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There Wolf, There Castle [IC]


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The revenant blinked at Scholar.

"That... is... awesome! Wow!"

Dead Head laughed and clapped his hands, "I mean, not that ya crashed, I mean, I feel sorry fer that. Are ya gonna be able ta get yer ship fixed? Wow!" he exclaimed again, "A real, not-tryin'-ta-kill us alien! An' she's workin' as a hero! This is great! So, where ya from? What's yer world like? Is it Earth-like, like what all the movies show, or is it vastly different? Got any undead where yer from?"

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Watching the leader of the 'real' werewolves put on the little healing routine nearly made Sil chuckle. Sure it was a fantastic feat, but was the whole little mellow dramatic howling thing really nessicary. Shrugging her shoulder she very nearly split right there when the subject of Scholar discussing her origins seemed to pop up. Taking another look at the other woman, she sized her up as being rather humanoid for an alien, though this was a shapeshifter as she demonstrated earlier, so this could very well be an alternate of her base form utilized to be less fear inducing to the public.

If so, Creature might want to take some lessons.

Listening in the conversation about the non-earthens crash landing she frowned,

"Sounds like a tough break."

She was curious, but thought not to touch to much on the subject herself, besides the fact that Dead Head was certianly content to play twenty questions for her regardless.

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Crow looked over from his chair and shook a fist before reappearing beside the Revenant and gave him a light fwap upside the head. A quick chuckle put the lie to his apparent irritation, and he gave both him and Scholar a friendly grin beneath the bandanna. The smile even stretched up to his eyes, not that they were visible underneath the the hood.

"Easy on the questions there, mate. Give the girl room to breathe, yeh? Anyway, wherever you're from, you sure as hell know how to put up a good fight. I'm most pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Scholar."

Alien xenobiologist? Really? Ok, no way...anyone's going to believe this. Hah, I gotta introduce this girl to the Tuatha sometime, they'll go into conniptions!

Thoughts running through his mind, Crow executed a damn good bow in her direction, much the same that he'd give any visiting dignitary (which, given how much the pantheon he dealt with focused on protocol, was actually quite well-practiced).

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I feel at ease leaving the neighborhood to these. The undead one I still do not feel comfortable about. But then, that is just Wolf talking. I am satisfied keeping an eye on him in the hopes that he proves himself. I may yet assign him a tail, but for now I would say they have all earned some peace.

Leaving the others to their conversations, Lukos retreated to the shadows. He stayed for another few moments to listen. His wolves loped off one at a time here and there. There was no rush to escape the scene, they left when they felt appropriate. The next time any of them looked to his end of the room, Lukos himself was no longer present. It seems he'd skulked off when no one was looking.

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