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Double Pink (IC)

Tiffany Korta

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The drone to the heroes didn't seem to show much in the way of intelligence. But somewhere in it's basic brain if must have realized it had been abandoned to it's fate. It was also blinded by Starlight's burst of light.

It reactions however where one of pure instincts it arms whirled faster than and more frantic in a potentially deadly arcs. In it confusion however it failed to connect with anyone, or anything, within in the room. Despite this outburst of rage it again made no sound during it's assault.

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Starlight barely had to move to avoid the creature's wild, flailing attacks. "Silly, ineffectual creature," she sneered. "Take my message back to your master. I now know his face, but remember! I move with every face in the crowd. He shall never know of my attack, until I choose to lower the blade!" The cosmic heroine raised her hands up over her head and channeled energy into them, forming a huge, scintillating ball of light and power. She brought it down in a heavy, over-handed blow, lighting up the conference room as she unloaded into the disabled drone.

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Synth took a few steps backed from the whirling arms, studying it carefully, her own speed enough to keep pace.

Four more identical arms grew from her sides, tearing the expensive clothes she was wearing. Fortunately, she was not left immodest, but the clothes were ruined.

Needs must conceded Synth. The CEO could no doubt afford a new set. However, she was quite curious to know what Starlight had found out.

In any case, her companion seemed to think stopping the drone was a good idea, and Synth was inclined to concur. With a few quick steps and a duck beneath one of the thrashing arms, she brought her own multitude of limbs to bear, in a flurry of slaps, chops, and complicated locks.

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The creature writhed and shifted in Synth's grasp, but even in its shifted form it couldn’t seem to break her grasp. It continued to struggle against Synth however even against her best efforts. Its eye now seemed to be fixed on Starlight and it seemed to see the hero again, though no sounds came from again.

With this lull in the combat a form of silence descended on the office. With this quiet moment the only sound that could be heard was the quiet whimpering of the man and the sound of the struggle going on outside the office.

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Starlight shook her head condescendingly at the drone as it continued to struggle. "You cannot prevail against the pair of us," she said, gathering power in her fists again. "You cannot see, and now you cannot move. Soon you shall be dealt with -- and then we shall deal with your master. Tell it that the Light shall be coming soon to drive him from this planet!" With the cry, she unleashed the powerful blow again at the trapped minion.

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Synth nodded to Starlight as the heroine unleashed her power. Whilst all the pieces of the jigsaw were yet to fall into place, she had little doubt now that the drone in her arms was dangerous. It was strong, fast, and deadly, and Starlight clearly shared her perception.

With her multiple arms around the creature, Synth shuffled her feet slightly to get better leverage, and lifted the drone off the floor, tightening her grip. Her arms strained, and her elbows, fingers, and fists applied there superhuman force to the drone, in a powerful bear hug. She just hoped the thing wouldn't burst into the pink ooze they had seen before.

"This...game....is...over...." she said, through gritted teeth, her concentration on the grappled drone.

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Synth's subtle pressure was enough and the creature seemed to lose cohesion and flowed into a puddle of pink goo. As the two heroes were recovering from the battle the sound from outside also quickly died away.

Then Niki entered into the room, giving Synth her first look at her pink demonic form, as they watched she shifted back down into her smaller human form dressed in the clothes Synth had seen her in before all this started.

“I hope you don't mind if I stay in this form, I find it more comfortable.â€

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Synth spun around to face Niki. She felt the anger and adrenaline in her blood, but her head was relatively cool.

She matched 'Niki's' own flowing form by absorbing her limbs back to her body and coming to rest as her own 'normal' physique (if she could be said to have one).

"I imagine it garners less attention" she commented, observing her carefully and keeping up her vigilance.

"Perhaps you could explain exactly what is going on here? I can't help feeling that I have been deceived in some manner..."

She left her sentence trailing. Her words were not angry, but they did demand an explanation.

