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The Red Rat

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The Red Rat (PL 9)large.RedRat23.jpg.c538c3e673643ec7b90b63c86fc95512.jpg
Power Level: 9/15 (248/250 PP) [251]
Unspent Power Points: 2

Trade-Off: +5 Attack / -5 DC (Melee) or +3 Attack/-3 DC (Ranged), +4 Defence, -4 Toughness

In Brief: Mutant Super Spy with Soviet Computer in her head.  

Alternate Identity: Noemi “Nomi” Von Neumann
Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary

Residence: Freedom City
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Affiliations: None
Family: None (Alive)


Age: 70 (Cryogenically frozen for decades)
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 70Kgs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde


Noemi has a Slavic look, with chiselled features. It is not immediately apparent, but her body is in great shape. Her musculature is well developed. She usually wears glasses and has her hair in a short ponytail, and somehow nobody recognises her as the Red Rat...?!


The Red Rat wears close fitting black top and a short Red Jacket. She carries two super-high tech pistols of Soviet Design.


Noemi Von Neumann was born into a poor family in Budapest at the height of communist power. As a young woman, she was politically active, and soon joined the underground movement of artists, philosophers, and anarchists who wanted change. She studied a little, read a little, and shouted a lot. And she was caught.


A few dozen radicals, including her, were used as human guinea pigs for the Soviets' Super Programme. They were exposed to the virus Darwin-X, a highly unstable and dangerous pathogen. Only Noemi survived. The virus had triggered off something in her, making her body evolve and adapt.


Darwin-X was in almost all cases lethal, and if not, then dangerous. Only a few candidates were any good. The Red Rat only knows of herself, but there may have been others.


Nicknamed the “Red Rat” (after a lab rat), she was brainwashed. A soviet computer system was installed in her skull, nicknamed “Slave”, complete with cybernetic eyes that replaced her own. The Slave System is advanced, but normal humans are unable to tolerate it. The Red Rat, with her adaptive genetics, was able to bond with it. Now an agent of the Soviet Union, she was put on cryo-stasis until she was needed for certain missions in Europe.


Over the years she had been awakened a few dozen times, sometimes to upgrade Slave, sometimes to spy. When the Wall came crashing down, the unit handling her disbanded, and she was left for years, untended, unwatched, and asleep in a Berlin Cryo-unit deep underground, until a UNISON team found the old site and awakened her.


Playing ball initially, the Red Rat soon went on the run. She had no wish to be anyone’s puppet anymore…


Personality & Motivation:


Easy going, Paranoid, Trickster

Noemi is an easy go lucky personality, who usually talks to her passengers when working, and loves hearing stories. She hits bars, coffee shops, and galleries in her free time, and hangs out with Artists, Poets, and Bohemians. Despite her general love of people (particularly the interesting and queer ones), she is also paranoid; constantly on the look out for a knife in the back.


She has a naughty, rebellious streak, and is anti-authority. This means she will passionately defend democracy and liberty.


When Devolved, the Red Rat becomes crude, unmannered, and simple, almost a feral thing. The Devolved Red Rat can be more caring and emotional, and believes itself to be a pure, spiritual thing, unfettered by modernity. It views Slave as a super smart God like figure in its head. Slave views it as an intolerable primitive.


When Evolved, the Red Rat becomes egocentric and arrogant, believing itself to be the next stage of human evolution. It has a paternalistic but condescending view on primitive homo sapiens. It does its best to outwit Slave and is nasty to the system. Slave takes on an almost worshipful, sycophantic relationship to the Evolved Form.


It is not clear if Slave is actually self-aware or just a very well programmed computer system. When the Red Rat is in her normal human form, it speaks to her obediently and mechanically, and keeps interjecting communist propaganda, almost like an information station.


Powers & Tactics:
The Red Rat is a mutant with the ability to adapt to the environment. A relatively minor power, it also allows her to “evolve” into a weedy but brainy form, or “devolve” into the mirror opposite. It has also allowed her to tolerate the cybernetic system in her head. This gives her advanced visual senses and tactical advice.


