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The Hunted (OOC)

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Harrier, Scholar, Victory, and Wraith

You have all been abducted by Alphan long-range teleporters on the night of January 3, 2012 from your bed to a planet in the Mintaka system. (It's real, look it up!) Conscious characters (i.e., those who were not sleeping) felt a moment of dissolution (DC 20 Technology check to recognize a teleporter, DC 35 to recognize Alphan specifically) before awakening in the air.

You fell about 5000 feet before landing in a jungle near the north pole of Mintaka. Attempts to fly away reveal an impermeable force field; you're obviously all being directed to the riverside jungle clearing where oh hey there's an Omegadrone standing there waiting for you!

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I'll call it a DC 25 Physical Sciences check to recognize the Mintaka system. (Normally it would be higher, but both Scholar and Wraith are from an extra-terrestrial civilization.

Scholar's impressive Life Sciences score tells her that this is a hothouse jungle, a high-energy ecosystem likely to have large, active predators: indeed, it's surprising nothing has investigated them yet. The fact that the clearing they're in was almost certainly produced deliberately is perhaps suggestive!

Victory's radio detects a covert signal (from an area in the mountains about twenty miles distant that he'll need to get closer/actually roll Notice to pin point more directly) that sounds like alien chatter; perhaps a language one of the aliens around here speaks!

When he does (it's Galstandard), he gets an upper-class Lor accent reading:

"...little did these four aliens know that they were being stalked by Gammazon himself and a wing of the finest Alphan hunters in the sector! Truly, this was a great day for all those who worship the Fang-Mother, as well as anyone who appreciates the glory and majesty of the Ultimate Hunt!"

And then theme music plays, which Wraith recognizes as a crappy attempt at rendering Kinigosi (and several other hunter-species)' music as something vaguely tribal and exotic: it's actually pretty insulting.

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If necessary, and barring natural hazards or GM DC-wrangling, Wraith should be able to navigate the group (or herself; dang fliers!) through the jungle provided she can take 10.

If she can't take 10 or if the DC goes over 16, you're all on your own. :argh:

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The DC is 15, so Wraith can navigate them through the jungle just fine. It's not that hard to keep the mountain in view, particularly for someone who can go up trees and back


Oh, there are hazards. Everyone give me a Survival check (or Wisdom, if you lack the skill). I'll pick on the one with the lowest result:


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Victory falls foul of a swarm of needle bugs (think leaf-cutter ants jacked up on steroids):


(Why pick on Victory? So the prey will have someone to blame!)

DC 25 Tou save for everyone in the area as they try to feast on everyone's tasty meats.


Harrier passes.

Give me initiative (you might think this'll be a short fight given the relative PLs and the energy attacks available, but)


Needle Bugs: 7

(And yes, you guys have juuust enough Flight available to get above the swarm line...but there might be other things up there.)

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