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Veiled Malice

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Everything posted by Veiled Malice

  1. Yes you are. A GM or Ref will determine the viability of your submission, the same as any PC character.
  2. I'd be up for sending Mashin-kun (that's my PL 7) into the fray. The second option would probably work out best for him, if only because the third option might be a bit difficult to structure. That's not to say I wouldn't be up for it if we could work it out ahead of time, though.
  3. "What is it?" Ren asked her, cocking his head to the side at her sudden reluctance. She had never been shy about talking about herself before. He slid himself off of Lynn so he was in a position more conducive to conversation. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but it might help..." He shrugged. "But this... weakness... of yours? You know you can trust me not to tell anyone, or take advantage of it." All of a sudden, his eyes lit up with a sudden flash of insight. "All right, how about this - I tell you my secret weakness and you tell me yours, how about that? For me, it's EMP, or an electromagnetic pulse. I know it's not exactly a usual occurrence, and the most common source would be a nuclear weapon going off, which would kinda negate the whole weakness thing due to... well, melting, but still, it's a weakness." He gave Lynn a lopsided smile. "So what's yours? Midnight snacks? Good luck charms? People named 'Ned'?" Ren had the strangest feeling that Lynn was rubbing off on him.
  4. Okay, one more "running away" post is up. One of these days, I'll get to attack. :)
  5. Just barely dodging the bug bullets leveled at him from his pursuer, Daisuke made a straight line towards the door of the nearby household. The door only held him up for a second as his five hundred pounds of mass made short work of the comparatively flimsy lock, and he quickly made his way towards the kitchen. Unbeknownst to him, every home in the area had an alarm system attached, and the police had already been notified... and dispatched.
  6. Okay, it's initiative time! Trust me, the situation isn't as bleak as the Warden says, but you guys are in trouble. Now, each gun is ten feet up the wall, so you'll have to jump if you want to hit them if you don't have any distance attacks. Each gun is also ten feet from the others. I'm open to creative use of Hero Points if you need them. Remember, Nightrival has two, (after the last room, I'm awarding one to each of you) and Grimalkin has one.
  7. "Indeed?" The Warden's amused voice echoed about the shooting range. "Then it's just lucky for me I get to throw it at you first." "I have to congratulate you. You've made it a long ways, much longer than I expected you to. All the challenges I've laid before you have been designed to test every facet a criminal might display. If you couldn't make it through, I couldn't be sure anyone else could either. But this... this is the end." Several hidden doors up on the sides of the walls closest to them opened up, revealing concealed turrets, each one armed with a vicious-looking gun. "There is no trick to this room, no special way out, no hidden doors or codes to let you get past. This is the acceptance of inevitability, gentleman and lady. The end that comes for every unrepentant criminal. This is your firing squad." The guns swiveled into line with the two heroes, 12 in all, 6 on each wall, spaced equidistant from each other along the center portion of the room. "Goodbye, Nightrival, young lady. I enjoyed our time together." And the guns began to fire...
  8. And the complete the trifecta, Elanor Rigby, -remixed by Thrice :)
  9. Sorry, I've been really backed up on work this week. I'll get to posting here tonight, that good?
  10. Elanor Rigby - remixed by Godhead It's still sad, but now it's a more creepy sad. :)
  11. The new Flobots album. It's all good.
  12. I have revived this thread so that I might show you this, the ultimate brain-breaker: No, it's not actually moving. It's an optic illusion. Too bad I can't show you the whole thing here - it looks really trippy, especially on two screens at the same time.
  13. Ren chuckled heartily at that. Though it was a bit odd. If anyone else had dared to call him a robot or a doll, he'd have to restrain himself from correcting the person in a rather painful manner. But with Lynn, it was more like a playful pet name; a secret both shared. Although Ren had never been particularly ticklish, even as a human, getting a finger in one's belly button would cause even the toughest man to jerk. He squawked indignantly, and batted Lynn's hand away with a cry of "Hey!" Then a wicked expression came over his face. "So that's the way you want it, huh? Well, take this, meat creature!" So saying, Ren lunged atop the bed and Lynn in fashion that would have done a jungle cat proud and began to tickle the girl mercilessly. "It's the revenge of the robots! Resistance is futile! Give up and join the Nanocollective!" Ren grinned the grin of the victorious at his girlfriend. "Where's your magic kitty powers now, puny hu-man?"
