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Everything posted by Shadowboxer

  1. Unable to properly block Shinken's brutal assault, Nightrival is subjected to the full force of his opponent's multiple slashes. Nightrival can no longer focus to summon the strength or ingenuity to formulate an effective defence, or even a counter-attack. The first few strikes fill his senses with a reverberating dull pain, and the final blow slams into him like freight train. His costume torn to shreds, the powerful attack sends Nightrival twenty-five feet away, landing on the ground like a lifeless doll. -- "Sounds good," he whispers back. "Be careful - don't get spotted." At that, Nightrival leaps down to the sidewalk below and carefully makes his way to the other side of the warehouse, using the shadows to conceal his approach.
  2. Unable to properly block Shinken's brutal assault, Nightrival is subjected to the full force of his opponent's multiple slashes. Nightrival can no longer focus to summon the strength or ingenuity to formulate an effective defence, or even a counter-attack. The first few strikes fill his senses with a reverberating dull pain, and the final blow slams into him like freight train. His costume torn to shreds, the powerful attack sends Nightrival twenty-five feet away, landing on the ground like a lifeless doll. -- "Sounds good," he whispers back. "Be careful - don't get spotted." At that, Nightrival leaps down to the sidewalk below and carefully makes his way to the other side of the warehouse, using the shadows to conceal his approach.
  3. Unable to properly block Shinken's brutal assault, Nightrival is subjected to the full force of his opponent's multiple slashes. Nightrival can no longer focus to summon the strength or ingenuity to formulate an effective defence, or even a counter-attack. The first few strikes fill his senses with a reverberating dull pain, and the final blow slams into him like freight train. His costume torn to shreds, the powerful attack sends Nightrival twenty-five feet away, landing on the ground like a lifeless doll. -- "Sounds good," he whispers back. "Be careful - don't get spotted." At that, Nightrival leaps down to the sidewalk below and carefully makes his way to the other side of the warehouse, using the shadows to conceal his approach.
  4. Oops, sorry. I read the numbers wrong. For sure. Shinken is weapon-focused, so it makes sense. As for my round, Nightrival has another hit, only this time you need to beat DC 19. My Defense DC is 26 this round.
  5. Oops, sorry. I read the numbers wrong. For sure. Shinken is weapon-focused, so it makes sense. As for my round, Nightrival has another hit, only this time you need to beat DC 19. My Defense DC is 26 this round.
  6. Oops, sorry. I read the numbers wrong. For sure. Shinken is weapon-focused, so it makes sense. As for my round, Nightrival has another hit, only this time you need to beat DC 19. My Defense DC is 26 this round.
  7. "You're on!" replies Nightrival. Seeing another sword in Shinken's hand, despite only being a wooden practice sword, is enough to cause him to worry. His attacks will have to be conservative and cautious. He springs towards Shinken in the series of backflips and then lunges with a well-timed spin kick that hopefully won't leave him wide open. Nightrival's foot once again connects with Shinken's chest with terrifying speed. -- "Heh. Never said I was a detective; that's why I needed your help. I'll follow your lead." Nightrival leaps up to the roof with Shinken by bounding off a dumpster and then vaulting off the steps on a fire escape. They tail the dealer, who runs west down 20th Street past Pennslyvania Avenue and towards the cluttered collection of warehouses that sit under State Route 6. He veers south to the artery that connects D Street to Shelley Avenue, considered by many to be the bridge between Southside and Lincoln. These warehouses have been here for years, but the slow gentrification of the Southside means that they'll be torn down to make way for new condominiums. The process has already begun, with a few lofts newly built on the fringes of the neighbourhood, and some warehouses have been knoocked down. Nightrival remembers there were a couple of factories here, too. Where are people gonna work if they keep taking these places away, he wonders. The dealer zig-zags between the buildings, keeping to the narrow lanes. The two heroes stay on the rooftops. Street lamps glow orange among the wide, low-lying warehouses that stretch for what seems like miles. "Movies? Man, I don't got time for movies. I haven't watched one since I was 10," he finally replies. Nightrival can smell traces of burning coal in the crisp air. "Hey, check it out," he adds, pointing to the fleeing dealer. Their lead enters what looks like a unoccupied warehouse, indicated by the FOR RENT sign nailed to the front entrance and loading bay doors.
