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There's A Little Grue In All Of Us (IC)


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A faint whirring sound could be heard from Protectron's eyes as its optics zoomed in on Gossamer!Atlas.

Observation: Samael Nitorvich is a superpowered organic possessing powers of both metamorphosis and -- based on the apparent force exerted by Friend-de Havilland's manipulatory hair on the hypodermic needle -- some form of enhanced tegument.

Secondary Observation: Frined-de Havilland's manipulatory hair is at least as agile as her own flesh-and-bone limbs, if not moreso.

It turned back to Gossamer, "your friend possesses a remarkable ability," it said flatly, then turned to the other Gossamer. "Was this an ability you were born with, did it develop naturally later in life as you went through puberty, or is it the result of some accident or exposure?"

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"You don't watch the news very often do you?" replied Gossamer!Atlas dryly, as he got up off the stool to better look at Protectron. "Samael Nitorvich aka Atlas, the Grue Bioweapon." Gossamer!Atlas explained as he changed his skin color to a deep red and his hair went from golden blond to jet black. "I kind of lead a full scale Invasion on Freedom City a few months back..." continued RedGossamer!Atlas as his hair formed itself into fists and punched the air in front of him for emphasis "...At least until the other heroes snapped me out of the mind control and we were able to drive off the Grue Invasion."

Retaking his seat and normal color Gossamer!Atlas concluded "So it was the process the Grue used on me to turn me into a weapon that gave me my powers. Though I wound up being the most powerful out of all the other "candidates" due to my previous exposure to Soviet-era practices, which have thankfully been stopped."

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"So it was the process the Grue used on me to turn me into a weapon that gave me my powers. Though I wound up being the most powerful out of all the other "candidates" due to my previous exposure to Soviet-era practices, which have thankfully been stopped."

When Sam assumed her own form, Estelle smirked as she labelled the original group pf samples. "I had a feeling you'd go that route; interesting to see that you got the hair right this time." She placed a hand on a well-muscled forearm and gave it an experimental squeeze before prepping the next needle. "I remember when you last tried this, you said you became significantly weaker in a smaller form like mine; is that still the case? And are you more limited in your control of your muscle mass?"

Dr. de Havilland turned to Protectron once she got the needle under the Russian's skin. "Are you able to do a subsurface scan on Atlas? I'm curious if his internal anatomy underwent significant change, or if the sex change we perceive is merely cosmetic."

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"It's actually entirely different from the last time I did this." replied Gossamer!Atlas. "I've always had the ability to change my shape like this, but I never knew it until the MetaGrue unlocked it. It's like there were certain parts of my body that were blocked off, like if you didn't know you could bend your elbow. As time went on, I was pushing the boundaries of what was possible, and also I was becoming more Grue-like. When I initially got my powers, I could only transform into Atlas for a little bit at a time. Then for a while there, I was stuck in Atlas form. Then I was able to change my shape, though it was a bit klunky. When I got my mental powers, I was pulled into the Unity as I finally became Grue enough to be controlled." Gossamer!Atlas shifted on the stool so the real Gossamer could get a better angle for the vein.

"I remember when you last tried this, you said you became significantly weaker in a smaller form like mine; is that still the case? And are you more limited in your control of your muscle mass?"

"Hrnnn..." considered Gossamer!Atlas chewing on his bottom lip, trying to figure out how to put it into words. "Ok, so at my base, I'm car lifting, steel punching strong, and about as tough. I can use my shapeshifting to build up from that, but I can't make myself worse. I'm always at least that strong, no matter the form. I also always have to keep the ability to talk and have thumbs, or at least have something of hand-level... ummm, dexterity? That's the word I think. Dunno why. Still a work in process. Probably not a full grue so I can't do everything they can. But your tests will probably shed light on that."

Dr. de Havilland turned to Protectron once she got the needle under the Russian's skin. "Are you able to do a subsurface scan on Atlas? I'm curious if his internal anatomy underwent significant change, or if the sex change we perceive is merely cosmetic."

Gossamer!Atlas outright snorted at this remark, trying to not laugh out loud. "I swear, doctors gotta have a class that teaches you to keep a straight face while saying weird crap like that. Seriously."

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A soft whirring sound accompanied Protectron's optics refocusing. "In the two weeks I have been online, I have interfaced with Internet on a regular basis for observation and intelligence gathering. Thus, I do know of the recent Grue Invasion. However, I had not seen any mention directly connecting you with it. It pleases me to learn the other superheroes were able to free you from the Grue control and routed the shapeshifting aliens."

Observation: The Grue seem bent on conquest.

Query: Why?

Analysis: Ask Samael once there is a lull in Friend-de Havilland's tests.