  14. Use the cattle kind. That tends to get people moving faster. Or, y'know... they fall down a twitch a lot. ;)
  15. Yays! She returns! :clap: Welcome back, Bar.
  16. Wow. Hope she feels better, and I'm glad it wasn't as serious as you thought!
  17. Okay, you're done there. And letting you out the same way you got in? How evil am I? :twisted:
  18. ...Into a much larger room, and not the one they had been in before. It seemed more like the interior of a warehouse, albeit without the windows common to those structures, than an underground complex. Whatever had happened while their former prison had shuffled around, it seemed to have linked up to the exact same hatch they had entered. The Warden, it appeared, was even sicker than they had been led to believe. The expanse had many obstacles and hiding places, disturbingly enough reminding Grimalkin of a paintball range. Overhead lamps lit the area with constant - though annoyingly fluorescent - light, enough so that the only shadows came from underneath various overhangs in the cover provided. All told, the place had to be roughly the size of a football field. Just the field, thankfully, not an entire stadium. From her position in the floor, there didn't seem to be any obvious way out. She would have to go in to get a better view.
  19. "I could tell you that," he said, a grin working it's way onto his surprisingly relaxed face. "But I'd be lying." Ren chuckled and mussed Lynn's hair a bit, incidentally helping the stuff stay down on one side. "Don't worry about it. No blood means no circulation to cut off. And I figured if I ever really needed to, I could try and pop my body in half and try to put everything back together again." He went through the motions of looking introspective, but in his current position, it came off as more jocose than anything else. "Of course, it would be a pain the butt... and other places... to put myself back together, so maybe it's just as well I didn't do that, hmm?" Now that she was fully awake, Ren slid himself out of bed after giving her a good morning hug and stretched out his muscles. Even if he didn't need to, it still felt good. At full extension, his shirt pulled up enough so that it gave Lynn a fairly unobstructed view of his taut belly out to the hips. Muscles rippled under his flesh like well-knotted cords, and even though it might have been artificial, it still looked tantalizingly real. "Mrm..." he groaned as he reached up towards the ceiling. "Doesn't matter if I don't need it, that always feels great."
  20. Ha! I do know what I'm doing! Kinda! ;)
  21. I don't think that's a magnum. Looks more like a .38 special.
  22. Mighty actually isn't an extra. It's a feat, so it only costs one point. However, you do have to apply Penetrating to your STR, but only your STR bonus. You currently have it applied to every point, but would only need Penetrating 7. You can purchase more points of Penetrating than you have STR bonus, but it's normally unnecessary. Not really. It's a trade-off, so while it can push your attack/damage equation over the normal limits, it brings your defense/toughness down under the caps. So yes, in that way, I suppose it can. I'm wondering why you have odd numbered characteristics. They don't give you a bonus unless they're even. You can only purchase Attack and Defense. Initiative and Grapple are figured characteristics, based off of DEX bonus and STR bonus + Attack bonus + any further grapple bonuses (Size modifiers, super-strength, etc.) respectively. As it stands, you have an Initiative of +2 and a Grapple of +17. Also, you have a +14 damage attack, which means your Attack bonus can only be a max of +6. You're good here. You've only used 30 skill points out of the 40 you purchased. Each pp gets you 4 skill points. I only count ten pp used here. You need to note how many levels of Device you purchased. I can figure it out fron the cost, but it needs to be listed as well. You've only spent 59 points in your battlesuit. Also, I mentioned you don't need to buy mighty more than once. Tack it onto your Strike power. In addition, Penetrating only needs to be bought for STR bonus. I mentioned it up at the top. Code of Honor is a Complication, not a Drawback. Why do you have 160 pp? It's supposed to be 150 pp.
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