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Everything posted by Ozob

  1. Johnny looked a little confused, somehow he had offended her, and honestly he couldn't think of a reason that he would have, "sure, that's why I'm here too, my father left me with more money than I'll ever need... did I say something that bothered you?" Then he thought about what he had said to her. It couldn't have been the duct tape comment. Perhaps the inheriting money thing? "If it's about inheriting money, I'm sure people do wonderful things with their sacks of cash, I try too all the time. I just meant that more than a few will also tell you how hard they worked for it or deserved it, nothing more. I've heard more than a few stories of that tonight. Even those with the best of intentions sometimes fell less than secure in their own good fortune and feel the need to justify their wealth... especially those of who had it mostly handed too them. I fall in that camp myself and I thank my lucky stars and try not to be overly pompous about it." "All I was saying is that I'm happy to play along with the charade if they're also willing to open their wallets in a most genuine manner. Nothing more. If it means that some of the people outside eat more because I nod and smile when Jack Lemmon told me about how hard he had to work for his Oil fortune, then play me for a nodding fool." Finishing his explanation and hoping that he came close to the mark he nodded, "very sorry to offend you and this is a wonderful event. Wouldn't be here otherwise. If you wish, I'll wander the other way and you can tell the next person about the jerk you just met."
  2. Ozob

    Murder mistery!

    Don't consider me, as my character only has water going for him. Just supporting a "this sort of thing would interest me a lot" to give you a gauge on how well your idea is going over. Still if you need a cameo for someone who can let people work under water let me know after things are rolling.
  3. Johnny flashed a very open and friendly smile to her, "well, pleased to meet you Jessica. Johnny Hladd." There was a brief pause as the screaming of a jet engine sounded above them. "Heh, I'm sure the FAA loves it when that happens. Anyway, seeing as this is a fundraiser, I'm guessing you had to have invented something seriously cool? Cold fusion? Anti aging drugs? Duct tape?... well okay, that last one would have been beyond wicked. However, I suppose that cold fusion might be a close second best." He then offered her his hand, "me, I'm not much of note. I'm just here for my money, which for a fundraiser, is a good enough reason. Not that I've done much to earn it before you guess that I invented paper clips or something. Nope, inherited some, made the rest playing at kids games really. I guess I've been kind of lucky." Then his voice dropped to whisper, "which is of course probably closer to the truth for most of this crowd, not that they'd own up too it. As long as their heart's in it tonight, I'll play along."
  4. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "Well I can't promise you a smokey little club, that sort of thing is frowned on these days. However, I can promise you dinner if you'd like. When we're done here, I did make reservations at Bella Corta, it's an Italian place that I've heard is pretty good." Lydia, realizing that conversation had moved past her, nodded to the both of them before heading to another couple to give tips and technique. "I won't twist your arm, but I'd love it if you came with me. Least I could do is offer food to my teacher," he said smiling at her. The band was picking up instruments and looked like they were getting ready to play again. Horns and guitars were brandished as they prepared to do their last set.
  5. Ozob

