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Everything posted by Scuffles

  1. The concept of other dimensions was enough to give Kristin a headache despite all the classes explaining the subject. Even an inter dimensional excursion hadn't made her entirely comfortable with the idea. A war-torn world where a powerful Nazi Reich could pose such a threat was so far out of her comfort zone that she could barely comprehend it. In truth she was frightened. Not that it mattered. I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. A faint smile played around her lips. It might have been a quote from a novel, but it summed up her feelings perfectly. As dangerous as the mission sounded, it was a chance to make a difference. Besides, if her friends were going to stand in harms way then... "You'd have to hit me with an awful big stick to get me to stay home," she said as she flashed Sharl a grin. "I'm in."
  2. Glow weaved away from one of the snakes, then yelped as another clamped its jaws solidly onto her forearm. Luckily her telekinetic barrier prevented the wicked fangs from puncturing her skin, and she was able to slap the serpent aside with a backhand as it attempted to wrap its coils around her. "Enough!" the young heroine yelled as she set her feet and lashed out with a blast of mental force. Snakes flew in all directions under the impact and she turned on the battered villain with a glare. "Stay down!" she demanded. "Your men have abandoned you, your snakes can't stop us. Just give it up!"
  3. Kristin pulled up a little short at that one, pausing in place for a moment. "You never played catch or anything like that when you were little?" she asked, then moved to reset the pads so Elias could throw another set of punches. "I thought everybody did that!" "You definitely should work out the internet thing though," she noted as she kept on leading him around the mat. "It's so incredibly helpful for schoolwork, and you'll wonder how you ever did assignments without it."
  4. A notice check you say? 26!
  5. Welcome back! Hope you're feeling better!
  6. "You think you're left handed?" Kristin asked with a slightly quizzical look on her face. "What hand do you write with? Or throw with?" Nonetheless, she switched her own stance to hold the pads at a different angle to accommodate the difference. "All good though, just do it in reverse. Two rights, one left." Once again in motion to present a target for Elias she answered his questions. "Well I'm from Australia if you didn't catch the accent. And I'm telekinetic. Found that out in rather spectacularly messy circumstances about a year ago when my sister got hit by a car full of bank robbers. Made good viewing on the evening news and the internet I guess."
  7. "Good!" Kristin remarked as she continued to lead Elias around the mats so that he could practice hitting the pad while in motion. "Now let's try three punches. Two lefts to this one," she instructed, then raised her other hand. "Then a right to this one. Got it?" Still moving back and to the side with each set of punches she tried to get her young training partner to relax a little by taking his mind off the exercise. "So where are you from?" she asked. "And how long have you known about the telepathy? Did it just come out recently?"
  8. "Nice!" Kristin commented as she felt the punches start to stick the pads rather more solidly. "You're a fast learner. Okay, let's make it a little more interesting. I'm going to move around some, you follow me and keep hitting the pad. Remember to watch your footwork, you need your balance to be good to throw proper punches." Moving smoothly she stepped back and to her left, then presented the pad a little lower than before. "Two punches, left then right!"
  9. "Okay," Kristin said with a smile as she pulled the pad down after letting Elias land a couple of awkward punches. "So you're mostly hitting with your arm, which is fine if you're strong like Subito or someone.." "Have you met Subito?" she asked. "He's pretty cool. Anyway, off topic, my bad." She swiveled around to stand next to Elias and then settled into a comfortable stance. "What you want to do is use your whole body to generate the power in your punch. It comes from your legs and your hips more than from your arm. Watch me." With the pads still attached to her arms the motion was a little less fluid than the Aussie might have liked, but she was able to demonstrate how to throw a punch, driving with her legs and snapping her hips closed to put her weight behind the blow. "See the difference?" she asked as she stepped in front again and held the pad up once more. "Give that a go!"
  10. "You're not missing much," Kristin replied dryly. "Loads of complete nonsense in a lot of them. Depends which ones you choose of course." She jogged over to one of the equipment racks and returned with a pair of punching pads and some gloves. "Here, try these on." she said as she tossed the gloves to Elias, then went to work securing the pads to her own hands. "I'm nowhere near the best hand-to-hand fighter or teacher you're going to find around here, but I know enough to help get you started on the basics." When Elias was ready she stepped in front of him and held up one of the pads. "Make sure you're all set and balanced then give this a whack!"
  11. Kristin's head tilted to the side just a little as she regarded Elias for a moment. "Welcome to Claremont then!" she said with a smile as she stepped onto the mats and offered him her hand. "I'm Kristin. And before you ask, I'm perfectly safe to be around. I totally don't cause disasters at all, regardless of what gets written about me in magazines sometimes!" She took a step back and chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, then decided that her usual blunt approach would be just fine. "Guess you thought I'd be worried about the whole telepath thing?" she asked. "But I'm not, you're hardly the first I've met you know. So it's up to you. If you want I can go get some pads, help you out a bit and we can get to know each other." "If not, that's cool." she continued with a smile. "I remember being new here too, and it takes some getting used to."
