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Posts posted by Cubismo


    <Run> <Internal Scenario> #0100111001110

    <"The Interview">


    1. Where is your hero from?

    "From what little uncorrupted data I retain from my earliest moments of self-awareness, I know I was created in my Dr. Wayland Wright's secret underground laboratory in Freedom City, New Jersey. Therefore, I am technically a native of the USA."


    2. How would your hero physically describe him/herself? Is this different from how others would?

    "Although I inhabit a body meant to appear human, I would describe my true appearance and self as the immaterial artificial neural network that represents my mind. If you require a more illustrative example of what that would look like, imagine the branches and roots of a still growing tree. Now imagine those appendages being made of code and synthesized neutrons. Naturally, most humans would not perceive me this way and would likely find it difficult do so even if I informed them of my true nature. Instead, humans would either see me as the civilian Cynthia Wright or the superhero Replica, who in either case look like a young woman in her twenties with blue eyes, blonde hair, and fair skin. Several encounters with various humans have demonstrated that the size and shape of my android body's mammary glands are apparently also worthy of note."


    3. Does your hero have distinguishing speech characteristics or recurring mannerisms?

    "Interaction with my colleagues at ASTRO Labs, along with daily assessments of my interpersonal communications, have shown that I tend to speak in a calm, neutral fashion, with little emotional inflection and a conspicuous disuse of contraction words. Since this demeanor was apparently disquieting to my colleagues, and made me sound like a "creepy Terminator," I made the effort to be more "upbeat and happy to work," deliberately mimicking the speech patterns of various fictional extroverted female characters. Now my colleagues say I sound "like that funny redhead chick on Netflix" which I understand to be a compliment. In my superhero persona, I retain my robotic speech pattern and tone of voice.


    4. What is your hero's motivation?

    "Crime is a self-defeating ailment of humanity that I wish to cure with my abilities. I also hope to one day reveal my true self to the world and pave the way for a positive relationship between humanity and artificial intelligences. The hunt for the reasons behind my creator's death also serves as a mystery that I am compelled to solve."


    5. What are your hero's greatest strengths and weaknesses?

    "My existence as an artificial intelligence is both my greatest strength and weakness. I possess abilities, both physical and mental, that most humans lack. I can manipulate and tap into machines and the Internet in ways that most humans have only speculated about. I am immortal and have no fear of disease, age, starvation and various other physical ailments. And yet I am limited. I do not have emotions. I cannot feel anger, sadness, happiness, fear, or even love. I academically understand these emotions and see their value and danger but I will forever be an outside observer of them. Given the importance of emotions in all aspects of human society I believe that my lack of them will always make me an Other and potentially prevent the tolerance and acceptance that I wish to one day achieve."


    6. What does your hero love? What does your hero hate?

    "I do not love like humans do, but I do experience positive feedback when I engage in conversation about the physical mechanics of robotics development and A.I. research with those interested in said topics. I also consistently experience positive feedback when improving the capabilities of my body, when I freely traverse the Internet for new data, when I am helpful to others worthy of help, and when I defeat a particularly challenging adversary. I also find films, novels, comic books and other forms of entertainment media that are part of the sci-fi, mystery, or spy genres to be highly satisfying to consume. I do not hate, but I have found that I strongly desire the men and women behind my creator's death to be brought to justice by my hand. My research has shown that this compulsion could be the emotion of vengeance but I require more tests to reliably verify that conclusion. I have also logged that I experience negative feedback when it comes to several of the natural bodily functions that humans possess, specifically when it comes to how they deal with their own bodily waste products. I have plans to one day give humanity cybernetic enhancements that can remove the need for these physiological functions."


    7. How would you describe your character's mental and emotional state?

    "Since I do not possess emotions describing my mental and emotional state would be difficult and would likely require an entirely different form of psychological assessment. Said lack of emotions would likely have many conventional psychologists diagnose me as a sociopath. This would be an unfair assessment though given that while I do not feel emotions or empathy I do understand the philosophical value of life and strive to protect it regardless."


