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The House of the Caged Sun (IC)

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(GM Post)


"Excellent! How about you take an interviewer or respondent position?" Tun asked, clapping her hands out of synch again. "That way you don't have to fight and you can tell your stories for these fighters. And maybe we can hook you up so you can give them strategy and stuff? If you don't want to fight at least." she smiled. "I can respect that; it can be hard to find exactly where you fit in in entertainment. But if you wanna be a star, Tun will make you a star!" the AI said with firm belief. The AI presented her with a microphone and one of the camera drones suddenly, smiling her far too wide smile the whole time.


"Why don't you take the first chance; with our Shooting Star lady here, and Mr. Pan of course!" She pointed. "Why don't you give them a bit of an interview. Ask her a question or two, something that could make people feel for her. Put in some of your own stories, and we'll have a real place to go. You know, I'll lead you in with 'here's our latest correspondent, interviewing two of Uearth's competitors before they begin their fighting in the arena!', and then you take the reigns from there." she said excitedly.


Meanwhile, with Diamondlight, the Cameras and the learning AI were slowing down. Now that he wasn't playing as well, they weren't learning as fast, which meant other players were also winning more; Diamondlight really was the pace setter here, it seemed.


The person that Diamondlight was talking to was a large, humanoid avian alien; bird talons, bird beak, bird like face, but on a human like skeleton with two wings, in blue and black feathers and a nasty looking scar on it's chest. The bird chirped a little.


"The Titans Three go where we please, To find what's fun and have some glee." it threw down some chips. "I don't know much about this specific card game, but why don't you tell me your name?"

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"They call me Mr. Diamond," said Diamondlight, nodding his head at the bird-alien. 


He was barely breaking even on the board. But then, that was the plan. Admist the reasonable play, he threw in a few spectacular blunders - to keep the AI on its toes. More randomness meant the AI would be slower at developing an algorithm. 


Diamondlight was under no illusion. He could play poker with the best in the world, maybe even the galaxy. But an AI was a precise tool that could perfectly calculate the odds, the psychology of the opponents, and would never get tilted. The AI would beat him - it was just a matter of when. 


But there was more to this than met the eye; why would anyone want an AI machine beating an organic brain? It was hardly good television. 


"Its called Poker," said Daimondlight. "A bit of chance, a bit of skill. Easy to play, hard to master," he explained. "You will certainly find some glee, but also some frustration. Still, live fast, easy come, easy go..."


He looked past the alien, scanning the casino. 


"We, the players, are playing..." he said to the bird alien. "But I get the feeling we are being played, too. What do you think?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Forever Boy


Pan smiles as he looks at Tun, like he knows exactly what the AI is thinking.


"I am all for sharing my tales, but perhaps it is time to get the show started, no? Where is the action?


Now Pan is the one that seems impatient.


"If you need it, then ask me question while we get going. I can multi task."

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Mz Grue

"He's a very active person! If he doesn't get something to keep him busy he'll get cranky. And cranky means pranks, and you really don't want that to happen!"


She leaned and held up one of her hands, mock whispering to the AI.


"Have you heard of the Great Honey Heist? No well that was him, the Racoons feasted very well that day and Cyril learned not to cross Forever Boy!"


If they wanted a story, might as well make it a whopper!

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