    The Charlston

    Johnny had trusted in his quickness and grace to keep up with her, and did a passable job. Although, he knew it was as much due to her leading than anything he was doing. By the time they finished he had a wide smile on his face which was only partly from his enjoyment of the dance. Having a partner who made it all interesting, that was as much or more of the reason for his good mood. "Well I don't know about that, although I think I avoided your feet most of the time. I did however, have a great time. That's a total riot" he said as Lydia walked over. "I didn't catch your partner's name, Johnny," she asked. "Lydia, this is Lucy my date for the evening," he replied. "We met at the Renascence fair and she promised to teach me Charleston. Good luck for us you have a place where we can learn." Lydia gave him a knowing smile and replied, "well Lucy, it's a pleasure to meet you. If you'd like... I have some instructors who would love to see a few of the steps you are using. I told Johnny that it's not usual to see anyone dancing the actual 20's style steps anymore and few enough that even know them. So any time you want to come by here, you're more than welcome."
  6. When he had found out about the charity dinner, Johnny thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. First, as Lucy had suggested, it would allow him to use his money for something positive. He'd been down enough on the whole corporate culture and their dubious benefit to mankind. Well here was a perfect way for him to use those funds for something that would actually help real people in need. Secondly it allowed him to meet more people in his new home, which was always a good thing. While the affair was certainly nice enough, there was still a bit of a subdued atmosphere as if people realized what a close encounter they had. Still, the money was flowing almost as fast as the alcohol, which was really the purpose for all of them to be here. He found himself talking with several of the cities high rollers discussing mostly trivialities. A couple of them seemed to want to pick his brain for some inside tips from his father's company, which was something he was not really about to do. Overall, it had turned out into a pretty pleasant, if expensive, evening. "...yes, I did quit the tour and am finishing my studies in preparation for running both my father's company as well as managing his investments. At least, that's how it's been proposed to me. Can you excuse me, it's been a pleasure talking with you." Stepping away from one of the city counselors, he walked out into a lobby to get some fresh air and take a look out over the amazing panorama. From up here, it was pretty easy to forget what had happened and the chaos that had occurred below. It was also easy to forget what an amazing place this was. He was tempted to take off his black tux jacket, but that wouldn't do and there would likely be a charity auction or other events later. Still gazing out the window, he became aware of a woman sitting behind him, "oh, sorry. I'm not interrupting am I? Just wanted to get some air, and the view from here is pretty amazing."
  7. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "Embarrass me?" he said incredulously. "I don't think so. Everyone's looking at you because you were good. I'll be lucky if I don't trip on my feet and stomp on yours. Are you sure you trust me as a partner?" The band began to pick up another tune as the lead called out, "here's a little piece called King Porter Stomp. Done with our flare for your pleasure. Hit it!" As the band revved up, all the couples around the floor started doing basic steps, which looked far less daunting than what Lucy had been doing a bit ago. Johnny had done his homework and at least knew there were multiple versions of the Charleston as well as solo and partner variations. He wasn't going to object if they started with a partner version, but really, seeing her uninhibited dance and smile made it all worth it anyway. "Well they're off again, perhaps you could show me something a little more... basic?"
  8. Ozob

