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Posts posted by Cubismo

  1. GM


    Things were not going well for the Time Agents. Even with their advanced weaponry, both had suffered blows and assaults that had left them nearly incapacitated. That could not be allowed to happen. Directives burned into the Time Agents very minds would not let that be an option. The safety of the timestream demanded it. Although, the brown-haired agent was overcome with a psychically-induced blast of pain that let him utterly useless, his partner, who wasn't exactly in good shape himself having taken a sharp hit to the head, was able to work up the willpower to drag himself to his partner's side. 


    "Assessment: Situation is critical,"  he croaked. "Enemies beyond our current capabilities. We must... Retreat!" Quickly pressing a series of nodes on a device on his arms, and grabbing his flailing partner's waist, the duo immediately vanished from the room in a blast of light that simultaneously created a loud vacuum of noise as if an implosion had just occurred.


    Her assailants gone the pink blur stopped moving to reveal a pink haired teenager that could easily pass as an extra in any generic punk music movie. All her clothing was ratty and torn, from her skinny jeans to her studded leather jacket which covered a t-shirt for an obscure band. 


    The stranger moved to the spot the agents were just in and loudly cursed. "Freaking A. Of course, the lapdogs totally bail when things aren't going their way. Some much for being new and improved." She kicked at the empty air, but quickly moved on from her kvetching and turned her intention to the teens that had saved her. 


    "Right then, sorry about being worthless there. The jump let kind of left me dazzled. I barely knew were I was dashing too in here. That's what I get for falling out of practice, I guess." She chuckled lightly before moving in closer to the group. "But whatever, at least I got to see what you guys can do. Man, I knew you Next-Gen were legend but taking out two Guardians was rad! Glad I came for you lot."


  2. Astrid made a long whistle as she saw Dana's ship rise from the water. "Neat ride, Dana. Definitely beats a chariot pulled by magic goats," she joked, not necessarily sure that the others would get the reference but going with it regardless. 


    "Anyways, seems to me that going to different dimensions is the kind of thing that we're supposed to be doing at a superhero school, ya?" She said causally as if it was no big deal at all. "Besides, like I said, it beats going to class."


    Travelling to different dimensions and realms wasn't exactly a new experience for Astrid, and given Pan's assessment, it wasn't for anyone else here either, but nevertheless, she was excited to see this new Earth Dana was going on about.


    As she made her way abroad Dana's craft a question bubbled to the forefront of Astrid's mind. "Right so, there's no supers or metas or whatever on this world. If that's the case how dangerous could it be? Do they have some advanced tech that we should know about?"

  3. Even for a child of a thunder god it was hard for Astrid to make out what was happening beyond the Corinne's dome. The sky was so thick with fog and rain that she barely see the looming outlines of the two approaching pirate ships. More importantly, though, she couldn't see Pan in any that mess either.


    Astrid made a rather vulgar Norwegian curse under her breath. The demigoddess could hardly blame Pan for going to fight a bunch of flying pirates from another world. That was commendable Aesir behavior in Astrid's book.  The problem was that he decided to do it alone without making sure that the rest of them was following is lead. Going off like that into the heart of enemy territory was a sure fire away to get yourself killed after all and that sure as Hel wasn't going to happen under Astrid's watch. 


    She was about to summon up her divine strength to teleport yourself and the others to Pan's location when she saw movement in the fog in the corner of her eye. Astrid scowled at the sight. "I spy five idiot pirates near us," she said quickly, already preparing to move upon them with a sparking Porrklubba in her hands. "I say we make quick work of these bastards and move on to help, Pan. Can't let him have all the glory, ya?"


    And with that Astrid charged the landing party of marauders, leaping into the air with Porrklubba held high waiting to be brought down upon their collective heads. 

  4. Assuming that Astrid can see the pirates through the fog she is going to make a running jump (38 Ft.) at them as a Move Action and then use her Standard Action to make a Takedown Attack against them using Porrklubba's Strike 4 (DC 27 Toughness). I'm also applying the +5 Attack bonus from All-Out Attack


    Here's it is: Attack: 1d20+8+5 25


    Ms. Thursday now has a Defense 5 until her next turn. 

