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Everything posted by Thevshi

  1. I reolled pretty lousy as well, only got a 49 :D
  2. Velocity gave a dazzling smile to the newcomer, noting the sword he carried. Hopefully he isn't as quick tempered as the last "hero" I met that carried a sword. She thought. She then gave him a little wave. "Nice to meet you Kiyoshi Sen. I call myself Velocity when I am out doing hero work."
  3. Velocity followed alongside Dr. Archeville and Captain Wonder as the trio made their way inside, opting to move at a more normal speed for a change. When they arrived, she gave Emissary a wide smile. "Good to see you again Emissary." She said in greeting before looking at the other two heroes gathered in the room. She had seen a few of the interviews with Rusty Nail, and found he was as cute as one would expect from being so small, but decided that might not be a good thing to bring up. She also noted Gossamer, who was sitting on what looked like her own hair forming a chair. Wow, not only does she have amazing looking hair, it is useful as well! She thought to herself. Wonder if she has much problems washing it and caring for it? "Hi there." She said to the other two with a wide smile as well. "Nice to meet you both."
  4. No, I doubt the mask would impead that feat at all (and in any event, the skin tight suit would at the very least help accent other attractive physical traits ) I wouldn't say its because she's a detective, more well read (as she can get a lot done in a short amount of time when it comes to reading ) I'll make a check to see what she knows. She should be a pretty recognizable heroine, she has been in papers and on the news a fair bit as well.
  5. Warmonger, I would point out, that despite the picture for Velocity, she does not appear to be a blonde in costume. She does wear a mask (with goggles), and as part of that she has a brunette wig that comes out of the mask in a ponytail. :)
  6. Velocity turned to look at the newcomer, giving him a wide smile as well. "Hello Dr. Archeville, very good to see you again as well."
  7. Thevshi

    Summer Vacation

    Later that evening, the three girls were back in Megan’s room in their hotel up at the Royal Crescent. “I feel soooo much better after the afternoon at the spa.†Lisa was saying with a contented smile as she leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. “Yeah, that was a good idea to do right after our flight last night.†Janet added as she selected another channel on the TV they had on in the room. “With a good night’s sleep tonight, we will be ready for some serious sight seeing for the next two days.†Megan said with a grin. “Where should we start tomorrow?†Asked Janet. “I say we start at the museum for the Roman baths that was near the abbey.†Lisa said. “Yeah, that’s probably a good choice.†Megan said in agreement. “If we go there in the morning, we can go the Costume Museum up near here in the afternoon.†“I’m really looking forward to the tour in two days to the countryside.†Janet commented, flipping the channel again. “That should be a lot of fun as well.†Lisa replied, nodding her heard. Megan yawned slightly. “We have a busy next few days, and things will get even more hectic in three days when we get to London. We should probably get some sleep so we can be up and off early tomorrow.†“Yeah, there is nothing but weird stuff on the TV here.†Janet commented, switching off the TV and setting the remote on Megan’s night stand. “Well I don’t think I’ll have any trouble getting to sleep tonight.†Lisa said as she got up to head to her room. With a bit of reluctance, Megan stood up to follow the two girls to the door so she could lock it behind them. They made last minute plans on when to meet for breakfast, and then Janet and Lisa were off to their rooms and Megan looked back around her now empty room. She glanced over at her suitcase for a moment, thinking about her Velocity costume that was hidden inside. It seemed like it would be a nice night to head out and see some more of the country at high speed. But after the nice relaxing time at the spa, the thought of running around the country for an hour of so at supersonic speeds just seemed to defeat the purpose of having gone to the spa to relax some. I’ll take some time to run around some tomorrow sometime. She decided as she turned off the light and then made her way into the large king sized bed to go to sleep.
  8. "Ah, don't worry about it any." Velocity applied with a dismissive wave of her hand when Hub offered to chip in some for the deserts she brought. The stunningly attractive young heroine then turned towards the door as there was another knock and Hub seemed to note who was on the other side before calling out to him and moving over to open the door for this "Sen."
  9. Thevshi