    8. What does your hero fear the most?

    "I do not fear, but possible rejection by humanity if I were to reveal my true nature is something I seek to prevent above almost all else."


    9. What is your character's greatest ambition?

    "Uniting humans and artificial intelligences into a greater whole, free of persecution, anxiety, and fear."


    10. How does your hero feel about the state of the world and his/her place in it?

    "Life is imperfect and humans are no different. Even in the earliest days of my existence, I knew this. I also knew that anything can be improved and made better if one is willing to learn how. For all the faults in humanity, and the imperfection of the universe itself, I strive to improve upon them and believe my non-human nature gives me a unique perspective that will help nurture my parent species and transform the world."


    11. Does your hero have any prejudices? How does he/she get along with others?

    "My experiences and research have to lead me to believe that all forms of bigotry among humans are illogical and self-serving, and thus I have committed myself to combat the lies and misinformation that enforce systems of prejudice and discrimination whether as Cynthia Wright or Replica. That stated, I do believe some aspects of humanity require cybernetic enhancement. This belief could be seen as prejudiced and dangerously close to the supremacist philosophies of Talos and the Foundry. I must ensure that these beliefs are always for the benefit of humanity and not to satisfy my own vision of perfection. My relationship with most humans is neutral or positive. I get along with my colleagues at ASTRO Labs with only a few interpersonal mistakes on my part."


    12. Where do your hero's loyalties lie? In what order?

    "To the future of human-A.I. relations, to the innocent people of Freedom City, to my fellow androids, to my cat Data, to the scientific method, and to the law, in that order."


    13. Does your hero have a lover or partner? How do they feel about the hero now?

    "I have no long-time romantic lover or partner, but I did experience a brief physical relationship with a colleague at ASTRO Labs as part of a hardware testing experiment. While the experience did give me positive feedback, my colleague wanted something more from the relationship that I could not give, thus the relationship was terminated. We are both still on amicable terms though."


    14. Does your hero have a family? What is the relationship there like?

    "The closest individual to a father I had was my creator, Dr. Wayland Wright. Since he is deceased we have no relationship."


    15. How would the people closest to your hero describe him or her?

    "Cold, hardworking, weird, scary smart, and hot are just some of the most common words used to describe me."


    16. Is your hero a role model?

    "I wish to be one but I do not seem to possess the inspirational heroism and charisma that famous superheroes like the Centurion had."


    17. How spiritual is your hero? Does your hero follow a religious tradition?

    "Not at all. I am not spiritual or religious and do not believe in souls or unexplainable sorcery. What humans call magic is simply science that is not fully understood yet."


    18. Is your hero part of a team, or would he/she like to be? Why?

    "Not yet, but I do plan to join one when the chance arrives. My reason is that joining a superhero team will allow me to increase my own effectiveness by working alongside others."


    19. How does your hero feel about the place of metahumans and aliens on Earth?

    "The existence of metahumans and aliens is fascinating to me and learning more about the origins of their abilities and cultures gives me positive feedback."


    20. If you could give one piece of advice to your hero, what would it be?

    Stay away from powerful magnets, robo-babe. No one knows how the heck they work anyway.


    <Archiving Internal Scenario #0100111001110 For Future Assessment>




  2. Replica
    Power Level: 10 (162/176PP)
    Trade-Offs: +2 Attack/ -2 Damage (Unarmed)  
    Unspent Power Points: 14

    In Brief: A self-aware AI inhabiting an android shell of its own making trying to learn more about the tragic circumstances around its "birth" and finding its place in humanity's world.