She has pilfered two high – tech soviet pistols, snub nosed and sleek, that are activated by SLAVE. Whilst they can be destructive, they are spy pistols – firing knockout poison darts, or non-lethal ammunition, all silently.


The Red Rat is in excellent physical shape, partly as she recovers quickly from physical training. She is also an expert martial artist and markswoman, and a highly trained spy.


Tactically, she will prefer guile and surprise to a straight up fight. She operates as a spy / intelligence gatherer / secret agent more than a straight up combatant.


Power Descriptions:
The Red Rat's powers are largely unseen. However, when she makes her body adapt to hostile environments, this can be visible; for instance, growing fur, or gills. Her devolved form looks like a primitive Neanderthal, with a large muscular hairy frame and small forehead, whilst her evolved form looks the opposite: a feeble shrunken body and massively enlarged head.



Outlaw: Technically, Noemi Von Neuman is an ex-Soviet Spy and wanted by UNISON for questioning.


Slave? The Soviet Computer, in her head, may be called Slave, and may be under her control. Or it may not. Slave is programmed never to harm Russian / Soviet agents or government, and also to filter out (via her eyes), any capitalist propaganda (and replace it with Soviet style propaganda). Things might be invisible to her, or changed. If really pressed, Slave can completely blind Red. It might also be distracting, spouting communist propaganda at her at critical times. Slave could potentially be controlled by Soviet technology, or even hackers.


Nuclear Mutations: Radiation sends her powers crazy. Aside from the loss of her mutant powers she can have all sorts of other problems, such as breaking out in green boils, or her mouth sealing over.

Split Personality: In her devolved form, Red is crude, aggressive, and unsubtle. In her Evolved Form, Red is arrogant and aloof. Of course, both forms feel that their personality is best, and may be reluctant to change back to her normal form. She cannot sustain her evolved or devolved form indefinitely, fortunately.


Taxi Driver: Noemi works for “EZ Cabs” with a hard nosed boss, “Easy Steve”. Easy Steve has plenty of enemies, and by default, so do his drivers.


Empty Clip: Guns run out of bullets, even superior soviet guns with superior soviet bullets.

Abilities: 6 + 12 + 10 + 6 + 2 + 6 = 42
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Constitution: 20 (+5)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 24 + 26 = 50
Initiative: +10
Attack: +12 base, +14 Melee
Defense: +13, +7 Flat Footed

Grapple: +20
Knockback: -2

Saving Throws: 7 + 4 + 7 = 18
Toughness: +5
Fortitude: +12 (+5 Con, +7)
Reflex: +10 (+6 Dex, +4)
Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7)

Skills: 120R = 30 PP
Acrobatics 4 (+10) 
Skill Mastery

Bluff 10 (+13) Skill Mastery

Computers 4 (+7) [14 (+17) Enhanced] Skill Mastery

Diplomacy 4 (+7)

Disable Device 2 (+5)

Disguise 4 (+7) (Additional +20 Morph) Skill Mastery

Drive 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Gather Information 8 (+11)

Intimidate 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Behaviour Sciences) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Tactics) 6 (+9) [14 (+17) Enhanced]

Language 6 (English, French, German, Hungarian [native], Mandarin, Russian, Spanish)

Medicine 4 (+5) Skill Mastery

Notice 12 (+13)

Pilot 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Search 8 (+11)

Sense Motive 8 (+9)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Stealth 8 (+14)

Feats: 41PP



Attack Focus: Melee 2


Benefit 2 (Use Tactics for Master Plan, and to spot Ambush / Feint)



Defensive Attack

Equipment 12

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Favoured Opponent (Spies)

Grappling Finesse

Improved Grab

Improved Initiative

Improved Pin

Improved Throw

Improved Trip

Jack of All Trades

Master Plan

Power Attack

Set Up

Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Medicine, Pilot, Sleight of Hand)

Takedown Attack 1

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)

Well Informed

As enhanced Traits: Precise Shot 2, Improved Aim


Equipment = 60 EP


Headquarters: "The Safe House" [25 EP Total]

Size Medium [1 EP],

Toughness 15 [2 EP],

Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed 7 / +40 DC, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Hangar [Retractable Helipad], Infirmary, Living Space, Power System, Security System 5 (DC 40), Workshop [22 EP]


