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Everything posted by Cubismo

  1. Replica's gonna use a full action to charge the Glass Woman.
  2. Replica's prediction was right. Treestock was to much of a burden for the Glass Woman. Despite having a headstart on her, Replica was able to close the gap between her, Treestock and the Glass Woman relatively quickly. The problem was though that the escape route went to a side street that led to a main road. And the Glass Woman was only a few feet away from it. It was late but there was a fair chance that pedestrians were still walking the streets. The moment of chaotic variables that their involvement would cause metaphorical made Replica's head spin. She had stop the pair from reaching the main road and so Replica put her synthetic leg muscles into overdrive and attempted to charge the Glass Woman!
  3. Even without using her internal scanners or distance calculator Replica knew she'd be incapable of outrunning the Glass Woman. She started to run down the escape route regardless. The tunnel had to end somewhere and Replica estimated, perhaps optimistically, that Treestock's injury would slow the pair down somewhat. If not she was determined to capture both of them, with or without the aid of the police. Speaking of which, Replica once again communicated with the nearby police with her uplink, tapping into their phones and texting them a message. Aaron Treestock and the stolen ASTRO Labs project have fled the disco using an escape route in the basement. Information on how Treestock came into possession of the project is on his computers in the basement. I am currently pursuing Treestock and the project. The text was dry, but Replica was clinical by nature. Besides, she need the cops to have straightforward info on what they were getting into.
  4. That's more than fair. Should I edit my post?
  5. Synthetic skin and muscle gave way to the sharp spike of pure glass that left a huge, bloody gash on Replica's left shoulder. The shear force of the Glass Woman's attack had taken Replica by surprised. She knew her outer epidermis would likely be damaged in the fighting, but she didn't think the material the Glass Woman was made out possibly could have been able to compromise her inner systems as well! There was only one type of glass that she knew of that could of have possibly done that. A quick diagnostic revealed that while she was definitely damaged and would need repair, her vital primary systems were still operational. Still, even with that being the case, another attack like that could possibly leave her non-functional. She needed to act fast. Cuffing a pinned Treestock and inelegantly dropping him to the floor, Replica steadied herself for whatever came next.
  6. Kind of assumed Replica had standard handcuffs on her. If that's not the case I'll change my post. Anyways, Replica is gonna grapple the Glass Woman. Attack: Trying to hit Glass Woman: 1d20+12 31 Grapple: Trying to pin Glass Woman: 1d20+20 35
  7. Alright let's see if I can. Toughness: Resisting Stab: 1d20+10 24 Ouch.
  8. Sure thing. Grapple: Opposed Grapple: 1d20+20 25 Close one!
  9. The time for deception was over. The police had finally made it and Treestock and his goons were in full panic mode. Replica went into attack mode causing a head-up display to appear on her optic screen. It showed all the calculated trajectories, maneuvers and reactions that would likely occur in the fight and what would be the most optimal tactics to use. She had no doubt that the Glass Woman and goons would be on her if she attacked Treestock, but Replica saw it as a calculated risk. If she could successfully immobilize Treestock then it was possible that his minions would hesitant just long enough for the police to arrive and put an end to the whole situation, thus preventing all of them from escaping. It was also possible that they'd try to shot, or in the Glass Woman's case, stab her in an attempt to free their boss. As Replica pounced upon Treestock as he was trying to make for his hidden door she had the presence of mind to ponder just how sharp the Glass Woman and whether her chassis could endure it.
  10. Melee Attack: Grabbing Gold Note for a Grapple: 1d20+12 31 Grapple: Opposed Grapple: 1d20+20 37
  11. It's time for combat! Initiative Roll: 1d20+12 23
  12. Let's see if Treestock buys Replica's lies. Bluff: Lying to Treestock: 1d20+7 26 Neato!
  13. If Replica was the religious sort she would have whispered a prayer. The Glass Woman seemed either unable or to stupid to simply change back into her true form. She was also playing it cool, but Replica wondered whether that would work on an obviously scared Treestock. The android knew she needed to keep him distracted, to confused to focus on the possibility that cops may be coming. So she continued with the charade. If she was being honest she'd admit that she actually starting to enjoy, especially since it put Treestock in distress. "She how the pretender cowers, my love. She does not speak because she knows she is false. Put away your weapon it is unnecessary. Simply capture her."