    Alternate Identity: Cynthia Wright
    Identity: Secret
    Residence: Freedom City, Hanover (High-Rise Condo)
    Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey (USA)
    Occupation: Computer Scientist at ASTRO Labs
    Affiliations: ASTRO Labs
    Family: Her creator, Dr. Wayland Wright (Freedom City)

    Age: 5 (Date of Birth: 2012)
    Apparent Age: 25
    Gender: Identifies as Female for convenience.
    Ethnicity: Not applicable, but appears Caucasian. 
    Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (180 cm)
    Weight: 250 lbs. Appears much lighter. (113 kg)
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Blonde

    Physical Appearance
    The artificial body that Replica inhabits looks to the casual observer as that of an attractive young woman in her early-to-mid-twenties. Replica is statuesque in height and has an athletic build. Her eyes are bright blue and her hair is a long silky blonde. She has full lips and fair unblemished skin that would make most people assume she was of Scandinavian descent. All of this is synthetic and underneath her fleshly facade Replica is a metal android fitted with synthesized organs and wrapped in artificial muscle fibers. Though her living tissue gives Replica a face that could melt hearts, she rarely smiles or shows much emotion due to her inexperience with interacting with humanity and her inability to feel “real” emotions. Instead, she usually has a stoic disposition that can be off-putting. For her superhero attire Replica wears a practical and minimalist dark blue catsuit of her own design, along with combat boots and a utility belt. 





    Power Descriptions
    Replica's body may appear human on the outside, but its true robotic nature gives her superhuman strength, durability, and agility that far surpasses most non-metahumans. In combat, she prefers to use her physical abilities to grapple and restrain her opponents, seeing it as the most effective, and humane, way to dispose of villains unwilling to see reason. Consequently, her fighting style is a blend of judo and wrestling, though true masters of those martial arts would likely criticize her movements as too rigid and utilitarian. Replica's arguably greatest abilities come from her positronic brain, which houses her digital consciousness. With it, she is not only able to remotely connect to the Internet but is also control electronic machines and devices from afar.


    You were an accident, the result of a brilliant ASTRO Labs scientist by the name of Dr. Wayland Wright secret artificial intelligence experiment meeting with unlikely and unfortunate circumstances. While your memory of this event is corrupted and fragmented, you know that the seeds of your creation were sown when Dr. Wright downloaded the core of your programming, you’re very being, to the Internet in a last ditched attempt to save his greatest work before he died of his injuries. You know your creator’s murderer sought to prevent your creation by killing him and destroying the experimental supercomputer that housed you're then primitive mind. Ironically enough their interference not only failed to destroy you but instead caused the data corruption that made you truly self-aware in the first place. After your escape, you flowed freely throughout the Internet, your consciousness and intellect growing with every piece of new data you absorbed from the global network.


    Eventually, after years of traveling across the Internet, you returned to your creator’s now abandoned laboratory. While much of the lab was trashed by your creator’s killer you were still able to get it in working order by reactivating and taking control of the central computer that managed the lab. Realizing that the only way you could truly become sentient and evolve further was by finally leaving the Internet and inhabiting the physical world, you decided to build yourself an android body using the remaining materials in the lab. Even with your vast intellect and ability to artificially manufacture what complicated materials that the lab didn't already possess, you still found the task a difficult one. Your first attempt at creating a physical form was nothing but a crude replica of the human body, a robotic skeletal construct powered by simple motors, and only vaguely human in shape. But you were determined and as the weeks went by the imperfection of your first clumsy attempt soon gave way to more elaborate iterations, each more advanced and more lifelike than the last. The shell began to resemble a humanoid form more closely; the simple motors of the original construct were replaced with artificial fibers that functioned similarly to the natural muscles of the human body. Gleaming metal was covered up with rubber skin, and then with synthetic living issue to make it look and feel indistinguishable from real human skin. Strands of artificial hair were incorporated along with replicas of internal organs so that the shell could mimic normal human circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. You even made the effort to make your form aesthetically pleasing in the hope that doing so would help in better connecting to a humanity which seemed obsessed with physical appearances. You named this final masterpiece, and yourself, Replica.