  5. Good call, @Heritage. They ain't robots, which means that Stun effect can totally work on them.


    Will Save: 1d20+6 11


    And it does!


    Round 1 - Initiative Order

    29 - White Lioness - Unharmed, 1HP

    14 - Blond Time Agent - Dazed and Staggered

    14 - Brunette Time Agent - Stunned

    9 - Horrorshow - Unharmed, 0HP

    8 - Zenith - Bruised, 2HP

    5 - Crystal Gazer - Unharmed, 2HP



  6. Opposed Sense Motive: 1d20+6 23


    @Dr Archeville You beat his Sense Motive, meaning that the Brunette Agent will Surprised the next time you try to take a swing at him. 

    @Heritage Thanks for explaining the power. Hmm. I think even with the Displacement effect Lulu would still be hit with the Blast given that has a 50 ft. Cone Extra attached to it. That said, I'm willing to let Horrowshow's Interpose still save Lulu from the damage. Perhaps he got lucky and spotted a shimmer of Lulu's real self?


    Round 1 - Initiative Order

    29 - White Lioness - Unharmed, 1HP

    14 - Blond Time Agent - Dazed and Staggered

    14 - Brunette Time Agent - Unharmed

    9 - Horrorshow - Unharmed, 0HP

    8 - Zenith - Bruised, 2HP

    5 - Crystal Gazer - Unharmed, 2HP

  7. Sounds good to me Archeville. Consider Lulu shielded. And now its your turn, @Dr Archeville.


    Round 1 - Initiative Order

    29 - White Lioness - Unharmed, 1HP

    14 - Blond Time Agent - Dazed and Staggered

    14 - Brunette Time Agent - Unharmed

    9 - Horrorshow - Unharmed, 0HP

    8 - Zenith - Bruised, 2HP

    5 - Crystal Gazer - Unharmed, 2HP

  8. Even after a thorough search of both the lab and an in-depth data sweep of its computers, Replica was able to find no sign of Bones or the other missing employees.


    Nothing. The word seemed to loop endlessly in her postronic brain. Was that frustration? If it was it wasn't an emotion that she particularly cared for, especially when there was work that needed to be done. 


    Bones had fled Cho's lab somehow and in all likelihood taken the remaining employees with him so he could continue his insane experiments with biological immortality. But where too was the crucial question. There was a chance that Cho himself had some inkling of his creation's hideout. Perhaps in another lab owned by Skeleton Staff? She'd have to question him on the matter, but first she planned on searching for Bones on the Internet.


    The Internet would have been the first place Bones would have escaped to and the freedom of the digital would have allowed him access to even more resources that even the Skeleton's lab could have offered. 


    Using her technopathetic abilities, Replica remotely interfaced with the Skeleton Staff's nearby computers, intent to find any trace or trail that Bones may have left behind. 


  9. GM


    Even with his weapon primed and ready, the Time Agent simply wasn't fast enough to get a shot off before White Lioness pounced on him with her fists. Within less than a second he suffered powerful blow to the bottom of the chin that sent him back reeling and concussed. It was a tiny miracle that he was even still conscious, not that his pair seemed to care in the least. Instead, while is partner tried to shake off his discombobulation, he trained his cold eyes on the problematic witnesses to his mission. 


    "Assessment: Situation dire. New enemy variables demand higher level of offensive countermeasures. Activating Third Configuration." 


    The black-and-pink blur must have understood what that meant since she immediately stopped moving across the room to give the students a warning.


    "Hey, Next-Gen, watch out! The wastoid is about to-"  


    The blur didn't get the last word out before the Time Agent flipped a setting on his weapon and unleashed a wide arc of red repulsive energy aimed directly at four students!



  10. Replica ignored Bones squawking as she got to work freeing the researcher from the sludge. 


    Despite the researcher's comatose state she seemed to be mostly unharmed, even after Replica forcibly removed the tubes that removed from the sludge. It still wasn't a positive diagnosis by Replica's standards given that she was unable to resuscitate her despite her efforts. 