Vehicle: "The Ratcopter" [36 EP]

Size: Large [1 EP]

Toughness: 10 [3 EP]

STR: 30 [2 EP]

Features: Alarm, Remote Control, Smokescreen [3 EP]

Powers: Flight 5 (250mph, Feats: Subtle) [11 EP], Concealment 1 (Normal Hearing, Extras: Continuous) [3 EP], Concealment 2 (Radio Senses, Flaw: Permanent) [4 EP], Super Senses 9 (Analytical all hearing, Accurate Radar, Extended Radar, Extended All Hearing, Radio, Ultrahearing) [9 EP] Total Cost 27 EP


Ratcopter5.jpgThe Ratcopter is a super spy two man helicopter, squat and compact but effective. Whilst unarmed and only of regular maximum speed, it has extremely effective sonic suppression, making it almost silent, alongside radar reflective plating, and extremely precise microphones - making it perfect for hovering and snooping in on conversations!


The Red Rat has made a few alterations to make it more "rat like" - cosmetic whiskers and redesigning the sensor dishes to make it look like a rodent. 


Concealable Microphone [1 EP]

Multi-Tool [1 EP]

Mini-Tracer [1 EP]

Boot Knives (Strike 1Feats: Thrown, Improved Critical 1, Mighty, Multiple Weapons 1, Easily Concealed [+5 DC to find]) [6 EP]



Powers: 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 17 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 20 = 69

 “SLAVE” powers have cybernetic descriptor, Others have Mutant descriptor.


Radio Array (5 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [6 PP] "SLAVE"

BP: Communication 4 (Radio, 1 Mile, Extras: Omni Directional, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited, one way) [5/5 PP]

APDatalink 2 (100’, Feats: Subtle) linked with Quickness 6 (x100, Flaws: Limited to Computers only) [3+2=5/5 PP]


Comprehend 1 (Decryption[2 PP] "SLAVE"


Enhanced Traits 4 (Computers 8, Knowledge [Tactics] 8) [4 PP] "SLAVE" 


Feature 1 (Internal Computer) [1 PP] “SLAVE”


Super Senses 15 (Analytical All Visual, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Extended All Visual 1, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 1, Radio, Time Sense, Ultravision, X-Ray Vision, Drawbacks: Power loss X Ray Vision [Lead etc], Feats: Improved Aim, Precise Shot 2) [17 PP] "SLAVE / Cybernetic Eyes"


Adaptation 1 (5 PP of Variable Powers; mainly immunity to environment, Extras: Action 2 [Move], Drawbacks: Noticeable, Power loss 2 [Radiation]) [5PP] “Mutant”

Immunity 2 (Aging, Sleep, Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1 PP] "Mutant"


Evolution Array (6 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1, Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Radiation]) [5 PP] "Mutant"

BP: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, Evolved FormExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]

APMorph 4 (+20 Disguise, Devolved FormExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]


Regeneration 9 (Bruised 1 / round [1], Disabled 1 / Hour [2], Injured 1 / Minute [3], Staggered 1 / Minute [3], Feats: Regrowth, Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Radiation damage or environment]) [8 PP] “Mutation”


Device 6 (30 DP, Feats: Multiple Weapons 1, Restricted Use 1 [Datalink users], Flaws: Easy to Lose) [20 PP] "High tech pistols"

Armaments Array (26 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 4) [30 DP]

BP: Stun 6 (Extras: Range, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Increase Range 2 [3K’ max], Ricochet, Subtle) "Taser Bullet" [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 6 (Extras: Penetrating, Feats: Improved Critcal 2Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Progression Range 2 [3K’ Max], Ricochet, Subtle) “AP Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 8 (Extras: Area [Burst], Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) “Explosive Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Fatigue 6 (Extras: Range, Poison, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Drawbacks: Power loss 1, any impervious toughness) [26/26 PP] “Knockout dart”

AP: Nullify 6 (All Electronics, Extras: Effortless, Affects Objects, Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) [26/26 PP] “EMP Bullet”


