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Everything posted by Supercape

  1. "Well" replied Supercape, contemplating what they where going to do when they actually met the big lump of space-rock. "It seems to me... hold on... looks a bit dicey...." he said, pointing at the incoming asteroid belt. At low velocities, traversing the belt would be a simple matter. At this speed, he had a nagging doubt. And at this speed, a collision would mean they would all be space dust...
  2. Supercape chuckled softly. It seemed, ironically, as though the Baron was hitting it off with the machine far better than Miss Americana. I really don't know what to make of that... he conceded, wondering what that said about the three respective parties. He shrugged, and set about making some tea for the Baron. As far as he knew, Protectron didn't drink - at least not tea. He wondered for a moment if he could feed it some tuned radiation in some spectrum or another, and his brain danced away imaging cooking a gourmet feast of subatomic particles and wave-strings to serve up.
  3. Away this weekend and into monday/tuesday/wednesday on a break with the wife, and I need it!
  4. "Nonsense!" replies Supercape "I'll be fine... now then... Pi cubed to the root of c over ... what was it? carry the differential... um... what was I saying?" He wobbled slightly. "Well, I think I can do it..." he conceded. "Perhaps foot would be better, even if more exhausting..." At that moment, alarms starting ringing over the complex. "" screamed the Alarm, in Russian. "That dosen't sound good. Lets foot it, unless you have some fancy anti-gravity belt I can use..."
  5. GM The crowds did indeed clear, although not too far. Camera's and eyes continued to soak in the peculiar view. Even for Freedom City, this was something unusual. "Why thank you, noble gentleman!" said Ms Wells to Fenris "you have a fine upstanding manner, if I may say so! and a friend of Lady Carrie too, it seems. Hmmm, if the Lady here can vouch for you, I could certainly use the assistance of such a splendid fellow as yourself!"
  6. "Splendid!" replied Supercape, wondering if he dare try the morsels. He suspected Protectron meant well. He also suspected Protectron had no olfactory senses - or at least none that could approximate to the human ones. Which meant that it may not be the best judge of human morsels from a taste point of view - even if the foodstuffs were precisely calibrated to optimise his health. In fact, most healthy food tasted pretty awful now he thought about it, and if Protectron's primary goal was to preserve organic life... "Very thoughtful!" he smiled, casting around for any bins in case he needed them. "May I introduce Baron Magnus Katastrof. Baron, this is our guest, Protectron!"
  7. Just whats the mass of these things? if under 1000lbs, SC could jus plonk them far side of the universe with teleport (providing they are now considered inanimate). However, I dont know how that plays with your thoughts on if there are more, where they came from etc. I guess SC still considers them a scientific mystery to be solved!
  8. Rene blinked in astonishment. Not something he did often. Never too old to see something new he reminded himself. "It is like a fairy tail. And not one of ze nice ones, either, I think" he remarked, as he squinted to see the black castle in the distance. His eyes were not normally the sharpest, but in this non-world, they seemed to work as well as they had in his youth, possibly better. He didn't relish the walk much, however.
  9. GM "Ah, Lady Carrie" replied MS. Wells, "There is indeed a problem the empire could use your aid with. A murder no less, on the trans-indian railway, of one of our most esteemed scientists, and one of my friends. " She sighed, downcast. "I was travelling with him, through India... and he was found dead. The authorities... are not filling me with confidence, we are stuck in the middle of mountainous terrain, so I used the only resource I had.. the Brit Machine, was being transported for demonstration at the university of Delhi. " "I don't know if you can help, but I smell trouble, and I didn't know who else to ask..."
  10. "Well, if you are all ready..." mumbled Supercape. He was still foggy in his head, but he could work out the entanglement. "...I can get us there. We just need to get Hiroshima to the reactor, reverse the polarity while he is there, and hope he gets neutralised rather than go critical". He sighed. "Ready?"
  11. Supercape floated down to the core and gave it a prod with his boot before peering at it closely. His quantum force field did not waver for one moment. "Regenerating? Hibernating?" he pondered. "What do you think? Its dangerous... is there anyway we can determine where it came from... and if there are more?"
