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Everything posted by Shadowboxer

  1. Ah, I gotcha. I rolled a Notice check anyway, just for laughs. Not a problem! I suppose it's more for flavour than just to satisfy game mechanics - I had an action in my head I wanted to try out. Frankly, Shinken is a monster with that sword. I figured Nightrival's priority would be to seperate Shinken from it.
  2. Ah, I gotcha. I rolled a Notice check anyway, just for laughs. Not a problem! I suppose it's more for flavour than just to satisfy game mechanics - I had an action in my head I wanted to try out. Frankly, Shinken is a monster with that sword. I figured Nightrival's priority would be to seperate Shinken from it.
  3. Nightrival backflips as Shinken leaps away, in order to avoid a counter-strike. Nice one, he muses with amazment at Shinken's acrobatic skill. With Shinken's katana now in his hand, Nightrival tosses the sword with an underhanded throw, using the full force of his upper-body strength. The katana flies up into the air and sinks deeply into the ceiling with a loud thunk. Although Shinken attempts to vanish in the confusion, Nightrival is able to track his movements and picks out his opponent's location within a few seconds. Smart move, he thinks. I've done the same. He tumbles onto his hands and pushes himself twenty-five across the Wreck Room to close the gap between the two combatants. As soon as he returns to his feet, Nightrival immediately switches to a Muay Thai stance. "Let's dance." -- As the two heroes leap across the rooftops, Nightrival comes up with an idea. "Since the party crowd tends to buy this stuff, we should patrol until we see a deal go down. Maybe someone will fit the profile." After roaming the neighbourhood for an hour, they finally spot two well-dressed men walking into an alley. A few moments later, they are joined by another man. The newcomer is decked out in designer jeans and a hooded sweathshirt that looks as though it costs more than the rent for Liam's apartment. After they greet each other, one produces a roll of cash and the other a small package in a Ziploc bag. "I think we just got lucky," he says to Shinken.
  4. Nightrival backflips as Shinken leaps away, in order to avoid a counter-strike. Nice one, he muses with amazment at Shinken's acrobatic skill. With Shinken's katana now in his hand, Nightrival tosses the sword with an underhanded throw, using the full force of his upper-body strength. The katana flies up into the air and sinks deeply into the ceiling with a loud thunk. Although Shinken attempts to vanish in the confusion, Nightrival is able to track his movements and picks out his opponent's location within a few seconds. Smart move, he thinks. I've done the same. He tumbles onto his hands and pushes himself twenty-five across the Wreck Room to close the gap between the two combatants. As soon as he returns to his feet, Nightrival immediately switches to a Muay Thai stance. "Let's dance." -- As the two heroes leap across the rooftops, Nightrival comes up with an idea. "Since the party crowd tends to buy this stuff, we should patrol until we see a deal go down. Maybe someone will fit the profile." After roaming the neighbourhood for an hour, they finally spot two well-dressed men walking into an alley. A few moments later, they are joined by another man. The newcomer is decked out in designer jeans and a hooded sweathshirt that looks as though it costs more than the rent for Liam's apartment. After they greet each other, one produces a roll of cash and the other a small package in a Ziploc bag. "I think we just got lucky," he says to Shinken.
  5. Nightrival backflips as Shinken leaps away, in order to avoid a counter-strike. Nice one, he muses with amazment at Shinken's acrobatic skill. With Shinken's katana now in his hand, Nightrival tosses the sword with an underhanded throw, using the full force of his upper-body strength. The katana flies up into the air and sinks deeply into the ceiling with a loud thunk. Although Shinken attempts to vanish in the confusion, Nightrival is able to track his movements and picks out his opponent's location within a few seconds. Smart move, he thinks. I've done the same. He tumbles onto his hands and pushes himself twenty-five across the Wreck Room to close the gap between the two combatants. As soon as he returns to his feet, Nightrival immediately switches to a Muay Thai stance. "Let's dance." -- As the two heroes leap across the rooftops, Nightrival comes up with an idea. "Since the party crowd tends to buy this stuff, we should patrol until we see a deal go down. Maybe someone will fit the profile." After roaming the neighbourhood for an hour, they finally spot two well-dressed men walking into an alley. A few moments later, they are joined by another man. The newcomer is decked out in designer jeans and a hooded sweathshirt that looks as though it costs more than the rent for Liam's apartment. After they greet each other, one produces a roll of cash and the other a small package in a Ziploc bag. "I think we just got lucky," he says to Shinken.
  6. What would you say the distance is between the floor and the ceiling in the Wreck Room?
  7. What would you say the distance is between the floor and the ceiling in the Wreck Room?
  8. What would you say the distance is between the floor and the ceiling in the Wreck Room?
  9. Okay, next question: when throwing an object away, does that count as a move action or a standard action? For example, if X threw a bottle at Y with the intent to attack, then that would be considered a standard action. However, if X just wants to toss the bottle away and not targeting Y at all, would that be considered "manipulating an object" (MnM p. 157) and thus a move action?
  10. Okay, next question: when throwing an object away, does that count as a move action or a standard action? For example, if X threw a bottle at Y with the intent to attack, then that would be considered a standard action. However, if X just wants to toss the bottle away and not targeting Y at all, would that be considered "manipulating an object" (MnM p. 157) and thus a move action?