Speaking of Dr. de Havilland, her request for a scan of Atlas caused another soft whirring to come from Protectron's optics. It looked at Gossamer, back to Atlas, then back to Gossamer.

Infrared scanners online.

Ultraviolet scanners online.

ERROR: No other optical enhancements located. However, broken connections have been located. Will investigate at later date.

"I regret to inform you, Friend-de Havilland, the robot said flatly, "that the extent of my optical scanners function is to extend to the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the spectrum. My only other onboard sensors are audio receptors which can pick up infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies, and the ability to pick up radio frequencies. However, if supplied with the equipment with which to generate an ultrasonic pulse, I believe can function as a medical ultrasonograph."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I think I might have a solution..." said Gossamer!Atlas tentatively. "Though it's going to be weird. Well, weird-er." he said after a moment's contemplation. He stood up and walked over to the center of the room. His golden hair wrapped around him like a cocoon, and even lifted him off the ground a little, judging by the height of the cocoon. "Alright, it worked." called the muffled voice from inside the cocoon. "And its even weirder than I thought it would be."

The strands of hair pulled back slowly to reveal Gossamer!Atlas... without any skin. Organs, tissue, bone and muscle were all plainly visible to see, and pulsing with life. Though on a closer inspection, there was a rather thick film covering Gossamer!Atlas's body. "I made my skin see-through." explained Gossamer!Atlas now using the mass of golden hair to preserve a degree of modesty, seemingly unsure if this would count as exposing one's self. To the untrained eye, everything looked to be in perfect working order. To the trained eye however, you were able to discern many differences in the anatomy. Organs were in the wrong place, or somehow modified, the muscular structure was seemingly reinforced and layered over the bones differently than a normal human, and even the bones were slightly "off". The most dramatic change was of course on the head where there was a weave of filaments connecting to the hair, and surrounding the skull. Gossamer!Atlas could pass for a human female, though one that had been mutated or in another subspecies, maybe a different species all together. But again, only to the trained eye.

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"I made my skin see-through."

There was a sharp intake of breath, and then the real Estelle turned her head to one side as she spoke to the helpful robot. "Protectron, would you be able to record everything...currently on display, in high definition, if at all possible?"

She then took a few brisk steps towards the door, pausing in the doorway. "I'll just give you two a moment while I fix myself a drink; can I get either of you anything?" Her tone was calm and even, bearing only the slightest edge of strain.

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Protectron cocked its head as TheVisibleGossamer!Atlas.

Observation: Many Lab-Friends have made this gesture when faced with something unexpected or surprising.

Query: Does Samael's recreation accurately mimic Friend-de Havilland's internal structure?

Hypothesis: No mention has been made of Atlas possessing any sort of x-ray vision or similar abilities. However, Grue are telepathic, and their alterations may be guided by what they scan -- consciously or subconsciously -- from potential templates/victims.

Observation: Based on limited conversations (both direct and overheard), Friend-de Havilland has thorough knowledge of how her own metahuman abilities function.

Conclusion: Samael's recreation is accurate to what Friend-de Havilland truly looks like under the skin.

Gossamer's request for hi-def recording was met with a flat "affirmative."

Observation: Friend-de Havilland appears unnerved at the sight of her own internal workings.

Hypothesis: 'Squeamishness' lead Frined-de Havilland away from macro-scale biological sciences, to work in the more abstract biochemistry.

Analysis: Now is ideal time to ask Samael questions.

"Samael Nitorvich," the strange robot's flat voice announced, as it stared at him with unwavering robot eyes, "why have the Grue invaded and attempted to conquer Earth so many times?"

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"Water will be fine." called Gossamer!Atlas after the rapidly retreating form of the real Gossamer. He had the distinct impression that he grossed her out rather badly just then, but figured he should off on the appologies until he wasn't in effect wearing an inside out version of her. It might be a bit problematic to the healing process.

Protectron on the other hand didn't seem to be phased by the odd display. That was something Atlas could identify with; thinking back on it, he ran in some pretty weird circles, even by super hero standards. Gossamer!Atlas slowly moved the strands of hair to allow for a better recording, and spread his arms so that they wouldn't interfere with the line of sight. "I'm not entirely sure of their original intentions for their first invasion. Perhaps our resources? A display of their military might? I couldn't tell you. This most recent attack had no other aim than to destroy the Earth and "save face" as it were. The Grue have been pushed back twice by a planet that they believed was far beneath them. They just want us gone so they can move on at this point."

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The strange robot's head tilted down a hair. "This is... depressing." It looked back up, and continued speaking, though its flat electronic monotone did not alter at all. "Space is so vast, and planets so far apart, that it would seem illogical to waste time in such id-driven displays. Do you know if this is a common occurrence among non-terrestrial species? Is it so rare a thing for species from different worlds to reach out to help one another, for the betterment of all?"

