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Gamma Buzz [PL 8] - Supercape

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Gamma Buzz (a.k.a the Cockroach Kid)large.GammaBuzz.jpg.25e982dbf9d509965e9990731ed6b1d1.thumb.jpg.e87d3dfd187fc60642c654782b67799d.jpg


Power Level: 8 (192/212 PP)
Unspent Power Points: 20pp

Trade-Offs: None

In Brief: Radioactive Cockroach

Catchphrase: "

Alternate Identity: Baltazar “Baz” Botez
Birthplace: Mexico City

Residence: Freedom City / Claremont
Base of Operations: Freedom City / Claremont
Occupation: Student
Affiliations: Claremont
Family: Bianca “Biz” Botez (Sister)


Age: 16
Apparent Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Cockroach
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 75Kgs
Eyes: Red
Hair: None


Gamma Buzz looks like a human shaped insect, covered in a green exoskeleton, with three fingers on each hand, and two antennae growing out of his forehead. He normally wears a t shirt, and jeans.


Baltazar Botez grew up in the slums of Caracas, spending his time playing in a rubbish dump with his sister. His favourite activity was playing with the glowing green cockroaches that scuttled around suspicious rusty canisters.


Illegally dumped experimental nuclear waste has strange effects. Whilst his sister mutated her eyes (and is able to see in infrared and ultraviolet), Baltazar mutated his eyes and everything else, turning into a half-man, half-cockroach radioactive mutant.


Fearing prejudice, he and his sister illegally crossed into the USA so that Baltazar could join Claremont, whilst his sister scraped out a living cleaning the sewers and subways of Freedom City (Infrared vision is good for something…)



Personality & Motivation

Baltazar is a rumbunctious rapscallion who likes to play rather than study. He is keen to prove daredevil bravery. His hobby is electronics and DJ, and aims to set up his own pirate radio station in the future.


Underneath the extravert personality, Baltazar is wounded; he is an insect, with no genitalia and (in his mind) a monster with no chance of getting a girl. He is awkward around females, and gets very angry with bullies.


Baltazar is still working out his future. Part of him wants to be a hero, if nothing else to impress the girls and gain acceptance. He has a passion for the underdog and wants to help his sister. A rebellious streak in him makes him fancy himself as a “Punk Hero” – hence the pirate radio station.


Powers & Tactics:
Gamma Buzz has insect like strength, agility and senses. His armour plated skin affords some protection and allows him to crawl along walls and ceilings.


He is immune to radiation, and at the same time can emit radiation in various forms.


He is too inexperienced and impulsive to be tactically savvy, but he would generally prefer to crawl along a ceiling and dramatically surprise people. He generally fights with his fists, whilst glowing green (Aura Nauseate Power).


Whilst his sensitive eyes can see throughout the EM Spectrum, this also makes him vulnerable to dazzles.


He has a penchant for signing “GBB” (Gamma Buzz, Baby) with an elegant twist of his laser vision.


Power Descriptions:
Gamma Buzz’s radioactive powers look like green light. This includes his laser vision (which is also coloured green). His “Mutate” power looks like a sickly yellow green, whilst his “Dazzle” power looks more like a bright white-green.



Half Insect: Gamma Buzz is half insect. He looks ugly and stands out easily, making disguise almost impossible. In addition, certain pesticides and chemicals will affect him if they target insects.


Big Impact: He is no more vulnerable to impact damage / effects than the next cape, but impact can easily dislocate his limbs. He can pop them back into place, but that takes time and hurts like hell. 


Vulnerable Antenna: Even an average guy (or girl) can easily tear of his Antenna. They regrow back eventually, but without them he will loose his tremor sense and detect radiation tactile sense. 


Green Greeny: Tactically unsound and fresh to the fight, Gamma Buzz hasn’t quite realised that the colour green reflects green light. Some of his powers (particularly the laser vision) will be markedly less useful, or ineffective, against green coloured objects (or people).


Signature Move: Gamma Buzz will normally celebrate a victory (or percieved success) by carving his signature (GBB or Gamma Buzz, Baby) into surfaces with his laser vision, Apart from the trouble this vandalism might cause, it can delay him.


Struggling Sister:: Has very limited wealth (mainly from his struggling sister, who is also a potential vulnerability for Baltazar).


Radiation Pressure: Even without actively using his radiation powers, Gamma Buzz is radioactive enough to be easily spotted and tracked by a geiger counter or those with suitable senses. He also has to periodicallly use his powers (he will feel a pressure build up) after a few hours or he will lose control of them (for instance, unwittingly releasing an extra effort radiation burst at a bad time) inadvertantly releasing his radiation in an attempt to let of steam / release the pressure. 


Like a brick. Despite his strength, Baz has never learned to swim and will thrash about in water. Whilst he can, technically, swim (due to his incredible strength rather than skill), he will be slow, ineffective, noisy, etc as suits the plot. To make matters worse, he has, against all wisdom, the urge to belly flop into any body of water because it makes a great splash. 