  11. Okay, next question: when throwing an object away, does that count as a move action or a standard action? For example, if X threw a bottle at Y with the intent to attack, then that would be considered a standard action. However, if X just wants to toss the bottle away and not targeting Y at all, would that be considered "manipulating an object" (MnM p. 157) and thus a move action?
  12. Disarming is not really a grapple, so Shinken is free to disengage without a grapple check. If the character attempting the disarm is not holding a weapon, then the opponent's weapon falls into the disarmer's hand. Also, it's still my turn (I still have a move action) but I'll ignore it to maintain the game's momentum. My next post will be a new round. Is Shinken attempting to hide with a Stealth check?
  13. Disarming is not really a grapple, so Shinken is free to disengage without a grapple check. If the character attempting the disarm is not holding a weapon, then the opponent's weapon falls into the disarmer's hand. Also, it's still my turn (I still have a move action) but I'll ignore it to maintain the game's momentum. My next post will be a new round. Is Shinken attempting to hide with a Stealth check?
  14. Disarming is not really a grapple, so Shinken is free to disengage without a grapple check. If the character attempting the disarm is not holding a weapon, then the opponent's weapon falls into the disarmer's hand. Also, it's still my turn (I still have a move action) but I'll ignore it to maintain the game's momentum. My next post will be a new round. Is Shinken attempting to hide with a Stealth check?
  15. Oops! By holiday you meant Thanksgiving, not Christmas. The Canadian Thanksgiving was over a month ago. Ah, well - I'll still be around during Christmas. My previous post was . . . preemptive? I'll go with that. Happy Thanksgiving!
  16. Oops! By holiday you meant Thanksgiving, not Christmas. The Canadian Thanksgiving was over a month ago. Ah, well - I'll still be around during Christmas. My previous post was . . . preemptive? I'll go with that. Happy Thanksgiving!
  17. Oops! By holiday you meant Thanksgiving, not Christmas. The Canadian Thanksgiving was over a month ago. Ah, well - I'll still be around during Christmas. My previous post was . . . preemptive? I'll go with that. Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Since the kwoon is in a two-storey building, which is roughly twenty feet, Nightrival's could clear the distance with an additional Climb check to see if he haul himself up. Going out into the alley, changing into his costume, getting up to the roof and running to the other side should take about 14 rounds, or one minute and forty seconds.
  19. Since the kwoon is in a two-storey building, which is roughly twenty feet, Nightrival's could clear the distance with an additional Climb check to see if he haul himself up. Going out into the alley, changing into his costume, getting up to the roof and running to the other side should take about 14 rounds, or one minute and forty seconds.
  20. Since the kwoon is in a two-storey building, which is roughly twenty feet, Nightrival's could clear the distance with an additional Climb check to see if he haul himself up. Going out into the alley, changing into his costume, getting up to the roof and running to the other side should take about 14 rounds, or one minute and forty seconds.
  21. Liam instinctively covers his ears to shield himself from the sudden noise, and peers out the window to see what had happened. The smoke billowing out into the street sends an alarm ringing in his head. Although he's not entirely sure what is going on, his instincts tell him that danger is afoot. Here I was thinking that something was wrong here, he thinks. Using the distraction to slip away from the students unnoticed, Liam stealthily creeps towards the backdoor. On the other side of the door and down a small flight of stairs is a narrow alleyway, which is kept remarkably clean compared to the Southside. Luckily, Liam has his costume stashed inside his duffel bag. He quickly changes, stuffs his street clothes into the bag and places it inside a nearby trashcan. With a single leap he bounds twenty feet into the air and scrambles up to the roof. He dashes across the rooftop to the side facing the street. Keeping himself concealed, Nightrival peers down to examine the scene.
  22. Liam instinctively covers his ears to shield himself from the sudden noise, and peers out the window to see what had happened. The smoke billowing out into the street sends an alarm ringing in his head. Although he's not entirely sure what is going on, his instincts tell him that danger is afoot. Here I was thinking that something was wrong here, he thinks. Using the distraction to slip away from the students unnoticed, Liam stealthily creeps towards the backdoor. On the other side of the door and down a small flight of stairs is a narrow alleyway, which is kept remarkably clean compared to the Southside. Luckily, Liam has his costume stashed inside his duffel bag. He quickly changes, stuffs his street clothes into the bag and places it inside a nearby trashcan. With a single leap he bounds twenty feet into the air and scrambles up to the roof. He dashes across the rooftop to the side facing the street. Keeping himself concealed, Nightrival peers down to examine the scene.
  23. Liam instinctively covers his ears to shield himself from the sudden noise, and peers out the window to see what had happened. The smoke billowing out into the street sends an alarm ringing in his head. Although he's not entirely sure what is going on, his instincts tell him that danger is afoot. Here I was thinking that something was wrong here, he thinks. Using the distraction to slip away from the students unnoticed, Liam stealthily creeps towards the backdoor. On the other side of the door and down a small flight of stairs is a narrow alleyway, which is kept remarkably clean compared to the Southside. Luckily, Liam has his costume stashed inside his duffel bag. He quickly changes, stuffs his street clothes into the bag and places it inside a nearby trashcan. With a single leap he bounds twenty feet into the air and scrambles up to the roof. He dashes across the rooftop to the side facing the street. Keeping himself concealed, Nightrival peers down to examine the scene.
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