  8. "You're on!" replies Nightrival. Seeing another sword in Shinken's hand, despite only being a wooden practice sword, is enough to cause him to worry. His attacks will have to be conservative and cautious. He springs towards Shinken in the series of backflips and then lunges with a well-timed spin kick that hopefully won't leave him wide open. Nightrival's foot once again connects with Shinken's chest with terrifying speed. -- "Heh. Never said I was a detective; that's why I needed your help. I'll follow your lead." Nightrival leaps up to the roof with Shinken by bounding off a dumpster and then vaulting off the steps on a fire escape. They tail the dealer, who runs west down 20th Street past Pennslyvania Avenue and towards the cluttered collection of warehouses that sit under State Route 6. He veers south to the artery that connects D Street to Shelley Avenue, considered by many to be the bridge between Southside and Lincoln. These warehouses have been here for years, but the slow gentrification of the Southside means that they'll be torn down to make way for new condominiums. The process has already begun, with a few lofts newly built on the fringes of the neighbourhood, and some warehouses have been knoocked down. Nightrival remembers there were a couple of factories here, too. Where are people gonna work if they keep taking these places away, he wonders. The dealer zig-zags between the buildings, keeping to the narrow lanes. The two heroes stay on the rooftops. Street lamps glow orange among the wide, low-lying warehouses that stretch for what seems like miles. "Movies? Man, I don't got time for movies. I haven't watched one since I was 10," he finally replies. Nightrival can smell traces of burning coal in the crisp air. "Hey, check it out," he adds, pointing to the fleeing dealer. Their lead enters what looks like a unoccupied warehouse, indicated by the FOR RENT sign nailed to the front entrance and loading bay doors.
  9. "You're on!" replies Nightrival. Seeing another sword in Shinken's hand, despite only being a wooden practice sword, is enough to cause him to worry. His attacks will have to be conservative and cautious. He springs towards Shinken in the series of backflips and then lunges with a well-timed spin kick that hopefully won't leave him wide open. Nightrival's foot once again connects with Shinken's chest with terrifying speed. -- "Heh. Never said I was a detective; that's why I needed your help. I'll follow your lead." Nightrival leaps up to the roof with Shinken by bounding off a dumpster and then vaulting off the steps on a fire escape. They tail the dealer, who runs west down 20th Street past Pennslyvania Avenue and towards the cluttered collection of warehouses that sit under State Route 6. He veers south to the artery that connects D Street to Shelley Avenue, considered by many to be the bridge between Southside and Lincoln. These warehouses have been here for years, but the slow gentrification of the Southside means that they'll be torn down to make way for new condominiums. The process has already begun, with a few lofts newly built on the fringes of the neighbourhood, and some warehouses have been knoocked down. Nightrival remembers there were a couple of factories here, too. Where are people gonna work if they keep taking these places away, he wonders. The dealer zig-zags between the buildings, keeping to the narrow lanes. The two heroes stay on the rooftops. Street lamps glow orange among the wide, low-lying warehouses that stretch for what seems like miles. "Movies? Man, I don't got time for movies. I haven't watched one since I was 10," he finally replies. Nightrival can smell traces of burning coal in the crisp air. "Hey, check it out," he adds, pointing to the fleeing dealer. Their lead enters what looks like a unoccupied warehouse, indicated by the FOR RENT sign nailed to the front entrance and loading bay doors.
  10. Woof! Another hit. The DC is 21 again. Is Shinken's Toughness save +7 or +6? I lost track. I'm with you on the Zoom issue.
  11. Woof! Another hit. The DC is 21 again. Is Shinken's Toughness save +7 or +6? I lost track. I'm with you on the Zoom issue.
  12. Woof! Another hit. The DC is 21 again. Is Shinken's Toughness save +7 or +6? I lost track. I'm with you on the Zoom issue.
  13. Nightrival is baffled by Shinken's lack of defense, until he sees the sparks erupt from his armour's chestplate and his right leg shifting itself into a new shape. He clenches his fists even tighter. I need this opportunity, he thinks, before he comes around. Nightrival switches to Tae Kwon Do and follows his previous attack with a spinning roundhouse kick, smashing into Shinken's head with the edge of his foot. -- "From what I've heard, Zoom makes you super fast like that Johnny Rocket guy," he replies. "But when this stuff wears out there's a chance it'll burn out your heart." Nightrival turns to the three suspects. "You guys hear that? This stuff will kill ya. What in blazes were you thinking?" He reaches over to the dealer, grabs his sweatshirt and slams him hard against the wall. "And you, don't you get it? Do you understand what my buddy here is saying? Someone's out to do some serious damage in this neighbourhood and you're helping him?" He releases the dealer. "All of you, get outta my sight. I see you buying or selling in my 'hood and next time I won't just give you a warning." The three men promptly run out of the alley. "Those guys would be useless to us," he says to Shinken. "They won't talk, trust me. Someone's got them scared. If you think you can trace it to the source, then let's get to work."
  14. Nightrival is baffled by Shinken's lack of defense, until he sees the sparks erupt from his armour's chestplate and his right leg shifting itself into a new shape. He clenches his fists even tighter. I need this opportunity, he thinks, before he comes around. Nightrival switches to Tae Kwon Do and follows his previous attack with a spinning roundhouse kick, smashing into Shinken's head with the edge of his foot. -- "From what I've heard, Zoom makes you super fast like that Johnny Rocket guy," he replies. "But when this stuff wears out there's a chance it'll burn out your heart." Nightrival turns to the three suspects. "You guys hear that? This stuff will kill ya. What in blazes were you thinking?" He reaches over to the dealer, grabs his sweatshirt and slams him hard against the wall. "And you, don't you get it? Do you understand what my buddy here is saying? Someone's out to do some serious damage in this neighbourhood and you're helping him?" He releases the dealer. "All of you, get outta my sight. I see you buying or selling in my 'hood and next time I won't just give you a warning." The three men promptly run out of the alley. "Those guys would be useless to us," he says to Shinken. "They won't talk, trust me. Someone's got them scared. If you think you can trace it to the source, then let's get to work."
