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Everything posted by Thevshi

  1. Thevshi

    Casting Call

    "Yeah, that's me." The attractive speedster replied as she shook Arrowhawk's extended hand. "Very nice to meet you Arrowhawk."
  2. Meant to put this up earlier but forgot. When Archangel and Raven arrive Velocity will be greeting them by name as all three have previously met :)
  3. "Sure that sounds fine." Velocity said with nod. She then looked over at Emissary. "So, we about finished up here for now?"
  4. Thevshi

    Casting Call

    Velocity was waiting in the lounge area with Emissary for their guests to arrive (though waiting was not one of the things she did best). As they waited, the young speedster occasionally glanced up at the large welcome banner, a slight smile on her face. It had not been that long ago that she would have been the one helping to put up similar banners and decorations at North Bay Academy. "You know, you probably would have enjoyed getting into school spirit in high school." Velocity teased her silver teammate as they waited. When the first of the other heroes arrived, a wide, friendly smile came to her very pretty face. "Hi there. Good to see you."
  5. Here are a pic from the School Disco website :)
  6. Thevshi

    Summer Vacation

    After sightseeing all day, the girls had done a small bit of shopping near their hotel before heading back to get a bit of rest for their night out. Grabbing a light dinner, they made their way back to their rooms to get ready. Megan changed out of the clothes she had worn all day and took a quick shower. Then, she put on the clothes that were the required dress code of the club they were visiting tonight. She had a plaid, red and blue skirt, with a white, short sleeve dress shirt. With that she added a tie with the same colors of her skirt, which she left very loose around her neck, and long, black stockings that went up to her knees and black thick heeled shoes. Looking at herself in the mirror in the school uniform outfit, she was not at all surprised at how good she looked in the school girl uniform. Satisfied, she made her way over to grab a small black purse before heading out to see if Lisa and Janet were ready. A short while later, the three girls, all dressed in school girl outfits, exited the cab they had rode to the School Disco. There was a good sized line outside the club already, with both men and women all dressed in school uniforms. "This place is pretty popular." Janet said with an approving nod. "Yeah. Supposedly it is not uncommon for a celebrity or two to show up." Lisa said with smile. "Then what are we waiting for?" Megan said with a grin before she started forward to get in line. The wait was not too terribly long, though for Megan it certainly seemed to drag on for far longer. One of the disadvantages of having a somewhat different perspective of time than most. A few guys had tried to talk with the girls while they were waiting in the line, but they turned out to be not that interesting, so Megan was thankful when they finally reached the front of the line and were able to make their way inside. As they walked in, the music playing was from the 80's, Lisa having mentioned that the place was known for playing more "classic" rock and dance music, the theory being that it was the school dance music from when most patrons had been in school. Megan did not mind too much, as there were some good old songs, plus the atmosphere seemed very upbeat. The three girls made their way into the main room, which was more like a traditional club, with a large open area that was only faintly lit, with strobe lights and spotlights, flashing around the add momentary additional lighting. The dance floor was packed with men and women, all dressed in the mandatory school uniforms. "We should have just worn our cheerleading outfits." Janet yelled so she could just be heard over the music. "That would actually have worked." Lisa shouted back. "Too bad we had to turn them in when we graduated." "I think we are getting plenty of attention as is." Megan replied back, noting out of the corner of her eye more than a few of the males nearby watching the three intently. "Shall we get out on the dance floor?" The other two girls nodded, and they headed out into the crowd, just as Real Wild Child, by Iggy Pop began to play.
  7. "Well, I think the Harry Potter books have changed how plenty of people view the terms 'wizard' and 'witch', but I'll use whatever term you prefer." Velocity said with a shrug. She then nodded at Archangel's question if whether moving the unconscious criminal down to street level would speed things up. "Yeah, that would speed things up a lot." She replied. "If you think you can handle carrying him, we can move down there to wait for them. If he wakes up and tries to get away, I have a trick or two I don’t use much but could stop him from splatting on the sidewalk."