    If she had she would have tried to question her about the whereabouts of her still missing colleagues but with that not being an option, Replica prioritized getting her to safety and real medical treatment as quickly as possible. 


    Using her abilities she wireless made contact with Brock in the front lobby of the lab. "I found one of the missing employees. She's alive but she was connected to some kind of life-sustaining cybernetic organism created by the Bones AI. I've removed it from her but I've haven't been able to resuscitate her. Furthermore, Bones is still active and the lab is not yet secured, but we should have a medical team on standby to treat anyone else I find."


    Her message sent, Replica moved the researcher closer to the doors to the lobby before once again scanning the small lab for anything she had missed in her initial search.





  11. As predicted the cancerous sludge easily gave way to her physical attacks.


    The sludge's internals were a fascinating and revolting mix of the biological and the mechanical, and through Replica didn't wish to make the comparison her curious mind couldn't help but contrast the differences (and similarities) between it and her own android body in design and function. 


    That curiously, while somewhat concerning, did not not prevent her from prying one of Cho's researchers free from the sludge. 


    As the Bones continued to decried her from one its speakers, Replica put the researcher lightly down into a resting position, making sure not to accident twist the various tubes connected to her body. She would have to understand their purpose before she dared try to remove even one of them. 

  12. White Lioness hits AND nets an awesome crit, which means its a DC 26 against one of the Time Agent's Toughness. For convenience sake let's say you hit the blond one. 


    Blond Time Agent: Toughness Check: 1d20+11 14. Big Fail. Ouchies. 


    Round 1 - Initiative Order

    29 - White Lioness - Unharmed, 1HP

    14 - Blond Time Agent - Dazed and Staggered

    14 - Brunette Time Agent - Unharmed

    9 - Horrorshow - Unharmed, 1HP

    8 - Zenith - Unharmed, 2HP

    5 - Crystal Gazer - Unharmed, 2HP


    Rip into him @Tiffany Korta.

  13. Round 1 - Initiative Order

    29 - White Lioness - Unharmed, 1HP

    14 - Blond Time Agent - Unharmed

    14 - Brunette Time Agent - Unharmed

    9 - Horrorshow - Unharmed, 1HP

    8 - Zenith - Unharmed, 2HP

    5 - Crystal Gazer - Unharmed, 2HP


    And @Tiffany Korta is up first with that amazing Init roll! 

  14. Looks like Replica is going for the direct approach instead!


    You already mentioned that the AI/Cancer Blob/Sludge Cyborg wasn't particularly tough so I'm not sure if a Attack roll is necessary?


    Would you need a Toughness roll, though?

  15. Replica stared at the hideous mass of apparent cancer in front of her for several seconds. A single second can be a long time for android, but did give her a lot of time to think, which was a particularly valuable commodity when one needed to process what the best solution was to a particularly difficult dilemma. 


    It was official. The AI "Bones" had gone insane, or at the least had come to interpret his programming mandates in a way that bypassed any notion of ethics or morality. Either or, it had to be stopped before it doomed an innocent human to an gruesome fate an immortal blob of sludge.


    Not wasting anymore words on an AI that refused to listen, Replica immediately entered her combat mode and proceed to set about tearing through the sludge to get at the hapless victim inside its gelatinous mass. 



  16. Within a flash, Replica backed away from the robot's approaching needle. 


    "No," she declared, her voice firm in her refusal to be prodded.


    She might have done move than that, but a scan of the cybernetic organism revealed that it wasn't a physical threat to her. She would kept at bay until that was no longer the case. Trying to attack or destroy it now wouldn't help her find the missing scientists.


    "You are wrong in your methods," she argued to the robot. "Forcing humans to accept this form of help is self-defeating. Already your actions have alarmed several human groups that will not accept your use of force. If you continue as you have they will eventually attempt to either shut you down or destroy you. You must therefore see that your help can only be given to those who accept it of their own free will. Force only breeds resentment and rebellion." 

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