Easily read. When tense, anxious, or angry, his antennae will stiffen and then start trembling. Those who know him well (or the very astute) can read this, potentially making bluffs or tilts easier. 

Abilities: 16 + 18 + 12 + 2 + 0 + 4 = 52
Strength: 26 (+8)
Dexterity: 28 (+9)
Constitution: 22 (+6)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Combat: 16 + 16 = 32

Initiative: +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +8
Defence: +8, +4 Flat Footed

Grapple: +18
Knockback: -4 (-3 for Critical hits)

Saving Throws: 4 + 3 + 4 = 11

Fort +10 (+6 Con, +4)

Reflex +12 (+9 Dex, +3) Evaspion 2

Will +4 (+0 Wis, +4)

Tough +8 (+6 Con, +2 Protection), +6 vs Critical Hits

Skills: 60 Ranks = 15 PP

Acrobatics 10 (+19)

Bluff 4 (+4)

Computers 4 (+5)

Craft (Electronics) 4 (+5)

Escape Artist 12 (+21)

Knowledge (Popular Cultures) 4 (+5)

Language 2 (English, Portuguese, Spanish [Native])

Notice 4 (+4)

Perform (DJ) 4 (+6)

Sense Motive 4 (+4)

Stealth 8 (+17)

Feats: 6 PP

Acrobatic Bluff

Evasion 2

Favored Environment (Sewers)

Improved Initiative 1

Prone Fighting

Powers: 2 + 13 + 3 + 1 + 38 + 1 + 2 + 4 +9 + 4 + 1 = 78pp


Features 2 (Autoamputation [can, as a move action, harmlessly auto amputate limbs, digits, or armour plates; amputations are dead once seperated and can not be reattatched], Iron Stomach [can eat anything]) [2 PP]


Immunity 13 (All Radiation Effects, Hot and Cold Environments, Disease) [13PP]


Leaping 3 (x10 Distance. Running 180’, Standing 90’. High 45’) [3 PP]


Protection 2 (Drawbacks: Weak spot) [1 PP] “Armour plates”


Radiation Array (32 PP Array, Feats: Alt power 6) [38 PP] (Radiation Descriptor)

  • BP: Blast 8 (Extras: Penetrating, Feats: Improved Range 3 (800’ Increments), Progression: Maximum range 3 (x10), Precise, Incurable) [32 PP] “Laser Vision”
  • AP: Damage 8 (Extras: Area [Cone], Alternate Save [Fortitude], Feats: Reduced Area 6 [20-80' Cone], Incurable, Insidious) [32/32 PP] "Nuclear Breath"
  • AP: Dazzle 8 (10-200’ Radius, Visual plus Radio Senses, Extras: Burst Area, Feats: Decrease Area 6, Increase Area 2, Flaws: Range) [32 PP]
  • AP: Environmental Control 5 (100’ Radius, Extreme Heat, Extreme Light, Heavy Radiation, Extras: Independent [+0], Feats: Selective [Mix and match effects], Slow Fade 6, one day, Flaws: Range [touch]) 32 PP “Irradiate Ground”
  • AP: Nauseate 5 (Extras: Sustained Aura [+3], Contagious, Feats: Selective Aura) [31 PP] “Radioactive Glow”
  • AP: Nauseate 5 (1-50’ Cloud, Extras: Range, Contagious, Cloud Area, Feats: Decrease Area 5, Increase Area 1) [31 PP] “Fallout Bomb”
  • AP: Transform 8 (Mutation to Mutation, 250lbs, Extras: Continuous- countered by medical treatment, Flaws: Random [No control over what power points are turned into]) 32 PP “Mutation Beam”


Regeneration 0 (Feats: Regrowth) [1 PP]


Speed 2 (25 mph) [2 PP]


Super Movement 2 (Wall Crawling 2, Full Speed) [4 PP]


Super Senses 9 (Infravision, Ultravision, Tremor Sense, Low Light Vision, Scent, Tactile Detect Radiation, Feats: Uncanny Dodge [tactile]) [9 PP]


Super Strength 2 (+10 STR, total STR 36) [4 PP]



Immunity 2 (All suffocation, Flaws: Limited to holding breath for extended periods [sustitute rounds for minutes]) "Cockroach lungs" [1 PP]



Drawbacks: -2

Vulnerability (EM base dazzles including light; Frequency: uncommon; Intensity: Moderate [x150%]) [-2PP]




Attributes 52 + Combat 32 + Saves 11 + Skills 15 + Feats 6 + Powers 78 - Drawbacks 2 = 192/212


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Only caught a couple editing things:


Double-check the skills: you've budgeted for Language 2 and gotten two extra languages, but listed Language 3.


Final power point tally line is missing, though I believe the math checks out.

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