  8. Sorry about the delay in replying, but was considering what I wanted to do with that freed up PP. I will take it and apply it to Velocity's base Dexterity. This will make her Dex an even number and bump up all her Dex based skills and her Reflex save. Thanks :)
  9. Velocity got a 19 on her notice check. Also Herid, her visor gives her extended on her sight, and 360 degree sight. Only a 46 for initiative.
  10. "STAR Squad? They are just a branch of the FCPD. None of them have powers, but they have some special training and equipment that helps them in dealing with metathreats." Velocity replied as Raven asked about the unit. She then gave Archangel a grin as she replied. "Slowing down for a bit isn't too bad, but they will take a looooonnnng time. They have to get here, then they have to get all the way up here. But least I don't have to wait alone this time."
  11. "Yeah, you guys do have a bit of a different look, and abilities are certainly different." Velocity agreed with a nod. When Raven asked about her abilities, she nodded again and gave a broad smile. "Yep, one of the fastest people on the planet. Normally when I break the sound barrier, the sonic boom isn't too big, but when I need to, I can create one that tends to flatten bad guys." The speedster then looked over at Archangel as she introduced herself and gave her a nod. "Nice to meet you Archangel." She then looked down at the crook as the winged woman mentioned the unconscious criminal. "Oh yeah, him." Lifting up her communicator again, the speedster connected to the police frequency. "This is Velocity of the Freedom Squad, I am going to need a STAR team at…hmm, one sec." She said as she realized she could not tell the officers how to get where she was. "Be right back." She said to the other two before she was then gone in a blur of yellow. In a second she was down the side of the building and was out in front of the building. Then she sped back up the side of the building and came to a halt back in almost exactly the same spot she had been standing in. Holding the communicator back up, she began speaking once more, "yeah, sorry about that. I have a superpowered criminal on the roof of 1444 Forest in Midtown." After getting confirmation that a team was on their way, she looked back at the other two on the roof and smiled. "Well, now we just have to wait. My least favorite part."
  12. Velocity waited as the cloaked woman completed whatever it was she was doing to look for more criminals. when she reported it all clear, the young speedster shrugged sligthly. "Not surprising, there are lots that find out they have powers and think they are unstoppable." When the cloaked woman took off her hood and introduced herself, Velocity gave her a slight grin. "Raven huh? You do know there is another heroine in this town by that name right? She has been at the superhero thing for quite a while too." She then looked over at the winged woman that was with them as Raven asked her question, this time Velocity's grin broadened. "I've actually met one or two that looked like an angel."
  13. "About time." Velocity replied in a teasingly impatient tone. It was only a second after Doctor Archeville had said get some refreshment than she was back in the control room with a bottled water, standing behind the doctor and looking over his shoulder as he worked. "How long will it take to finish the turbine?" She asked curiously.
  14. Okay, ready to spend Velocity's 2 PP. One will be for skills: 2 ranks to Acrobatics, making it: Acrobatics 12 (+15/+20) 1 rank to Bluff, making it: Bluff 4 (+8/+20 w/ Attractive) 1 rank to Diplomacy, making it: Diplomacy 4 (+8/+20 w/ Attractive) The second point will be to her Will save, making it: Will +7 (+1 Wis, +6) Also, there is one minor thing that needs updating as well. Her occupation is now: College Student
  15. The speedster shook her head when the winged woman asked if she was hurt. "No, nothing serious. I was able to break away from the electrical field he had up around himself before I really got hurt." "I'm Velocity by the way." She then added by way of introduction while she watched the clocked woman to see what she might discover.
  16. Velocity's goggles, designed by Deadalus, included infrared and ultraviolet filters, as well as image enhancing technology. She spotted the cloaked figure as "she" appeared at the edge of the rooftop. The speedster did not react immediately, waiting to see what action the new figure made as she casually pulled out her Freedom League communicator. When the figure asked a question instead of attack, Velocity relaxed just slightly, and turned slowly towards the figure, giving her a smile. "Oh not much, just a typical night of stopping a superpowered criminal." As she was facing the cloaked figure, the young speedster spotted the flying figure approaching as well, looking up into the sky as she shrugged. "For the moment things are pretty well under control. Was just going to call for police to collect this guy. Thanks for the offer of assistance though."
  17. Thevshi