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As the drone collapsed in Synth's grip, Starlight relaxed and floated to the floor, her aura of power shimmering and wafting away. "Let me take a guess," she said, glancing at Ms. Hawthorne's 'war-form.' "Somewhere out there in the stars, there is a cephalapoid conqueror, who goes by Nes. Much like the Grue Unity, it sends out near-mindless drones who infiltrate a target civilization and prepare it for conquest from within." She crossed her arms. "Much like the Grue.

"You were just such a drone, sent to learn about Earth. But as you learned more about this planet, you came to prefer it to your creator, and rebelled in the quietest fashion -- you went native. Now Nes is here and it wants to stop you, possibly reabsorb you and replace you with a willing drone." The heroine grew eyebrows just so she could one questioningly. "Is that more or less correct?"

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Nikki eye's went (naturally) wide “Alien's really? Wow the first company I try to actually take over...â€

She wandered over to the businessman and help him to his feet.

“I think it's better if you wait outside until we've finished our business.†she guided the unresisting man outside the office and closed the doors.

She took something from the desk drawers and gesture to set of couches in the corner.

“I thought it might come to this so I took the precaution of having these drawn up.†she held up two folders “The give the two of you temporary ownership if I go missing for over 7 days, after a month you both co-own the company. If after what I tell you you decide I'm unfit to run this company, then well you have the power to do so.â€

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"I'm the last person you want running a company" responde Synth, actually taking two steps back with anxiety.

"Capatilism, greed, corruption...you must understand these are things I abhor. The first thing I would do with a company is dismantle it, or give it to the workers..."

"But that aside, your story needs to be told. And I imagine it is quite a story...."

Synth took a grip on herself. She had no inclination to be mean to...whoever this was...but she remained honest of her intent.

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Starlight stared down at the papers for a long minute, and then shook her head. "I have no desire for Earthly goods or wealth," she said, sliding the papers away from her, "beyond what I require for day-to-day life. Your assets are of no interest to me." She narrowed her eyes at the CEO. "That being said, if I do not find your story acceptable, no level of material wealth will stop me from bringing you to justice."

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Nikki's first showed shock at there reaction and then a dawning horror “Oh no, no i'm so sorry. I'm not trying to bride your loyalty, if I could I would do what Synth suggested and give the company to the workers. I'm not doing this for the money, it's a question of salvation.â€

She sat back down heavily on the sofa.

“You see I was spawned, well quite a while ago, in one of the dimensions that the humans call Hell dimensions. As a Demon I was meant to torment the human souls that ended up there but I couldn't ever bring myself to punish any of them. I just found humans so fascinating I just wanted to know more about them.â€

She paused looking at the two heroes for there reactions to her her confession.

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"Demons? Hell?"

Synth looked perplexed. She knew and understood little of religion, although she had a vague concept of other dimensions. She was none the clearer what this creature actually was.

But fascination with humans, now that she could understand.

"I can understand your fascination with humans" she added, levelly, not taking her eyes of the woman "and it is reassuring that you have empathy with them, rather than the desire to torture them. But what you have described is just motivation. What has this company, these...things..." she said, screwing up her face and pointing at the remains of the drone she had crushed "...got to do with all of that?"

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Starlight put her head to one side and squinted hard as Ms. Hawthorne. "I thought these creatures were from space," she said slowly, "but from another dimension? That promises even more ill than I thought." She paused for a moment and added, "But how do they know of the Grue? The creature I confronted near the water, he knew of -- he spoke of a plan, a pact with the Unity. And how," she added, pointing sharply at the CEO-cum-demon, "did you escape Hell? I cannot imagine that the powers of that place they agreed to turn you loose on Earth if you weren't their favored minion."

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  • 2 weeks later...

She looked down again slightly embarrassed. “I stumbled upon the aliens quite by accidents. I should have suspected, there technology was just so in advance of anyone else, but I was desperate and once I found out I didn't know who to turn to.â€

She stood and looked out of the window, looking a lost and small in this massive office.