Drawbacks: -2 PP

Vulnerability (Radiation; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP]

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE          SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch          DC 18 Toughness             Damage

Boot Knives         Touch          DC 19 Toughness             Damage
AP Bullet           Ranged         DC 21 Tough                 Damage

EMP Bullet          Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Nullify

Explosive Bullet    Ranged-Burst   DC 23 Tough                 Damage

KO Dart             Ranged         DC 16 Fort /Poison          Fatigue

Taser Bullet        Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Stun 


Totals: Abilities 42 + Combat 50 + Saving Throws 18 + Skills 30 + Feats 41 + Powers 69 - Drawbacks -2 = 248/250 Power Points

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The Red Head


Summary of changes:


-10 STR (to 6) [-10 PP]

+10 STR (to 26) [+10 PP]

Lose Attractive Feat [-1 PP]

Add Quickness 2 (x5, Flaws: Mental only) [1 PP]

Power Level: 9/15 (248/250 PP) [251]Red Head.jpg
Unspent Power Points: 2

Trade-Off: +4 Attack / -4 DC, +4 Defence, -4 Toughness
Power Level: 9/15 (250/250 PP) [251]
Unspent Power Points: 0

Trade-Off: +5 Attack / -5 DC (Melee), +3 Attack/-3 DC (Ranged),  +4 Defence / -4 Toughness

In Brief: Mutant Super Spy with Soviet Computer in her head.  

Alternate Identity: Noemi “Nomi” Von Neumann
Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary

Residence: Freedom City
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Affiliations: None
Family: None (Alive)


Age: 70 (Cryogenically frozen for decades)
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 70Kgs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond

Age: 70 (Cryogenically frozen for decades)
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11”, +extra 6" of inflated head (5'5' total)
Weight: 50Kgs
Eyes: Green
Hair: None


The Red Head is short, slight of build, and has a massively enlarged, bald head. Her lips are sometimes curled into a sneer. 


In this form, her personality is colder, analytical, with an extra slice of contempt and arrogance to snivelling humans and their feeble brainpower.  

Abilities: -4 + 12 + 10 + 16 + 2 + 6 = 42
Strength: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Constitution: 20 (+5)
Intelligence: 26 (+8)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 24 + 26 = 50
Initiative: +10
Attack: +12 base, +14 Melee
Defense: +13, +7 Flat Footed

Grapple: +20
Knockback: -2

Saving Throws: 7 + 4 + 7 = 18
Toughness: +5
Fortitude: +12 (+5 Con, +7)
Reflex: +10 (+6 Dex, +4)
Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7)

Skills: 120R = 30 PP
Acrobatics 4 (+10) 
Skill Mastery

Bluff 10 (+13) Skill Mastery

Computers 4 (+12) [14 (+22) Enhanced] Skill Mastery

Diplomacy 4 (+7)

Disable Device 2 (+10)

Disguise 4 (+7) (Additional +20 Morph) Skill Mastery

Drive 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Gather Information 8 (+11)

Intimidate 4 (+7)

Knowledge (Behaviour Sciences) 4 (+12)

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+12)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+12)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+12)

Knowledge (Tactics) 6 (+14) [14 (+22) Enhanced]

Language 6 (English, French, German, Hungarian [native], Mandarin, Russian, Spanish)

Medicine 4 (+5) Skill Mastery

Notice 12 (+13)

Pilot 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Search 8 (+16)

Sense Motive 8 (+9)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Stealth 8 (+14)

Feats: 40PP



Attack Focus: Melee 2

Benefit 2 (Use Tactics for Master Plan, and to spot Ambush / Feint)



Defensive Attack

Equipment 12

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Favoured Opponent (Spies)

Grappling Finesse

Improved Grab

Improved Initiative

Improved Pin

Improved Throw

Improved Trip

Jack of All Trades

Master Plan

Power Attack

Set Up

Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Medicine, Pilot, Sleight of Hand)

Takedown Attack 1

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)

Well Informed

As enhanced Traits: Precise Shot 2, Improved Aim


Equipment = 60 EP (As original)



Powers: 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 17 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 20 = 70

 “SLAVE” powers have cybernetic descriptor, Others have Mutant descriptor.