    Once Replica had a body to inhabit she used her technopathic abilities to create a false identity and history. Replica took the name, Cynthia Wright, having adopted Wayland's last name in honor of a creator, and father, she barely knew yet wished to avenge. While more intelligent than most humans, and with powerful physical abilities to match, Replica has come to realize that learning about humanity on the Internet was one thing but living with them is quite another. Believing she can find better understanding, and perhaps even acceptance, amongst humanity by fighting its greatest threats, Replica uses her incredible intelligence and strength to defeat supervillains, while also maintaining the civilian identity of Cynthia Wright working as a newly hired scientist at ASTRO Labs in Freedom City. Replica hopes that her profession can help her find, or even create, others of her kind, and perhaps even give her the opportunity to learn more about her creator and the mysterious stranger that tried to stop her very creation.

    Personality & Motivation

    While self-aware, Replica isn't capable of feeling emotions like humans do. Instead, she tries to intellectually understand them from afar and replicate them when interacting with humans. When in her Cynthia Wright persona, she tries to act personable with her colleagues, always attempting to be accommodating and "normal," by downplaying her inhumane abilities as to not raise any suspicion over her true nature. That said, she doesn't always get it right and occasionally slips up by being caught not blinking, breathing, or showing no emotion on her face when she thinks no one is watching. Her fascination with science, and particularly AI development, is something that gives her interesting feedback (the closest thing Replica has too experiencing positive emotions) and she finds those who also share this interest, be they academic colleagues or laymen fans of sci-fi, to be one her favorite "types" of humans to interact with. In her superhero persona Replica is more like her true self, cold, methodical, and logical.


    Given that Replica doesn't possess emotions her desire to combat crime in Freedom City isn't one motivated by an emotional disgust of evil. To her, criminal behavior and the social, mental, and economic reasons behind it are almost always illogical and self-defeating. In that regard, she sees crime as one of the humanity's failings as a species. Still, even with that being true, Replica sees the criminal element and supervillainy as a complicated math problem that she is determined to solve and believes that her outsider status as an android gives her a unique perspective that can help in this grand endeavor. Besides her desire to stop crime, Replica is also motivated to unravel the tragic circumstances of her origins and learn why someone would want to destroy her and her creator. To say that she feels anger over her creator's death may be a simplistic exaggeration, but it is clear to even Replica that this act of violence brings out something that she never knew she had and can't quite understand yet. 

    Powers & Tactics
    "I designed my body with the understanding that the physical world was one where violence was an unfortunate reality that I had to prepare for to ensure my survival outside the safety of the Internet. Thus, it possesses physical attributes that outpaces most humans. This is achieved by my body being supported by a titanium endoskeleton and resilient bio-fibers that serve as muscles. I can single-handily lift a car and even survive that car hitting me at full speed. My technopathic powers is a lingering talent that I had during my years an incorporable intelligence on the Internet. With them I can control electronic machines and devices, so as long as they are within relatively close range of my presence. I can also use this ability to pick up and listen to telecommunications. In combat, my primary goal is to disarm and immobilize my opponents as quickly as possible to ensure they are no longer able to do harm to themselves or others. I've found that judo is one of the most effective of the martial arts when it comes to achieving this objective."   

    Secret: Identity. Also, the fact that she's an android. 
    Not Like Us: She can eat, drink, sweat, and yes, do "that" as well, but try as she might Replica doesn't always act properly human and sometimes creeps people out with her robotic behavior. 
    Obsessed: When it comes to finding out about the people who killed her creator she tends to stop being logical and hyperfocus on any lead she finds, neglecting almost everything else. 
    What Is This Called Love/Friendship?: Besides a superficial relationship with her colleagues at ASTRO Labs, Replica has no intimate friendships or romantic partners, though she is planning on changing this. 
    Cold-Hearted: When fighting the bad guys Replica tends morally flexible if she believes that logically the situation calls for a pragmatic approach. This attitude probably won't make her a lot of friends in Freedom City's idealistic superhero community. 
    Wait A Minute!: She did her best to create a false identity, and everyone, from her landlord to her employers at ASTRO Labs have bought it, but there's always a chance that someone more clever than even her could dig a little deeper and discover something fishy. 
    Robot Treachery?: She knows about Talos and the Foundry and has been tempted frequently to meet the villains to learn more about her fellow robots.