  12. Kristin emerged from the change rooms in her workout clothes and looked around the gym. It was surprisingly quiet, and she cocked her head to the side a little as she realised that she didn't recognize the young man shadow-boxing on the mats. Guess maybe he's pretty new? she thought absently as she watched for a moment. Not wanting to disturb his workout she walked around the mats towards the gymnastics equipment and sat down to stretch and warm up. As she leaned forwards and grabbed her foot her eyes flicked over to the other student again and she winced as he threw a particularly awkward looking combination. Standing, she crossed the gym towards the boy again and stopped near the edge of his mat with her hands on her hips. "Hi there!" she called out to him. "Need a little help? Maybe we can work out together for a bit. I can hold some pads for you to hit or something?"
  13. Whoops. Sorry. I forgot again! :roll: Glow: Going to the other place High Towers St Georges Armory The Serpent and the Devil
  14. Okay so I was thinking that Glow might try to deal with all these snakes. Which she'd do by busting out her area TK alternate power (Which is targetted). And obviously if she can fit El Sierpe in the area she'd try to hit him with it too. Now if I can read (which isn't always a given) the book says I make one roll and it gets compared to the defense of anyone who gets attacked. So.... Attack roll: 18. Well, that probably hits some snakes at least. It would be a DC22 toughness save for anyone who gets hit.
  15. kay, so Glow's off in pursuit of this annoying Towers guy. Can she actually catch up to him though? He's pretty speedy obviously. :o
  16. "Aww hell!" Kristin groused as Towers ran right through the bunch and sent Jennifer and the Police tumbling in all directions. "I guess I get to arrest a mega-star then." she grumbled as she ducked back into the changing room and jammed the door shut behind her. As she yanked her bag open to retrieve her costume her street clothes flew in all directions as she telekinetically yanked them off. I really gotta talk to Vicky about that morphic molecules stuff she thought as she frantically pulled on her bodysuit and slapped her mask to her face. Moments later she burst out of the change room in full "Glow" costume and slammed the door shut behind her, leaving her clothes and bag behind. After a glance at the scene inside Hank's Emporium she decided that Towers was clearly the biggest danger to public safety and set off in pursuit, wrapping herself in a field of telekinetic power to fling herself after the fleeing basketball star.
  17. Glow also has impervious toughness (6) on her force field, so she should be able to shrug off the damage right? Opposed grapple check: 24
  18. "What the...?" Kristin's instinctive defensive reaction to the explosion bathed the interior of the limousine green light, although that dimmed quickly when she realized there was no immediate threat and allowed her shielding to fade away. She regarded the scene at the Church doors for a moment and frowned at her friend. "That," she noted. "Doesn't quite look normal. And I don't think those people are cops?"
  19. Okay, so Kristin would like to slip into the change room she strategically placed herself near, then spend one of those HPs she has to borrow the Quick Change feat and magically become Glow! Jack Jackson will never suspect a thing!
  20. "Snakes?" Glow asked in disbelieving tones. "We wade through your miniature army of guys with guns and your second line is snakes?" She squared her shoulders and thrust her left hand forwards at the obese villain, the gesture focusing a thunderous mental blow that unfortunately missed its mark and smashed a hole in the wall behind him. With a frown the young heroine dashed forwards and to the side in an attempt to keep El Sierpe's attention on her, hurdled over one of the larger snakes, then planted a foot on the wall to send herself into a dazzling somersault.
  21. "Scientific journals would probably be far more entertaining if they had articles written by underwear models!" Kristin decided. "Although I'm guessing they might end up far less scientific. Guessing not too many underwear models are quite as smart as you!" "In all seriousness though," she continued. "I am kinda surprised you don't roll around with a bodyguard or something. I know you can look after yourself and all, but wouldn't it be useful for keeping up appearances and all that?" She chuckled a moment later as a thought came to her. "Oh wait, I bet the driver is totally a ninja, right?"
  22. Okay, so Glow doesn't really want to hurt the snakes, it's not their fault that they're working for a guy who's a bit of a tool, they're just snakes! (That opinion might change as soon as one tries to bite her) So, she'll open by trying to thwak El Sierpe with her telekinesis: 13. See I told you guys I'm going to roll bad in this fight. As a move action she'd like to acrobatic feint our villain and use set-up to make it easier for Heraldo to smack him: 22 (See I knew I should just have done the take-10 thing, but rolling for it is more fun, right?)
  23. This is so going to get ugly when Hank and Towers come out of that office and find out that someone's tipped off the cops and flattened that bodyguard guy... With Jackson's attention on Jennifer, the hired tough down and out and the other woman on the phone, Kristin eased her way carefully towards the change rooms while doing her best to not draw anyone's gaze. She didn't however duck inside straight away, instead leaning against the doorframe where she could watch the door to Hank's office and most of the shop floor.
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