    The Charlston

    Johnny chuckled to Lydia, "believe me when I tell you that it's about the least surprising thing I've seen from her since we met." Even as he spoke with the dance instructor, he watched Lucy move. She did it so easily, it was definitely something she had spent time doing before. He pondered her for a moment and all the mysteries she presented. Really, he should be trying to put two and two together because she was definitely more than she appeared. Which had been obvious from the day on the fair. Yet in the end, he came to the same conclusion that he had every time his mind wandered down this path; her past and life were her own until she wished to share them. Until then, she was a girl and one of the most interesting that he had the pleasure to be with in a long time. "So you hired out us to teach... her?" Lydia said sounding a little confused as Lucy continued her dance. Nodding Johnny replied, "kind of. I think I'm the one that needs teaching. I know a little of the classics, but that's out of my league. If we're ever going to dance together I just need to know how not to bruise her in the process." "Oh well that I think we can do," she replied shaking her head. "Thank you for hiring the band, that was a nice touch. They're really good." "Don't worry about it. Not to many places are teaching or playing this anymore. Finding a good one is kind of tough, so thank you for letting me open your studio for an hour every week." As the band finished it's rendition of Muskrat Ramble with a wailing trumpet solo that finally wound down with the song, Johnny broke into applause both for the band and for Lucy. Actually, as he looked around, several of the couples had stopped outright to watch the newcomer demonstrate her stuff. To save her from embarrassment he stepped over too her. "Okay, that might take me more than a lesson to pick up. You didn't say you were that good..."
  9. "What the..." Johnny said his mouth hanging open. Five minutes ago, he had been walking through the fair on a totally normal day. In fact, a better than normal day as he had met someone totally normal and down to earth. That was a great start for a new city. Now chaos was breaking out as the graceful but deadly lizards turned and wheeled through the sky. Those are dragons. Real flying dragons, he thought to himself as the battle unfolded. Sure, he had seen enough TV to know about all the various super heroes and groups that existed around the world. However, seeing them on TV, and seeing them up close in the flesh was another matter. As Lucy tossed a chair skyward and other "students" took flight to combat the beasts, it came to him that perhaps he should be doing something to help. I do have powers... his thoughts continued. People do need help... Of course, getting his shock ridden mind to grasp that he needed to actually do something was another matter all together. So remaining standing as the crowds panicked and ran around him, he did nothing more than stare at the unfolding scene.
  10. Sorry, I thought this was a dead thread there for a moment. Hadn't checked yesterday! Post coming! I'm going to claim an unwritten complication that's not on his sheet since it won't be in play for more than 1-2 threads. He's not yet part of the hero club and has always just taken his abilities for granted. So "Wait, you just did what?" would be the temporary complication for him as everyone... including the girl he had been walking with, is busting out cool powers and dragons are now flying around. You can give a HP or not since it's not on the sheet. However, I'll take a surprise round :)
  11. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "Well fish away," he said with a smile. "I'd hire you in a heartbeat. Any lawyer that can back down a dragon is okay in my book." "Although I do often wonder what good I could do with a company that insures insurance companies? It's kind of like that shell game where you try and guess where the pea ends up. He moves money around from one place to cover losses from another," he chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, it's more complicated than that, and he's really good at it, but they don't make things. They don't provide real people services. They help other insurance companies, and if I had to choose... well I just think there's something more that I could be doing." He opened and held the door for her with a sort of abbreviated sweep of his arm to gesture her inside. The interior of the studio was simple in it's design. Whatever had been here before had been gutted and a long hard wood floor covered the open area that ran nearly wall to wall. At the back of the studio was a raised platform which the band was currently doing their thing. Following Lucy into the studio, he smiled. They were indeed as good as their lead had said and the energetic music seemed to curl and reverberate through the small studio. Even before they were fully in, Lydia, the owner stepped over and greeted them, "Hello! Good to see two new faces. We're doing swing and the Charleston. Step in and have fun!" With a nod of his head, Johnny motioned to the dance floor and walked out with her. He didn't have any idea on how to proceed, but then again she did. So it was time to pay attention and learn.
  12. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "So like a legal assistant," he said. "Well that's all good. Besides, being a full fledged lawyer has got to be pretty stressful. I think what you're doing sounds a whole lot better for the soul." He paused and picked up a stray plastic bottle, tossing it in the trash can nearby. One of the pleasant surprises of this section of Freedom was that it appeared that the people cared enough about their ward to keep it relatively clean even if it was a little worn around the edges. "I know that I'm supposed to follow along my fathers footsteps and be some kind of business guru, but I just don't really have it in me. I mean I get the numbers, and I understand the concepts, but my heart's not really in it. I don't know, I'm just not really cut out for an office or a boardroom." "Anyway, here we are," he said as the stepped up to the front of the studio. Jazz music seeped through the door and they could see couples and people whirling and moving inside. Johnny held the door open for her and said, "after you!"
  13. Ozob

    The Charlston

    He saw the regonition cross her face and made the assumption that she had indeed been there. Good! He had chosen the spot in the hopes that it would be familiar and local. Some people needed to be comfortable when they danced, although he was doubting that she was one of them. In fact, given her mention of houses of ill repute, he wondered if there was anything that would bother her. Amazing. Truly amazing. "Bah, not hogging... besides, I like hearing you talk," he said with a smile and a dismissive wave of his hand. "It's not often that a beautiful woman is content to tell me about herself and I'm not about to complain." "But Me? My story? Heh, not really all that exciting," he replied. "This is my last year of school or first year of college. I'm not really sure how that all is working out. My dad has a thing for discipline and a head for numbers. Both of which he doesn't think I have, regardless of what I do. He's not really a bad guy and means well... but I'm not him. Anyway, he decided that before I'm off on my own, he'd try some fancy prep school out here on the east coast to keep me from going to USC and make me into some kind of Corporate person. Although I think the joke's on him as this school is nothing like anything I have been to before. Shame I won't be there too long, as I think I could have learned a lot from them." They were within a block of the school as he asked her, "so what do you do? You have all of these amazing perspectives. I bet you have to have some kind of awesome job."
  14. Ozob

    The Charlston

    It was amazing really, he thought to himself, that she still seemed to drink the sights in like she had never seen them before, even if she had been away for a while. "Well welcome back home... not that I should be welcoming anyone here yet. Still, I know what it's like to be away, and there really is nothing like your hometown. No matter how long you've been away." They paused at a busy street corner, waiting for the light to change and the seeming endless stream of cars and Taxi's to pause. Moving with the crowd across the street, Johnny pointed down a couple of blocks. The buildings in this section of town were old, and brick, pressed together as if they huddled together for warmth on a cold winters eve. While it was far to make out all the details, Dixon's was a narrow fronted shop with a quaint awning and well maintained facade. A stripped awning completed the front as well as an original gaslight from when this district was raised over a hundred years ago. "You've probably passed by this place before. It's Dixon's Academy for Dance. They do ballet primarily, but have classes for other dances. You know Salsa, Rumba, Waltz. All the ballroom classics," he explained as they continued walking, moving with the crowds on the sidewalks. "So since you're a home town girl, tell me what you like to do around here besides Jazz dancing? I'm still trying to get my bearing and could use some tips on the hot spots."
  15. Ozob