Radio Array (5 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [6 PP] "SLAVE"

BP: Communication 4 (Radio, 1 Mile, Extras: Omni Directional, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited, one way) [5/5 PP]

APDatalink 2 (100’, Feats: Subtle) linked with Quickness 6 (x100, Flaws: Limited to Computers only) [3+2=5/5 PP]


Comprehend 1 (Decryption[2 PP] "SLAVE"


Enhanced Traits 4 (Computers 8, Knowledge [Tactics] 8) [4 PP] "SLAVE" 


Feature 1 (Internal Computer) [1 PP] “SLAVE”


Super Senses 15 (Analytical All Visual, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Extended All Visual 1, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 1, Radio, Time Sense, Ultravision, X-Ray Vision, Drawbacks: Power loss X Ray Vision [Lead etc], Feats: Improved Aim, Precise Shot 2) [17 PP] "SLAVE / Cybernetic Eyes"


Adaptation 1 (5 PP of Variable Powers; mainly immunity to environment, Extras: Action 2 [Move], Drawbacks: Noticeable, Power loss 2 [Radiation]) [5PP] “Mutant”

Immunity 2 (Aging, Sleep, Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1 PP] "Mutant"


Quickness 2 (x5 Speed, Flaws: Limited to mental only) [1 PP] "Evolved intellect"


Evolution Array (6 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1, Drawback: Power Loss 2 [Radiation]) [5 PP] "Mutant"

BP: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, Evolved formExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]

APMorph 4 (+20 Disguise, Devolved FormExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]


Regeneration 9 (Bruised 1 / round [1], Disabled 1 / Hour [2], Injured 1 / Minute [3], Staggered 1 / Minute [3], Feats: Regrowth, Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Radiation damage or environment]) [8 PP] “Mutation”


Device 6 (30 DP, Feats: Multiple Weapons 1, Restricted Use 1 [Datalink users], Flaws: Easy to Lose) [20 PP] "High tech pistols"

Armaments Array (26 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 4) [30 DP]

BP: Stun 6 (Extras: Range, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Increase Range 2 [3K’ max], Ricochet, Subtle) "Taser Bullet" [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 6 (Extras: Penetrating, Feats: Improved Critcal 2Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Progression Range 2 [3K’ Max], Ricochet, Subtle) “AP Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 8 (Extras: Area [Burst], Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) “Explosive Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Fatigue 6 (Extras: Range, Poison, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Drawbacks: Power loss 1, any impervious toughness) [26/26 PP] “Knockout dart”

AP: Nullify 6 (All Electronics, Extras: Effortless, Affects Objects, Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) [26/26 PP] “EMP Bullet”


Drawbacks: -2 PP

Vulnerability (Radiation; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP]

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE          SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch          DC 13 Toughness             Damage
AP Bullet           Ranged         DC 21 Tough                 Damage

EMP Bullet          Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Nullify

Explosive Bullet    Ranged-Burst  DC 23 Tough                 Damage

KO Dart             Ranged         DC 16 Fort /Poison          Fatigue

Taser Bullet        Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Stun 


Totals: Abilities 42 + Combat 50 + Saving Throws 18 + Skills 30 + Feats 40 + Powers 70 - Drawbacks -2 = 248/250 Power Points

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The Red Beast


Summary of Changes


-10 INT (to 6) [-10 PP]

+10 STR (to 26) [10 PP]

+6 to CON (to 26) [6 PP]

-3 to Fort (Same total) [-3 PP]

Super Senses (Scent, Tracking 1) [2 PP]

Attractive changed to attractive to animals [0 PP]

Feature: Use hands as feet, feet as hands [1 PP]

Feats: Animal Empathy, Attack Specialisation, Unarmed, Favoured Enemy +1 Rank, Lose Elusive Target [2 PP]

Lose Attack Focus, Melee [-2 PP]

-4 Attack, -3 Defence [-14 PP]

Skills: Intimidate +8, Handle Animal +8, Survival +8, Climb +8 [8 PP]



Power Level: 9/15 (248/250 PP) [251]Red Savage.jpg
Unspent Power Points: 2

Trade-Off: +1 Attack/-1 DC,  +4 Defence, -4 Toughness

In Brief: Mutant Super Spy with Soviet Computer in her head.  