Query: Would such actions be derived from primitive survival instincts? Would similar survival and dominance instincts arise among species evolving on entirely separate worlds?

Protectron slowly walked around Gossamer!Atlas, scanning 'her' up and down to record every inch, its metallic feet clanging regularly upon the floor. "How big or small a form can you take? Are you only able to take existing forms, with minor alterations -- such as transparent skin on Friend-de Havilland -- or can you do radical alterations? Could you," it barely paused as it recalled a website it had seen featuring assorted mythological creatures, "take the form of Friend-de Havilland as a centaur, or as a mermaid?"

Analysis: Friend-de Havilland should be pleased with the initiative I am taking in examining the limits of Samael Nitorvich's metamorphic abilities.
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"From my understanding, that is precisely what the Lor Republic is trying to do. But they want us to develop on our own because we're too primitive or something. I don't know much beyond that though." continued Gossamer!Atlas. "The Grue are the exception to the rule; most people are good enough. But because we can't change our form like the Grue do, they look down on us, like humans do to ants. They aren't worth the same level of consideration."

"Well as I mentioned earlier..." began Gossamer!Atlas as he lifted his arms higher so Protection could get a good angle "My powers have been developing quite steadily. Before I could do a multitude of forms, and be between 3 to 10ft tall. But those changes were just cosmetic, I wouldn't be any different. Now however, I'm far less limited. Let me demonstrate."

Gossamer!Atlas paused to let Protectron get into position, before he changed shape. He followed Protectron's idea and changed into Centaur!Gossamer!Atlas while still having his skin be see through. At no part in the process did it look natural. Bones, muscle and organs all stretched like putty into a rough approximation of the form before solidifying into actual shapes and adjusting their functionality.

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Gossamer returned to the room with a serving tray, laden with a pitcher of water, an ice bucket, a crystal decanter of brandy, a bottle of high-grade industrial lubricant and three glasses. At the sight of Sam in his current...configuration, she dropped the tray, or rather her hands did; her golden hair quickly snatched it out of the hair with only the minimal clinking of glass. Eyes closed, she gingerly placed the tray on a nearby table, a few fine strands feeling the way ahead.

"Ah, I see...far too much, it seems. Protectron, please tell me you captured the whole transformation on video; I would hate for it to be repeated unnecessarily."

She found a seat, fixed herself a drink and brought it over to herself, her golden pseudopods performing each task with great care and delicacy. A large sip seemed to calm her, and with great effort she finally managed to make eye contact with 'herself'. With an air of forced levity, she spoke to the shapeshifter.

"Very impressive, Sam; it's not often one gets to see themselves so clearly."

Suddenly finding the play of light over the ice in her glass fascinating, she continued.

"Let's finish this phase of our project up shortly; there are a few other things I'd like to test, and I'm sure you both have more important things to do today."

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"So the Lor allow other cultures to make their own developments, not interfering except in cases of outside invasion or interference?," the strange robot asked as Atlas shifted.

Analysis: Must make inquiries with other superheros who have more experience in extraterrestrial matters.

Warning: Must not let curiosity of off-planet life severely disrupt efficiency of duties to on-planet life.

"Affirmative, Friend-de Havilland," it replied flatly, without taking its optics off Atlas. "And I sincerely hope the quality and resolution of my recordings are sufficient for your purposes."

Reviewing daily itinerary...

"I do have some leeway with my schedule," it added, "and can rearrange it to accommodate any requests you have for my service."

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"That's about the long and short of it." responded Gossamer!Atlas to Protectron. He picked up on the very so subtle cues that Gossamer would very much like to put this particular endeavor behind her. I apologize for upsetting you. said Atlas telepathically to Gossamer as he slowly reverted back to his normal human form. I've seen more than my fair share of... oddities... and forget most people haven't. It wasn't my intent to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry. he continued while making an act of getting himself some water, while trying to give Gossamer a weak smile. I'll run my odder ideas before you first next time. Oh, and the horse thing? His idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize for upsetting you. said Atlas telepathically to Gossamer as he slowly reverted back to his normal human form. I've seen more than my fair share of... oddities... and forget most people haven't. It wasn't my intent to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry. he continued while making an act of getting himself some water, while trying to give Gossamer a weak smile. I'll run my odder ideas before you first next time. Oh, and the horse thing? His idea.

Gossamer smiled, clearly relieved to see Sam back in his own form. It's quite alright, she thought in his general direction. Taking another sip from her drink, she rose and set her glass aside. "Well now, I think we've covered human and inhuman anatomy rather thoroughly for one afternoon; onto something that I hope will be a bit less unnerving."

