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Everything posted by Shadowboxer

  1. Nightrival continues to watch the ninjas' feet after their second wave, tumbling along the street to keep one opponent in front of him and another behind him. He feints to the left then suddenly he pivots and commits to his right side. The ninjas dance in his periphery vision and their knives seem to reflect a silvery light directly into his mind, reminding him of the countless times he's drilled with a knife-wielding attacker. Master Lee's second lesson reverberates in his head: when facing multiple opponents, treat them like one fighter. Confuse those on the left while cracking down hard on the right. Let them do some work for me, he thinks. A slight grin forms under his mask.
  2. Nightrival continues to watch the ninjas' feet after their second wave, tumbling along the street to keep one opponent in front of him and another behind him. He feints to the left then suddenly he pivots and commits to his right side. The ninjas dance in his periphery vision and their knives seem to reflect a silvery light directly into his mind, reminding him of the countless times he's drilled with a knife-wielding attacker. Master Lee's second lesson reverberates in his head: when facing multiple opponents, treat them like one fighter. Confuse those on the left while cracking down hard on the right. Let them do some work for me, he thinks. A slight grin forms under his mask.
  3. That's true - I'm setting them up for the Redirect feat, so I wanted to keep things legal. The target needs to be adjacent to the character. I always wanted to try this feat out. :)
  4. That's true - I'm setting them up for the Redirect feat, so I wanted to keep things legal. The target needs to be adjacent to the character. I always wanted to try this feat out. :)
  5. That's true - I'm setting them up for the Redirect feat, so I wanted to keep things legal. The target needs to be adjacent to the character. I always wanted to try this feat out. :)
  6. This is very true. Not only do the villian's exploits make great stories, but their (sometimes) over-the-top personalities shine the brightest. Absolutely. During my short tenure as a GM I had to regulate powers and resources so players couldn't finish the game in ten minutes. And this was a villian game. Character-driven stories, like the ones we're reading here, do have an advantage over narrative-driven stories.
  7. This is very true. Not only do the villian's exploits make great stories, but their (sometimes) over-the-top personalities shine the brightest. Absolutely. During my short tenure as a GM I had to regulate powers and resources so players couldn't finish the game in ten minutes. And this was a villian game. Character-driven stories, like the ones we're reading here, do have an advantage over narrative-driven stories.
  8. This is very true. Not only do the villian's exploits make great stories, but their (sometimes) over-the-top personalities shine the brightest. Absolutely. During my short tenure as a GM I had to regulate powers and resources so players couldn't finish the game in ten minutes. And this was a villian game. Character-driven stories, like the ones we're reading here, do have an advantage over narrative-driven stories.
  9. Round Two I can't believe I passed my Toughness save! I've had some bad luck in that department recently. I screwed up the first Acrobatics check so a I used a Hero Point to reroll. Here's the original roll. That leaves me with one more HP. The Luck feat is awesome. I've tried to move Nightrival so one opponent is behind him and the other one is facing him.
  10. Round Two I can't believe I passed my Toughness save! I've had some bad luck in that department recently. I screwed up the first Acrobatics check so a I used a Hero Point to reroll. Here's the original roll. That leaves me with one more HP. The Luck feat is awesome. I've tried to move Nightrival so one opponent is behind him and the other one is facing him.
  11. Round Two I can't believe I passed my Toughness save! I've had some bad luck in that department recently. I screwed up the first Acrobatics check so a I used a Hero Point to reroll. Here's the original roll. That leaves me with one more HP. The Luck feat is awesome. I've tried to move Nightrival so one opponent is behind him and the other one is facing him.
  12. His opponent's attack is solid and true, but luckily Nightrival rolls with the blade as it slices across his shoulder. The knife leaves a clean tear in his costume, sparing his shoulder by mere inches. He resumes his stance and takes in the new information he gleamed from the warrior's movements. These guys are pro. Ninjitsu, most likely. Together they're a threat, but apart they're easy pickin's. Nightrival glances over to the burning car. And that fire might spread. No time to get fancy; I need to take them out quick. "I just fixed this costume, you chump," exclaims Nightrival to his attacker. He squeezes his fists, and each finger joint loudly cracks and pops. "And I hate sewin'." Nightrival takes a step to bridge the distance between him and the nearest warrior. Bracing his back foot, he drives his knee into the warrior's midsection with a front kick, keeping his fists close to his chest. Without noticing whether or not his attack was successful, Nightrival then hurtles fourteen feet over his opponent's head and angles himself so he lands on the other side of the warriors' attack formation, right between two of them.
  13. His opponent's attack is solid and true, but luckily Nightrival rolls with the blade as it slices across his shoulder. The knife leaves a clean tear in his costume, sparing his shoulder by mere inches. He resumes his stance and takes in the new information he gleamed from the warrior's movements. These guys are pro. Ninjitsu, most likely. Together they're a threat, but apart they're easy pickin's. Nightrival glances over to the burning car. And that fire might spread. No time to get fancy; I need to take them out quick. "I just fixed this costume, you chump," exclaims Nightrival to his attacker. He squeezes his fists, and each finger joint loudly cracks and pops. "And I hate sewin'." Nightrival takes a step to bridge the distance between him and the nearest warrior. Bracing his back foot, he drives his knee into the warrior's midsection with a front kick, keeping his fists close to his chest. Without noticing whether or not his attack was successful, Nightrival then hurtles fourteen feet over his opponent's head and angles himself so he lands on the other side of the warriors' attack formation, right between two of them.
