishes laying out the spread. "Not exactly, unless if by 'magic' you mean 'an industrial accident brought on by a duplicitous brother'; I'm lucky to have received a 'gift' instead of horrible burns or scars-" She cuts herself short with a start when the Viking removes his helmet, for a moment losing her composure at her poorly-timed comments; she places a hand on her throat and takes a moment before continuing her response. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean...sorry." She shakes her head and smiles as her fair cheeks go a bit pink and she laughs self-consciously. "Well, good thing I'm wearing comfortable shoes, or else I might have injured my mouth, eh?" The blond hairweaver sighs as she opens a bottle of wine and pours two glasses (they're plastic with stems). "So no, no magic, though from what I know of the Norse pantheon you're probably more than familiar with duplicitous brothers; mind you, I don't think he planned on injuring me, but his deceit was a key factor in all this. And now he's being punished...as am I." She offers a glass to Ullgir and raises her own in toast. "To surviving one's family. Skoal!" Somewhat surprisingly, she actually takes the whole glass in one gulp!
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