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Is Back! With Stories!


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Okay, so first, I'm back. And secondly, as part of my mea culpa, I'm gonna run some dimensional hijinks that will tie in to Phantom's upcoming rework but not be a direct giant crossover because, well, those run forever. So! Here's the synopsis.

Phantom is going to get pushed to quitting her job and smashing the Eye of Heshem. Metaphysically, this is going to result in "Two points touching that should never touch" to blatantly quote Dr. Who. There is going to be a 'mainline' story for a few people: Avenger, Dead Head and Ouroborus for certain. Probably room for one more with first slot going to Wander if she wants it as she has been babysitting Phantom's kid.

I do have a plotline that ties into the main story for magic users. Specifically those who would know what it all meant/what was going on etc.

As for the rest, here's where my apology comes in. Got a group of people and a world you want to see / elseworlds character you want to interact with? Let me know. I will even run single/duo thread elseworlds highjinks. I will close this at some point since I can't run a billion threads. Well, not my first week back. They theme they will have in common is setting the two worlds that have gotten mushed together right.

I missed you all!

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Okay, so the 'main line' story is going to be: Wander, Ouroborus, Dead Head, Avenger if they're all up for it. That will be tracking down Phantom and her son before JJ the time displaced vanishes completely.

The mystic storyline will be to stop the cracks from forming. Right now I have Robin and Etain for this one.

Any supplemental stories will be the intersection of two dimensions, prime and somewhere else. Either the heroes trying to clear the problem back to its native dimension or getting themselves 'home'. I have one request for a medieval earth setting which I can do. Who wants into that one?

You can start a storyline of your own if you'd like with the same crack/schism but I am also happy to run them. PM for more details if there are spoiler-type questions

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