Estelle stepped closer the Russian shapeshifter, eagerly rubbing her hands together. "Now, how about an inanimate object, or at least the appearance of one; I'm not sure if you can change your molecular structure. Feel free to make the object as simple or complex as you chose, Sam." She took a few steps back to give him room to work, and with a wave of her hand motioned for him to proceed.

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Atlas nodded with a smile, glad Gossamer was willing to continue. Maybe I didn't freak her out as much as I thought I did. he thought to himself. But to be on the safe side, he took a moment to contemplate the form he would assume next. Deciding upon a new one, he took a few steps back and crouched down, taking a knee. Spindly fibers burst out of his back, and hung in the air like a fishing pole and line. As the change continued, it became clear that those were to become bat-like wings. Horns grew from his brow as his face distorted and became grotesque. Hands and feet became clawed as teeth became fangs and tusks. Clothes melted away leaving a modesty preserving half toga half loin cloth. Lastly, his skin took on a stony appearance, as a statue would look after 30 years braving the elements, complete with cracks, moss and damage from acid rain. He assumed the position of a gargoyle perched upon a rooftop and moved no more.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Very impressive; I really appreciate your attention to detail, Sam." Estelle grabbed a screw-top sample jar and a metal probe and approached the stony figure. She reached out and gently patted him on top of his head. "Now I'm just going to scrape off a small bit of material; I'll be gentle, but let me know if it hurts...assuming you possess nerves in this form. Or the ability to speak."

With a gentle touch, she broke of some of the apparent stone and moss and put it in the jar; when she was finished, she sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Alright, you can go back to normal now, Sam; the truth of the matter is, I could do this for days if you let me, thinking of different variables to try and explore, but I don't think that entirely fair to you."

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Gargoyle!Atlas winces slightly as Gossamer gathers her sample. "I can take almost any form so long as it doesn't remove any traits I've got." he explained, proving that he both had nerves in this form and could speak. Turning back into human form there was a small pin prick of blood where Gossamer had drawn her sample on Atlas' arm, which was wiped away with an offhand swipe with his other arm, the "wound" underneath having apparently healed already. "It is not a matter of fair." corrected Atlas. "I came here so that I could learn more about myself, and so that humanity could learn more about the Grue. Because I didn't know who and what I was, the Unity was able to control me. I do not wish to make the same mistake again. Please continue."

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Observation: Samael Nitorvich can assume inanimate forms, yet retains full mobility and sensation.

Protectron continued to slowly, ceaselessly circle Atlas and record him. "When you change, does your physical substance actually change? Or is it merely cosmetic? If you became a metal statue, would your electrical conductivity increase? If you became iron, could you oxidize, rust?"

It turned slightly to see if the moss Gossamer had collected was still moss, or if it had reverted when Atlas had changed back to his human form.

"Also, what do you mean by 'can take almost any form so long as it doesn't remove any traits I've got'?," it asked, perfectly repeating his words but in its own flat, electronic voice. "When you were a statue, you could still feel and hear. If you turned into an eyeless cavefish, would you still be able to see?"

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"It is almost cosmetic." says Atlas after some pondering. "I take on amalgam form. It's like "what would skin be like if it was made of stone" for this past example. It's not truly stone, and not truly skin." He thought for another minute as he went to sit back down. "So I'd guess I'd be more conductive if I was metal because I can already be shocked, but I don't think I'd rust because skin doesn't rust, plus I could still heal. I'm just guessing though." he said with a shrug. "And as for the catfish question, I couldn't change into an eyeless catfish. All of my forms have to have eyes, or some other visual means. There doesn't have to be 2 of them, or even be human eyes, but I must retain the 5 senses and I've got to have something that's similar enough to hands to allow fine manipulation. I find that human-like forms are the easiest for those reasons."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Estelle gently shook the sample jars and watched as the 'rock' and 'moss' rattled from side to side, maintaining their current state. "Fascinating," she murmured softly. Looking back up at the others in her lab, she sighed with satisfaction.

"Well perhaps you could go on for a while longer, Sam, but I have enough samples now to provide for weeks of study; if I take anymore, I may become a shut-in." She shot a tendril across the room and fetched a jar of lollipops, which she offered to her patient. "Here you are, you've earned your reward." Taking out a Sharpie, she proceeded to label all the samples. When she was done, she peered over her splash goggles and smiled. "So Sam, would you like to join me for lunch down in the commissary? My treat."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sam gave a particularly loud snort as he took a lolipop from jar offered by Gossamer. He was halfway through putting it in his coat pocket before he stopped suddenly. He looked quizzically between the lolipop in his hand and the jar from which it came. ...She doesn't see normal patients in here... and she's not a normal medical doctor... so why...? mused Sam internally before deciding not to comment on the whole issue and just stuck the lolipop in his pocket like a good little lad.

"I think I'd like that. After you doctor."

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