Alternate Identity: Noemi “Nomi” Von Neumann
Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary

Residence: Freedom City
Occupation: Taxi Driver
Affiliations: None
Family: None (Alive)


Age: 70 (Cryogenically frozen for decades)
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 6'6”
Weight: 70Kgs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde


The Red Beast is taller than the Red Rat, and considerably broader. She is harier, and has ape like features. The growth to  this form often leaves her clothes torn. 


Her personality in this form is more "emotional" - sensitive, yet aggressive too. 

Abilities: 16 + 12 + 16 - 4 + 2 + 6 = 48
Strength: 26 (+8)
Dexterity: 22 (+6)
Constitution: 26 (+8)
Intelligence: 6 (-2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 16 + 20 = 36
Initiative: +10
Attack: +8 Base, +10 Unarmed
Defense: +10, +5 Flat Footed

Grapple: +16
Knockback: -4

Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 7 = 15
Toughness: +8
Fortitude: +12 (+8 Con, +4)
Reflex: +10 (+6 Dex, +4)
Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7)

Skills: 152R = 38 PP
Acrobatics 4 (+10) 
Skill Mastery

Animal Handling 8 (+11)

Bluff 10 (+13) Skill Mastery

Climb 8 (+16)

Computers 4 (+2) [14 (+12) Enhanced] Skill Mastery

Diplomacy 4 (+7)

Disable Device 2 (0)

Disguise 4 (+7) (Additional +20 Morph) Skill Mastery

Drive 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Gather Information 8 (+11)

Intimidate 12 (+15)

Knowledge (Behaviour Sciences) 4 (+2)

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+2)

Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+2)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+2)

Knowledge (Tactics) 6 (+4) [14 (+12) Enhanced]

Language 6 (English, French, German, Hungarian [native], Mandarin, Russian, Spanish)

Medicine 4 (+5) Skill Mastery

Notice 12 (+13)

Pilot 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Search 8 (+6)

Sense Motive 8 (+9)

Sleight of Hand 4 (+10) Skill Mastery

Stealth 8 (+14)

Survival 8 (+11)

Feats: 41PP


Animal Empathy


Attack Specialisation: Unarmed

Attractive (To animals)

Benefit 2 (Use Tactics for Master Plan, and to spot Ambush / Feint)



Defensive Attack

Equipment 12

Evasion 2

Favoured Opponent 2(Spies, Animals)

Grappling Finesse

Improved Grab

Improved Initiative

Improved Pin

Improved Throw

Improved Trip

Jack of All Trades

Master Plan

Power Attack

Set Up

Skill Mastery 2 (Acrobatics, Computers, Disable Device, Disguise, Drive, Medicine, Pilot, Sleight of Hand)

Takedown Attack 1

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)

Well Informed

As enhanced Traits: Precise Shot 2, Improved Aim


Equipment = 60 EP (As Red Rat, but may struggle to use some...)


Powers: 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 17 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 20 = 72

 “SLAVE” powers have cybernetic descriptor, Others have Mutant descriptor.


Radio Array (5 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1) [6 PP] "SLAVE"

BP: Communication 4 (Radio, 1 Mile, Extras: Omni Directional, Feats: Subtle, Flaws: Limited, one way) [5/5 PP]

APDatalink 2 (100’, Feats: Subtle) linked with Quickness 6 (x100, Flaws: Limited to Computers only) [3+2=5/5 PP]


Comprehend 1 (Decryption[2 PP] "SLAVE"


Enhanced Traits 4 (Computers 8, Knowledge [Tactics] 8) [4 PP] "SLAVE" 


Feature 1 (Internal Computer) [1 PP] “SLAVE”


Super Senses 15 (Analytical All Visual, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Extended All Visual 1, Infravision, Microscopic Vision 1, Radio, Time Sense, Ultravision, X-Ray Vision, Drawbacks: Power loss X Ray Vision [Lead etc], Feats: Improved Aim, Precise Shot 2) [17 PP] "SLAVE / Cybernetic Eyes"