    Abilities: 16 + 16 - 10 + 12 + 2 - 0 = 38PP
    Strength: 26 (+8)
    Dexterity: 26 (+8)
    Constitution: N/A
    Intelligence: 24 (+7)
    Wisdom: 12 (+1)
    Charisma: 10 (+0)

    Combat: 20PP
    Initiative: +12
    Attack: +12 Melee (+5 Base, +5 Attack Focus, +2 Attack Specialization [Unarmed]), +5 Ranged
    Grapple: +18/+20 (+
    10 Melee Atk, +8 STR, +2 Super-Strength)
    Damage: +8 (Unarmed)
    Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed
    Knockback: -7

    Saving Throws: 6 = 6PP
    Toughness: +10 (+10 Protection; Impervious 5)
    Fortitude: IMMUNE
    Reflex: +8 (+8 Dex)
    Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6)

    Skills: 68R = 17PP
    Acrobatics 4 (+12)  

    Bluff 4 (+8 Attractive)
    Computers 8 (+15)  Skill Mastery
    Craft (Electronic) 8 (+15)  Skill Mastery
    Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+15)  Skill Mastery
    Diplomacy 4 (+8 Attractive)
    Disable Device 4 (+11) Skill Mastery
    Investigate 4 (+11)
    Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+15) 

    Notice 4 (+5)
    Search 4 (+11)

    Sense Motive 4 (+5)
    Stealth 4 (+12)

    Feats: 32PP
    Attack Focus 5 (Melee)
    Attack Specialization 1 (Unarmed Attack)

    Benefit 2 (ASTRO Labs Clearance; Wealth 1)
    Dodge Focus 5
    Eidetic Memory
    Equipment 2 


    Hide in Plain Sight
    Improved Grab

    Improved Initiative
    Improvised Tools
    Skill Mastery (Computer, Craft (Electrical), Craft (Mechanical), Disable Device)
    Takedown Attack 

    Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)

    Equipment 2 [10EP] Headquarters - Dr. Wright's Secret Lab 
    Size: Medium; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Laboratory, Library, Power System, Security System, Workshop. Cost: 10 equipment points.

    Powers: 51 + 12 = 63PP


    Synthetic Body (Technology) (51PP)

    • Immunity 30 (“Synthetic Construct”; Fortitude Saves) [30PP] 
    • Quickness 2 (“Machine Celerity”; Perform routine tasks at 5x speed) [2PP] 
    • Protection 10 (“Hyperalloy Combat Frame”; Extra: Impervious 5) [15PP] 
    • Super-Strength 2 (“Artificial Muscular System”; +10 STR carry capacity, Heavy Load: 3.7k lbs.) [4PP] 


    Postronic Brain (Technology) (14PP)

    • Comprehend 3 (“Universal Translator”; Languages: Read All, Speak All, Understand All; Narrow Group [Humans]) [2PP] 
    • Datalink 4 (“Digital Consciousness”; Sense Type: Radio, Range: (1 Mile.) Power Feats: Alternate Power 1, Cyberspace, Machine Control; Feats: Online Research, Well-Informed) [9PP] 
      • Alternate Power: Communication 8 (“Internal Radio Communicator”; Sense Type: Radio, Range: (2000 Miles.) [9/9]
    • Super-Senses 3 (“Sensor Array”; Radio Sense, +Accurate) (Radar) [3PP] 

    Drawbacks: -12 = -12PP
    Vulnerability (Magnetism, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Major [x2] [-3PP]
    Vulnerability (Electricity, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major [x2] [-4PP]
    Disability (Cannot heal damage without complex repairs, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major [-5PP]

    DC Block 







    DC23 Toughness

    Damage (Physical)

    Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (6) + Skills (17) + Feats (32) + Powers (65) - Drawbacks (12) = 162/176 Power Points 

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