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The Finest Organic Suspension (OOC)

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18 hours ago, Tiffany Korta said:


14 hours ago, Avenger Assembled said:

Anna takes 20 on her Notice for 28 and 20 on her Sense Motive. 


OK, so both of you:

All of these men are armed; the leader with a shotgun, the other three with revolvers. They've made some effort to conceal them, but not much of an effort - clearly they're keeping the option for intimidation or worse.


They're lying about this being a protection racket, this is a straight-up hold-up. 


The tall, skinny one, this is probably his first major criminal incident, he's jumpy and nervous. Probably the easiest to talk down but also the most likely to accidentally get something killed. The one at the back and the leader are fairly professional, possibly former military or long-term career criminals, they're not especially worried or on edge. The short bald one is also likely a career criminal, but aggressive. He's not the most likely to accidentally get someone killed, but probably most likely to deliberately injure someone.


Liam only:


This is a neighbourhood run primarily by Latino gangs, and all of these guys are white. The odds of them being affiliated with this protection racket is miniscule, if they were known figures in Bedlam you'd know who they are; and you don't. 

The irregularity of when they've entered, the getaway driver outside, and the significant divergence from the actual criminal landscape makes it likely this is just an isolated incident. 



How long will it take her to retrieve the Helm of Horus if she just gets up and runs away at Speed 5 with Concealment 10? Or is that not something you want her doing in this thread? 

I'd really prefer that she didn't until after this situation is resolved one way or another.

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[url=https://orokos.com/roll/918355]Initiative[/url]: [u]1d20+4[/u] [b]6[/b] [u]1d20+3[/u] [b]20[/b] [u]1d20+3[/u] [b]15[/b] [u]1d20+2[/u] [b]22[/b]
[url=https://orokos.com/roll/918356]Initiative for Arrowhawk[/url]: [u]1d20+8[/u] [b]10[/b]


OK, so! I'm also gonna give Anna a bonus HP for the Secret Identity, but not for the civilians in danger until y'know... they actually point guns at someone not a PC.


Also for reference, these guys aren't staggeringly high PL, but they're not Minions.

Anna - 37 - 2 HP - Uninjured

Junior - 22- NPC - Uninjured

Napoleon - 20 - NPC - Uninjured

Professional - 15 - NPC - Uninjured

Osla - 10 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Liam - 6 - 1 HP - Uninjured

Leader - 6 - NPC - Uninjured


@Avenger Assembled, shocking no one, the speedster is up first.


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7 minutes ago, Avenger Assembled said:

Anna's just gonna go ahead and punch the leader as a show of dominance. 

Power Attacking for +2 

https://orokos.com/roll/918384 = 14 

That seems a little pathetic, so here's the HP. 

https://orokos.com/roll/918385 = 29! 

Well okay, that's got some meat to it. 

Tou vs DC 21, +1 for every 2 she exceeded his defense by. 



she then moves out of eyeshot into the kitchen 

I'm gonna ignore the reroll because he's a flat-footed man with a shotgun, not a speedster, so he can't dodge that.


You get your full +3 to Autofire, making it DC 24.


OK so he rolls a 15, failing his save by 9.


I'm gonna Fiat so you don't one-shot the boss on round 1

[url=https://orokos.com/roll/918389]Man got punched[/url]: [u]1d20+4[/u] [b]7[/b] + 10 = 17, so not much better, he fails by 7 and is Bruised & Dazed.


Anna - 37 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Junior - 22- NPC - Uninjured

Napoleon - 20 - NPC - Uninjured

Professional - 15 - NPC - Uninjured

Osla - 10 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Liam - 6 - 1 HP - Uninjured

Leader - 6 - NPC - Bruised, Dazed

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Ugh so much rolling to do.


Junior panics and tries to shoot Osla! 1d20+4 = 16 is a miss, as she's got Uncanny Dodge


Napoleon flies off the handle, and turns to hold his gun on Liam, i.e. he makes a Ready action, so if Liam tries to move/attack, blam.


The Professional does the same, except to Osla. And y'know. In a chiller way.




Leader becomes un-Dazed

Anna - 37 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Junior - 22- NPC - Uninjured

Napoleon - 20 - NPC - Uninjured

Professional - 15 - NPC - Uninjured

Osla - 10 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Liam - 6 - 1 HP - Uninjured

Leader - 6 - NPC - Bruised, Dazed


Osla is up (I'm doing this as a GM post and an IC post so I'll split the OOC)

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OK so Osla is gonna use her move action to close the range between her and the Professional. So his reaction goes off. 


1d20+6 = 24


Ouch. The heavy pistol is DC19 Toughness, so she rolls 1d20+4 = 8, failing by 11. She's gonna re-roll that.

She rolls a 1. So with +4 and +10 that's a 15, failing by 9, so she's Bruised+Injured+Dazed.


@Tiffany Korta Liam is up! Remember, if he does anything like move or attack, he'll get shot (but has way higher Toughness), but interaction skills, probably not. Unless you roll horrifically and anger the gunman.



Leader becomes un-Dazed

Anna - 37 - 3 HP - Uninjured

Junior - 22- NPC - Uninjured

Napoleon - 20 - NPC - Uninjured

Osla becomes un-Dazed

Professional - 15 - NPC - Uninjured

Osla - 10 - 3 HP - Bruised, Injured, Dazed

Liam - 6 - 1 HP - Uninjured

Leader - 6 - NPC - Bruised, Dazed

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