  14. Grapple Check: 1d20+20 31
  15. Replica Glass and Gold (20) Crack the Anvil (1)
  16. In a day that had already had several strange events occur in rapid succession, this was likely the strangest. It seemed that the Glass Woman's mimicry was so great that even Treestock couldn't tell the difference. This gave Replica an idea. It was absurd and almost cartoonish but it could be the distraction that she needed while the police arrived. "No, she is lying, my love. She is the impostor!" Replica pointed to the Glass Woman accusingly, mimicking her scream of joy. While she engaged that in bit of farce. We communicated with the police officer electronically. My name is Replica and I'm a superhero. I found evidence of an Aaron Treestock being connected to the theft of scientific material from ASTRO Labs. I need officers at the Golden Note disco in the North End here immediately. Things are escalating and violence may break out soon.
  17. Not sure if this is necessary but rolling a Physical Science check to see if Replica can piece together that the glass woman IS the lost mimetic glass. Knowledge (Physical Science): Scanning glass woman: 1d20+7 20
  18. She didn't physically have to do it but Replica signed. It was just one of those human gestures she had started to pick up and it seemed appropriate for the situation. Treestock and his men were coming, and while she was confront that she could take down a couple bouncers and security guards easily she wasn't so sure about the glass woman or Treestock himself who seemed to some unknown metahuman abilities. She eventually concluded that the situation had gotten to the point that police intervention was warranted and used her onboard wireless uplink to notify them about the glass woman and Treestock's unsavory actions. The android that got primed for Treestock's arrival, hopefully she could distract him and his men long enough for the police to arrive. Before her mind went to attack mode she scanned the glass woman one last time. There was an unfortunate possibility that she could be destroyed in the fight and Replica wanted to at least save something of the unique being.
  19. Stunt off? You mean power stunts? So I can use extra effort as a free action to pull it off?
  20. Cool! Got another question. Can Replica's Radio Senses or Datalink powers allow her to call the cops?
  21. For Replica to find out about the glass woman's physical properties and makeup what would she have to roll?
  22. After witnessing such a sudden transform Replica's digital mind went into analyse mode overdrive. How could it not? She had figured that the glass woman had some shapeshifting ability given her power to sharp her form. But what she was seeing now was far beyond that! The sight was so astounding that it almost made Replica lag in her response time to the obvious threat that the glass woman was posing. Replica stepped out the shadows and moved towards the glass woman cautiously. Her plan to spy on Treestock wasn't going to happen if the glass woman could immediately detect her. Still, it wouldn't hurt to have her equipment still recording still just in case. Taking a fighting stance, and optimistically estimating that the glass woman's mimicry only went as far as appearance, Replica prepared for the worse but not before trying for diplomacy one last time. "We don't have to fight. If you wish to learn more about me, and I you, we can do it away from this basement and Treestock."
  23. As the guard walked up the stairs Replica formulated a new plan. The guard wasn't able to see her from her position and she calculated (and hoped) that the same would be true for Treestock. Moving only as much as necessary, Replica pulled out a recording device of her own making out of her utility belt and activated in it using her technopathic uplink. She then used her uplink to download the contents of the files she had found on the basement's computers. The android knew that the information there would be necessary to getting Treestock on his crimes. Speaking of which, Replica patiently waited for the man himself to show up. She knew that even in "stealth mode" it was possible that he'd be able to detect her and prevent her from fully recording any sensitive information he might mention while visiting the glass woman. The man was oddly perspective she had to admit. But even if that was the case, Replica was more than ready to confront him.
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