  12. As the rumble of engines turned into G-force, and the craft zoomed into the reaches of Space, Supercape could not but help gasp at the incredible spirit of adventure. Even as a young scientist, he had always loved the idea of space travel. Now, when he could go anywhere in the multiverse under his own steam, he still revelled in being in a tin can flying above the earth's atmosphere. Of course, he still held onto his seat with steely white knuckles. The speed of the craft was quite extraordinary, and they started accelerating at fantastic speeds towards the asteroid as soon as they were free of Earth's immediate gravity well. "Say" he said by way of conversation "what are we calling this rock, anyway? I know it has a serial number, but can we give it a name that's a little more catchy?"
  13. "Magnus Katastrof" replied Supercape "a Baron, technically, you may wish to refer him with that title. Never quite got the hang of aristocracy myself. But then, I'm biased, I'm English and we have the house of Lords..." He coughed, realising he was rambling. "Anyway, I can meet you in conference room three dash six, and bring him along. And, er, he has already talked to Miss Americana. And it was a very, er, interesting meeting. Best not ask how it went, however..." He turned to his guest. "Well, our non-organic guest should be less, um, emotional anyway. Let's meet him in on level three. For the moment, he only has limited access to the Lab. "
  14. "Aha!" replied Supercape "there you are old bean!" He wouldn't normally refer to people in such a manner, he reflected, but then, Protectron wasn't precisely a person. So he was using these terms of reference to over - compensate. Well, that was his self - analysis for the day. "There is a chap here might want to pick your brains...err... circuits....err....mind. He has some business proposals, all for the good of humankind and betterment of the species. Wants to see if the Lab can cooperate with development. Prosthetics particularly, but seems everything is game. Would you be interested?"
  15. "They could certainly come in handy for any nuclear meltdowns..." replied Supercape as another blistering burst of gamma radiation enveloped the smaller creature. "There is hardly any trace of radioactivity left in the larger organism. Their metabolism must be quite extraordinary. " Although the danger looked over, he still smarted and remembered the force the things could exerted. His quantum force field did not waver and he continued to float away from his smaller adversary.
  16. Fine by me, sounds good. Will want to get back to EV promptish, just waiting on Fenris and then good to go
  17. 1d20+20=32 Physical Sciences roll for Supercape, plus a Hero Point... Plus GM Handwavium To the power of rule of cool. Yes, reversing the polarity of the neutron flow could neutralise him, in theory. If someone could make the adjustments to the reactor that is.
  18. "I think I can manage..." said Supercape, sliding off the bed onto the floor and promptly sinking to his knees unsteadily. "Yes, yes, I'll be fine!" he said with a weak grin as he managed to haul himself upright with a wobble and a shake of his head to clear the cobwebs. "Now then, where was the fellow, and how do you suggest we deal with him? He could take apart the whole building and cause a meltdown if we aren't careful. He could take apart a whole region of Siberia if things get really bad... overload him? what about reversing the polarity of the neutron flow of the reactor?"
  19. GM "Good luck, gentlemen... and lady!" saluted Major Spiker as the heroes entered the ship. For it was indeed time for blast off, on a mission to save planet Earth. Around mission control, banks of computer terminals, manned by high calibre technicians and scientists, spewed forth streams of data that monitored every possible mission parameter. Little could be left to chance. The heroes were venturing into fundamentally unknown territory. It was fortunate indeed that some of the finest minds and bravest hearts on the planet were on that ship. Slowly, the countdown began, leaving the heroes to check their own readouts, and contemplate their own thoughts... 10...9....8.....7....
  20. Well, I think this is kind of the wrap for the thread. Comments at the end can be for a hook to a follow on thread if you so desire?
  21. "Oh dear..." muttered Supercape, before closing his eyes and concentrating. It took some doing, but he had soon worked out the entanglement between here and there, and the flow of energies between the two meant he could sense all that was occurring in Reactor B. Namely, a massive surge of energy that was all to familiar. "Its Hiroshima. He is bleeding the reactor dry... no wonder he has bitten off more than he can chew. He has gorged himself beyond his capacity to control!"
  22. Very weird! I will edit slightly, although its largely fluffonium.
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