    The Charlston

    Johnny nodded, still rubbing her hand, "wow... I'm really sorry. However, if you're fine, well then it's okay by me. I'll just have to find you some mittens for when it bugs you." Holding her hand, hoping she could feel the warmth, he began to lead the two of them to the dance studio. Staying to the sidewalks they passed local stores and apartments which housed the colorful mix of Indian and Pakistani cultures. The faint aromatic smell of curry wafted from more than one establishment as well the distinctive sounds of Indian music. "Lucy, if I didn't say it already, thanks. You have to be one of the most amazing people that I've ever met. I feel pretty lucky to get to spend the evening with you. So you're not from here either... right? For me, this is all pretty new and totally not California. Still, I can't say I'd rather be back now. So what is home like for you?"
  16. Ozob

    The Charlston

    Johnny tucked the phone number carefully into his pocket as they started walking down the street. At least he wouldn't have to question half the people in West End to try and get a hold of her next time. Yet even as he marveled at his good fortune, he became aware of her cool touch. It was such a shock since her skin and hands felt so flawlessly perfect. They fact they felt nearly like ice cubes made him quite concerned. "Oh!" he exclaimed looking down at her hand, "Are you feeling okay? I mean... we can do this another night if you are not well. It's nothing that won't keep." As he said this, he gently rubbed her hand between his, trying to get some warmth in it through contact and friction much like he would on a frigid day in winter.
  17. So are we going to advance this? I know that we are waiting of Crow, but could we say that he's caught by surprise or something like that? I'd love to see where this is going :)
  18. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "Well," he said with an impish grin as he rose from the chair, "I think the wait would likely be worth it. However, I'd also hate to have to miss out on dance lessons." He called out to the other room, "thank you for your hospitality Mrs Ahluwalia, it was a pleasure meeting you." Leaving the apartment, they stepped onto a narrow street which was festooned with all manners of color and ads heralding from India and Pakistan. Johnny had frequented several neighborhoods like this before as Emily had introduced him to various mystics and ethnic traditions. There was a vibrant life about the neighborhood as people went about their lives which was refreshing. Even the weather seemed to be cooperating, with the air crisp and clean carrying both a hint of sea air along with the musk of falling leaves and the turning of the season. "You live in a wonderful neighborhood Lucy," he said as they walked along the street. "If you can't live some where with some character, then why bother?" Taking a deep breath of the rich fall air he held out a hand to her, "May I?"
  19. Ozob

