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Veiled Malice

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Everything posted by Veiled Malice

  1. There is something to perhaps allowing players to choose PL 8/120 pp characters. I'm not exactly sure why EF didn't spring for that, as a PL 8 character would be far more useful in a fight against a PL 10 character. As it stands, all poor Amazon and Kevin can do is help out people and try not to get likewise fried. Good role playing opportunities, but fairly unsatisfing in the long run.
  2. There is something to perhaps allowing players to choose PL 8/120 pp characters. I'm not exactly sure why EF didn't spring for that, as a PL 8 character would be far more useful in a fight against a PL 10 character. As it stands, all poor Amazon and Kevin can do is help out people and try not to get likewise fried. Good role playing opportunities, but fairly unsatisfing in the long run.
  3. There is something to perhaps allowing players to choose PL 8/120 pp characters. I'm not exactly sure why EF didn't spring for that, as a PL 8 character would be far more useful in a fight against a PL 10 character. As it stands, all poor Amazon and Kevin can do is help out people and try not to get likewise fried. Good role playing opportunities, but fairly unsatisfing in the long run.
  4. Dunno if the refs will go for that, but it is certainly an idea. Of course I, being the first villain approved, should get the full benefit of this proposition... (Yeah, right)
  5. Dunno if the refs will go for that, but it is certainly an idea. Of course I, being the first villain approved, should get the full benefit of this proposition... (Yeah, right)
  6. Dunno if the refs will go for that, but it is certainly an idea. Of course I, being the first villain approved, should get the full benefit of this proposition... (Yeah, right)
  7. Please ignore the psyche-out material. I've been reading altogether far too much Adam Warren. I figure we'll do one more round of trash-talking, then get down to bussiness. Unless you want me to open up now, which I can do. Oh, and I just made up all that stuff about your suit for the sake of role playing authenticity - that's how Renichi rolls, yo. And I really like the "favor" angle. Nice job, man. EDIT: One last thing: yes, Renichi is lying about his "suit". The fact that he is a part of the mecha he wears is a secret, as denoted on his character sheet, known only to him and one 13 year old paraplegic boy in the intensive care ward of Osaka General Hospital.
  8. Please ignore the psyche-out material. I've been reading altogether far too much Adam Warren. I figure we'll do one more round of trash-talking, then get down to bussiness. Unless you want me to open up now, which I can do. Oh, and I just made up all that stuff about your suit for the sake of role playing authenticity - that's how Renichi rolls, yo. And I really like the "favor" angle. Nice job, man. EDIT: One last thing: yes, Renichi is lying about his "suit". The fact that he is a part of the mecha he wears is a secret, as denoted on his character sheet, known only to him and one 13 year old paraplegic boy in the intensive care ward of Osaka General Hospital.
  9. Please ignore the psyche-out material. I've been reading altogether far too much Adam Warren. I figure we'll do one more round of trash-talking, then get down to bussiness. Unless you want me to open up now, which I can do. Oh, and I just made up all that stuff about your suit for the sake of role playing authenticity - that's how Renichi rolls, yo. And I really like the "favor" angle. Nice job, man. EDIT: One last thing: yes, Renichi is lying about his "suit". The fact that he is a part of the mecha he wears is a secret, as denoted on his character sheet, known only to him and one 13 year old paraplegic boy in the intensive care ward of Osaka General Hospital.
  10. Nanowire was unsure of whether or not his opponent was being serious. Being unfamiliar with the subtle differences of culture between here and Japan seemed to be working against him in this case, but the guy appeared to be far too confident. Perhaps this was the western equivalent of Ningshi, the stare down between two samurai right before the battle was joined. If so, then so be it. Nanowire was nothing if not adaptable. "That's a nice Battlesuit," He commented idly as he gently pushed himself away from the wall he'd been standing against. Nanowire started a slow circuit around the helipad, neither going closer nor farther away from Heavy. "Second-gen Doosan Heavy Industries exosuit - the chestpiece gives it away. Heavily modified - if you'll excuse the pun - for upgraded durability and utility in the field of gravitic manipulation. Full capabilities unknown - presumably capable, if not exceeding, the level at which light begins to visibly refract in localized areas." "I've been doing some research on you." Nanowire tapped his head. "It really helps when you're in the middle of a telecommunications hub no matter where on Earth you are." He suddenly stopped, and turned to face his opponent head-on. "I, on the other hand, am in possession of the only nanofabricated bipedal assault mecha construct in the world. The surface of my suit is constructed of Biphase Carbide, a non-ferrous ballistic polymer, with just a dab of Thermal Superconductive Orbital Crystal thrown into the mix for good measure, and to ensure that it can withstand surface temperatures in excess of 20,000 degrees Celsius. With an on board dedicated NAI, I can identify and engage two hundred different targets at the same time. It is also capable of limited nanomorphic reformatting, specifically to construct new weapons from raw materials at hand. I could go on, but suffice it to say that bleeding-edge ultratech does not even begin to describe it." "In short, you, my poor, soon-to-be-doomed friend, are ****ed."