    Summer Vacation

    The next morning, Megan was up a bit later than usual. They had stayed at the Sin until after midnight, before taking a cab back to their hotel. After getting dressed and otherwise getting ready, Megan made her way out to meet up with Lisa and Janet for breakfast at the hotel's restaurant. "That was a great time last night." Janet said over breakfast, a wide smile emphasizing her point. "Yeah it was." Lisa replied. She then grinned and added. "Course, the fact you were making out with a guy towards the end of the night didn't have anything to do with your view did it?" "I think they call it 'snogging' here." Megan added with her own grin. Janet was not even phased by her friends' playful teasing, not even a hint of a blush, as she shrugged. "It certainly added to the night. Besides, it is not like either of you are above doing the same. And he was a really cute guy." Lisa laughed a bit and nodded. "And there will be plenty more before this trip is done I am sure. But as fun as last night was, I think tonight will be better." "I am sure it will be fun, but I have to say I am a bit leery of the particular dress code for this club tonight." Megan said. "Oh its not that bad." Lisa replied. "Not like we are having to dress in black leather or anything." "I guess not." Megan replied. "So anyway, what's on the agenda for today?" "Well, I thought we might start with the National Gallery today…." Lisa began as she pulled out her map and began going through ideas. After breakfast, the three girls made their way over to the National Gallery and began making their way through the seemingly endless number of galleries filled with paintings. After spending the entire morning in the Gallery, the three grabbed lunch nearby, and then made their way to Hyde Park and Kensington Garden.
  18. Well, here is the ooc for our thread.
  19. Night had fallen over Freedom City, but even after the sky had darkened, Midtown was still a busy part of the city. Many of the restaurants in the area were still bustling with people, while others were finally making their way home after very long days at work. Others were just enjoying the still mild evenings of the early fall. High up above the city streets, a bolt of lightning streaked through the air from a rooftop, briefly illuminating several floors of a nearby building that had been in shadowy darkness. The flash of light, and faint *crack* that had accompanied the lightning bolt caused a few people to glance upward, but by they time they had reacted, the bolt was already gone. Up on the rooftop the bolt had originated from, a man in a black leather jacket and jeans stood in the center of the roof, electricity crackling around his hands as his eyes tried to track a yellow figure moving so fast it was blurred. The figure came to a sudden halt halfway around the edge of the roof, the blur becoming a very attractive young woman in a yellow costume with black stripping down the sides. A brown ponytail swished behind her, continuing on in the direction she had been moving. The young woman's mouth was in a playful grin, the upper part of her face covered in a mask and hi-tech looking goggles. "Was that the best you can do? That wasn't even close!" Velocity called out to the man. The youngest member of the Freedom League had been running through Midtown when she had spotted the dark clad man breaking into the high-rise. When she had approached him, he had immediately attacked. "Now its my turn." She added, before she became a blur of motion once more, speeding towards the figure, covering the distance in a fraction of a second. As she came up to him, her fist shot out far faster than the human eye could see, connecting with the man's jaw. But even as she was delivering her blow, she felt electricity course through her arm, her muscles tensing up as she fought to pull back her arm but was unable to do so. Thinking quickly, something that only took her microseconds, she continued moving past the man, lessening the impact of her punch, but also breaking contact with the electrical field that was just surrounding his body. The electricity wielding man's head snapped to the side slightly from the punch, but he only staggered a couple of feet but otherwise remained on his feet. As Velocity moved past, she felt the muscles in her arm relax as she was able to control them once more. The sensors in the back of her goggles picked up the man raising his hands once more, relaying the image to the HUD on the lenses of the goggles. Thus when another lightning bolt leapt from his hands, she easily dodged once more as she began running around the edge of the roof once more. "Nice little trick there." She said as she circled. "That just means I'll have to play hardball myself." With a sudden movement she turned back towards the man, speeding up to far faster than the eye could see. This time however she did not run straight at him, but aimed just to the side. As she drew close, she accelerated even faster, her body breaking through the sound barrier as she went. A loud BOOM echoed off the nearby buildings, as a massive sonic boom was generated. The shockwave of the sonic boom radiated outward from Velocity, slamming into the man and sending him flying backward. Skidding to a stop as the shockwave dissipated, Velocity looked back over towards the man to see him try to push him self upright, only to collapse back onto the rooftop before going unconscious. "Whew." The young speedster muttered, as she relaxed slightly after dealing with the supercriminal.
  20. As the other current PC member of the Freedom League, Velocity will be there.
  21. While Velocity had long gotten used to the fact that everyone else moved very slowly, she did not let herself show too much patience in the costumed identity. After a somewhat fidgity waiting, she zipped ahead of the patrol car, making short, quick movements to guide the police officer to Emissary.
  22. Velocity smiled slightly at the officer's joke. "Sure thing, I understand." Keying her Freedom League communicator, she called Emisary. "Hey, I found an officer, I'll bring her to you, just hang tight." The young speedster then waits to lead the officer towards Emissary.
  23. Velocity kept her smile on her face. "Well, then set the Wreck Room controls to take the information you need, and I'll do my part." She gestured towards the control panel and then was gone from sight, almost seeming to reappear in the Wreck Room.
  24. I have been planning to contact you to see if you might be interested in coming up with an idea for a thread for Mystic Raven to meet my character Velocity.
  25. Thevshi

    Summer Vacation

    The three girls continued to explore the nightclub, finding another room with a smaller dance floor. Along the outside of this room were large, bed-like places to sit with small black end tables on either side for drinks. The center of the room was a dance floor. Currently both the seating areas and the dance floor were rather full, but that did not stop Megan and her friends from finding some room on the dance floor for themselves. The club played a range of music, from the Pussycat Dolls' "When I Grow Up", to Katy Perry's "Hot and Cold", but Megan enjoyed dancing to all of it. Once again time just seemed to not matter, as she just let herself get lost in the moment. Lisa and Janet rotated on and off the dance floor some, taking some time to talk with some of the guys in the club, but Megan chose to just remain on the dance floor. While a number of different guys came over to dance with Megan, and while she danced with them, she left things at that.
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