    The Charlston

    "You meany who you are, right?" he asked rhetorically. Making the assumption that is was simply as slip of the tongue. "So the place is called the Dixon Dance Academy and they have this awesome Jazz quartet there today. We can go there since I think today is an open lesson format..." what he didn't want to say was the preparation that he had made to get that quartet there or that it was open lessons since he had booked them for the next couple months. "You can show me how to do this Charleston thing and maybe even pick up some steps from the instructor too." He looked at her jeans and jersey. He hadn't been lying when he told her that she would likely make anything look good. However, when they weren't doing ballet, the Academy was pretty casual for their non professional classes. "As for clothes, if you're comfortable in that, you can stay. They're not too picky. Really, I think you just need to be in something that's easy to move in." Then leaning forward, he noticed her eyes for the first time. As she had come into the room he had thought they were just dark. Now, as he realized they were completely black. Yet far from detracting from her appearance, it just seemed to add to the allure that she possessed. He'd have to ask her about it some time. "Anyway, they're just a few blocks down. We can walk if you'd like. It's a nice enough evening."
  20. Good man! I posted the NPC and we'll get going when they give me the green light on him.
  21. Player Name: NPC, Ozob Character Name: Kivuli Power Level: 10 151/150PP) Trade-Offs: +1 Defense / -1 Toughness Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Alternate Identity: Identity: Mubata Kivuli, Public Birthplace: Rowanda Occupation: Homeless Affiliations: None Family: None Description: Age: 43 (DoB: 1968) Apparent Age: Early 50's Gender: Male Ethnicity: African Height: 6'1" Weight: 185lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Mubata Kivuli is a tall and powerfully built African man. Once regal and fastidious, he has fallen on hard times in the streets of Freedom City and shows the effects of living on the streets. His hair is matted and currently in long dreadlocks while his clothes are a combination of cast offs and donations. His skin is rough and he has a perpetual stubble of a beard. He is heavily scarred and shows the effects of bladed attacks across multiple locations of his body. Overall he is intimidating and somewhat frightening to be around. He has an intensity of purpose that seems slightly tinged with maddness. Lights seem to dim when he is around and his features often seem blurred from notice. Powers: 20 + 12 + 4 = 36PP Base Power: Sleep 6 (Extras: Alternate Save(Will), Feats: Attack Specialization 2) [17PP] (Dream State, Magic) Alternate Power: Mind Reading 5 (Flaws: limited(Dreaming Only)) [3PP] (Dream Viewing, Magic) Alternate Power: Mind Control 5 (Extras: Duration 2(continuous) Flaws: Limited(Only while Sleeping), Limited(One suggestion only) Feats: Attack Specialization 2) [12PP] (Dream Suggestion, Magic) Obscure (Affects 3 Senses (Sight, Sound, Mental) Extras: Action 2(free) Flaws: Range 1 ) [12PP] (Cloak of Shadows, Magic) Super Senses 4 (Blindsight(Mental) ) [4PP] (Mystic Senses, Magic) Drawbacks: (-2) + (-2) = -2PP Fatigue (Recurring Nightmares Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate) [-2PP] DC Block Attacks: Range: Save: Effect: Brass Knuckles Touch DC 19 Toughness(staged) Damage, Bludgeon Knife Touch/10ft DC 19 Toughness(staged) Damage, Piercing Crit 19-20 Mind Control Perception DC 15 Will Mental Mind Reading Perception DC 15 Will Mental Sleep 50ft DC 15 Will(staged) Sleep Unarmed Touch DC 18 Bludgeon Totals: Abilities (36) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (17) + Feats (19) + Powers (36) - Drawbacks (-2) = 151/150 Power Points
  22. I should have the stuff in today. Sorry about the delay.
  23. Ozob

    The Charlston

    Johnny was both thrilled and relieved that she had agreed to go dancing with him. He had to admit that he had been looking forward to the opportunity. Hopefully one without giant scaled lizards crashing the party. "That's great!" he replied with a smile that matched his pleasure. "Although, you're going to have to do the showing today. I can't say I know much about swing at all. I know some of the classics, but that's not one I learned. So if I'm teaching then we might have to try that another night." "I'm sorry about the dress... it did really look nice on you. Although I think you'd make just about anything look good. We can probably replace the dress if you'd like. Even if I don't know too many medieval tailors, I'd guess something at Neiman Marcus would probably do..." He paused for a moment, "So is Mrs Ahluwalia like your adoptive mother? Or Grandmother? You said she knows more about you than anyone."
  24. Ozob

    The Charlston

    It took a moment to recover from his shock at her replying that she was practically naked. She was so wonderfully unpredictable which was something he really liked. Her landlady was pleasant enough and he listened to her stories before Lucy appeared. Johnny apeaised Lucy politely long enough before anwsering truthfully, "fantastic, if you don't mind me saying so." He stood up as she entered and waited for her to come over, "I found a place that will do the charlston if you'd like to come show me. I think they'll do the swing and other things too. It's not too far and I'd really enjoy learning with you."
  25. Ozob

    The Charlston

    By the time that Lucy appeared at the window, Johnny was both confused and amused. He had thought perhaps he had the wrong place when the older woman had answered the door, but thankfully his efforts had indeed paid off. "Hello my fair maiden," he replied with a large grin on his face. "I hope that you don't mind me coming unannounced, but after the debacle at the fair, I realized that I didn't have your phone number and didn't know where to get a hold of you. Besides, you did offer to teach me the Charleston..." It was then that he realized that she was hanging over the roof looking into the apartment. Inwardly he chuckled, there was nothing about Lucy that was straight forward. Nothing at all. "...are you on the roof?"
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