  11. Nanowire was unsure of whether or not his opponent was being serious. Being unfamiliar with the subtle differences of culture between here and Japan seemed to be working against him in this case, but the guy appeared to be far too confident. Perhaps this was the western equivalent of Ningshi, the stare down between two samurai right before the battle was joined. If so, then so be it. Nanowire was nothing if not adaptable. "That's a nice Battlesuit," He commented idly as he gently pushed himself away from the wall he'd been standing against. Nanowire started a slow circuit around the helipad, neither going closer nor farther away from Heavy. "Second-gen Doosan Heavy Industries exosuit - the chestpiece gives it away. Heavily modified - if you'll excuse the pun - for upgraded durability and utility in the field of gravitic manipulation. Full capabilities unknown - presumably capable, if not exceeding, the level at which light begins to visibly refract in localized areas." "I've been doing some research on you." Nanowire tapped his head. "It really helps when you're in the middle of a telecommunications hub no matter where on Earth you are." He suddenly stopped, and turned to face his opponent head-on. "I, on the other hand, am in possession of the only nanofabricated bipedal assault mecha construct in the world. The surface of my suit is constructed of Biphase Carbide, a non-ferrous ballistic polymer, with just a dab of Thermal Superconductive Orbital Crystal thrown into the mix for good measure, and to ensure that it can withstand surface temperatures in excess of 20,000 degrees Celsius. With an on board dedicated NAI, I can identify and engage two hundred different targets at the same time. It is also capable of limited nanomorphic reformatting, specifically to construct new weapons from raw materials at hand. I could go on, but suffice it to say that bleeding-edge ultratech does not even begin to describe it." "In short, you, my poor, soon-to-be-doomed friend, are ****ed."
  12. Nanowire was unsure of whether or not his opponent was being serious. Being unfamiliar with the subtle differences of culture between here and Japan seemed to be working against him in this case, but the guy appeared to be far too confident. Perhaps this was the western equivalent of Ningshi, the stare down between two samurai right before the battle was joined. If so, then so be it. Nanowire was nothing if not adaptable. "That's a nice Battlesuit," He commented idly as he gently pushed himself away from the wall he'd been standing against. Nanowire started a slow circuit around the helipad, neither going closer nor farther away from Heavy. "Second-gen Doosan Heavy Industries exosuit - the chestpiece gives it away. Heavily modified - if you'll excuse the pun - for upgraded durability and utility in the field of gravitic manipulation. Full capabilities unknown - presumably capable, if not exceeding, the level at which light begins to visibly refract in localized areas." "I've been doing some research on you." Nanowire tapped his head. "It really helps when you're in the middle of a telecommunications hub no matter where on Earth you are." He suddenly stopped, and turned to face his opponent head-on. "I, on the other hand, am in possession of the only nanofabricated bipedal assault mecha construct in the world. The surface of my suit is constructed of Biphase Carbide, a non-ferrous ballistic polymer, with just a dab of Thermal Superconductive Orbital Crystal thrown into the mix for good measure, and to ensure that it can withstand surface temperatures in excess of 20,000 degrees Celsius. With an on board dedicated NAI, I can identify and engage two hundred different targets at the same time. It is also capable of limited nanomorphic reformatting, specifically to construct new weapons from raw materials at hand. I could go on, but suffice it to say that bleeding-edge ultratech does not even begin to describe it." "In short, you, my poor, soon-to-be-doomed friend, are ****ed."