  15. Nightrival is baffled by Shinken's lack of defense, until he sees the sparks erupt from his armour's chestplate and his right leg shifting itself into a new shape. He clenches his fists even tighter. I need this opportunity, he thinks, before he comes around. Nightrival switches to Tae Kwon Do and follows his previous attack with a spinning roundhouse kick, smashing into Shinken's head with the edge of his foot. -- "From what I've heard, Zoom makes you super fast like that Johnny Rocket guy," he replies. "But when this stuff wears out there's a chance it'll burn out your heart." Nightrival turns to the three suspects. "You guys hear that? This stuff will kill ya. What in blazes were you thinking?" He reaches over to the dealer, grabs his sweatshirt and slams him hard against the wall. "And you, don't you get it? Do you understand what my buddy here is saying? Someone's out to do some serious damage in this neighbourhood and you're helping him?" He releases the dealer. "All of you, get outta my sight. I see you buying or selling in my 'hood and next time I won't just give you a warning." The three men promptly run out of the alley. "Those guys would be useless to us," he says to Shinken. "They won't talk, trust me. Someone's got them scared. If you think you can trace it to the source, then let's get to work."
  16. Avoiding Shinken's attacks, Nightrival sees an opening under Shinken's arm when he reaches with a reverse punch. Nightrival brushes it aside and and drills into Shinken with a forward kick, landing a thunderous blow onto his midsection. -- Nightrival follows closely behind, landing behind the two potential customers. "You better listen to him, man," he growls. "You see that sword? You wanna taste of that?" The three men raise their arms in submission, and the two heroes detect some panic in their faces. Their hands are visibly shaking. Nightrival inches closer to them. "You holding some Zoom there?" He quickly grabs the package from the dealer and tosses it to Shinken. "What do y'think?" he asks the armoured avenger.
  17. Avoiding Shinken's attacks, Nightrival sees an opening under Shinken's arm when he reaches with a reverse punch. Nightrival brushes it aside and and drills into Shinken with a forward kick, landing a thunderous blow onto his midsection. -- Nightrival follows closely behind, landing behind the two potential customers. "You better listen to him, man," he growls. "You see that sword? You wanna taste of that?" The three men raise their arms in submission, and the two heroes detect some panic in their faces. Their hands are visibly shaking. Nightrival inches closer to them. "You holding some Zoom there?" He quickly grabs the package from the dealer and tosses it to Shinken. "What do y'think?" he asks the armoured avenger.
  18. Avoiding Shinken's attacks, Nightrival sees an opening under Shinken's arm when he reaches with a reverse punch. Nightrival brushes it aside and and drills into Shinken with a forward kick, landing a thunderous blow onto his midsection. -- Nightrival follows closely behind, landing behind the two potential customers. "You better listen to him, man," he growls. "You see that sword? You wanna taste of that?" The three men raise their arms in submission, and the two heroes detect some panic in their faces. Their hands are visibly shaking. Nightrival inches closer to them. "You holding some Zoom there?" He quickly grabs the package from the dealer and tosses it to Shinken. "What do y'think?" he asks the armoured avenger.
  19. My favourite line: "Hey, look- drug dealers! Let's go beat 'em up!" HAHA! I know, the "bumping into suspects" scene is not the most sophisticated, but I wanted to keep the story rolling. It would make sense for Nightrival to generalize things, and Shinken to step back and think the situation through. And it looks like I finally tag you: the Damage DC is 21.
  20. My favourite line: "Hey, look- drug dealers! Let's go beat 'em up!" HAHA! I know, the "bumping into suspects" scene is not the most sophisticated, but I wanted to keep the story rolling. It would make sense for Nightrival to generalize things, and Shinken to step back and think the situation through. And it looks like I finally tag you: the Damage DC is 21.
  21. My favourite line: "Hey, look- drug dealers! Let's go beat 'em up!" HAHA! I know, the "bumping into suspects" scene is not the most sophisticated, but I wanted to keep the story rolling. It would make sense for Nightrival to generalize things, and Shinken to step back and think the situation through. And it looks like I finally tag you: the Damage DC is 21.
  22. Ah, I gotcha. I rolled a Notice check anyway, just for laughs. Not a problem! I suppose it's more for flavour than just to satisfy game mechanics - I had an action in my head I wanted to try out. Frankly, Shinken is a monster with that sword. I figured Nightrival's priority would be to seperate Shinken from it.
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