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Assassin's Quirk (OOC)


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Yeah, going to take being a bird into account :D


No way the guard can beat that bluff, so will get something up once I hear from @Tiffany Korta and @TheAbsurdist


Multi-Girl will be Taking 10 on Stealth (for a 20) and a Notice check (also a 20) as she moves towards the wall in the woods. The guard on the wall near Multi-Girl and Jotunn gets a 8 on his Notice check.


For tracking HP:

Neko/Gawain 2 HP

Starshine 3 HP

Multi-Girl 2 HP

Jotunn 4 HP


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@Avenger Assembled @Tiffany Korta @TheAbsurdist


Okay, things have gotten chaotic with Neko's change in her illusion, panicking the soldiers that had been watching, while others are emerging from buildings and preparing to fight.

Might soon be time for some initiatives, but want to get a sense of what people are doing.


Multi-Girl and Jotunn see four archers come out of a building and prepare to start shooting at Neko and the illusion, Multi-Girl rushes them and uses her aera effect to attack them all (taking 10 to hit them as they are minions) and knocking them all out

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