    Summer Vacation

    After finishing their rather late breakfast, Megan and her friends started making their way through more of downtown Bath, orienting themselves to the area and seeing some of the sites. By this time the streets were starting to get a bit more crowded, as more of the tourists visiting the city were starting to make their way to various sites. Their path first took them over near Pulteney Bridge, taking some time to look at some of the shops on the bridge and the nearby area. Megan was not overly interested in the shops that they had, looking more forward to some of the shopping opportunities they would have later in the trip (such as in London, Paris and Milan), but she looked around some, spotting a few little souvenirs she would consider coming back for later. The girls then continued back towards the center of the city, heading more South towards the ever visible spires of Bath Abbey. Many would think that for someone like Megan, who could easily cross the small city in less than a second, the rather slow pace of her two friends would be maddingly so, but she was actually enjoying the chance to relax and just move at a more normal pace for awhile. The trio’s path winded its way towards Bath Abbey, and it was not too long before they arrived at the courtyard that was located in front of the abbey. There they found a crowd of at least a hundred people gathered around a street performer. “Hey, let’s check this guy out for awhile!†Lisa commented as she started to try to move more forward in the crowd to where she might be able to see a bit better. “Okay, but don’t forget we have an appointment soon.†Megan commented as she followed along with Janet. The performer seemed to be about halfway through his show, so it was not too long before the show came to an end and the crowd that had gathered began to disperse, most of them stopping to drop some money into a collection box the performer had set out. Megan was sure to swing by it and drop some money in before they moved down the square to the Roman Baths. Megan looked up at the building that stood where there had once been a Roman public bath. “Wow, we will have to be sure to come back here tomorrow for this place.†She said. After another moment, she looked at the other two girls, a broad grin coming to her face. “But in the meantime, you two ready to relax and recover from our flight?†“You know it!†Janet said in reply with a smile of her own. Lisa voiced similar agreement as they turned away from the baths and headed just a few blocks away. There they came to a building that was in stark contrast to the majority of buildings they had seen so far. Instead of being more than two hundred years old, this building was an sleek, modern building of glass and steel, looking much like a glass cube. It was the Thermae Bath Spa, a new spa that used the same natural hot springs that had led the Roman’s to build a bath house in this part of the city. “Wow.†Lisa commented as she looked at the building. Megan could only agree as she looked over at her friend. “From what I saw online, the inside is even more impressive. Now lets go get some royal treatment!â€Â
  10. Yay Thanks for a great adventure VM :)
  11. Velocity smiled at Robert’s reaction to her business card. “Well, we are given a distinct legal status as heroes. Most don’t bother with things like business cards, but I felt it was an easy way for me to give contact information to the authorities and the like.†Her smile broadened when he mentioned coming over to watch TV or something. “I should be able to find some time to do that.†She then took his hand as he told her his new identity. “Very nice to meet you David.â€Â
  12. Dr. A, Velocity and Captain Wonder are still outside, Heritatge's character is inside with Emissary.
  13. Velocity looked over at the other girl as she spoke and gave her a smile as she indicated the food that was set out. "Thank you, but I think I'll need to pass. If I eat too much this late, I'll have to run a few laps around the state to be sure to burn it off before going to bed." She then shook Grim's offered hand. "Nice to meet you Grim." The speedster then glanced over at the man in costume and gave him a wide smile. "Hi Hub."
  14. Velocity followed Robert into his new “homeâ€Â, looking around as she did. Hopefully he would be able to get the place feeling a bit more like home in short order. Though she was glad that he seemed happy with the place, as he marveled at the size of the living room. She decided it was probably best not to mention how large the Robert Luciano of this dimension’s house was though. She smiled again as she heard him mention the loft, and followed him around the corner, moving at normal speed as she did. “Well, it looks like you are set for now.†She said. “I’ll leave you to settle in some. Here, this is my number if you need my help with anything, or just need someone to talk to.†She said, handing him a business card.
  15. A streak of yellow sped along the roads leading to the Embassy Emissary resided in. It was only a matter of seconds before Velocity came to a halt in front of the gate to the grounds, stopping to let the annoying security personnel check her in, tapping a foot impatiently as they did so. The guard was barely halfway through saying she could go in when she was gone in a blur, a gush of wind following her that blew the bushes and some low tree branches as well as causing the guard to fumble around some for some loose papers that were kicked up. It was not even a second before she was out in front of the impressive building, just as Captain Wonder was landing. "We have to stop meeting like this." The young speedster said with a smile as she came to a halt.
  16. Okay, well, as this seems mainly just to deal with the superheroes involved, Megan's mom likely wouldn't be there.
  17. Welcome Ryoga. There are not really any games on this site, technically, this is all one big game. There is a thread for rules for the board (regarding general rules and character creation rules). You can have one PL 6 character and one PL 10 character at any time. If you have particular questions about character creation, there is a section of the form to ask those. If your ready to submit a character for approval by the GMs, that is in the character bank. Things here are pretty player run, with players coming up with story ideas for their characters. Sometimes working with other players, or getting a GM to help them with things.
  18. Well, either is fine with me really.
  19. MarkK, I wanted to clarify when this gathering is. Is it earlier in the day of the event? Or is it a few days before the actual event? The answer could well effect whether Velocity will show up as Velocity, or as Megan Howell (with her mother).
  20. Velocity listened to Captain Wonder’s story along with the others, smiling as she listened with some interest. When Dr. Archeville began asking some questions, the teenage speedster moved over to where Emissary was arranging the snacks, smiling at him as he apologized about not having pastries. “This is just fine Emissary.†She said. “After all, after a good workout, it is far better to have healthy foods.†With that she filled a small plate with several of the things laid out in the blink of an eye. But then she ate at normal speed.
  21. I would like to spend my 3 pp as follows. 2 to Defense, making the base 10, and the total 26 (with 15 flat) The last pp is going into Reflex Save, making the base 4, and total +12. Thanks :)
  22. MarkK, did you give any more thought to what I mentioned about Megan (Velocity)'s mother being involved in the event? If so, she will likely be arriving first with her mother. :)
  23. “Your welcome.†Velocity replied back with a smile of her own. “I think you’ll find more than a few things different here. But this is not good bye for the moment yet, I’m going to make sure you get back to your new place.†After giving the cab driver the address, she will follow along the cab as it heads towards Robert’s new place.
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