“Your friend is right, they don't just let demons go. The Princes wanted me destroyed, once they figured out I wasn't evil enough, but it amused him to keep me around. But I knew my time was limited so I can up with a plan. I got assigned here to Earth, I suspect they wanted to get rid of me and show me human evil, four human souls to take care of until there contacts ran out.â€

As she spoke she turned back round and looked at the two heroes.

“But I had a plan. I slowly took control of the companies and gathered the rare and exotic mystical materials. The day before there contracts ran out I put my plan into action, I freed myself, took control of the companies and hid away the four businessmen I was sent to gather...â€

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starlight shook her head slightly. "Alright, so you got out of Hell by volunteering for this... mission. But once you were here you worked against the plan, preparing for this day so you could do... What, exactly? Stockpiled what materials, to what end?" She narrowed her pure-gold eyes at the demon. "These businessmen you were sent here to claim -- was one of them head of who you were meeting today?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Oh no he was just an opportunist who sided with the wrong people. The four I was assigned were bad people who were happy to exploit people and the planet for profit. But they weren’t evil.â€

She looked at a large painting of a man, her “husband†she had talked about earlier.

“I don’t think I every loved any of them, but I cared for them deeply, despite their ways. Even they didn’t deserve to suffer the torments of hell. So I hid them away and reformed there companies into Roseus. And I, and the company, do good in their names and maybe I can earn them a little redemption. At least until the hordes of hell come to collect me.â€

She sat down heavily on the sofa.

“That’s the whole story, what happens now is up to you both…â€

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Synth shrugged, almost involuntarily. This was beyond her - demons, infernal dimensions.

"I don't know of what you speak" she said, slowly and carefully. "I don't understand half of it, and I am not entirely sure I believe the other half" she explained.

"But here you sit, in front of us, without ill intent. The companies and monies of this world are not a force for good as I see it - corruption, inequality, and even hate. Half the world rich, half the world dying from poverty. "

"So if you want to do some good, think on that. But I, for one, will not stand in your way. At least for now. "

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Starlight shook her head. "This business situation seems immaterial," she said, "next to this Nyx creature. It can potentially infiltrate any organization it chooses to, including businesses." She looked down at the demon in the neat suit. "What do you know of it? What interest does it have in your business and your goals? Have you encountered it before?"

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  • 5 weeks later...

The slightly nervous woman seemed to have evaporated at the two hero assurances, replaced by the more confident business woman of before.

“Of cause all of my company resources are at your disposal. I’m happy to share everything we find, or turn it over to a third party if you wish. But I’m going to need some way of contacting you.†She held her hand out to stop any arguments “I know you have secret identities and all to protect. We’re actually looking at setting up a mobile company I’m sure I can find some suitable phone that only the three of us can use…â€

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Starlight frowned. She wasn't greatly interested in being at this woman's beck and call, and having her contact them at any time could be more of an annoyance than anything. On the other hand, she was not going to let Nell go. "I will accept the phone," she allowed, "but I do not promise to answer every time. I do have my own plans in place." She paused and added, "I will not allow that vile creature to remain overlong in this city."

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Synth crossed her hands and stared at the...thing.

Magic and Monsters, this is out of my league...

"I don't understand half of what you just said, and I like it even less" she said, a note of Iron in her voice "but if there is something vile in Freedom City, then I will root it out...there is enough spite in the hearts of men without it being tainted further..."

"As for a phone, I'm not sure I trust you. And if certain people found out my identity, where I am...then there will be big trouble...however, if you need me, then you can always post an ad in the Freedom Ledger with some code in. I read that every day, and I'm sure you have the money..."

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After all the arrangements were made Nikki escorted the two heroes back down the lobby. She was polite and courteous but it was obvious she wanted to return to her business. On seeing the protestors she gave a faint smile.

“Let’s hope next year bring us all better luck. And Happy Holiday’s.â€

Farrel BioTech

In a corner of the business building sat a device, a dome of black glass, a link to the Tine’s now abandoned invasion. It sat there waiting for a signal from its partner and sign that they were here again. Silently it blink away in the dark, waiting always waiting…


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