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Everything posted by MarkK

  1. There was, if only for just a moment, a force behind the Emissary's gaze that could outright transfix as he took in what she spoke of, as if looking through her to the doubts and conflicts she was speaking of, but it was very much a sensation of that moment, gone almost as soon as it was felt. "Let me first say, that this is a matter of thought and concern for you is a good sign as is. There is in one of the religions and philosophies of your world an aphorism I quite liked when I read it, about attending to one's own salvation with dilligence. I would say before anything else, that you are trying to be considerate of cleaving to virtue makes it all the likelier that you actually are as is." A firmer reassurance to his tone and smile both, genuine and suffusing in warmth, in sharing confidence. "Now of course with that said, it doesn't mean that as you say, it is necessarily easy to be good, while doing good. There are difficulties in the world, frustrations, sources of rage, goads of wrath, depression, cynicsm, and they can certainly get to you, and your methodology. I don't know that I can offer one thorough bit of wisdom to serve as a guiding star to steer through them by." He furrowed his brow in thought. "Let's start with the basics, if you don't mind. At the most fundamental, why do you wish to help others? From the way you carry yourself and how you speak, you seem as a thoughtful, perceptive, and lovely young woman. There are no doubt any number of pursuits you could occupy your time with. Why do you strive towards heroics? Superheroics at that no less?"
  2. Gargh, it totally slipped my mind. Doc is in que then also.
  3. He took her hand in his, the metal of it somehow warm to the touch, even lifelike, even as he paused thereafter at her words. "Ah.. radiant majesty? Really? You think so? I don't know that I would.. hm." He paused. "It doesn't actually show up, but I am in fact blushing quite deeply right now. I've discussed with friends whether that is something I should tell people or not, but honestly, it seems unfair that I can otherwise hide when that happens and everyone else can't. So. Yes. Deeply. Blushing." He coughed, just lightly. "Anyway, ah, take a seat, and given that I've heard a little bit about your own exploits, you can tell me why you don't feel you're getting a good start on your own as is perhaps? As to me it seems as though you are." He gestures to one of the fairly plush chairs and moves to sit back in one that would face her.
  4. The decor itself and furnishings that went with it, despite the rumours both about the Emissary's homeland and the man himself, was entirely normal, tastefully appointed even. The style could actually be called outright archaic and Victorian besides (the Utopians had decided they liked it when settling on how to appoint the embassy). It otherwise basically lived up to almost a generic image of what the mind's eye might call up when picturing a nation's embassy. Stately, dignified. It lived up almost a little too well to the image, as if a group of people were working very hard to convey that stereotype without quite understanding it themselves. "Oh, please come in." was the sound of the Emissary's voice in reply to the knock. Presuming she did, his office was no exception to the rest of the building, having the look of a converted study with several chairs, couches and a sturdy oaken desk, the walls around even filled with row after row of books. It was only on actually getting a look at the titles that there was something of a glimpse into the Emissary's character. There was very little in the way of tomes on statecraft, history or the like. There was however a complete collection of the works of J.M. Barrie and TH White by contrast, and a variety of other works that would stand well in place with them. He smiled brightly to her with a cheery sort of wave upon her entrance, actually standing in front of his desk, the entire building having been reinforced for him. "Hello! I am the Emissary, and it is a pleasure to meet you. You wished to speak with me on matters heroic?"
  5. He dutifully repeats that along, and seems like he might almost reply in exchange to whatever reply he gets over his headset, but then just sighs and pushes the button that opens the gate. "Go along inside miss." He provides directions to the Emissary's office at that.
  6. The fellow at the gate, his suit far more crisp than his demeanor, and almost as weary ritual by this point, called ahead, then looked back to her. "By a minor miracle, he has at least asked who you are and what brings you on by."
  7. It had been a busier month than usual for the Emissary. The terrorist attack he had help stop in London seemed to cascade into one setpiece of violence to the next, until he had found himself crashing up against one of Overthrow's more involved schemes. But with plots unmade and villains defeated he was back home again, ready to get back on track, ready to face any challenge. Unfortunately, the particular challenge of the day was the mountain of paperwork sitting in front of him on his desk. Correspondances, meetings, speeches to craft, statement requests, reports to read.. He muddled through the reading and writing with the ocassional huff and stifling of idle thoughts of hiding under a pile of blankets and hoping it would all go away. Ah well, it was still always nice to be able to sit back in a chair that could properly support him.
  8. I'll probably set another one up after this one, we can just say you have dibs when it happens or something.
  9. Alright, I'll put the thread up tomorrow. Or.. later today really.
  10. The state department has a guy at the gate, but the Emissary often overrules the poor beleagured soul when he puts a call through to the Emissary about the various people who don't have appointments asking after him. As for how much a check would say.. I would imagine that the Emissary is the ambassador of Utopia Isle to the wider world, that he was inducted into the Freedom League relatively recently, that he's mentioned being a work of synthetic life, that he can fly, has superstrength, has some enhanced senses, that he's heavily involved in social activism sorts of things within the city, having organized charitable events and such and is a regular presence at free clinics and such places. Hrm, that he's fought and beat the White Knight a bunch, that he was involved in stopping a plot by Toy Boy to have a robot army smash the city on up, and various other heroing sorts of things at home and abroad.
  11. Sure! Do you have any preferred setup? Do you want to have Divine approach the Emissary at his embassy asking about such things?
  12. so, if he's staggered or knocked out via non lethal, that's all good for taking him out/taking him to being staggered?
  13. So, brought my character out of hock as it were, and figured a good way to get back into the swing of things were the threads that turned out on the whole decently well to do with him, city patrolling. Emissary likes to patrol the city when he can, and likes to meet new heroes, get them involved in doing so if they don't, and generally otherwise further expand his social network among the heroing set that way as far as people he knows and can call on for things. So! There is generally some bopping around the city, some talking, some civic involvement, and a fight with something or other! If that interests you and your hero character, let met know.
  14. As I noted in chat, it veers dangerously to an "immunity: losing" sort of power. Would it kick in if you were reduced to the nonlethal conditions that correspond to disabled or worse on the damage track?
  15. MarkK

    Character Edits

    Considering how your character is described, that skews a little too closely into getting hp for doing the stuff your character does anyway territory. He's a flamboyant supervillain, seeking trouble is basically his business.
  16. Hooray, various people not me did this thing!
  17. This looks pretty much fine.. just minor stuff. Your int costs 4 pp, not 5. You have the overall total right for attributes, just not the value beside int. That's about it really. And you could probably cannibalize some int based skill ranks into having a higher base int if you want to be more of a natural genius, but that's a stylistic choice honestly, and of no bearing.
  18. Sentry, Hub, Icarus, Velocity, and the Sharp Dressed Man have been archived for inactivity. If you guys would like em put back in rotation, just contact one of the staff.
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