  13. Well, if the current trend does continue, then yes, there might be a problem. I see no reason why it would change. Most people do want to play the hero, after all. One solution has already been forwarded: use generic villains from the Freedom City, Crooks!, or other settings, like the new Paragons books. This is, at best, a stop gap. The makers of those books purposely made the villains less powerful than their equivilent PL player-made hero. Plus, that puts more pressure on the GMs, as they'll need to play them. (Maybe they'll delegate to players that want to help out, I don't know.) Maybe we of the villainous bent can collaborate on this. There has to be a solution rather than press-ganging new players into unwanted roles.
  14. Well, if the current trend does continue, then yes, there might be a problem. I see no reason why it would change. Most people do want to play the hero, after all. One solution has already been forwarded: use generic villains from the Freedom City, Crooks!, or other settings, like the new Paragons books. This is, at best, a stop gap. The makers of those books purposely made the villains less powerful than their equivilent PL player-made hero. Plus, that puts more pressure on the GMs, as they'll need to play them. (Maybe they'll delegate to players that want to help out, I don't know.) Maybe we of the villainous bent can collaborate on this. There has to be a solution rather than press-ganging new players into unwanted roles.
  15. Well, if the current trend does continue, then yes, there might be a problem. I see no reason why it would change. Most people do want to play the hero, after all. One solution has already been forwarded: use generic villains from the Freedom City, Crooks!, or other settings, like the new Paragons books. This is, at best, a stop gap. The makers of those books purposely made the villains less powerful than their equivilent PL player-made hero. Plus, that puts more pressure on the GMs, as they'll need to play them. (Maybe they'll delegate to players that want to help out, I don't know.) Maybe we of the villainous bent can collaborate on this. There has to be a solution rather than press-ganging new players into unwanted roles.
  16. Either that, or it gets the paragon superhuman currently squeezing you to break your spine... :|
  17. Either that, or it gets the paragon superhuman currently squeezing you to break your spine... :|
  18. Either that, or it gets the paragon superhuman currently squeezing you to break your spine... :|
  19. Quick question: is there a story behind this, or are we just fighting for the hell of it? EDIT: Oh, and Nanowire is over near the helepad. Let's just say he's in the middle for the sake of arguement.
  20. Quick question: is there a story behind this, or are we just fighting for the hell of it? EDIT: Oh, and Nanowire is over near the helepad. Let's just say he's in the middle for the sake of arguement.
  21. Quick question: is there a story behind this, or are we just fighting for the hell of it? EDIT: Oh, and Nanowire is over near the helepad. Let's just say he's in the middle for the sake of arguement.
  22. Nanowire Gravitic Impellers powered down as Nanowire made his grand entrance on the deck plating of "The Arena". An abandoned oil derrick wasn't exactly his idea of an ideal battle ground - far too breakable. But he had to admit, there were few places on Earth that could do better to cater to his paticular nano-enhanced combat mechaform. Raw materials abounded, and anything he had to use to construct new weaponry was near at hand. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Nanowire leaned back against the outer wall of the control room and waited for his opponent to arrive.
  23. Nanowire Gravitic Impellers powered down as Nanowire made his grand entrance on the deck plating of "The Arena". An abandoned oil derrick wasn't exactly his idea of an ideal battle ground - far too breakable. But he had to admit, there were few places on Earth that could do better to cater to his paticular nano-enhanced combat mechaform. Raw materials abounded, and anything he had to use to construct new weaponry was near at hand. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Nanowire leaned back against the outer wall of the control room and waited for his opponent to arrive.
  24. Nanowire Gravitic Impellers powered down as Nanowire made his grand entrance on the deck plating of "The Arena". An abandoned oil derrick wasn't exactly his idea of an ideal battle ground - far too breakable. But he had to admit, there were few places on Earth that could do better to cater to his paticular nano-enhanced combat mechaform. Raw materials abounded, and anything he had to use to construct new weaponry was near at hand. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Nanowire leaned back against the outer wall of the control room and waited for his opponent to arrive.
  25. If only inheirited genetic memory could be blamed for all diabolic purposes. The best I can do is chicken fajitas. Maybe I'll share recipies... if I can ever nail down how much chili powder, oregeno, etc. I add each time. I pretty much just wing it each time depending on how much chicken I have. EDIT: That was not meant as a pun. :D
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