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Veiled Malice

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Everything posted by Veiled Malice

  1. She had one left. She spent one, but got another as a result of getting through the puzzle box.
  2. Okay, Daisuke's going the property damage route, and is trying to force the gate open. He's got a +6 Str bonus, and 4 levels of Super-Strength, which gives him a +4 to feats of strength involving destroying objects. I just hope it's enough. He'd look really silly trying to tear metal and only be able to stand there and grunt. :)
  3. Upon hearing that the animals were stampeding, Daisuke did the only thing that came to mind. He ran up to the front gate, and attempted to tear it off it's hinges. There would be shouting, yelling, and blame-placing later, but right now, they needed to get to the animals before those horrible blobs got to them! With a rending screech, the metal tore away from its concrete emplacement, and Daisuke was left holding the ruined gate in his hands before he casually tossed it aside. "Okay! We can go in now!" he said happily, and began moving inside the zoo proper, keeping a watchful eye out for the blob meanies.
  4. A new record! I'm only a week late! Anyway, Grimalkin, I need a Toughness save from you now, DC 20 as well. Also, can both of you give me a Notice check?
  5. With that one last slash, Grimalkin sheared through the last layer of protection between them and escape. Unfortunately, with her attention riveted to the tasks at hand instead of defense, several of the mechanical ants moved into position to attack her. Seemingly in an instant, they were all over her, stinging her with their jabbing blades. The same went for her mentor Nightrival, but having seen the swarm operate before, he managed to keep out of range, dancing about the jabbing blades like a mongoose. It wouldn't stay that way for long, though, and the floors, ceilings and walls were rapidly filling up with the innumerable things. If they didn't find a way to stop up the swarm after they jumped through the hole Grimalkin had made, surely the things would simply follow after them. Perhaps at a reduced rate of speed, but relentless in their pursuit.
  6. Daisuke's eyes shone brightly with the inner light only present in those very young with the mearest mention of tigers. "Really? What are we waiting for, come on!" He started racing towards the gate, only stopping in a skid once he reached it and the imposing nature of the barrier dawned on him. He also realised he would have to break through it if he wanted to continue. Either that or climb over, but he wasn't sure how he could do that unless he made some handholds... (Notice check of 8.)
  7. Sorry I'm dragging my feet on this one. I'll have something up tonight.
  8. Daisuke started after Vigor, silently pleased that he remembered to wear shoes today. Clanking like a suit of armor as he walked wouldn't do much to enhance his stealth, after all. "Aww... I wanted to see the tigers..." he whined, but contented himself in the knowledge that once they did get rid of the blob monsters, they'd be able to look at the big cats all he wanted.
  9. Daisuke looked the map over with rapt entusiasim, cocking his head this way and that so he could take in all of it. Although he wasn't sure of what he was looking at, (he spoke English, he didn't read it) the pictures helped out a lot. Suddenly, he jabbed a finger at a section of it. "Ooo! Can we go see the tigers? I've always wanted to see them, but we never got out to the Tokyo zoo."
  10. Like the thread sez, have a happy one! :)
  11. Ren looked between Grimalkin and Changeling, noting their appearance and similarities. It was almost eerily how alike they looked, made even more so by the knowledge that both had different fathers. Apparently, both really took after their mother. "It's good to meet you, Changeling," he said, inclining his head in a small bow. He really didn't know what else to say. Both Icarus and Grimalkin had parallel world analogues here with them, and the strangeness of the situation was only likely to rise as they got to know one another. To try and give Lynn a little bit of a morale boost, he took her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze before motioning her on to meet her sister/double/whatever.
  12. The car's suspension dipped ominously as Mashin-kun entered the car, and he looked vaguely embarrassed. "Sorry." He listened to the two men talk back and forth between each other and got gradually more and more excited. "Ninja unicorns? That would be so cool! They would be all in black except for their horns, and have red eyes that left those sweet after images as they flew around and tried to stab us." He stopped for a moment as he considered something. "Wait, unicorns don't have wings, do they? That's... peggy-saurs?" he tried, sounding out the unfamiliar word. Daisuke scooted himself up so that he was between the two front seats and clung onto both seats to get a better look as they drove. "Well, if no one's there, then there won't be anyone for the blobs to eat, right? But if someone is there, then they need to be rescued, so then we need to be there." He spoke with the absolute certainty of a kid knowing he was doing the right thing, and completely disregarding of any consideration other than helping people.
  13. Well, I've been using Ken'ichi Matsuyama for Ren, (the Japanese actor that did Death Note) so I guess it would be him.
  14. Mashin-kun looked between his new companions. "Yeah, and I don't think anybody's going to be able to carry me. I... weigh a lot more than I look like." He shrugged helplessly. "I guess we should go back to your car, Vigor."
  15. In the interests of moving this along, I'm going to say yes.
  16. It's technically possible. Or maybe it was just because the dealership terminally F'd my car some time back and since it was their fault, my parents were less inclined to deal with their protests of "It's not legal" or "Please stop punching me in the face, I can't feel my bones anymore". :twisted:
  17. Okay, it's pointy metal death time! Please give me a toughness roll, SB - DC 20.
  18. Nightrival's blades flew straight and true, like a silvery wave of stiletto death, and sheared through the first few rows of the encroaching ant bots like they were made of paper. The things came apart in showers of sparks, lighting the area in a kaleidoscopic display of shorting wires and discharging capacitors. Fully ten of the tiny machines were torn to shreds in a similar fashion before they closed with him, each clambering over the remains of their fellow units without a care that they could be next. It wasn't just the floors that crawled anymore, either. To Nightrival's horror, the things were actually using the walls and ceiling to get at him. Since the ceiling was at head level with him, he was going to have spindly-legged machines in his face before he knew it. Unfortunately, he already had the needled limbs jabbing at him from all directions. There were simply too many to dodge, and Nightrival winced as he felt numerous puncture wounds open up on his legs. Grimalkin, for her part, could only try and do her job the best she could, despite the sounds of shredding steel and clicking metallic limbs that threatened to drown out the noise of her own heart hammering in her chest. Her claws scrabbled at the edges of the wall hatch, trying to rip a big enough hole in it to fit through. In perhaps the first right thing that had gone right tonight, the thin metal tore easily under her supernaturally sharpened talons. With a few more passes, she'd have it open... But not before the metallic ants crawling along the wall were upon her.
  19. Guh. Just try renting one in the US if you're under 25. Talk about highway robbery. :(
  20. Well, dang. Sorry to see you go, Shaz. I really liked seeing Captain Wonder in action. Hope to see you again, one day.
  21. Youngern' most people on here, no doubt. It's sad when you start feeling old at my age. :P
  22. Welcome, one and all! Hopefully you'll find what you're after here 'bouts, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to yell at Dr. Archeville. That's what he's there for. :D
  23. Nauseate, maybe? Or a confusion effect? I don't know, I don't really drink. ;)
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