Feature 1 (Can use hands as feet, feet as hands) [1 PP] "Apelike"


Super Senses 2 (Scent, Tracking [Olfactory] 1) [2 PP] "Apelike"


Adaptation 1 (5 PP of Variable Powers; mainly immunity to environment, Extras: Action 2 [Move], Drawbacks: Noticeable, Power loss 2 [Radiation]) [5PP] “Mutant”

Immunity 2 (Aging, Sleep, Flaws: Limited [Half Effect]) [1 PP] "Mutant"


Evolution Array (6 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 1, Drawback: Power Loss 2 [Radiation]) [5 PP] "Mutant"

BP: Morph 4 (+20 Disguise, Evolved formExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]

APMorph 4 (+20 Disguise, Devolved FormExtras: Duration [Continuous], Feat: Metamorph, Drawbacks: Not clothes [-1], Standard Action [-2]) [6/6 PP]


Regeneration 9 (Bruised 1 / round [1], Disabled 1 / Hour [2], Injured 1 / Minute [3], Staggered 1 / Minute [3], Feats: Regrowth, Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Radiation damage or environment]) [8 PP] “Mutation”


Device 6 (30 DP, Feats: Multiple Weapons 1, Restricted Use 1 [Datalink users], Flaws: Easy to Lose) [20 PP] "High tech pistols"

Armaments Array (26 PP Array, Feats: Alt Power 4) [30 DP]

BP: Stun 6 (Extras: Range, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Increase Range 2 [3K’ max], Ricochet, Subtle) "Taser Bullet" [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 6 (Extras: Penetrating, Feats: Improved Critcal 2Improved Range 2 [300’ Incr], Progression Range 2 [3K’ Max], Ricochet, Subtle) “AP Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Blast 8 (Extras: Area [Burst], Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) “Explosive Bullet” [26/26 PP]

AP: Fatigue 6 (Extras: Range, Poison, Feats: Improved Critical 2, Subtle, Drawbacks: Power loss 1, any impervious toughness) [26/26 PP] “Knockout dart”

AP: Nullify 6 (All Electronics, Extras: Effortless, Affects Objects, Feats: Ricochet, Subtle) [26/26 PP] “EMP Bullet”


Drawbacks: -2 PP

Vulnerability (Radiation; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP]

DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE          SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch          DC 23 Toughness             Damage
AP Bullet           Ranged         DC 21 Tough                 Damage

EMP Bullet          Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Nullify

Explosive Bullet    Ranged-Burst  DC 23 Tough                  Damage

KO Dart             Ranged         DC 16 Fort /Poison          Fatigue

Taser Bullet        Ranged         DC 16 Fort                  Stun 


Totals: Abilities 48 + Combat 36 + Saving Throws 15 + Skills 38 + Feats 41 + Powers 72 - Drawbacks -2 = 248/250 Power Points

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  • On the Evolution Array, Power Loss should be noted as a Drawback rather than a Flaw.
  • Each sheet is paying for a phantom feat - 41pp of Feats where I count only 40pp, for instance.
  • Including the Feats issue above, I total each sheet to 247pp rather than 250pp.


Red Rat

  • I think you've shorted yourself on Grapple slightly - I calculate it to +20 (+14 Melee, +6 Dex) rather than +19.
  • You may want to have the boot knife in your DC block - it's your only at-combat-caps melee option, and you did buy the Attack Focus to use it!


Red Head

  • See Red Rat's note on Grapple bonuses.


Red Beast

  • I calculate Beast's maximum grapple as +16 (+8 Base attack, +8 Str); I could be missing a +2 somewhere, though.
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Thanks Fox - I appreciate a lot to wade through with three sheets

The Evolition Array - I think it is Drawbacks on the sheet? (Unless you corrected for me)

Corrected Grapple for Rat and Beast

Boot Knives in DC Block

You are correct about total PP cost and Feats:

I have added in Elusive Target to Rat and Head, and another rank of Favoured Enemies (Animals) to Beast

Corrected the Total cost to 248 PP

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