  14. His opponent's attack is solid and true, but luckily Nightrival rolls with the blade as it slices across his shoulder. The knife leaves a clean tear in his costume, sparing his shoulder by mere inches. He resumes his stance and takes in the new information he gleamed from the warrior's movements. These guys are pro. Ninjitsu, most likely. Together they're a threat, but apart they're easy pickin's. Nightrival glances over to the burning car. And that fire might spread. No time to get fancy; I need to take them out quick. "I just fixed this costume, you chump," exclaims Nightrival to his attacker. He squeezes his fists, and each finger joint loudly cracks and pops. "And I hate sewin'." Nightrival takes a step to bridge the distance between him and the nearest warrior. Bracing his back foot, he drives his knee into the warrior's midsection with a front kick, keeping his fists close to his chest. Without noticing whether or not his attack was successful, Nightrival then hurtles fourteen feet over his opponent's head and angles himself so he lands on the other side of the warriors' attack formation, right between two of them.
  15. I'd be willing to take on a villian character, specifically someone who is "hands-on" and also working behind the scenes. However, and I may be completely wrong about this, in order to be a genuine threat to other players, a villian needs access to resources by means of the Wealth, Equipment and Minions feats. Also, the villian needs to have a long-term goal. Either a doomsday weapon or an apocalyptic magic ritual - something that could potentially wipe out civilization or bring the entire city under the villian's power. This is what makes villians truly memorable. And, more importantly, a greater incentive for players to take on villian charaters. My point is that that level of power is not accessible to players at the moment, and I don't think they should have it anyway. On the other hand, if players really want to tackle that kind of story, that would require an inordinate amount of negotiation and planning with the Referees. Given that people live busy lives, it's understandable that folks would hesitate to be more proactive.
  16. I'd be willing to take on a villian character, specifically someone who is "hands-on" and also working behind the scenes. However, and I may be completely wrong about this, in order to be a genuine threat to other players, a villian needs access to resources by means of the Wealth, Equipment and Minions feats. Also, the villian needs to have a long-term goal. Either a doomsday weapon or an apocalyptic magic ritual - something that could potentially wipe out civilization or bring the entire city under the villian's power. This is what makes villians truly memorable. And, more importantly, a greater incentive for players to take on villian charaters. My point is that that level of power is not accessible to players at the moment, and I don't think they should have it anyway. On the other hand, if players really want to tackle that kind of story, that would require an inordinate amount of negotiation and planning with the Referees. Given that people live busy lives, it's understandable that folks would hesitate to be more proactive.
  17. I'd be willing to take on a villian character, specifically someone who is "hands-on" and also working behind the scenes. However, and I may be completely wrong about this, in order to be a genuine threat to other players, a villian needs access to resources by means of the Wealth, Equipment and Minions feats. Also, the villian needs to have a long-term goal. Either a doomsday weapon or an apocalyptic magic ritual - something that could potentially wipe out civilization or bring the entire city under the villian's power. This is what makes villians truly memorable. And, more importantly, a greater incentive for players to take on villian charaters. My point is that that level of power is not accessible to players at the moment, and I don't think they should have it anyway. On the other hand, if players really want to tackle that kind of story, that would require an inordinate amount of negotiation and planning with the Referees. Given that people live busy lives, it's understandable that folks would hesitate to be more proactive.
  18. Sorry, my mistake. :oops: Please disregard the Defensive Attack feat, if that's alright. I'll maintain the Assessment feat as a standard action and just take position as a move action. Yeesh. :roll:
  19. Sorry, my mistake. :oops: Please disregard the Defensive Attack feat, if that's alright. I'll maintain the Assessment feat as a standard action and just take position as a move action. Yeesh. :roll:
  20. Sorry, my mistake. :oops: Please disregard the Defensive Attack feat, if that's alright. I'll maintain the Assessment feat as a standard action and just take position as a move action. Yeesh. :roll:
  21. That's understandable. I got the stats from the Martial Artist archetype in Instant Superheroes. I figured it would give my character an edge, yet a logical extension of his abilities.
  22. That's understandable. I got the stats from the Martial Artist archetype in Instant Superheroes. I figured it would give my character an edge, yet a logical extension of his abilities.
  23. That's understandable. I got the stats from the Martial Artist archetype in Instant Superheroes. I figured it would give my character an edge, yet a logical extension of his abilities.
  24. These are my Power Point purchases: Feats: All-out Attack, Equipment 1 Equipment: Arsenal (array): Eskrima staves (Strike 1; Power Feats: Improved Block, Improved Critical (19-20), Mighty), Alternate Power: Throwing knives (Blast 1; Extra: Autofire) Skills: 1 Skill rank - Acrobatics 13 (+18), Intimidate 10 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 2 (+2) Cheers! [Edit] Updated by Barnum
  25. These are my Power Point purchases: Feats: All-out Attack, Equipment 1 Equipment: Arsenal (array): Eskrima staves (Strike 1; Power Feats: Improved Block, Improved Critical (19-20), Mighty), Alternate Power: Throwing knives (Blast 1; Extra: Autofire) Skills: 1 Skill rank - Acrobatics 13 (+18), Intimidate 10 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 2 (+2) Cheers! [Edit] Updated by Barnum
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